

Can we include your survey data in a public dataset?

Yes: 2558 (95.769%)

No: 113 (4.231%)


Do you consent to having your survey responses being used as part of a research paper?

Yes: 2564 (96.066%)

No: 105 (3.934%)

Demographic Information



Sum: 66328.9

Mean: 28.09356204997882

Median: 26.0

Mode: 23.0

Stdev: 9.491059958110974


Sex - What sex were you assigned at birth?

Male: 2012 (83.6%)

Female: 391 (16.2%)

Other: 5 (0.208%)


Gender - With what gender do you primarily identify?

F (cisgender): 319 (13.3%)

F (transgender MtF): 65 (2.7%)

M (cisgender): 1821 (76.1%)

M (transgender FtM): 23 (1.0%)

Other: 154 (6.433%)


Country - If multiple possible answers, please choose the one you most identify with. Twelve popular answers are given below; otherwise please write your country into "Other" in the same format as the answers given

United States: 1291 (53.7%)

United Kingdom: 183 (7.6%)

Canada: 144 (6.0%)

Australia: 141 (5.9%)

Germany: 85 (3.5%)

Russia: 56 (2.3%)

Finland: 24 (1.0%)

New Zealand: 26 (1.1%)

India: 24 (1.0%)

Brazil: 16 (0.7%)

France: 34 (1.4%)

Israel: 29 (1.2%)

Other: 352 (14.63%)


Race - With what race do you most identify? "Hispanic" is a term mostly used in the US referring to people whose ethnic background is from Mexico, Central  America, and South America.

Asian (East Asian): 80 (3.3%)

Asian (Indian subcontinent): 60 (2.5%)

Middle Eastern: 14 (0.6%)

Black: 12 (0.5%)

White (non-Hispanic): 2050 (85.8%)

Hispanic: 56 (2.3%)

Other: 107 (4.479%)

Sex, Relationships


What is your sexual orientation?

Heterosexual: 1635 (70.5%)

Homosexual: 102 (4.4%)

Bisexual: 425 (18.3%)

Other: 142 (6.123%)


Are you asexual?

Yes: 167 (7.299%)

No: 2121 (92.701%)


What is your preferred relationship style?

Prefer monogomous: 1184 (50.9%)

Prefer polyamorous: 424 (18.2%)

Uncertain/no preference: 670 (28.8%)

Other: 45 (1.935%)


Number of Partners

0: 1090 (46.8%)

1: 1036 (44.5%)

2: 106 (4.6%)

3: 45 (1.9%)

4: 15 (0.6%)

5: 8 (0.3%)

Lots and lots: 27 (1.2%)


Relationship Goals

...and seeking more relationship partners: 576 (24.9%)

...and possibly open to more relationship partners: 714 (30.8%)

...and currently not looking for more relationship partners: 1026 (44.3%)


Are you married?

Yes: 438 (18.896%)

No: 1880 (81.104%)


Who do you currently live with most of the time?<br />

Alone: 487 (20.9%)

With parents and/or guardians: 471 (20.2%)

With partner and/or children: 683 (29.3%)

With roommates: 617 (26.5%)

Other: 69 (2.963%)


How many children do you have?

0: 2036 (87.1%)

1: 115 (4.9%)

2: 124 (5.3%)

3: 46 (2.0%)

4: 7 (0.3%)

5: 6 (0.3%)

6: 2 (0.1%)

Lots and lots: 1 (0.0%)


Are you planning on having more children?

Yes: 716 (30.7%)

Uncertain: 754 (32.3%)

No: 864 (37.0%)

Employment, Occupation, Education


What do you currently do?

Question Count Percent
Student 965 31.433%
Academics (on the teaching side) 204 6.645%
Self-employed 305 9.935%
Independently wealthy 40 1.303%
Non-profit work 150 4.886%
For-profit work 951 30.977%
Government work 133 4.332%
Homemaker 46 1.498%
Unemployed 224 7.296%


In what area do you currently work or study?

Philosophy: 54 (2.4%)

Finance / Economics: 115 (5.2%)

Statistics: 43 (1.9%)

Computers (AI): 79 (3.6%)

Computers (other academic, computer science): 155 (7.0%)

Computers (practical: IT, programming, etc.): 681 (30.6%)

Physics: 91 (4.1%)

Biology: 49 (2.2%)

Medicine: 49 (2.2%)

Mathematics: 147 (6.6%)

Neuroscience: 28 (1.3%)

Other "hard science": 26 (1.2%)

Psychology: 48 (2.2%)

Other "social science": 48 (2.2%)

Engineering: 150 (6.7%)

Business: 70 (3.1%)

Law: 50 (2.2%)

Art: 51 (2.3%)

Other: 272 (12.23%)


What is your highest education credential earned?

None: 95 (4.1%)

High School: 613 (26.7%)

2 year degree: 105 (4.6%)

Bachelor's: 814 (35.4%)

Master's: 414 (18.0%)

JD/MD/other professional degree: 64 (2.8%)

PhD: 143 (6.2%)

Other: 39 (1.696%)

IQ And Other Numbers That Purport To Measure Your Intelligence (Bonus Section)


IQ - Please give the score you got on your <strong>most recent PROFESSIONAL, SCIENTIFIC IQ test - no Internet tests, please!</strong> All tests should have the standard average of  100 and stdev of 15.

Sum: 90772.5

Mean: 138.37271341463415

Median: 138.0

Mode: 135.0

Stdev: 13.637740716950942


IQ Age - At what age, in years, did you take the IQ test above?

Sum: 21529.0

Mean: 32.96937212863706

Median: 17.0

Mode: 16.0

Stdev: 173.2276481364902


IQ Type - Please give a short  description of the IQ test you took, for example "It was Wechsler Adult  Intelligence Scale administered at my school". If you don't remember or  don't know how to describe the test, leave this blank.

This question was asked in such a way that it can't be aggregated, and therefore can't be included in the general report.


SAT scores out of 1600 - American students take the SATs before going to college. In olden days, the test was scored out of 1600. if you have an SAT score out of 1600, please put it here; otherwise leave blank.

Sum: 629305.0

Mean: 1460.1044083526683

Median: 1490.0

Mode: 1600.0

Stdev: 122.37227134639089


SAT scores out of 2400 - American students take the SATs before going to college. Nowadays, the test is scored out of 2400. If you have an SAT score out of 2400, please put it here; otherwise leave blank.

Sum: 1066859.0

Mean: 2208.817805383023

Median: 2240.0

Mode: 2340.0

Stdev: 141.32822782822186


ACT score out of 36 - Some American students take the ACTs before going to college. If you have an ACT score out of 36, please put it here; otherwise leave blank.

