class type/scale name relevance text help language validation mandatory other default same_default allowed_filetypes alphasort answer_width array_filter array_filter_exclude array_filter_style assessment_value category_separator choice_title code_filter commented_checkbox commented_checkbox_auto date_format date_max date_min display_columns display_rows dropdown_dates dropdown_dates_minute_step dropdown_dates_month_style dropdown_prefix dropdown_prepostfix dropdown_separators dropdown_size dualscale_headerA dualscale_headerB em_validation_q em_validation_q_tip em_validation_sq em_validation_sq_tip equals_num_value exclude_all_others exclude_all_others_auto hidden hide_tip input_boxes location_city location_country location_defaultcoordinates location_mapheight location_mapservice location_mapwidth location_mapzoom location_nodefaultfromip location_postal location_state max_answers max_filesize max_num_of_files max_num_value max_num_value_n maximum_chars min_answers min_num_of_files min_num_value min_num_value_n multiflexible_checkbox multiflexible_max multiflexible_min multiflexible_step num_value_int_only numbers_only other_comment_mandatory other_numbers_only other_replace_text page_break parent_order prefix printable_help public_statistics random_group random_order rank_title repeat_headings reverse samechoiceheight samelistheight scale_export show_comment show_grand_total show_title show_totals showpopups slider_accuracy slider_default slider_layout slider_max slider_middlestart slider_min slider_rating slider_reset slider_separator slider_showminmax statistics_graphtype statistics_showgraph statistics_showmap suffix text_input_width time_limit time_limit_action time_limit_countdown_message time_limit_disable_next time_limit_disable_prev time_limit_message time_limit_message_delay time_limit_message_style time_limit_timer_style time_limit_warning time_limit_warning_2 time_limit_warning_2_display_time time_limit_warning_2_message time_limit_warning_2_style time_limit_warning_display_time time_limit_warning_message time_limit_warning_style thousands_separator use_dropdown S sid 554193 S owner_id 2 S admin namespace S active Y S expires 2016-04-30 07:21:26 S adminemail root@localhost S anonymized N S format G S savetimings Y S template OBORMOT_TEMPLATE_1 S language en S datestamp Y S usecookie N S allowregister N S allowsave Y S autonumber_start 35 S autoredirect N S allowprev Y S printanswers Y S ipaddr Y S refurl Y S datecreated 2016-03-22 S publicstatistics N S publicgraphs N S listpublic N S htmlemail N S sendconfirmation Y S tokenanswerspersistence N S assessments N S usecaptcha N S usetokens N S bounce_email S tokenlength 15 S showxquestions Y S showgroupinfo B S shownoanswer N S showqnumcode N S bounceprocessing N S showwelcome Y S showprogress Y S questionindex 2 S nokeyboard N S alloweditaftercompletion N S googleanalyticsstyle 0 SL surveyls_title LessWrong Diaspora 2016 Survey en SL surveyls_welcometext

This is the 2016 LessWrong Diaspora Survey. The last survey was conducted in late 2014. In the last two years or so most of the community has moved away from LessWrong proper into 'diaspora' communities on a wide variety of websites and chatrooms. Because of this we've decided to expand the scope of who our survey targets to explicitly include the entire LessWrong community on site and off.

The largest motivation for running this years survey is to gauge where the community is at and what various factions would want from a successor community to the original LessWrong. Elo is currently coordinating Vaniver's LessWrong 2.0 project and this survey is intended to help him and other efforts which should be coming soon. If you would like to be put on a mailing list to hear more (we will not spam you and we will not give your email address to a third party) you can give us your email address for this purpose at the end of the survey.

You may skip any question you don't want to answer. Some questions are explicitly marked 'bonus' or 'optional' meaning they are especially skippable without significantly impacting your overall survey results.


If you find yourself fatigued by the length of the survey feel free to take a break and come back, or skip every question and move straight to the end to turn in what you have.


Happy Surveying!

en SL surveyls_endtext

Thanks for taking the LessWrong Diaspora 2016 Survey!

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact

Otherwise, you can close this page or click the link below to be taken back to LessWrong:

en SL surveyls_url en SL surveyls_urldescription Take me back to LessWrong en SL surveyls_email_invite_subj Invitation to participate in a survey en SL surveyls_email_invite Dear {FIRSTNAME}, you have been invited to participate in a survey. The survey is titled: "{SURVEYNAME}" "{SURVEYDESCRIPTION}" To participate, please click on the link below. Sincerely, {ADMINNAME} ({ADMINEMAIL}) ---------------------------------------------- Click here to do the survey: {SURVEYURL} If you do not want to participate in this survey and don't want to receive any more invitations please click the following link: {OPTOUTURL} If you are blacklisted but want to participate in this survey and want to receive invitations please click the following link: {OPTINURL} en SL surveyls_email_remind_subj Reminder to participate in a survey en SL surveyls_email_remind Dear {FIRSTNAME}, Recently we invited you to participate in a survey. We note that you have not yet completed the survey, and wish to remind you that the survey is still available should you wish to take part. The survey is titled: "{SURVEYNAME}" "{SURVEYDESCRIPTION}" To participate, please click on the link below. Sincerely, {ADMINNAME} ({ADMINEMAIL}) ---------------------------------------------- Click here to do the survey: {SURVEYURL} If you do not want to participate in this survey and don't want to receive any more invitations please click the following link: {OPTOUTURL} en SL surveyls_email_register_subj Survey registration confirmation en SL surveyls_email_register Dear {FIRSTNAME}, You, or someone using your email address, have registered to participate in an online survey titled {SURVEYNAME}. To complete this survey, click on the following URL: {SURVEYURL} If you have any questions about this survey, or if you did not register to participate and believe this email is in error, please contact {ADMINNAME} at {ADMINEMAIL}. en SL surveyls_email_confirm_subj Confirmation of your participation in our survey en SL surveyls_email_confirm Dear {FIRSTNAME}, this email is to confirm that you have completed the survey titled {SURVEYNAME} and your response has been saved. Thank you for participating. If you have any further questions about this email, please contact {ADMINNAME} on {ADMINEMAIL}. Sincerely, {ADMINNAME} en SL surveyls_dateformat 7 en SL email_admin_notification_subj Response submission for survey {SURVEYNAME} en SL email_admin_notification Hello, A new response was submitted for your survey '{SURVEYNAME}'. Click the following link to reload the survey: {RELOADURL} Click the following link to see the individual response: {VIEWRESPONSEURL} Click the following link to edit the individual response: {EDITRESPONSEURL} View statistics by clicking here: {STATISTICSURL} en SL email_admin_responses_subj Response submission for survey {SURVEYNAME} with results en SL email_admin_responses Hello, A new response was submitted for your survey '{SURVEYNAME}'. Click the following link to reload the survey: {RELOADURL} Click the following link to see the individual response: {VIEWRESPONSEURL} Click the following link to edit the individual response: {EDITRESPONSEURL} View statistics by clicking here: {STATISTICSURL} The following answers were given by the participant: {ANSWERTABLE} en G G0 Privacy 1 en Q Y GeneralPrivacy 1 Can we include your survey data in a public dataset? Your survey data  will be completely anonymous; no name will be attached. The plan is  to make most of the survey data public, so that people can run their own analyses on it. However, if you prefer to keep the data private, it will be visible only to myself (John David Pressman), Elo on LessWrong, and our hosting provider Logos01 on freenode. en Y N 1 1 Q Y ResearchConsent 1 Do you consent to having your survey responses being used as part of a research paper?  If this survey generates interesting psychometric research, someone might try to get a  journal article out of it. If so, we will need your explicit consent to have (an aggregate of) your anonymous data published. en Y N 1 1 G G1 Demographic Information 1 en Q N Age 1 Age en N 1 1 12 Q L BirthSex 1 Sex - What sex were you assigned at birth?
