And if there is, can someone link me to it?
For the rest of my career I'm going to be sitting in every meeting, product design discussion, whatever and having the "what if we were a team of black hat malware authors?" imagine spot. Thanks. :Pβ¦
@dacoursey I mean, that's probably a good idea from a PR/Ethics perspective, especially if some of the misuse-cases are easily preventable.
@Softykjr There's a general problem some people seem to have, where they treat Twitter as their password protected blog or virtual living room. It's not, every tweet should be written as though you potentially have a global audience.
@Softykjr People act like this is new, but people were saying stupid shit on MySpace when I was younger with their real name, and it got a lot of them into as much trouble as Twitter can get you into now. Bewildered me then and bewilders me now.
This news story is a good example:β¦β¦
The "European Socialism means you work for half your paycheck" meme only works so long as people can look at their bank statement without realizing they pay more than that to mysterious price increases.β¦
#economics #socialism #costdisease
@chc40 @eigenrobot That is another attitude you can take. :)
I think the people who are in the most danger are the ones in between, where it's not always clear whether they're joking or not.
@pasiphae_goals Seems odd given that the traditional wisdom from Euclid is that division by infinity is zero and division by zero is infinity.
I was tempted once to write a short story about a suicide market, where people incentivize someone to kill themselves in addition to public shame by putting up a large financial reward for them to do so in the vein of a 'traditional' assassination market.β¦
People really believe this.β¦
This is one of the best 'novelty' small business ideas I've ever seen.β¦
Oh hey look, someone actually implemented my idea of making challenge coins about crazy politics/environment stuff.β¦
You know, if I knew that I could convince people to let me direct voting reform with 2 million in the bank; and give me such free reign I'm allowed to screw up as much as these folks seem about to, I'd have been trying to get VC's to bankroll me years ago. :Pβ¦
@vgr Overtheorized: Financial inequality, monetary class, class conflict
Undertheorized: Bloodline/Familial impact on wealth, genetics, eco-justice
@vgr I like to think of wealth in the United States as coming in layers, of which there are several but only the first few are socially acceptable to discuss in public. The outright taboo on discussion of the deeper layers seems to serve the powerful more than the powerless.
I feel ashamed that I didn't know about this until now.β¦
I notice I'm getting punked by fake news more and more frequently, this is beginning to become disconcerting. It's getting harder and harder to tell what is and isn't real.
@Noahpinion I mean, it's a lot to take in.
This is next level culture wars.β¦
@SwiftOnSecurity Excuse you we all know computers run on magical thinking, I saw it in a movie one time.
You forgot the most important point, which is that you can be on multiple services at once. It's not like to join Mastodon/GnuSocial/etc you have to leave Twitter.β¦
In fact ideally these would all interoperate so that you can be on all of them at once nearly seamlessly.
@JasonServiss @sci_tchr_tweets @JessicaHellmann I feel obligated to add 'yet'. There's no point in waiting for a hero, one isn't coming.
"Decay is inherent in all compound things. Work out your own salvation with diligence." - Last words of the Buddha
@SwiftOnSecurity My take is that this is what it looks like when society is declining below the standard that created our infrastructure. As our ability to field an advanced technological civilization bleeds out, the sea levels are rising and the air is getting hotter.β¦
@eigenrobot "Has something to do with math and game theory and computers at the same time, also probably a scam."
@juliagalef It's an effective tactic, which is why people do it. I think the trendstarter here was 'homophobia', whatever PR genius came up with that one should probably go down as one of the best marketing wizards of all time.
@vegardbeyer @juliagalef It does.
@kimballscott @vgr It's difficult to dissect feelings sometimes, but whatever @vgr is feeling I'm feeling too.
@jmrphy There's multiple things at work here. One is that there are several different overton windows among intellectual tribes. The Neoreaction people took advantage of this to exploit the Libertarians. Another is that no-fear taboo statements signal machismo.
@jmrphy By using social shame as their only weapon, the new left is breeding shameless strains of opposition that are particularly immune.
This is where I worry (and suspect) we are.β¦
Reading about this is like staring at the portable shield generator from Asimov's Foundation series:β¦
@robertnlee @eigenrobot My inner Linux nerd begs to disagree.
@vgr Perhaps she produces more Borg off-screen? It's not like a species is limited to only one mode of reproduction.
I particularly like that he *explains how the breach could be used to harm you*.β¦
@juliagalef @gwern @octalβ¦
Terraform Antarctica, not mars.β¦
@ArcOnInternet @textfiles Yeah, but that doesn't make it any easier to stay enthusiastic.
This reminds me of the time in high school when I noticed that the phone numbers for the rooms were sequentially numbered and started calling offices that were out of bounds.β¦
@gaileyfrey I wrote a web app that reorganized my college's class finder so I could actually locate classes to sign up for, instead of the dorky organization I was forced to use by their official system.
@vgr I remember being de-facto TA for the computer classes in high school. There was this girl who left the room to have a freakout because of furries on DeviantArt. We ended up having a talk about how the future is only going to get weirder and she'd have to tough it out.
@SarahSmith2018 @votesaturn I still maintain that the actual politics here are green jobs going to coastal Americans, so the flyover denizens see 'Green Energy' as a massive power grab from people who are already hurting.
@GameStoreDoc π
Tell us more?
@Everclear1102 @GameStoreDoc Could also go the Jason Scott route and start releasing raw footage to @internetarchive
@epicpewpew @hackerfantastic The original MIT hackers were college students. "I started at 9 years old" is kind of overrated.
Imagine if humanity spent as much time expressing affection and helping each other as it did watching carefully crafted illusions of the same.β¦
@vgr It looks apocalyptic outside. Took a multi-hour walk to help me focus on writing a story, it was frankly perfect atmosphere for dreaming up science fiction.
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