Sum: 12351.0

Mean: 32.41732283464567

Median: 33.0

Mode: 35.0

Stdev: 2.844498692902596

Politics, Religion, Ethics


Given that no label can completely describe a person's political views, with which of these labels do you MOST identify?

Libertarian, for example like the US Libertarian Party: socially permissive, minimal/no taxes, minimal/no distribution of wealth: 517 (25.2%)

Conservative, for example the US Republican Party and UK Tories: traditional values, low taxes, low redistribution of wealth: 113 (5.5%)

Liberal, for example the US Democratic Party or the UK Labour Party: socially permissive, more taxes, more redistribution of wealth: 612 (29.8%)

Social democratic, for example Scandinavian countries: socially permissive, high taxes, major redistribution of wealth: 785 (38.2%)

Communist, for example the old Soviet Union: complete state control of many facets of life: 28 (1.4%)


How would you describe your religious views?

Committed theist: 112 (5.2%)

Lukewarm theist: 80 (3.7%)

Deist/Pantheist/etc.: 55 (2.6%)

Agnostic: 250 (11.6%)

Atheist but spiritual: 170 (7.9%)

Atheist and not spiritual: 1487 (69.0%)


Which best describes the religion you believe?

Christian (Catholic): 71 (14.7%)

Christian (Other non-Protestant, eg Eastern Orthodox): 19 (3.9%)

Christian (Protestant): 98 (20.3%)

Christian (Mormon): 8 (1.7%)

Hindu: 11 (2.3%)

Buddhist: 39 (8.1%)

Traditional Chinese: 2 (0.4%)

Muslim: 4 (0.8%)

Unitarian Universalism or similar: 26 (5.4%)

Jewish: 55 (11.4%)

Mixed/Other: 49 (10.2%)

Other: 69 (14.315%)


How would you describe the religious views of your family when you were growing up?

Committed theist: 549 (25.5%)

Lukewarm theist: 713 (33.1%)

Deist/Pantheist/etc: 44 (2.0%)

Agnostic: 246 (11.4%)

Atheist but spiritual: 113 (5.3%)

Atheist and not spiritual: 345 (16.0%)

Mixed / Other: 100 (4.6%)

Other: 41 (1.905%)


What is your family's religious background, as of the last time your family practiced a religion?

Christian (Catholic): 588 (28.1%)

Christian (Other non-Protestant, eg Eastern Orthodox): 158 (7.6%)

Christian (Protestant): 773 (37.0%)

Christian (Mormon): 37 (1.8%)

Hindu: 41 (2.0%)

Buddhist: 17 (0.8%)

Traditional Chinese: 19 (0.9%)

Muslim: 15 (0.7%)

Unitarian Universalism or similar: 44 (2.1%)

Jewish: 205 (9.8%)

Mixed/Other: 96 (4.6%)

Other: 94 (4.498%)


With which of these meta-ethical views do you MOST identify? (Bonus Question)

Non-cognitivism: Moral statements don't express propositions and can neither be true nor false. "Murder is wrong" means something like "Boo murder!".: 187 (9.5%)

Error theory: Moral statements have a truth-value, but attempt to describe features of the world that don't exist. "Murder is wrong" and "Murder is right" are both false statements because moral rightness and wrongness aren't features that exist.: 100 (5.1%)

Subjectivism: Some moral statements are true, but not universally, and the truth of a moral statement is determined by non-universal opinions or prescriptions, and there is no non-attitudinal determinant of rightness and wrongness. "Murder is wrong" means something like "My culture has judged murder to be wrong" or "I've judged murder to be wrong".: 552 (28.2%)

Substantive realism: Some moral statements are true, and the truth of a moral statement is determined by mind-independent moral properties. "Murder is wrong" means that murder has an objective mind-independent property of wrongness that we discover by empirical investigation, intuition, or some other method.: 342 (17.5%)

Constructivism: Some moral statements are true, and the truth of a moral statement is determined by whether an agent would accept it if they were undergoing a process of rational deliberation. "Murder is wrong" can mean something like "Societal agreement to the rule 'do not murder' is instrumentally rational".: 778 (39.7%)

Experience With LessWrong


How Did You Find LessWrong?

Been here since it was started in the Overcoming Bias days: 171 (8.3%)

Referred by a link: 275 (13.4%)

HPMOR: 542 (26.4%)

Overcoming Bias: 80 (3.9%)

Referred by a friend: 265 (12.9%)

Referred by a search engine: 131 (6.4%)

Referred by other fiction: 14 (0.7%)

Slate Star Codex: 241 (11.7%)

Reddit: 55 (2.7%)

Common Sense Atheism: 19 (0.9%)

Hacker News: 47 (2.3%)

Gwern: 22 (1.1%)

Other: 191 (9.308%)


How do you use Less Wrong?

I lurk, but never registered an account: 1120 (54.4%)

I've registered an account, but never posted: 270 (13.1%)

I've posted a comment, but never a top-level post: 417 (20.3%)

I've posted in Discussion, but not Main: 179 (8.7%)

I've posted in Main: 72 (3.5%)


How often do you comment on LessWrong?

I have commented more than once a week for the past year.: 24 (1.2%)

I have commented more than once a month for the past year but less than once a week.: 63 (3.1%)

I have commented but less than once a month for the past year.: 225 (11.1%)

I have not commented this year.: 1718 (84.6%)


How Long Since You Last Posted On LessWrong?

I wrote one today.: 12 (0.6%)

Within the last three days.: 13 (0.7%)

Within the last week.: 22 (1.2%)

Within the last month.: 58 (3.1%)

Within the last three months.: 75 (4.0%)

Within the last six months.: 68 (3.6%)

Within the last year.: 84 (4.5%)

Within the last five years.: 295 (15.7%)

Longer than five years.: 15 (0.8%)

I've never posted on LW.: 1242 (65.9%)


About how much of  the Sequences - the collection of Eliezer Yudkowsky's original posts -  have you read? You can find a list of them <a href="">here</a>.

Never knew they existed until this moment: 215 (10.3%)

Knew they existed, but never looked at them: 101 (4.8%)

Some, but less than 25%: 442 (21.2%)

About 25%: 260 (12.5%)

About 50%: 283 (13.6%)

About 75%: 298 (14.3%)

All or almost all: 487 (23.3%)


Do you attend Less Wrong meetups?

Yes, regularly: 157 (7.5%)

Yes, once or a few times: 406 (19.5%)

No: 1518 (72.9%)


Is physical interaction with the Less Wrong community otherwise a part of your everyday life, for example do you live with other Less Wrongers, or you are close friends and frequently go out with them?