en Y 1 1 1 1 SQ 0 other 1 Other en A 0 A1 Male en A 0 A2 Female en Q L Gender 1 Gender - With what gender do you primarily identify?
en Y 1 1 1 1 SQ 0 other 1 Other en A 0 A1 F (cisgender) en A 0 A2 F (transgender MtF) en A 0 A3 M (cisgender) en A 0 A4 M (transgender FtM) en Q L Country 1 Country - If multiple possible answers, please choose the one you most identify with. Twelve popular answers are given below; otherwise please write your country into "Other" in the same format as the answers given en Y 1 1 1 1 1 SQ 0 other 1 Other en A 0 A1 United States en A 0 A2 United Kingdom en A 0 A3 Canada en A 0 A4 Australia en A 0 A5 Germany en A 0 A6 Russia en A 0 A7 Finland en A 0 A8 New Zealand en A 0 A9 India en A 0 A10 Brazil en A 0 A11 France en A 0 A12 Israel en Q L Race 1 Race - With what race do you most identify? "Hispanic" is a term mostly used in the US referring to people whose ethnic background is from Mexico, Central  America, and South America. en Y 1 1 1 1 SQ 0 other 1 Other en A 0 A1 Asian (East Asian) en A 0 A2 Asian (Indian subcontinent) en A 0 A3 Middle Eastern en A 0 A4 Black en A 0 A5 White (non-Hispanic) en A 0 A6 Hispanic en G G2 Sex, Relationships 1 en Q L SexualOrientation 1 What is your sexual orientation? en Y 1 1 1 1 SQ 0 other 1 Other en A 0 A1 Heterosexual en A 0 A2 Homosexual en A 0 A3 Bisexual en Q Y Asexuality 1 Are you asexual? en N 1 1 Q L RelationshipStyle 1 What is your preferred relationship style? en Y 1 1 1 1 SQ 0 other 1 Other en A 0 A1 Prefer monogomous en A 0 A2 Prefer polyamorous en A 0 A3 Uncertain/no preference en Q L NumberPartners 1 Number of Partners (for example, 0 if you are single, 1 if you are in a monogamous relationship, higher numbers for polyamorous relationships) en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 A1 0 en A 0 A2 1 en A 0 A3 2 en A 0 A4 3 en A 0 A5 4 en A 0 A6 5 en A 0 A7 Lots and lots en Q L RelationshipGoals 1 Relationship Goals en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 A1 ...and seeking more relationship partners en A 0 A2 ...and possibly open to more relationship partners en A 0 A3 ...and currently not looking for more relationship partners en Q Y Married 1 Are you married? en N 1 1 Q L LivingWith 1 Who do you currently live with most of the time?
en Y 1 1 1 1 SQ 0 other 1 Other en A 0 A1 Alone en A 0 A2 With parents and/or guardians en A 0 A3 With partner and/or children en A 0 A4 With roommates en Q L Children 1 How many children do you have? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 A1 0 en A 0 A2 1 en A 0 A3 2 en A 0 A4 3 en A 0 A5 4 en A 0 A6 5 en A 0 A7 6 en A 0 A8 Lots and lots en Q L MoreChildren 1 Are you planning on having more children? Answer yes if you don't have children but want some, or if you do have children but want more. Answer "yes" even if you do not want the children just yet. en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 A1 Yes en A 0 A2 Uncertain en A 0 A3 No en G G3 Employment, Occupation, Education 1 en Q M WorkStatus 1 What do you currently do? en N 1 1 1 1 SQ 0 1 1 Student en SQ 0 2 1 Academics (on the teaching side) en SQ 0 3 1 Self-employed en SQ 0 4 1 Independently wealthy en SQ 0 5 1 Non-profit work en SQ 0 6 1 For-profit work en SQ 0 7 1 Government work en SQ 0 8 1 Homemaker en SQ 0 9 1 Unemployed en Q L Profession 1 In what area do you currently work or study? If more than one, please choose most important. en Y 1 1 1 1 SQ 0 other 1 Other en A 0 1 Philosophy en A 0 2 Finance / Economics en A 0 3 Statistics en A 0 4 Computers (AI) en A 0 5 Computers (other academic, computer science) en A 0 6 Computers (practical: IT, programming, etc.) en A 0 7 Physics en A 0 8 Biology en A 0 9 Medicine en A 0 10 Mathematics en A 0 11 Neuroscience en A 0 12 Other "hard science" en A 0 13 Psychology en A 0 14 Other "social science" en A 0 15 Engineering en A 0 16 Business en A 0 17 Law en A 0 18 Art en Q L EducationCredentials 1 What is your highest education credential earned? en Y 1 1 1 1 SQ 0 other 1 Other en A 0 1 None en A 0 2 High School en A 0 3 2 year degree en A 0 4 Bachelor's en A 0 5 Master's en A 0 6 JD/MD/other professional degree en A 0 7 PhD en G G4 IQ And Other Numbers That Purport To Measure Your Intelligence (Bonus Section) 1 These questions were among the least popular on the 2014 survey. No pressure if you don't have the available information or would rather not say, just move on. en Q N IQ 1 IQ - Please give the score you got on your most recent PROFESSIONAL, SCIENTIFIC IQ test - no Internet tests, please! All tests should have the standard average of  100 and stdev of 15. en N 1 1 12 Q N IQAge 1 IQ Age - At what age, in years, did you take the IQ test above? en N 1 1 12 Q S IQType 1 IQ Type - Please give a short  description of the IQ test you took, for example "It was Wechsler Adult  Intelligence Scale administered at my school". If you don't remember or  don't know how to describe the test, leave this blank. en N 1 300 500 11 1 1 12 1 Q N SAT 1 SAT scores out of 1600 - American students take the SATs before going to college. In olden days, the test was scored out of 1600. if you have an SAT score out of 1600, please put it here; otherwise leave blank. en N 1 1 12 Q N SAT2 1 SAT scores out of 2400 - American students take the SATs before going to college. Nowadays, the test is scored out of 2400. If you have an SAT score out of 2400, please put it here; otherwise leave blank. en N 1 1 12 Q N ACT 1 ACT score out of 36 - Some American students take the ACTs before going to college. If you have an ACT score out of 36, please put it here; otherwise leave blank. en N 1 1 12 G G5 Politics, Religion, Ethics 1 en Q L PoliticsShort 1 Given that no label can completely describe a person's political views, with which of these labels do you MOST identify? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 Libertarian, for example like the US Libertarian Party: socially permissive, minimal/no taxes, minimal/no distribution of wealth en A 0 2 Conservative, for example the US Republican Party and UK Tories: traditional values, low taxes, low redistribution of wealth en A 0 3 Liberal, for example the US Democratic Party or the UK Labour Party: socially permissive, more taxes, more redistribution of wealth en A 0 4 Social democratic, for example Scandinavian countries: socially permissive, high taxes, major redistribution of wealth en A 0 5 Communist, for example the old Soviet Union: complete state control of many facets of life en Q L ReligiousViews 1 How would you describe your religious views? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 Committed theist en A 0 2 Lukewarm theist en A 0 3 Deist/Pantheist/etc. en A 0 4 Agnostic en A 0 5 Atheist but spiritual en A 0 6 Atheist and not spiritual en Q L ReligionType ((ReligiousViews.NAOK == "1" or ReligiousViews.NAOK == "2" or ReligiousViews.NAOK == "3" or ReligiousViews.NAOK == "4" or ReligiousViews.NAOK == "5")) Which best describes the religion you believe? If you do not believe any religion, skip this question. en Y 1 1 1 1 SQ 0 other 1 Other en A 0 1 Christian (Catholic) en A 0 2 Christian (Other non-Protestant, eg Eastern Orthodox) en A 0 3 Christian (Protestant) en A 0 4 Christian (Mormon) en A 0 5 Hindu en A 0 6 Buddhist en A 0 7 Traditional Chinese en A 0 8 Muslim en A 0 9 Unitarian Universalism or similar en A 0 10 Jewish en A 0 11 Mixed/Other en Q L FamilyReligion 1 How would you describe the religious views of your family when you were growing up? en Y 1 1 1 1 SQ 0 other 1 Other en A 0 1 Committed theist en A 0 2 Lukewarm theist en A 0 3 Deist/Pantheist/etc en A 0 4 Agnostic en A 0 5 Atheist but spiritual en A 0 6 Atheist and not spiritual en A 0 7 Mixed / Other en Q L ReligiousBackground 1 What is your family's religious background, as of the last time your family practiced a religion? en Y 1 1 1 1 SQ 0 other 1 Other en A 0 1 Christian (Catholic) en A 0 2 Christian (Other non-Protestant, eg Eastern Orthodox) en A 0 3 Christian (Protestant) en A 0 4 Christian (Mormon) en A 0 5 Hindu en A 0 6 Buddhist en A 0 7 Traditional Chinese en A 0 8 Muslim en A 0 9 Unitarian Universalism or similar en A 0 10 Jewish en A 0 11 Mixed/Other en Q L MetaEthics 1 With which of these meta-ethical views do you MOST identify? (Bonus Question) en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 Non-cognitivism: Moral statements don't express propositions and can neither be true nor false. "Murder is wrong" means something like "Boo murder!". en A 0 2 Error theory: Moral statements have a truth-value, but attempt to describe features of the world that don't exist. "Murder is wrong" and "Murder is right" are both false statements because moral rightness and wrongness aren't features that exist. en A 0 3 Subjectivism: Some moral statements are true, but not universally, and the truth of a moral statement is determined by non-universal opinions or prescriptions, and there is no non-attitudinal determinant of rightness and wrongness. "Murder is wrong" means something like "My culture has judged murder to be wrong" or "I've judged murder to be wrong". en A 0 4 Substantive realism: Some moral statements are true, and the truth of a moral statement is determined by mind-independent moral properties. "Murder is wrong" means that murder has an objective mind-independent property of wrongness that we discover by empirical investigation, intuition, or some other method. en A 0 5 Constructivism: Some moral statements are true, and the truth of a moral statement is determined by whether an agent would accept it if they were undergoing a process of rational deliberation. "Murder is wrong" can mean something like "Societal agreement to the rule 'do not murder' is instrumentally rational". en G G6 Experience With LessWrong 1 en Q L ReferredBy 1 How Did You Find LessWrong? en Y 1 1 1 1 1 SQ 0 other 1 Other en A 0 1 Been here since it was started in the Overcoming Bias days en A 0 2 Referred by a link en A 0 3 HPMOR en A 0 4 Overcoming Bias en A 0 5 Referred by a friend en A 0 6 Referred by a search engine en A 0 7 Referred by other fiction en A 0 8 Slate Star Codex en A 0 9 Reddit en A 0 10 Common Sense Atheism en A 0 11 Hacker News en A 0 12 Gwern en Q L LessWrongUse 1 How do you use Less Wrong? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 I lurk, but never registered an account en A 0 2 I've registered an account, but never posted en A 0 3 I've posted a comment, but never a top-level post en A 0 4 I've posted in Discussion, but not Main en A 0 5 I've posted in Main en Q L LWUseFrequency 1 How often do you comment on LessWrong? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 I have commented more than once a week for the past year. en A 0 2 I have commented more than once a month for the past year but less than once a week. en A 0 3 I have commented but less than once a month for the past year. en A 0 4 I have not commented this year. en Q ! LWLastPosted 1 How Long Since You Last Posted On LessWrong? en N 1 1 1 A 0 1 I wrote one today. en A 0 2 Within the last three days. en A 0 3 Within the last week. en A 0 4 Within the last month. en A 0 5 Within the last three months. en A 0 6 Within the last six months. en A 0 7 Within the last year. en A 0 8 Within the last five years. en A 0 9 Longer than five years. en A 0 10 I've never posted on LW. en Q L Sequences 1  About how much of  the Sequences - the collection of Eliezer Yudkowsky's original posts -  have you read? You can find a list of them here. en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 Never knew they existed until this moment en A 0 2 Knew they existed, but never looked at them en A 0 3 Some, but less than 25% en A 0 4 About 25% en A 0 5 About 50% en A 0 6 About 75% en A 0 7 All or almost all en Q L Meetups 1 Do you attend Less Wrong meetups? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 Yes, regularly en A 0 2 Yes, once or a few times en A 0 3 No en Q L Community 1 Is physical interaction with the Less Wrong community otherwise a part of your everyday life, for example do you live with other Less Wrongers, or you are close friends and frequently go out with them? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 Yes, all the time en A 0 2 Yes, sometimes en A 0 3 No en Q L Romance 1 Have you ever been in a romantic relationship with someone you met through the Less Wrong community? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 Yes en A 0 2 I didn’t meet them through the community but they’re part of the community now en A 0 3 No en G G7 Roko's Basilisk (Bonus Section) 1 en Q L RokoKnowledge 1 Do you know what Roko's Basilisk thought experiment is? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 Yes en A 0 2 No but I've heard of it en A 0 3 No en Q L RokoKnowledgeSource ((RokoKnowledge.NAOK == "1" or RokoKnowledge.NAOK == "2")) Where did you read Roko's argument for the Basilisk? en Y 1 1 1 1 SQ 0 other 1 Other en A 0 1 Roko's post on LessWrong en A 0 2 Reddit en A 0 3 XKCD en A 0 4 LessWrong Wiki en A 0 5 A news article en A 0 6 Word of mouth en A 0 7 RationalWiki en Q L BasiliskCorrectness ((RokoKnowledge.NAOK == "1" or RokoKnowledge.NAOK == "2")) Do you think Roko's argument for the Basilisk is correct? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 Yes en A 0 2 Yes but I don't think it's logical conclusions apply for other reasons en A 0 3 No en Q L BasiliskDanger ((RokoKnowledge.NAOK == "1" or RokoKnowledge.NAOK == "2")) Do you think Basilisk-like thought experiments are dangerous? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 Yes, I think they're dangerous for decision theory reasons en A 0 2 Yes I think they're dangerous for social reasons (eg. A cult might use them) en A 0 3 Yes I think they're dangerous for decision theory and social reasons en A 0 4 Yes I think they're socially dangerous because they make everybody involved look foolish en A 0 5 Yes I think they're dangerous for other reasons en A 0 6 No en Q L BasiliskAnxiety ((RokoKnowledge.NAOK == "1" or RokoKnowledge.NAOK == "2")) Have you ever felt any sort of anxiety about the Basilisk? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 Yes en A 0 2 Yes but only because I worry about everything en A 0 3 No en Q ! BAnxietyDegree ((RokoKnowledge.NAOK == "1" or RokoKnowledge.NAOK == "2")) What is the longest span of time you've spent worrying about the Basilisk? en N 1 1 1 A 0 1 I haven't en A 0 2 A few seconds en A 0 3 A minute en A 0 4 An hour en A 0 5 A day en A 0 6 Two days en A 0 7 Three days en A 0 8 A week en A 0 9 A month en A 0 10 One to three months en A 0 11 Three to six months en A 0 12 Six to nine months en A 0 13 Nine months to a year en A 0 14 Over a year en A 0 15 Years en Q L BasiliskAnxietyNow ((RokoKnowledge.NAOK == "1" or RokoKnowledge.NAOK == "2")) Are you currently worrying about the Basilisk? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 Yes en A 0 2 Yes but only because I worry about everything en A 0 3 No en G G8 Mental Health (Bonus Section) 1 en Q L Depression 1 Have you ever been diagnosed with depression? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 No en A 0 2 Not formally, but I personally believe I have (or had) it en A 0 3 Yes, I was formally diagnosed by a doctor or other mental health professional en Q L OCD 1 Have you ever been diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 No en A 0 2 Not formally, but I personally believe I have (or had) it en A 0 3 Yes, I was formally diagnosed by a doctor or other mental health professional en Q L ASD 1 Have you ever been diagnosed with any autism spectrum disorder? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 No en A 0 2 Not formally, but I personally believe I have (or had) it en A 0 3 Yes, I was formally diagnosed by a doctor or other mental health professional en Q L ADHD 1 Have you ever been diagnosed with any variant of attention deficit disorder? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 No en A 0 2 Not formally, but I personally believe I have (or had) it en A 0 3 Yes, I was formally diagnosed by a doctor or other mental health professional en Q L BipolarDisorder 1 Have you ever been diagnosed with bipolar disorder? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 No en A 0 2 Not formally, but I personally believe I have (or had) it en A 0 3 Yes, I was formally diagnosed by a doctor or other mental health professional en Q L AnxietyDisorder 1 Have you ever been  diagnosed with any anxiety disorder, eg panic disorder, generalized  anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 No en A 0 2 Not formally, but I personally believe I have (or had) it en A 0 3 Yes, I was formally diagnosed by a doctor or other mental health professional en Q L BPD 1 Have you ever been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 No en A 0 2 Not formally, but I personally believe I have (or had) it en A 0 3 Yes, I was formally diagnosed by a doctor or other mental health professional en Q L Schizophrenia 1 Have you ever been diagnosed with schizophrenia? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 No en A 0 2 Not formally, but I personally believe I have (or had) it en A 0 3 Yes, I was formally diagnosed by a doctor or other mental health professional en Q L SubstanceUseDisorder 1 Have you ever been diagnosed with substance use disorder? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 No en A 0 2 Not formally, but I personally believe I have (or had) it en A 0 3 Yes, I was formally diagnosed by a doctor or other mental health professional en Q L SubstanceUseWonder 1 Have you ever wondered whether you might have a substance abuse problem? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 Yes en A 0 2 Yes but only because I worry about everything en A 0 3 No en Q L SubstanceUseWorry 1 Have your friends and family ever expressed concern that you are abusing substances? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 Yes en A 0 2 Yes but only because they worry about everything en A 0 3 Yes but only because they're suspicious of pharmaceutical medication en A 0 4 No en G G9 What were the biggest problems with LessWrong at its peak? 1 What do you think were the biggest problems LessWrong had (or has) when it was at its best? en Q M PeakPhilosophyIssues 1 Philosophical Issues en N 1 1 1 1 SQ 0 1 1 Over Reliance On The Sequences. en SQ 0 2 1 Focus On AI. en SQ 0 3 1 Focus On Cryonics. en SQ 0 4 1 Criticism Of The Scientific Method. en SQ 0 6 1 Too Much Jargon. en SQ 0 7 1 Too Focused On Abstract Junk. en SQ 0 8 1 I Wasn't Around For Its Peak. en SQ 0 9 1 [Write in below] en SQ 0 10 1 [Write in below] en Q S PeakPhilWriteInOne ((PeakPhilosophyIssues_9.NAOK == "Y")) Write in one: en N 1 300 500 11 1 1 12 1 Q S PeakPhilWriteInTwo ((PeakPhilosophyIssues_10.NAOK == "Y")) Write in two: en N 1 300 500 11 1 1 12 1 Q M PeakCommunityIssues 1 Community Issues en N 1 1 1 1 SQ 0 1 1 Not Enough In Person Interaction. en SQ 0 2 1 Overly High Standards For Content Submission. en SQ 0 3 1 Failure to cite sources. en SQ 0 4 1 Can't Find Things Quickly Enough To Maintain Interest. en SQ 0 5 1 Lame Forum Software. en SQ 0 6 1 Too Autistic. en SQ 0 7 1 Too Tolerant Of Trolls/Cranks. en SQ 0 8 1 Too Tolerant Of Laziness. en SQ 0 9 1 Too Tolerant Of Creepy People. en SQ 0 10 1 Too Tolerant Of Neoreaction. en SQ 0 11 1 Too Tolerant Of Progressivism. en SQ 0 12 1 Literally A Cult. en SQ 0 13 1 I Wasn't Around For Its Peak. en SQ 0 14 1 [Write in below] en SQ 0 15 1 [Write in below] en Q S PeakCommWriteInOne ((PeakCommunityIssues_14.NAOK == "Y")) Write in one: en N 1 300 500 11 1 1 12 1 Q S PeakCommWriteInTwo ((PeakCommunityIssues_15.NAOK == "Y")) Write in two: en N 1 300 500 11 1 1 12 1 G G10 What are the biggest problems with LessWrong now? 1 What do you think are the biggest problems LessWrong has now? en Q M PhilosophyIssuesNow 1 Philosophical Issues en N 1 1 1 1 SQ 0 1 1 Over Reliance On The Sequences. en SQ 0 2 1 Focus On AI. en SQ 0 3 1 Focus On Cryonics. en SQ 0 4 1 Criticism Of The Scientific Method. en SQ 0 5 1 Too Much Jargon. en SQ 0 6 1 Too Focused On Abstract Junk. en SQ 0 7 1 [Write in below] en SQ 0 8 1 [Write in below] en Q S NowPhilWriteInOne ((PhilosophyIssuesNow_7.NAOK == "Y")) Write in one: en N 1 300 500 11 1 1 12 1 Q S NowPhilWriteInTwo ((PhilosophyIssuesNow_8.NAOK == "Y")) Write in two: en N 1 300 500 11 1 1 12 1 Q M CommunityIssuesNow 1 Community Issues en N 1 1 1 1 SQ 0 1 1 No New Content en SQ 0 2 1 No New *Good* Content en SQ 0 3 1 Can't Find Things Quickly Enough To Maintain Interest en SQ 0 4 1 Lame Forum Software en SQ 0 5 1 Decline from new people coming in who don't understand the culture en SQ 0 6 1 Decline from evaporative cooling ( en SQ 0 7 1 Decline from dunning kruger where competent refrain from posting what they feel to be sub par content (and by extension, posting content at all) but incompetent don't en SQ 0 8 1 Not Enough In Person Interaction en SQ 0 9 1 Overly High Standards For Content Submission en SQ 0 10 1 Failure to cite sources en SQ 0 11 1 Too Autistic en SQ 0 12 1 Too Tolerant Of Trolls/Cranks en SQ 0 13 1 Too Tolerant Of Laziness en SQ 0 14 1 Too Tolerant Of Creepy People en SQ 0 15 1 Too Tolerant Of Neoreaction en SQ 0 16 1 Too Tolerant Of Progressivism en SQ 0 17 1 Literally A Cult en SQ 0 18 1 [Write in below] en SQ 0 19 1 [Write in below] en Q S NowCIssueWriteInOne ((CommunityIssuesNow_18.NAOK == "Y")) Write in one: en N 1 300 500 11 1 1 12 1 Q S NowCIssueWriteInTwo ((CommunityIssuesNow_19.NAOK == "Y")) Write in two: en N 1 300 500 11 1 1 12 1 G G11 What would you want from a successor? 