@MidwestHedgie @Post_Market Is college supposed to make that question easier? There's actually a ton of context going into a concept like "the free market" that would be nontrivial to explain to a visitor from mars. Maybe "the discovery that self interest is a scalable motivator that produces good results".
@nosilverv I told you: Trump is what cyberwar actually looks like. You just spent the last 4 years in cyberwar conditions.
@nosilverv youtube.com/watch?v=jGKNaIβ¦
@thedenature @tophandour "I've been trick once before by that ghost thread, and I'm not going to be tricked again until I see a picture or a detailed mspaint diagram of what we are dealing with here."
> detailed mspaint diagram
@thedenature @tophandour Where do they find these people? I'm actually crying with suppressed laughter.
Still think this is the best SomethingAwful thread though: forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.phpβ¦
@metanomial Newcomb-like problems are faced by people all the time. Other people predict what you are going to do and take actions based on that without observing any further behavior on your part. That's why it's so important not to be seen as "the sort of person" who would do bad things.
@metanomial The key to understanding the problem is that you're not making a choice between boxes, you're making a choice between what kind of agent strategy you want to use.
@yashkaf This is who Durkheim thought God actually is.
@yashkaf "Ten percent of the male masks portrayed hangahiwa wandafunei, and they were associated with the commission of ritually sanctioned murder. These murders committed by the violent spirits were always attributed to Nggwal."
@michaelcurzi "Finally, he noticed something that most of the other engineers had in common that he was lacking: they all had fairly prominent moustaches."
Retweet with 4 books you're going to read in 2021. x.com/PrinceVogel/st⦠https://t.co/8GgUgkfOXG
There are layers of context I'm not getting in this thread, and that makes it so much better. Abstract conflict. x.com/nameshiv/statuβ¦
@ESYudkowsky Chen Sheng and Wu Guang vibes.
Genuine empiricism is underrated. You can choose your ontologies, hypothesis(s), and reactions to experience, but you (mostly) can't choose your experiences; those are inflicted on you. Well calibrated experience is axiomatic and ideas should contort themselves to describe them.
Sneaking suspicion that 'postrationality' is a sequel to 'rationality' in the sense that @ESYudkowsky (accidentally) let a lot of people feel like intellectuals by reading TVTropes and fanfiction; postrationality is a successor that lets them get the same thing with less effort.
This kind of tweet is cute, but I feel doesn't get across the sheer existential horror of what seems to be coming. SCP Foundation to the rescue:
scpwiki.com/clef101 x.com/ESYudkowsky/stβ¦
@ollybot_redux How did you decide on a preference between catgirls and doggirls?
@LadyAllSwift1 @vgr Always was, the left just scared me more. Still do, in the long term. Should be noted though that the run up to Hitler taking power involved his way being greased to stop communists from getting the chancellorship instead.
@LadyAllSwift1 @vgr We're on the run up to a civil war because there is an underlying ethnic conflict that lots of societal trends have been intensifying since the 90's (you can see political polarization shoot up starting then iirc). Nothing I say affects the outcome, frankly.
@LadyAllSwift1 @vgr Note that when I say "ethnic conflict", I mean the blues vs. the reds or whatever. Not that *other* kind of ethnic conflict...
@LadyAllSwift1 @vgr I think you are inferring things about me that aren't actually true. Trump is a dogshit person and needs to have been removed from office a long time ago.
@PrinceVogel He wanted to get an agreement with the Americans, since after the Russian government toppled they would be left holding the bag in WW1.
@PrinceVogel That information presumably lies only inside Lenin's head.
@TylerAlterman @SamoBurja x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
The beatings will continue until medical regulation improves.
thezvi.wordpress.com/2021/01/07/223β¦ https://t.co/qpvA4jcJkn
Paranoid part of me wondering what Trump needed buried from the front page so badly that this was his best option.
@phl43 Early Trump was very "drunk or drunk master?" for me.