Yes, all the time: 158 (7.6%)

Yes, sometimes: 258 (12.5%)

No: 1652 (79.9%)


Have you ever been in a romantic relationship with someone you met through the Less Wrong community?

Yes: 129 (6.2%)

I didn’t meet them through the community but they’re part of the community now: 102 (4.9%)

No: 1851 (88.9%)

Roko's Basilisk (Bonus Section)


Do you know what Roko's Basilisk thought experiment is?

Yes: 1516 (73.3%)

No but I've heard of it: 157 (7.6%)

No: 394 (19.1%)


Where did you read Roko's argument for the Basilisk?

Roko's post on LessWrong: 323 (20.3%)

Reddit: 171 (10.7%)

XKCD: 60 (3.8%)

LessWrong Wiki: 233 (14.6%)

A news article: 69 (4.3%)

Word of mouth: 222 (13.9%)

RationalWiki: 313 (19.7%)

Other: 193 (12.123%)


<span class="author-g-dq57u6qs43jx4u9x">Do you think Roko's argument for the Basilisk is correct?</span>

Yes: 74 (5.1%)

Yes but I don't think it's logical conclusions apply for other reasons: 337 (23.0%)

No: 1052 (71.9%)


Do you think Basilisk-like thought experiments are dangerous?

Yes, I think they're dangerous for decision theory reasons: 63 (4.2%)

Yes I think they're dangerous for social reasons (eg. A cult might use them): 193 (12.8%)

Yes I think they're dangerous for decision theory and social reasons: 135 (9.0%)

Yes I think they're socially dangerous because they make everybody involved look foolish: 252 (16.7%)

Yes I think they're dangerous for other reasons: 52 (3.4%)

No: 808 (53.6%)


Have you ever felt any sort of anxiety about the Basilisk?

Yes: 141 (8.8%)

Yes but only because I worry about everything: 189 (11.8%)

No: 1270 (79.4%)


What is the longest span of time you've spent worrying about the Basilisk?

I haven't: 712 (47.1%)

A few seconds: 235 (15.5%)

A minute: 298 (19.7%)

An hour: 176 (11.6%)

A day: 40 (2.6%)

Two days: 16 (1.1%)

Three days: 12 (0.8%)

A week: 12 (0.8%)

A month: 5 (0.3%)

One to three months: 1 (0.1%)

Three to six months: 0 (0.0%)

Six to nine months: 0 (0.0%)

Nine months to a year: 1 (0.1%)

Over a year: 1 (0.1%)

Years: 3 (0.2%)


Are you <em>currently</em> worrying about the Basilisk?

Yes: 28 (1.7%)

Yes but only because I worry about everything: 60 (3.7%)

No: 1517 (94.5%)

Mental Health (Bonus Section)


Have you ever been diagnosed with depression?

No: 0 (0.0%)

Not formally, but I personally believe I have (or had) it: 0 (0.0%)

Yes, I was formally diagnosed by a doctor or other mental health professional: 0 (0.0%)


Have you ever been diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder?

No: 1851 (91.7%)

Not formally, but I personally believe I have (or had) it: 113 (5.6%)

Yes, I was formally diagnosed by a doctor or other mental health professional: 54 (2.7%)


Have you ever been diagnosed with any autism spectrum disorder?

No: 1597 (79.1%)

Not formally, but I personally believe I have (or had) it: 258 (12.8%)

Yes, I was formally diagnosed by a doctor or other mental health professional: 165 (8.2%)


Have you ever been diagnosed with any variant of attention deficit disorder?

No: 1541 (76.1%)

Not formally, but I personally believe I have (or had) it: 210 (10.4%)

Yes, I was formally diagnosed by a doctor or other mental health professional: 274 (13.5%)


Have you ever been diagnosed with bipolar disorder?

No: 1917 (95.0%)

Not formally, but I personally believe I have (or had) it: 55 (2.7%)

Yes, I was formally diagnosed by a doctor or other mental health professional: 45 (2.2%)


Have you ever been  diagnosed with any anxiety disorder, eg panic disorder, generalized  anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder?

No: 1395 (69.0%)

Not formally, but I personally believe I have (or had) it: 352 (17.4%)

Yes, I was formally diagnosed by a doctor or other mental health professional: 276 (13.6%)


Have you ever been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder?

No: 1979 (98.3%)

Not formally, but I personally believe I have (or had) it: 23 (1.1%)

Yes, I was formally diagnosed by a doctor or other mental health professional: 12 (0.6%)


Have you ever been diagnosed with schizophrenia?

No: 2000 (98.9%)

Not formally, but I personally believe I have (or had) it: 7 (0.3%)

Yes, I was formally diagnosed by a doctor or other mental health professional: 15 (0.7%)


Have you ever been diagnosed with substance use disorder?

No: 1923 (95.2%)

Not formally, but I personally believe I have (or had) it: 73 (3.6%)

Yes, I was formally diagnosed by a doctor or other mental health professional: 25 (1.2%)


Have you ever wondered whether you might have a substance abuse problem?

Yes: 313 (15.5%)

Yes but only because I worry about everything: 197 (9.7%)

No: 1514 (74.8%)


Have your friends and family ever expressed concern that you are abusing substances?

Yes: 157 (7.7%)

Yes but only because they worry about everything: 112 (5.5%)

Yes but only because they're suspicious of pharmaceutical medication: 50 (2.5%)

No: 1708 (84.3%)

What were the biggest problems with LessWrong at its peak?


Philosophical Issues

Question Count Percent
Over Reliance On The Sequences. 341 11.107%
Focus On AI. 257 8.371%
Focus On Cryonics. 254 8.274%
Criticism Of The Scientific Method. 119 3.876%
Too Much Jargon. 482 15.7%
Too Focused On Abstract Junk. 241 7.85%
I Wasn't Around For Its Peak. 917 29.87%
[Write in below] 199 6.482%
[Write in below] 39 1.27%


Write in one:

This question was asked in such a way that it can't be aggregated, and therefore can't be included in the general report.


Write in two:

This question was asked in such a way that it can't be aggregated, and therefore can't be included in the general report.


Community Issues

Question Count Percent
Not Enough In Person Interaction. 163 5.309%
Overly High Standards For Content Submission. 197 6.417%
Failure to cite sources. 158 5.147%
Can't Find Things Quickly Enough To Maintain Interest. 161 5.244%
Lame Forum Software. 218 7.101%
Too Autistic. 114 3.713%
Too Tolerant Of Trolls/Cranks. 146 4.756%
Too Tolerant Of Laziness. 65 2.117%
Too Tolerant Of Creepy People. 83 2.704%
Too Tolerant Of Neoreaction. 125 4.072%
Too Tolerant Of Progressivism. 30 0.977%
Literally A Cult. 119 3.876%
I Wasn't Around For Its Peak. 842 27.427%
[Write in below] 199 6.482%
[Write in below] 30 0.977%


Write in one:

This question was asked in such a way that it can't be aggregated, and therefore can't be included in the general report.