1 What changes and features would you want to see from a successor to the original LessWrong? en Q F SuccessorPhilosophy 1 Philosophically en N 1 1 SQ 0 1 1 Attention Paid To Outside Sources en SQ 0 2 1 Self Improvement Focus en SQ 0 3 1 AI Focus en SQ 0 4 1 Political en SQ 0 5 1 Academic/Formal en SQ 0 6 1 [Write in your own] en SQ 0 7 1 [Write in your own] en SQ 0 8 1 [Write in your own] en A 0 A1 More en A 0 A2 Same en A 0 A3 Less en Q S PhilosophyWriteIn1 ((SuccessorPhilosophy_6.NAOK == "A1" or SuccessorPhilosophy_6.NAOK == "A2" or SuccessorPhilosophy_6.NAOK == "A3")) Write in one: en N 1 300 500 11 1 1 12 1 Q S PhilosophyWriteIn2 ((SuccessorPhilosophy_7.NAOK == "A1" or SuccessorPhilosophy_7.NAOK == "A2" or SuccessorPhilosophy_7.NAOK == "A3")) Write in two: en N 1 300 500 11 1 1 12 1 Q S PhilosophyWriteIn3 ((SuccessorPhilosophy_8.NAOK == "A1" or SuccessorPhilosophy_8.NAOK == "A2" or SuccessorPhilosophy_8.NAOK == "A3")) Write in three: en N 1 300 500 11 1 1 12 1 Q F SuccessorCommunity 1 Community en N 1 1 SQ 0 1 1 Intense Environment en SQ 0 2 1 Focused On 'Real World' Action en SQ 0 3 1 Experts en SQ 0 4 1 Data Driven/Testing Of Ideas en SQ 0 5 1 Social en SQ 0 6 1 [Write in your own] en SQ 0 7 1 [Write in your own] en SQ 0 8 1 [Write in your own] en A 0 A1 More en A 0 A2 Same en A 0 A3 Less en Q S CommunityWriteIn1 ((SuccessorCommunity_6.NAOK == "A1" or SuccessorCommunity_6.NAOK == "A2" or SuccessorCommunity_6.NAOK == "A3")) Write in one: en N 1 300 500 11 1 1 12 1 Q S CommunityWriteIn2 ((SuccessorCommunity_7.NAOK == "A1" or SuccessorCommunity_7.NAOK == "A2" or SuccessorCommunity_7.NAOK == "A3")) Write in two: en N 1 300 500 11 1 1 12 1 Q S CommunityWriteIn3 ((SuccessorCommunity_8.NAOK == "A1" or SuccessorCommunity_8.NAOK == "A2" or SuccessorCommunity_8.NAOK == "A3")) Write in three: en N 1 300 500 11 1 1 12 1 G G12 Where do you hang out now? 1 en Q M ActiveMemberships 1 I'm Currently An Active Member Of en Y 1 1 1 1 SQ 0 1 1 LessWrong en SQ 0 2 1 LessWrong Meetups en SQ 0 3 1 LessWrong Facebook Group en SQ 0 4 1 LessWrong Slack en SQ 0 5 1 SlateStarCodex en SQ 0 6 1 Rationalist Tumblr en SQ 0 7 1 Rationalist Facebook en SQ 0 8 1 Rationalist Twitter en SQ 0 9 1 Effective Altruism Hub en SQ 0 10 1 FortForecast en SQ 0 11 1 Good Judgement(TM) Open en SQ 0 12 1 PredictionBook en SQ 0 13 1 Omnilibrium en SQ 0 14 1 Hacker News en SQ 0 15 1 #lesswrong on freenode en SQ 0 16 1 #slatestarcodex on freenode en SQ 0 17 1 #hplusroadmap on freenode en SQ 0 18 1 #chapelperilous on freenode en SQ 0 19 1 /r/rational en SQ 0 20 1 /r/HPMOR en SQ 0 21 1 /r/SlateStarCodex en SQ 0 22 1 One or more private 'rationalist' groups en SQ 0 other 1 Other en Q L ComingBack 1 Would you consider rejoining LessWrong? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 I never left en A 0 2 Yes en A 0 3 Yes, but only under certain conditions en A 0 4 No en Q Q RejoinConditions ((ComingBack.NAOK == "3")) If you would only rejoin under certain conditions, what would those be? en N 1 1 12 SQ 0 1 1 [Write in your own] en SQ 0 2 1 [Write in your own] en SQ 0 3 1 [Write in your own] en SQ 0 4 1 [Write in your own] en SQ 0 5 1 [Write in your own] en G G13 Interests And Media 1 en Q F BlogsRead 1 Do You Read These Blogs en N 1 1 SQ 0 1 1 LessWrong en SQ 0 2 1 SlateStarCodex (Scott Alexander) en SQ 0 3 1 Overcoming Bias (Robin Hanson) en SQ 0 4 1 Minding Our Way (Nate Soares) en SQ 0 5 1 Agenty Duck (Brienne Yudkowsky) en SQ 0 6 1 Eliezer Yudkowsky's Facebook Page en SQ 0 7 1 Luke Muehlhauser (Eponymous) en SQ 0 8 1 (Gwern Branwen) en SQ 0 9 1 Siderea (Sibylla Bostoniensis) en A 0 A1 Regular Reader en A 0 A2 Sometimes en A 0 A3 Rarely en A 0 A4 Almost Never en A 0 A5 Never en A 0 A6 Never Heard Of It en Q F BlogsRead2 1 en N 1 1 SQ 0 1 1 Ribbon Farm (Venkatesh Rao) en SQ 0 2 1 Bayesed And Confused (Michael Rupert) en SQ 0 3 1 The Unit Of Caring (Anonymous) en SQ 0 4 1 GiveWell Blog (Multiple Authors) en SQ 0 5 1 Thing Of Things (Ozy Frantz) en SQ 0 6 1 The Last Psychiatrist (Anonymous) en SQ 0 7 1 Hotel Concierge (Anonymous) en SQ 0 8 1 The View From Hell (Sister Y) en SQ 0 9 1 Xenosystems (Nick Land) en A 0 A1 Regular Reader en A 0 A2 Sometimes en A 0 A3 Rarely en A 0 A4 Almost Never en A 0 A5 Never en A 0 A6 Never Heard Of It en Q Q BlogsReadWriteIn 1 Are there any noteworthy blogs you read that we missed above? en N 1 1 12 SQ 0 SQ001 1 [Write in your own] en SQ 0 SQ2 1 [Write in your own] en SQ 0 SQ3 1 [Write in your own] en SQ 0 SQ4 1 [Write in your own] en Q F StoriesRead 1 Have You Read These Stories? en N 1 1 SQ 0 1 1 Harry Potter And The Methods Of Rationality (Eliezer Yudkowsky) en SQ 0 2 1 Significant Digits (Alexander D) en SQ 0 3 1 Three Worlds Collide (Eliezer Yudkowsky) en SQ 0 4 1 The Fable of the Dragon-Tyrant (Nick Bostrom) en SQ 0 5 1 The World of Null-A (A. E. van Vogt) en SQ 0 6 1 Synthesis (Sharon Mitchell) en SQ 0 7 1 Worm (Wildbow) en SQ 0 8 1 Pact (Wildbow) en SQ 0 9 1 Twig (Wildbow) en A 0 A1 Whole Thing en A 0 A2 Partially And Intend To Finish en A 0 A3 Partially And Abandoned en A 0 A4 Never en A 0 A5 Never Heard Of It en Q F StoriesRead2 1 en N 1 1 SQ 0 1 1 Ra (Sam Hughes) en SQ 0 2 1 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Optimal (Iceman) en SQ 0 3 1 Friendship Is Optimal: Caelum Est Conterrens (Chatoyance) en SQ 0 4 1 Ender's Game (Orson Scott Card) en SQ 0 5 1 The Diamond Age (Neal Stephenson) en SQ 0 6 1 Consider Phlebas (Iain Banks) en SQ 0 7 1 The Metamorphosis Of Prime Intellect (Roger Williams) en SQ 0 8 1 Accelerando (Charles Stross) en SQ 0 9 1 A Fire Upon The Deep (Vernor Vinge) en A 0 A1 Whole Thing en A 0 A2 Partially And Intend To Finish en A 0 A3 Partially And Abandoned en A 0 A4 Never en A 0 A5 Never Heard Of It en G G14 Machine Intelligence Research Institute 1 en Q L MIRIKnowledge 1 Do you know what the Machine Intelligence Research Institute is? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 A1 Yes en A 0 A2 No but I've heard of it en A 0 A3 No en Q L ReadMIRIPaper 1 Have you ever read a paper from the Machine Intelligence Research Institute? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 A1 Yes en A 0 A2 Partially en A 0 A3 No en Q Y MIRIJob 1 Would you consider working for the Machine Intelligence Research Institute? en N 1 1 Q Y AIBoxing 1 Do you think you're trustworthy enough not to let an AI out of the box? en N 1 1 Q L AIBoxingPractice 1 Have you ever practiced not letting an AI out of the box? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 Yes with Eliezer's Ruleset en A 0 2 Yes with Tuxedage's Ruleset en A 0 3 Yes with a different ruleset en A 0 4 No but I've been the AI en A 0 5 No en Q 5 MIRIMission 1 On a scale of one to five (where one is "Strongly disagree" and five is "Strongly agree"), rate how much you agree with this statement: "MIRI's mission of  doing mathematical research relevant to friendly self-improving  artificial intelligence is very important." en N 1 1 Q 5 MIRIEffectiveness 1 On a scale of one to five (where one is "Strongly disagree" and five is "Strongly agree"), rate how much you agree with this statement: "Whether or not I  agree with MIRI's goals, I believe MIRI is a well-run organization that  pursues its goals effectively." en N 1 1 G G15 Center For Applied Rationality (Bonus Section) 1 en Q L CFARKnowledge 1 Do you know what the Center For Applied Rationality is? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 A1 Yes en A 0 A2 No but I've heard of it en A 0 A3 No en Q L CFARAttendance 1 Have you attended CFAR? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 No, and I don't plan to en A 0 2 No, and I would like to en A 0 3 I have attended a paid or volunteer program with CFAR en A 0 4 I have led a program at CFAR en Q L HowDifferent 1 Think about your current set of skills, your habits, the things you spend your time on, how you interact with other people, the intellectual questions that you find engaging, the goals you’re aiming towards, and the challenges that you’re currently facing going forward. Next, think about how you were one year ago on each of these dimensions. How different are you now from how you were one year ago? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 Not at all different en A 0 2 Slightly different en A 0 3 Somewhat different en A 0 4 Very different en A 0 5 Extremely different en Q S WhatDifferent 1 (optional) In about one sentence, what is one difference that stands out as being particularly large or significant? en N 1 300 500 11 1 1 12 1 Q T ChangesToRoutines 1 (Optional) Can you think of any changes that you’ve made in the past month to your daily routines or habits in order to make things go better? These can be tiny changes (e.g., adjusted the curtains on my bedroom window so that less light comes in while I’m sleeping) or large ones. Spend about 60 seconds recalling as many examples of these kinds of changes as you can and listing them here. (If you want to skip this question, leave it blank. If you spend the 60 seconds and no specific examples come to mind, write "none.") en N 1 1 12 1 Q L CFAROpinion 1

What's your overall opinion of the Center For Applied Rationality?

en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 Positive en A 0 2 Mostly Positive en A 0 3 No strong opinion en A 0 4 Mostly Negative en A 0 5 Negative en G G16 Effective Altruism (Bonus Section) 1 en Q L EAKnowledge 1 Do you know what Effective Altruism is? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 A1 Yes en A 0 A2 No but I've heard of it en A 0 A3 No en Q Y EAIdentity 1 Do you self-identify as an Effective Altruist? en N 1 1 Q Y EACommunity 1 Do you participate in the Effective Altruism community? en N 1 1 Q Y EADonations 1 Has Effective Altruism caused you to make donations you otherwise wouldn't? en N 1 1 Q L EAAnxiety 1 Have you ever had any kind of moral anxiety over Effective Altruism? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 Yes en A 0 2 Yes but only because I worry about everything en A 0 3 No en Q L EAOpinion 1 What's your overall opinion of Effective Altruism? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 Positive en A 0 2 Mostly Positive en A 0 3 No strong opinion en A 0 4 Mostly Negative en A 0 5 Negative en G G17 Politics (Bonus Section) 1 If you're not into politics, skip this part and go on to the next section. You can also choose to skip any individual question if you don't know what it's asking or don't have a strong opinion. en Q L ComplexAffiliation 1 With which of these political positions do you most identify? en Y 1 1 1 1 SQ 0 other 1 Other en A 0 1 Progressive en A 0 2 Communist en A 0 3 Socialist en A 0 4 Conservative en A 0 5 Fascist en A 0 6 Neoreactionary en A 0 7 Social Democrat en A 0 8 Moderate en A 0 9 Pragmatist en A 0 10 Anarchist en A 0 11 Libertarian en A 0 12 Left-Libertarian en A 0 13 Objectivist en A 0 14 Monarchist en A 0 15 Futarchist en A 0 16 Totalitarian en Q L Voting 1 Did you vote in your country's last major national election? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 A1 Yes en A 0 A2 No en A 0 A3 My country does not hold elections en Q L AmericanParties 1 If you are an American, what party are you registered with? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 Democratic Party en A 0 2 Republican Party en A 0 3 Libertarian Party en A 0 4 Other third party en A 0 5 Not registered for a party en A 0 6 (option for non-Americans who want an option) en Q 5 PoliticalInterest 1 On a scale from 1  (not interested at all) to 5 (extremely interested), how would you  describe your level of interest in politics? en N 1 1 Q F AbortionLaws 1 How would you describe your opinion on abortion laws? en N 1 1 SQ 0 SQ001 1 Abortion en A 0 A1 Pro-Life en A 0 A2 Lean Pro-Life en A 0 A3 No strong opinion en A 0 A4 Lean Pro-Choice en A 0 A5 Pro-Choice en Q F Immigration 1 How would you describe your opinion on immigration? en N 1 1 SQ 0 SQ001 1 Immigration en A 0 A1 Should be more open en A 0 A2 Lean more open en A 0 A3 No strong opinion en A 0 A4 Lean more restricted en A 0 A5 Should be more restricted en Q F Taxes 1 How would you describe your opinion on taxes in your country? en N 1 1 SQ 0 SQ001 1 Taxes en A 0 A1 Should be lower en A 0 A2 Lean towards lower en A 0 A3 No strong opinion en A 0 A4 Lean towards higher en A 0 A5 Should be higher en Q F MinimumWage 1 How would you describe your opinion on minimum wage laws in your country? en N 1 1 SQ 0 SQ001 1 Minimum Wage en A 0 A1 Should be lower or eliminated en A 0 A2 Lean towards lower or eliminated en A 0 A3 No strong opinion en A 0 A4 Lean towards higher en A 0 A5 Should be higher en Q F Feminism 1 How would you describe your opinion of feminism, as you understand the term? See also for more information en N 1 1 SQ 0 SQ001 1 Feminism en A 0 A1 Very unfavorable en A 0 A2 Unfavorable en A 0 A3 No strong opinion en A 0 A4 Favorable en A 0 A5 Very favorable en Q F SocialJustice 1 How would you describe your opinion of social justice, as you understand the term? See also for more information en N 1 1 SQ 0 SQ001 1 Social Justice en A 0 A1 Very unfavorable en A 0 A2 Unfavorable en A 0 A3 No strong opinion en A 0 A4 Favorable en A 0 A5 Very favorable en Q F HumanBiodiversity 1 How would you  describe your opinion of the idea of "human biodiversity", as you  understand the term? No Wiki page available, but essentially it is the  belief that there are important genetic differences between human  populations and that therefore ideas generally considered racist, such  as different races having different average intelligence or personality  traits, are in fact scientifically justified en N 1 1 SQ 0 SQ001 1 Human Biodiversity en