Update: x.com/BNODesk/statusβ¦
Unlearning a long term future was an important part of coming to terms with the implications of contemporary technology for me, let alone future technologies. x.com/_StevenFan/staβ¦
That pre-finale elation you feel in the quiet moments for having made it this far before the end is how a "temporary bliss state" feels from the inside.
The break before tragedy is paradoxically a good mood.
Try taking a minute to reflect on your experiences up to this point. x.com/jd_pressman/st⦠https://t.co/VMkm13UKa4
Has there ever been this much attention paid to what year it is?
We seem to be in full postmodernity, evidenced by a mass awareness of the fact of existing in history; which is now commenting on itself. https://t.co/mCqr6AGteH
In the 20th century certain figures like Trotsky or Hitler would perform for the history books. Now everyone thinks of their lives as a performance for an imagined future audience.
@PrinceVogel https://t.co/t4ak1yi0hj
Verizon paid a billion dollars to delete Tumblr and nobody thanked them for their service to the community.
t.co/gi9FI3KIf3 https://t.co/dutZCgseHC
Now seems like as good a time as any to repost my Trump headline collage circa 2018. https://t.co/rvWgEJ0QBS
I support Twitter banning Trump as an act of temporary sabotage, but reorganizing our speech laws with that framing will be a disaster.
@nosilverv @pee_zombie @ExGenesis Tell us more.
@ireneista Bizarre take to me. From a game theory standpoint the only reason Trump has not to attempt a coup is something like honor. He's been caught in multiple very high profile criminal acts and knows he's marked as a sacrificial victim. Surprise is just more ignorance of fundamentals.
Refusing to track 2 and 2 then being shocked when I get 4.
@ireneista Sure, my point was more that normie energy increasingly just x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
@RokoMijicUK @pee_zombie @eigenrobot @BecomingCritter @michaelcurzi @qorprate @vgr @nosilverv @chaosprime @yashkaf @alt_visa @robinhanson @liminal_warmth Ya'll know that it costs money to publish stuff to the blockchain right? Currently I upload hashes to Tezos mainnet at a cost of about three and a half cents each. Storing your actual tweets would cost more than that.
@cowtung @pee_zombie web.hypothes.is
@RokoMijicUK @pee_zombie @eigenrobot @BecomingCritter @michaelcurzi @qorprate @vgr @nosilverv @chaosprime @yashkaf @alt_visa @robinhanson @liminal_warmth However, most of those costs are to allocate storage. If you were to reserve space for a 10 status feed and then overwrite it each time you publish with new content, it would cost much less.
@liminal_warmth I could make it right now.
@nosilverv @pee_zombie @ExGenesis I've written before that a viable strategy might be to leverage peoples existing friend and professional networks to build instances. Provides natural segmentation of moderation and network power while solving the bootstrapping problem.
FediVerse people can follow me at extropian.net/jdp
I'll start mirroring posts after this one. x.com/pee_zombie/staβ¦
Anyone who wants to use my instance can DM for invite.
@PomoPsiOp Maybe he's waiting to have his Mastodon instance set up before he blasts the link out with presidential alerts.
Nobody will be expecting it when Trump blasts out the signup for his Mastodon instance using a presidential alert.
Everyone should be paying attention to this. The groups discussed might be ISIS or Crypto-Nazis, but the tactics used to suppress them are ideologically neutral. That makes understanding them essential for discussing rules for public discourse. x.com/AmarAmarasingaβ¦
I wonder how much time she spent workshopping this in the group DM. x.com/boop/status/13β¦
@PrinceVogel @michaelcurzi You won't know if they're awesome a lot of the time unless you give them a chance. Obscure author of introduction to my print edition of Sophocles plays is great.
I want off Mr. Rome's Wild Ride.
@BudrykZack Need to caption the top with the text of the tweet.
FBI must be furious that Internet do-gooders sabotaged their honeypot.