Write in two:

This question was asked in such a way that it can't be aggregated, and therefore can't be included in the general report.

What are the biggest problems with LessWrong now?


Philosophical Issues

Question Count Percent
Over Reliance On The Sequences. 314 10.228%
Focus On AI. 244 7.948%
Focus On Cryonics. 180 5.863%
Criticism Of The Scientific Method. 73 2.378%
Too Much Jargon. 429 13.974%
Too Focused On Abstract Junk. 257 8.371%
[Write in below] 185 6.026%
[Write in below] 31 1.01%


Write in one:

This question was asked in such a way that it can't be aggregated, and therefore can't be included in the general report.


Write in two:

This question was asked in such a way that it can't be aggregated, and therefore can't be included in the general report.


Community Issues

Question Count Percent
No New Content 417 13.583%
No New *Good* Content 811 26.417%
Can't Find Things Quickly Enough To Maintain Interest 269 8.762%
Lame Forum Software 251 8.176%
Decline from new people coming in who don't understand the culture 217 7.068%
Decline from evaporative cooling ( 287 9.349%
Decline from dunning kruger where competent refrain from posting what they feel to be sub par content (and by extension, posting content at all) but incompetent don't 382 12.443%
Not Enough In Person Interaction 127 4.137%
Overly High Standards For Content Submission 123 4.007%
Failure to cite sources 87 2.834%
Too Autistic 106 3.453%
Too Tolerant Of Trolls/Cranks 135 4.397%
Too Tolerant Of Laziness 65 2.117%
Too Tolerant Of Creepy People 67 2.182%
Too Tolerant Of Neoreaction 111 3.616%
Too Tolerant Of Progressivism 46 1.498%
Literally A Cult 86 2.801%
[Write in below] 189 6.156%
[Write in below] 38 1.238%


Write in one:

This question was asked in such a way that it can't be aggregated, and therefore can't be included in the general report.


Write in two:

This question was asked in such a way that it can't be aggregated, and therefore can't be included in the general report.

What would you want from a successor?



Question More (Count) More (Percent) Same (Count) Same (Percent) Less (Count) Less (Percent)
Attention Paid To Outside Sources 1042 70.933% 414 28.182% 13 0.885%
Self Improvement Focus 754 50.706% 598 40.215% 135 9.079%
AI Focus 184 12.611% 821 56.271% 454 31.117%
Political 330 22.837% 770 53.287% 345 23.875%
Academic/Formal 455 31.885% 803 56.272% 169 11.843%
[Write in your own] 145 66.514% 44 20.183% 29 13.303%
[Write in your own] 39 51.316% 20 26.316% 17 22.368%
[Write in your own] 23 57.5% 9 22.5% 8 20.0%


Write in one:

This question was asked in such a way that it can't be aggregated, and therefore can't be included in the general report.


Write in two:

This question was asked in such a way that it can't be aggregated, and therefore can't be included in the general report.


Write in three:

This question was asked in such a way that it can't be aggregated, and therefore can't be included in the general report.



Question More (Count) More (Percent) Same (Count) Same (Percent) Less (Count) Less (Percent)
Intense Environment 254 19.644% 830 64.192% 209 16.164%
Focused On 'Real World' Action 739 53.824% 563 41.005% 71 5.171%
Experts 749 55.605% 575 42.687% 23 1.707%
Data Driven/Testing Of Ideas 1107 78.344% 291 20.594% 15 1.062%
Social 583 43.507% 682 50.896% 75 5.597%
[Write in your own] 68 70.103% 9 9.278% 20 20.619%
[Write in your own] 20 57.143% 10 28.571% 5 14.286%
[Write in your own] 11 68.75% 4 25.0% 1 6.25%


Write in one:

This question was asked in such a way that it can't be aggregated, and therefore can't be included in the general report.


Write in two:

This question was asked in such a way that it can't be aggregated, and therefore can't be included in the general report.


Write in three:

This question was asked in such a way that it can't be aggregated, and therefore can't be included in the general report.

Where do you hang out now?


I'm Currently An Active Member Of

Question Count Percent
LessWrong 353 11.498%
LessWrong Meetups 215 7.003%
LessWrong Facebook Group 171 5.57%
LessWrong Slack 55 1.792%
SlateStarCodex 832 27.101%
Rationalist Tumblr 350 11.401%
Rationalist Facebook 150 4.886%
Rationalist Twitter 59 1.922%
Effective Altruism Hub 98 3.192%
FortForecast 4 0.13%
Good Judgement(TM) Open 29 0.945%
PredictionBook 59 1.922%
Omnilibrium 8 0.261%
Hacker News 252 8.208%
#lesswrong on freenode 76 2.476%
#slatestarcodex on freenode 36 1.173%
#hplusroadmap on freenode 4 0.13%
#chapelperilous on freenode 10 0.326%
/r/rational 274 8.925%
/r/HPMOR 230 7.492%
/r/SlateStarCodex 244 7.948%
One or more private 'rationalist' groups 192 6.254%
Other 0 0.0%


Would you consider rejoining LessWrong?

I never left: 668 (40.6%)

Yes: 557 (33.8%)

Yes, but only under certain conditions: 205 (12.5%)

No: 216 (13.1%)


If you would only rejoin under certain conditions, what would those be?

This question was asked in such a way that it can't be aggregated, and therefore can't be included in the general report.