A 0 A1 Very unfavorable en A 0 A2 Unfavorable en A 0 A3 No strong opinion en A 0 A4 Favorable en A 0 A5 Very favorable en Q F BasicIncome 1 How would you describe your opinion of a Basic Income Guarantee in your country? See for more information. en N 1 1 SQ 0 SQ001 1 Basic Income en A 0 A1 Strongly oppose en A 0 A2 Oppose en A 0 A3 No strong opinion en A 0 A4 Support en A 0 A5 Strongly support en Q F GreatStagnation 1 Do you believe we  are currently in or entering a "Great Stagnation", as proposed by Tyler  Cowen and Peter Thiel, during which technological growth slows  drastically? See for more information en N 1 1 SQ 0 SQ001 1 Great Stagnation en A 0 A1 Strongly doubt en A 0 A2 Doubt en A 0 A3 No strong opinion en A 0 A4 Believe en A 0 A5 Strongly believe en G G18 Calibration Questions 1 "Calibration" is the practice of knowing how certain you are, even when  you're not certain. For example, a bookie who says they're 90% certain  of the outcome of each of a hundred horse races, and who is right about  ninety out of those hundred horse races - is perfectly calibrated.  In these questions, you will be asked a question and then asked to give a  calibration percent. The percent represents your probability that the  answer is right. Suppose the question is "What country is the city of  Paris located in?" and you are absolutely sure it is France. In that  case, your calibration percent is 100 - you are 100% sure it is France.  But suppose you think there's a fifty-fifty chance it's either France or  Germany. In that case, you might still answer France, but your  calibration percent is only 50 - you are only 50% sure it's France. Or  suppose you have no idea, so you pick a country totally at random. In  that case, you might think that if there are about one hundred possible  countries, and it could be any of them, there's only about a 1% chance  you're right. Therefore, you would put down a calibration percent of 1. Please answer on a scale from 0% (definitely false) to 100% (definitely true). Do not include the percent sign in your answer. For your convenience, 0% will be interpreted as "epsilon" and 100% as "100 minus epsilon". Do **NOT** give your answer in the form of a decimal between 0 and 1 unless you deliberately mean for it to be interpreted as a very small percent. For example, 0.5 will be interpreted as 0.5%, that is, a one in two hundred chance,**NOT** as 50%. Wikipedia will be considered the authoritative source (where applicable) in case of any dispute as to the answers of these questions. en Q L InstructionsConfirm 1 Do you understand the instructions above? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 Yes, I understand I should answer in percentages between 0 and 100 en A 0 2 No, I don't read instructions and am going to ruin the survey results for everyone en Q Q CalibrationQuestions 1 en N 1 1 12 SQ 0 1 1 Are you smiling right now? en SQ 0 2 1 Without checking a source, estimate your subjective probability that the answer you just gave is correct. en SQ 0 3 1 Which is heavier, a virus or a prion? en SQ 0 4 1 Without checking a source, estimate your subjective probability that the answer you just gave is correct. en SQ 0 5 1 I'm thinking of a number between one and ten, what is it? en SQ 0 6 1 Without checking a source, estimate your subjective probability that the answer you just gave is correct. en SQ 0 7 1 What year was the fast food chain "Dairy Queen" founded? (Within five years) en SQ 0 8 1 Without checking a source, estimate your subjective probability that the answer you just gave is correct. en SQ 0 9 1 Alexander Hamilton appears on how many distinct denominations of US Currency? en SQ 0 10 1 Without checking a source, estimate your subjective probability that the answer you just gave is correct. en SQ 0 11 1 Without counting, how many keys on a standard IBM keyboard released after 1986, within ten? en SQ 0 12 1 Without checking a source, estimate your subjective probability that the answer you just gave is correct. en SQ 0 13 1 What's the diameter of a standard soccerball, in cm within 2? en SQ 0 14 1 Without checking a source, estimate your subjective probability that the answer you just gave is correct. en SQ 0 15 1 How many calories in a reese's peanut butter cup within 20? en SQ 0 16 1 Without checking a source, estimate your subjective probability that the answer you just gave is correct. en G G19 Probabilities 1 Each of these questions will ask you for a probability.  Please use the same rules for this section as you did for the  probabilities above - numbers between 0 and 100, no percent sign. If you  want you may add decimals, for example 99.99.  There is no obligation to do research for these questions; this survey is long enough already and it would be incredibly painful to have to find good information about each one. If you really really want to research, you may do so using any resource EXCEPT the answers to previous Less Wrong surveys and discussion about this current Less Wrong survey. en Q K ProbabilityQuestions 1 en N 1 | 1 12 SQ 0 1 1 Please give the obvious answer to this question, so I can automatically throw away all surveys that don't follow the rules: What is the probability of a fair coin coming up heads? en SQ 0 2 1 What is the probability that the Many Worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics is more or less correct? en SQ 0 3 1 What is the probability that non-human, non-Earthly intelligent life exists in the observable universe? en SQ 0 4 1 the Milky Way galaxy? en SQ 0 5 1 What is the probability that supernatural events (including God, ghosts, magic, etc) have occurred since the beginning of the universe? en SQ 0 6 1 What is the probability that there is a god, defined as a supernatural intelligent entity who created the universe? en SQ 0 7 1 What is the probability that any of humankind's revealed religions is more or less correct? en SQ 0 8 1 What is the probability that an average person cryonically frozen today will be successfully restored to life at some future time, conditional on no global catastrophe destroying civilization before then? en SQ 0 9 1 What is the probability that at least one person living at this moment will reach an age of one thousand years, conditional on no global catastrophe destroying civilization in that time? en SQ 0 10 1 What is the probability that our universe is a simulation? en SQ 0 11 1 What is the probability that significant global warming is occurring or will soon occur, and is primarily caused by human actions? en SQ 0 12 1 What is the probability that the human race will make it to 2100 without any catastrophe that wipes out more than 90% of humanity? en G G20 Futurology 1 en Q X CryonicsText 1 Cryonics (Section Header) en N 1 1 1 Q L Cryonics 1 Are you signed up for cryonics? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 Yes - signed up or just finishing up paperwork en A 0 2 No - would like to sign up but unavailable in my area en A 0 3 No - would like to sign up but haven't gotten around to it en A 0 4 No - would like to sign up but can't afford it en A 0 5 No - still considering it en A 0 6 No - and do not want to sign up for cryonics en A 0 7 Never thought about it / don't understand en Q L CryonicsNow 1 Do you think cryonics, as currently practiced by Alcor/Cryonics Institute will work? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 A1 Yes en A 0 A2 Maybe en A 0 A3 No en Q L CryonicsPossibility 1 Do you think cryonics works in principle? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 A1 Yes en A 0 A2 Maybe en A 0 A3 No en Q X SingularityText 1 Singularity (Section Header) en N 1 1 1 Q N SingularityYear 1 By what year do you think the Singularity will occur? Answer such that you think, conditional on the Singularity occurring, there is an even chance of the Singularity falling before or after this year. If you think a  singularity is so unlikely you don't even want to condition on it, leave this question blank. en N 1 1 12 Q O SingularityHealth 1 Have you ever made any kind of personal health change with the goal of living to see the singularity? (If multiple please separate with commas.) en N 1 1 SQ 0 comment 1 Comment en A 0 A1 Yes (Please write in what below.) en A 0 A2 No en Q X SuperbabiesText 1 Superbabies (Section Header) en N 1 1 1 Q Y ModifyOffspring 1 Would you ever consider having your child genetically modified for any reason? en N 1 1 Q L GeneticTreament 1 Would you be willing to have your child genetically modified to prevent them from getting an inheritable disease? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 A1 Yes en A 0 A2 Depends on the disease en A 0 A3 No en Q L GeneticImprovement 1 Would you be willing to have your child genetically modified for improvement purposes? (eg. To heighten their intelligence or reduce their risk of schizophrenia.) en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 Yes en A 0 2 Maybe a little en A 0 3 Depends on the strength of the improvements en A 0 4 No en Q L GeneticCosmetic 1 Would you be willing to have your child genetically modified for cosmetic reasons? (eg. To make them taller or have a certain eye color.) en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 Yes en A 0 2 Maybe a little en A 0 3 Depends on the strength of the improvements en A 0 4 No en Q L GeneticOpinionD 1 What's your overall opinion of other people genetically modifying their children for disease prevention purposes? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 Positive en A 0 2 Mostly Positive en A 0 3 No strong opinion en A 0 4 Mostly Negative en A 0 5 Negative en Q L GeneticOpinionI 1 What's your overall opinion of other people genetically modifying their children for improvement purposes? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 Positive en A 0 2 Mostly Positive en A 0 3 No strong opinion en A 0 4 Mostly Negative en A 0 5 Negative en Q L GeneticOpinionC 1 What's your overall opinion of other people genetically modifying their children for cosmetic reasons? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 Positive en A 0 2 Mostly Positive en A 0 3 No strong opinion en A 0 4 Mostly Negative en A 0 5 Negative en G G21 Technological Unemployment (Futurology Part 2) 1 en Q Y LudditeFallacy 1 Do you think the Luddite's Fallacy is an actual fallacy? en N 1 1 Q N UnemploymentYear 1 By what year do you think the majority of people in your country will have trouble finding employment for automation related reasons? If you think this is something that will never happen leave this question blank. en N 1 1 12 Q Y EndOfWork 1 Do you think the "end of work" would be a good thing? en N 1 1 Q M EndOfWorkConcerns 1 If machines end all or almost all employment, what are your biggest worries? Pick two. en Y 1 1 1 1 SQ 0 1 1 People will just idle about in destructive ways en SQ 0 2 1 People need work to be fulfilled and if we eliminate work we'll all feel deep existential angst en SQ 0 3 1 The rich are going to take all the resources for themselves and leave the rest of us to starve or live in poverty en SQ 0 4 1 The machines won't need us, and we'll starve to death or be otherwise liquidated en SQ 0 other 1 Other en Q X XRiskTextDisplay 1 The next question isn't exactly related to technological unemployment, but making a part three for one question seemed impractical. en N 1 1 1 Q L XRiskType 1 Which disaster do you think is most likely to wipe out greater than 90% of humanity before the year 2100? en Y 1 1 1 1 SQ 0 other 1 Other en A 0 1 Nuclear war en A 0 2 Asteroid strike en A 0 3 Unfriendly AI en A 0 4 Nanotech / grey goo en A 0 5 Pandemic (natural) en A 0 6 Pandemic (bioengineered) en A 0 7 Environmental collapse (including global warming) en A 0 8 Economic / political collapse en G G22 Charity (Bonus Section) 1 en Q N Income 1 What is your approximate annual income in US dollars (non-Americans: convert at Obviously you don't need to answer this question if you don't want to. Please don't include commas or dollar signs. en N 1 1 12 Q N IncomeCharityPortion 1 How much money, in number of dollars, have you donated to charity over the past year? (non-Americans: convert to dollars at ). Please don't include commas or dollar signs in your answer. For example, 4000 en N 1 1 12 Q N XriskCharity 1 How much money have you donated to charities aiming to reduce existential risk (other than MIRI/CFAR) in the past year? en N 1 1 12 Q K CharityDonations 1 How much have you donated in US dollars to the following charities in the past year? (Non-americans: convert to dollars at Please don't include commas or dollar signs in your answer. Options starting with "any" aren't the name of a charity but a category of charity. en N 1 | 1 12 SQ 0 1 1 Against Malaria Foundation en SQ 0 2 1 Schistosomiasis Control Initiative en SQ 0 3 1 Deworm the World Initiative en SQ 0 4 1 GiveDirectly en SQ 0 5 1 Any kind of animal rights charity en SQ 0 6 1 Any kind of bug rights charity en SQ 0 7 1 Machine Intelligence Research Institute en SQ 0 8 1 Any charity combating nuclear existential risk en SQ 0 9 1 Any charity combating global warming en SQ 0 10 1 Center For Applied Rationality en SQ 0 11 1 Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence Research Foundation en SQ 0 12 1 Wikipedia en SQ 0 13 1 Internet Archive en SQ 0 14 1 Any campaign for political office en SQ 0 15 1 Other en Q L Vegetarian 1 Do you follow any dietary restrictions related to animal products? en N 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 Yes, I am vegan en A 0 2 Yes, I am vegetarian en A 0 3 Yes, I restrict meat some other way (pescetarian, flexitarian, try to only eat ethically sourced meat) en A 0 4 No en G G23 Wrapping Up 1 en Q Y PreviousSurvey 1 Have you taken a previous LessWrong Survey? en N 1 1 Q S EmailAddress 1 Would you like to be put on a mailing list to hear about future developments in revitalizing LessWrong or new 'rationalist' communities? If yes put in your email address below. (This is optional and will not be published in the public survey results.) en N 1 300 500 11 1 1 12 1