Interests And Media


Do You Read These Blogs

Question Regular Reader (Count) Regular Reader (Percent) Sometimes (Count) Sometimes (Percent) Rarely (Count) Rarely (Percent) Almost Never (Count) Almost Never (Percent) Never (Count) Never (Percent) Never Heard Of It (Count) Never Heard Of It (Percent)
LessWrong 237 13.413% 642 36.333% 535 30.277% 271 15.337% 69 3.905% 13 0.736%
SlateStarCodex (Scott Alexander) 1131 63.611% 264 14.848% 90 5.062% 61 3.431% 51 2.868% 181 10.18%
Overcoming Bias (Robin Hanson) 206 11.751% 365 20.821% 391 22.305% 385 21.962% 239 13.634% 167 9.527%
Minding Our Way (Nate Soares) 151 8.718% 134 7.737% 139 8.025% 175 10.104% 214 12.356% 919 53.06%
Agenty Duck (Brienne Yudkowsky) 55 3.181% 132 7.634% 144 8.329% 213 12.319% 254 14.691% 931 53.846%
Eliezer Yudkowsky's Facebook Page 325 18.561% 316 18.047% 231 13.192% 267 15.248% 361 20.617% 251 14.335%
Luke Muehlhauser (Eponymous) 59 3.426% 106 6.156% 179 10.395% 231 13.415% 312 18.118% 835 48.49% (Gwern Branwen) 118 6.782% 281 16.149% 292 16.782% 224 12.874% 230 13.218% 595 34.195%
Siderea (Sibylla Bostoniensis) 29 1.682% 49 2.842% 59 3.422% 104 6.032% 183 10.615% 1300 75.406%


Question Regular Reader (Count) Regular Reader (Percent) Sometimes (Count) Sometimes (Percent) Rarely (Count) Rarely (Percent) Almost Never (Count) Almost Never (Percent) Never (Count) Never (Percent) Never Heard Of It (Count) Never Heard Of It (Percent)
Ribbon Farm (Venkatesh Rao) 64 3.734% 123 7.176% 111 6.476% 150 8.751% 150 8.751% 1116 65.111%
Bayesed And Confused (Michael Rupert) 2 0.117% 10 0.587% 24 1.408% 68 3.988% 167 9.795% 1434 84.106%
The Unit Of Caring (Anonymous) 281 16.452% 132 7.728% 126 7.377% 178 10.422% 216 12.646% 775 45.375%
GiveWell Blog (Multiple Authors) 75 4.438% 197 11.657% 243 14.379% 280 16.568% 412 24.379% 482 28.521%
Thing Of Things (Ozy Frantz) 363 21.166% 201 11.72% 143 8.338% 171 9.971% 176 10.262% 661 38.542%
The Last Psychiatrist (Anonymous) 103 6.023% 94 5.497% 164 9.591% 221 12.924% 302 17.661% 826 48.304%
Hotel Concierge (Anonymous) 29 1.711% 35 2.065% 49 2.891% 88 5.192% 179 10.56% 1315 77.581%
The View From Hell (Sister Y) 34 1.998% 39 2.291% 75 4.407% 137 8.049% 250 14.689% 1167 68.566%
Xenosystems (Nick Land) 51 3.012% 32 1.89% 64 3.78% 175 10.337% 364 21.5% 1007 59.48%


Are there any noteworthy blogs you read that we missed above?

This question was asked in such a way that it can't be aggregated, and therefore can't be included in the general report.


Have You Read These Stories?

Question Whole Thing (Count) Whole Thing (Percent) Partially And Intend To Finish (Count) Partially And Intend To Finish (Percent) Partially And Abandoned (Count) Partially And Abandoned (Percent) Never (Count) Never (Percent) Never Heard Of It (Count) Never Heard Of It (Percent)
Harry Potter And The Methods Of Rationality (Eliezer Yudkowsky) 1103 61.931% 145 8.141% 231 12.97% 221 12.409% 81 4.548%
Significant Digits (Alexander D) 123 7.114% 105 6.073% 91 5.263% 333 19.26% 1077 62.29%
Three Worlds Collide (Eliezer Yudkowsky) 889 51.239% 35 2.017% 36 2.075% 286 16.484% 489 28.184%
The Fable of the Dragon-Tyrant (Nick Bostrom) 728 41.935% 31 1.786% 15 0.864% 205 11.809% 757 43.606%
The World of Null-A (A. E. van Vogt) 92 5.34% 18 1.045% 25 1.451% 429 24.898% 1159 67.266%
Synthesis (Sharon Mitchell) 6 0.353% 2 0.118% 8 0.47% 217 12.75% 1469 86.31%
Worm (Wildbow) 501 28.843% 168 9.672% 184 10.593% 430 24.755% 454 26.137%
Pact (Wildbow) 138 7.991% 59 3.416% 148 8.57% 501 29.01% 881 51.013%
Twig (Wildbow) 55 3.192% 132 7.661% 65 3.772% 560 32.501% 911 52.873%


Question Whole Thing (Count) Whole Thing (Percent) Partially And Intend To Finish (Count) Partially And Intend To Finish (Percent) Partially And Abandoned (Count) Partially And Abandoned (Percent) Never (Count) Never (Percent) Never Heard Of It (Count) Never Heard Of It (Percent)
Ra (Sam Hughes) 269 15.558% 80 4.627% 95 5.495% 314 18.161% 971 56.16%
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Optimal (Iceman) 424 24.495% 16 0.924% 65 3.755% 559 32.293% 667 38.533%
Friendship Is Optimal: Caelum Est Conterrens (Chatoyance) 217 12.705% 16 0.937% 24 1.405% 411 24.063% 1040 60.89%
Ender's Game (Orson Scott Card) 1177 67.219% 22 1.256% 43 2.456% 395 22.559% 114 6.511%
The Diamond Age (Neal Stephenson) 440 25.346% 37 2.131% 55 3.168% 577 33.237% 627 36.118%
Consider Phlebas (Iain Banks) 302 17.507% 52 3.014% 47 2.725% 439 25.449% 885 51.304%
The Metamorphosis Of Prime Intellect (Roger Williams) 226 13.232% 10 0.585% 24 1.405% 322 18.852% 1126 65.925%
Accelerando (Charles Stross) 293 17.045% 46 2.676% 66 3.839% 425 24.724% 889 51.716%
A Fire Upon The Deep (Vernor Vinge) 343 19.769% 31 1.787% 41 2.363% 508 29.28% 812 46.801%

Machine Intelligence Research Institute


Do you know what the Machine Intelligence Research Institute is?

Yes: 1541 (85.2%)

No but I've heard of it: 174 (9.6%)

No: 93 (5.1%)


Have you ever read a paper from the Machine Intelligence Research Institute?

Yes: 466 (25.8%)

Partially: 497 (27.5%)

No: 843 (46.7%)


Would you consider working for the Machine Intelligence Research Institute?

Yes: 971 (54.797%)

No: 801 (45.203%)


Do you think you're trustworthy enough not to let an AI out of the box?

Yes: 471 (27.464%)

No: 1244 (72.536%)


Have you ever practiced not letting an AI out of the box?

Yes with Eliezer's Ruleset: 20 (1.1%)

Yes with Tuxedage's Ruleset: 5 (0.3%)

Yes with a different ruleset: 18 (1.0%)

No but I've been the AI: 40 (2.3%)

No: 1687 (95.3%)


On a scale of one to five (where one is "Strongly disagree" and five is "Strongly agree"), rate how much you agree with this statement: "MIRI's mission of  doing mathematical research relevant to friendly self-improving  artificial intelligence is very important."

1: 95 (3.094%)

2: 189 (6.156%)

3: 356 (11.596%)

4: 526 (17.134%)

5: 537 (17.492%)


On a scale of one to five (where one is "Strongly disagree" and five is "Strongly agree"), rate how much you agree with this statement: "Whether or not I  agree with MIRI's goals, I believe MIRI is a well-run organization that  pursues its goals effectively."

1: 102 (3.322%)

2: 226 (7.362%)

3: 772 (25.147%)

4: 342 (11.14%)

5: 109 (3.55%)

Center For Applied Rationality (Bonus Section)


Do you know what the Center For Applied Rationality is?

Yes: 1286 (73.5%)

No but I've heard of it: 285 (16.3%)

No: 178 (10.2%)


Have you attended CFAR?

No, and I don't plan to: 848 (50.0%)

No, and I would like to: 731 (43.1%)

I have attended a paid or volunteer program with CFAR: 109 (6.4%)

I have led a program at CFAR: 8 (0.5%)


Think about your current set of skills, your habits, the things you spend your time on, how you interact with other people, the intellectual questions that you find engaging, the goals you’re aiming towards, and the challenges that you’re currently facing going forward. Next, think about how you were one year ago on each of these dimensions. How different are you now from how you were one year ago?

Not at all different: 107 (6.2%)

Slightly different: 565 (32.7%)

Somewhat different: 674 (39.0%)

Very different: 315 (18.3%)

Extremely different : 0 (0.0%)


(optional) In about one sentence, what is one difference that stands out as being particularly large or significant?

This question was asked in such a way that it can't be aggregated, and therefore can't be included in the general report.


(Optional) Can you think of any changes that you’ve made in the past month to your daily routines or habits in order to make things go better? These can be tiny changes (e.g., adjusted the curtains on my bedroom window so that less light comes in while I’m sleeping) or large ones. Spend about 60 seconds recalling as many examples of these kinds of changes as you can and listing them here. (If you want to skip this question, leave it blank. If you spend the 60 seconds and no specific examples come to mind, write "none.")

This question was asked in such a way that it can't be aggregated, and therefore can't be included in the general report.


<p> What's your overall opinion of the Center For Applied Rationality?</p>

Positive: 376 (22.6%)

Mostly Positive: 412 (24.7%)

No strong opinion: 799 (48.0%)

Mostly Negative: 63 (3.8%)

Negative: 16 (1.0%)

Effective Altruism (Bonus Section)


Do you know what Effective Altruism is?

Yes: 1562 (89.3%)

No but I've heard of it: 114 (6.5%)

No: 74 (4.2%)


Do you self-identify as an Effective Altruist?

Yes: 665 (39.233%)

No: 1030 (60.767%)


Do you participate in the Effective Altruism community?

Yes: 314 (18.427%)

No: 1390 (81.573%)


Has Effective Altruism caused you to make donations you otherwise wouldn't?

Yes: 666 (39.269%)

No: 1030 (60.731%)


Have you ever had any kind of moral anxiety over Effective Altruism?

Yes: 501 (29.6%)

Yes but only because I worry about everything: 184 (10.9%)

No: 1008 (59.5%)


What's your overall opinion of Effective Altruism?

Positive: 809 (47.6%)

Mostly Positive: 535 (31.5%)

No strong opinion: 258 (15.2%)

Mostly Negative: 75 (4.4%)

Negative: 24 (1.4%)

Politics (Bonus Section)


With which of these political positions do you most identify?

Progressive: 217 (14.3%)

Communist: 12 (0.8%)

Socialist: 125 (8.2%)

Conservative: 38 (2.5%)

Fascist: 5 (0.3%)

Neoreactionary: 28 (1.8%)

Social Democrat: 236 (15.5%)

Moderate: 67 (4.4%)

Pragmatist: 131 (8.6%)

Anarchist: 50 (3.3%)

Libertarian: 190 (12.5%)

Left-Libertarian: 243 (16.0%)

Objectivist: 10 (0.7%)

Monarchist: 5 (0.3%)

Futarchist: 31 (2.0%)

Totalitarian: 2 (0.1%)

Other: 125 (8.218%)


Did you vote in your country's last major national election?

Yes: 1151 (68.9%)

No: 511 (30.6%)

My country does not hold elections: 8 (0.5%)


If you are an American, what party are you registered with?

Democratic Party: 358 (24.5%)

Republican Party: 72 (4.9%)

Libertarian Party: 26 (1.8%)

Other third party: 16 (1.1%)

Not registered for a party: 451 (30.8%)

(option for non-Americans who want an option): 541 (37.0%)


On a scale from 1  (not interested at all) to 5 (extremely interested), how would you  describe your level of interest in politics?

1: 67 (2.182%)

2: 257 (8.371%)

3: 461 (15.016%)

4: 595 (19.381%)

5: 312 (10.163%)


How would you describe your opinion on abortion laws?

Question Pro-Life (Count) Pro-Life (Percent) Lean Pro-Life (Count) Lean Pro-Life (Percent) No strong opinion (Count) No strong opinion (Percent) Lean Pro-Choice (Count) Lean Pro-Choice (Percent) Pro-Choice (Count) Pro-Choice (Percent)
Abortion 104 6.136% 97 5.723% 77 4.543% 263 15.516% 1154 68.083%


How would you describe your opinion on immigration?

Question Should be more open (Count) Should be more open (Percent) Lean more open (Count) Lean more open (Percent) No strong opinion (Count) No strong opinion (Percent) Lean more restricted (Count) Lean more restricted (Percent) Should be more restricted (Count) Should be more restricted (Percent)
Immigration 670 39.786% 504 29.929% 264 15.677% 140 8.314% 106 6.295%


How would you describe your opinion on taxes in your country?

Question Should be lower (Count) Should be lower (Percent) Lean towards lower (Count) Lean towards lower (Percent) No strong opinion (Count) No strong opinion (Percent) Lean towards higher (Count) Lean towards higher (Percent) Should be higher (Count) Should be higher (Percent)
Taxes 224 13.31% 237 14.082% 544 32.323% 415 24.658% 263 15.627%


How would you describe your opinion on minimum wage laws in your country?

Question Should be lower or eliminated (Count) Should be lower or eliminated (Percent) Lean towards lower or eliminated (Count) Lean towards lower or eliminated (Percent) No strong opinion (Count) No strong opinion (Percent) Lean towards higher (Count) Lean towards higher (Percent) Should be higher (Count) Should be higher (Percent)
Minimum Wage 287 17.145% 202 12.067% 509 30.406% 383 22.879% 293 17.503%


How would you describe your opinion of feminism, as you understand the term? See also for more information

Question Very unfavorable (Count) Very unfavorable (Percent) Unfavorable (Count) Unfavorable (Percent) No strong opinion (Count) No strong opinion (Percent) Favorable (Count) Favorable (Percent) Very favorable (Count) Very favorable (Percent)
Feminism 149 8.89% 249 14.857% 252 15.036% 610 36.396% 416 24.821%


How would you describe your opinion of social justice, as you understand the term? See also for more information

Question Very unfavorable (Count) Very unfavorable (Percent) Unfavorable (Count) Unfavorable (Percent) No strong opinion (Count) No strong opinion (Percent) Favorable (Count) Favorable (Percent) Very favorable (Count) Very favorable (Percent)
Social Justice 339 20.324% 369 22.122% 290 17.386% 461 27.638% 209 12.53%


How would you  describe your opinion of the idea of "human biodiversity", as you  understand the term? No Wiki page available, but essentially it is the  belief that there are important genetic differences between human  populations and that therefore ideas generally considered racist, such  as different races having different average intelligence or personality  traits, are in fact scientifically justified

Question Very unfavorable (Count) Very unfavorable (Percent) Unfavorable (Count) Unfavorable (Percent) No strong opinion (Count) No strong opinion (Percent) Favorable (Count) Favorable (Percent) Very favorable (Count) Very favorable (Percent)
Human Biodiversity 228 13.785% 381 23.035% 517 31.258% 399 24.123% 129 7.799%


How would you describe your opinion of a Basic Income Guarantee in your country? See for more information.

Question Strongly oppose (Count) Strongly oppose (Percent) Oppose (Count) Oppose (Percent) No strong opinion (Count) No strong opinion (Percent) Support (Count) Support (Percent) Strongly support (Count) Strongly support (Percent)
Basic Income 63 3.759% 110 6.563% 260 15.513% 624 37.232% 619 36.933%


Do you believe we  are currently in or entering a "Great Stagnation", as proposed by Tyler  Cowen and Peter Thiel, during which technological growth slows  drastically? See for more information

Question Strongly doubt (Count) Strongly doubt (Percent) Doubt (Count) Doubt (Percent) No strong opinion (Count) No strong opinion (Percent) Believe (Count) Believe (Percent) Strongly believe (Count) Strongly believe (Percent)
Great Stagnation 269 16.382% 635 38.672% 553 33.678% 157 9.562% 28 1.705%

Calibration Questions


Do you understand the instructions above?

Yes, I understand I should answer in percentages between 0 and 100: 1639 (97.4%)

No, I don't read instructions and am going to ruin the survey results for everyone: 43 (2.6%)


This question was asked in such a way that it can't be aggregated, and therefore can't be included in the general report.



Question Sum Mean Median Mode Stdev
Please give the obvious answer to this question, so I can automatically throw away all surveys that don't follow the rules: What is the probability of a fair coin coming up heads? 79913.9989998995 49.82169513709445 50.0 50.0 3.0335516853602247
What is the probability that the Many Worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics is more or less correct? 57667.2765532332 44.59959516878051 50.0 50.0 29.19375920063312
What is the probability that non-human, non-Earthly intelligent life exists in the observable universe? 108971.29058158398 75.72709560916192 90.0 99.0 31.89339696930562 the Milky Way galaxy? 62974.32026926869 45.966657130853065 50.0 10.0 38.39586433271989
What is the probability that supernatural events (including God, ghosts, magic, etc) have occurred since the beginning of the universe? 12584.604712170929 13.575625363722654 1.0 1.0 27.57620837269749
What is the probability that there is a god, defined as a supernatural intelligent entity who created the universe? 15505.547953131427 15.47459875562016 1.0 1.0 27.891434891369965
What is the probability that any of humankind's revealed religions is more or less correct? 8573.60632673673 10.624047492858365 0.5 1.0 26.257350238788074
What is the probability that an average person cryonically frozen today will be successfully restored to life at some future time, conditional on no global catastrophe destroying civilization before then? 29397.64525290689 21.225736644698124 10.0 5.0 26.782993912650962
What is the probability that at least one person living at this moment will reach an age of one thousand years, conditional on no global catastrophe destroying civilization in that time? 34307.58545244187 25.26331771166561 10.0 1.0 30.5106781146967
What is the probability that our universe is a simulation? 30383.535304433874 25.25647157475802 10.0 50.0 28.404941122960626
What is the probability that significant global warming is occurring or will soon occur, and is primarily caused by human actions? 121545.09299969983 83.30712337196704 90.0 90.0 23.167415441959694
What is the probability that the human race will make it to 2100 without any catastrophe that wipes out more than 90% of humanity? 111031.97345414276 76.3106346763868 80.0 80.0 22.93312595923684



Cryonics (Section Header)

This question was asked in such a way that it can't be aggregated, and therefore can't be included in the general report.


Are you signed up for cryonics?

Yes - signed up or just finishing up paperwork: 48 (2.9%)

No - would like to sign up but unavailable in my area: 104 (6.3%)

No - would like to sign up but haven't gotten around to it: 180 (10.9%)

No - would like to sign up but can't afford it: 229 (13.8%)

No - still considering it: 557 (33.7%)

No - and do not want to sign up for cryonics: 468 (28.3%)

Never thought about it / don't understand: 68 (4.1%)


Do you think cryonics, as currently practiced by Alcor/Cryonics Institute will work?

Yes: 106 (6.6%)

Maybe: 1041 (64.4%)

No: 470 (29.1%)


Do you think cryonics works in principle?

Yes: 802 (49.3%)

Maybe: 701 (43.1%)

No: 125 (7.7%)


Singularity (Section Header)

This question was asked in such a way that it can't be aggregated, and therefore can't be included in the general report.


By what year do you think the Singularity will occur? Answer such that you think, conditional on the Singularity occurring, there is an even chance of the Singularity falling before or after this year. If you think a  singularity is so unlikely you don't even want to condition on it, leave this question blank.

Sum: 1.0000000000590109e+20

Mean: 8.110300081581755e+16

Median: 2080.0

Mode: 2100.0

Stdev: 2.847858859055733e+18


Have you ever made any kind of personal health change with the goal of living to see the singularity? (If multiple please separate with commas.)

This question was asked in such a way that it can't be aggregated, and therefore can't be included in the general report.


Superbabies (Section Header)

This question was asked in such a way that it can't be aggregated, and therefore can't be included in the general report.


Would you ever consider having your child genetically modified for any reason?

Yes: 1552 (95.921%)

No: 66 (4.079%)


Would you be willing to have your child genetically modified to prevent them from getting an inheritable disease?

Yes: 1387 (85.5%)

Depends on the disease: 207 (12.8%)

No: 28 (1.7%)


Would you be willing to have your child genetically modified for improvement purposes? (eg. To heighten their intelligence or reduce their risk of schizophrenia.)

Yes : 0 (0.0%)

Maybe a little: 176 (10.9%)

Depends on the strength of the improvements: 262 (16.2%)

No: 84 (5.2%)


Would you be willing to have your child genetically modified for cosmetic reasons? (eg. To make them taller or have a certain eye color.)

Yes: 500 (31.0%)

Maybe a little: 381 (23.6%)

Depends on the strength of the improvements: 277 (17.2%)

No: 455 (28.2%)


What's your overall opinion of other people genetically modifying their children for disease prevention purposes?

Positive: 1177 (71.7%)

Mostly Positive: 311 (19.0%)

No strong opinion: 112 (6.8%)

Mostly Negative: 29 (1.8%)

Negative: 12 (0.7%)


What's your overall opinion of other people genetically modifying their children for improvement purposes?

Positive: 737 (44.9%)

Mostly Positive: 482 (29.4%)

No strong opinion: 273 (16.6%)

Mostly Negative: 111 (6.8%)

Negative: 38 (2.3%)


What's your overall opinion of other people genetically modifying their children for cosmetic reasons?

Positive: 291 (17.7%)

Mostly Positive: 290 (17.7%)

No strong opinion: 576 (35.1%)

Mostly Negative: 328 (20.0%)

Negative: 157 (9.6%)

Technological Unemployment (Futurology Part 2)


Do you think the <a href="">Luddite's Fallacy</a> is an actual fallacy?

Yes: 443 (30.936%)

No: 989 (69.064%)


By what year do you think the majority of people in your country will have trouble finding employment for automation related reasons? If you think this is something that will never happen leave this question blank.

Sum: 2203914.0

Mean: 2102.9713740458014

Median: 2050.0

Mode: 2050.0

Stdev: 1180.2342850727339


Do you think the "end of work" would be a good thing?

Yes: 1238 (81.287%)

No: 285 (18.713%)


If machines end all or almost all employment, what are your biggest worries? Pick two.

Question Count Percent
People will just idle about in destructive ways 513 16.71%
People need work to be fulfilled and if we eliminate work we'll all feel deep existential angst 543 17.687%
The rich are going to take all the resources for themselves and leave the rest of us to starve or live in poverty 1066 34.723%
The machines won't need us, and we'll starve to death or be otherwise liquidated 416 13.55%
Other 0 0.0%


The next question isn't exactly related to technological unemployment, but making a part three for one question seemed impractical.

This question was asked in such a way that it can't be aggregated, and therefore can't be included in the general report.


Which disaster do you think is most likely to wipe out greater than 90% of humanity before the year 2100?

Nuclear war: 326 (20.6%)

Asteroid strike: 64 (4.1%)

Unfriendly AI: 271 (17.2%)

Nanotech / grey goo: 18 (1.1%)

Pandemic (natural): 120 (7.6%)

Pandemic (bioengineered): 355 (22.5%)

Environmental collapse (including global warming): 252 (16.0%)

Economic / political collapse: 136 (8.6%)

Other: 35 (2.217%)

Charity (Bonus Section)


What is your approximate annual income in US dollars (non-Americans: convert at Obviously you don't need to answer this question if you don't want to. Please don't include commas or dollar signs.

Sum: 66054140.47384

Mean: 64569.052271593355

Median: 40000.0

Mode: 30000.0

Stdev: 107297.53606321265


How much money, in number of dollars, have you donated to charity over the past year? (non-Americans: convert to dollars at ). Please don't include commas or dollar signs in your answer. For example, 4000

Sum: 2389900.6530000004

Mean: 2914.5129914634144

Median: 353.0

Mode: 100.0

Stdev: 9471.962766896671


How much money have you donated to charities aiming to reduce existential risk (other than MIRI/CFAR) in the past year?

Sum: 169300.89

Mean: 1991.7751764705883

Median: 200.0

Mode: 100.0

Stdev: 9219.941506342007


How much have you donated in US dollars to the following charities in the past year? (Non-americans: convert to dollars at Please don't include commas or dollar signs in your answer. Options starting with "any" aren't the name of a charity but a category of charity.

Question Sum Mean Median Mode Stdev
Against Malaria Foundation 483935.027 1905.2560118110237 300.0 None 7216.020221941659
Schistosomiasis Control Initiative 47908.0 840.4912280701755 200.0 1000.0 1618.7858558941969
Deworm the World Initiative 28820.0 565.0980392156863 150.0 500.0 1432.7121867968033
GiveDirectly 154410.177 1429.723861111111 450.0 50.0 3472.082406463215
Any kind of animal rights charity 83130.47 1093.8219736842104 154.235 500.0 2313.493213799438
Any kind of bug rights charity 1083.0 270.75 157.5 None 353.39626011980755
Machine Intelligence Research Institute 141792.5 1417.925 100.0 100.0 5370.485697132622
Any charity combating nuclear existential risk 491.0 81.83333333333333 75.0 100.0 68.06002252913723
Any charity combating global warming 13012.0 245.50943396226415 100.0 10.0 365.5429903498414
Center For Applied Rationality 127101.0 3177.525 150.0 100.0 12969.096587929758
Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence Research Foundation 9429.0 554.6470588235294 100.0 20.0 1156.431847385335
Wikipedia 12765.5 53.18958333333333 20.0 10.0 126.4443520242066
Internet Archive 2975.04 80.40648648648649 30.0 50.0 173.7911012971898
Any campaign for political office 38443.99 366.1332380952381 50.0 50.0 1374.3058277660477
Other 564890.46 1661.4425294117648 200.0 100.0 4670.805041609166


Do you follow any dietary restrictions related to animal products?

Yes, I am vegan: 54 (3.4%)

Yes, I am vegetarian: 158 (10.0%)

Yes, I restrict meat some other way (pescetarian, flexitarian, try to only eat ethically sourced meat): 375 (23.7%)

No: 996 (62.9%)

Wrapping Up


Have you taken a previous LessWrong Survey?

Yes: 770 (46.951%)

No: 870 (53.049%)


Would you like to be put on a mailing list to hear about future developments in revitalizing LessWrong or new 'rationalist' communities? If yes put in your email address below. (This is optional and will not be published in the public survey results.)

This question was asked in such a way that it can't be aggregated, and therefore can't be included in the general report.