If you come up with an idea so perverse your opponent is speechless you win by default.
The only way social media companies can reach profitability is by congealing into something so horrible it can be ransomed back to the ISP's for more than it cost to summon. x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
@_oumuamua @RokoMijicUK @thespandrell https://t.co/jf91HfKFZF
@_oumuamua @RokoMijicUK @thespandrell x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
2020: Fucking around.
2021: Finding out.
You become an ex-gamer when you slowly realize that games don't let you visit a world where your problems don't exist, they just help you avoid looking at them.
@RokoMijicUK I would but Gab apparently disabled remote follows.
I'd offer to let you use my Pleroma, but I'm assuming you want something more professional than that.
@pt @hunterwalk @CaseyNewton @MikeIsaac @jimprosser @nicoleperlroth Maybe the pattern will be waves of immigration and diaspora as people move to the Bay, burn out/get fed up and leave for other places. The Bay basically training Bay culture and then exporting it by alienating its residents repeatedly.
Thatβs not possible.
And if it is, only in theory.
And if it isnβt, it won't scale outside a laboratory.
And if it can, no one will go along with it.
And if they do, you canβt stop me from legislating it out of existence.
And if you canβ¦
Iβve been rooting for it since day one.
Preliminary review of Innocent Experiments.
tl;dr: People worship 1950's idealism but the hyper materialist industrialism of the boomers parents is what actually made Apollo and the Manhattan Project happen.
@yashkaf @bubbleteaPhD Maybe the innovation of RedPill is to surround the sex life talk in a hateful frame so that it can exist on the public Internet.
@michaelcurzi Reading old books for status and reading new books for status are both activities with bad intentions at their root, both produce bad fruit.
@michaelcurzi The implication was that I don't think there are good reasons to systematically read the Western Canon (as opposed to just, not being allergic) outside of attempting to grow your old book dick. People should read things because they have goals, not because influence is magic.
Life is too short for classics.
@SamoBurja How do you approach the tradeoff between publishing too early and souring readers/not giving the best impression of your ideas; vs. the risk that you don't ship or ship too late?
Ditto advertising, advertising a work is not the same as publishing it.
@SamoBurja I was writing for a solid month and a half or so and then stalled on mine because I realized I didn't have what I needed to finish it.
@SamoBurja I put it up anyway, but I low-key hate it.
@SamoBurja I tend to hate my own work, yeah. There's an impulse to say "oh don't be so hard on yourself", but in my experience those feelings are usually pointing at real flaws. It goes away once those are fixed.
Not everyone has the luxury of fixing them though.
@Lithros Mind the lag between actions and their consequences.
@textfiles Still curious about this.
Really wish I could see whatever deep brokenness I have that's apparent to everyone but me.
(Protip: If you notice everyone else has huge psychological flaws, you probably do too) t.co/VQqmy9wc6r
I know someone who is actually at risk for the adverse reaction and still find this infuriating. x.com/MWStory/statusβ¦
Western teenagers think their parents are stupid because they aren't someone their parents can lose face to.
@PrinceVogel youtube.com/watch?v=OkeqjOβ¦
Thinking about this more. I bet it's something really stupid, which has self reinforcing blindspots so anyone who tells me about it gets severely punished (based on what I see from others anyway).
Implies you can closely monitor where you lash out at people to find your shadow. x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
Broke: Rationalists are Jews.
Woke: Postrationalists are Secular Jews.
Bespoke: Rationalists are hairless furries. x.com/michaelcurzi/sβ¦
Reminder that your choice isn't between getting the vaccine and not getting it, it's between getting the vaccine or COVID-19. x.com/peterwsinger/sβ¦
The syndication of governments, corporations, trade unions and the citizenry to universally enforce an authoritarian ideology is literally fascism.
@pee_zombie @spakhm On a PinePhone you can in fact just SSH in and run a binary.
@pee_zombie @spakhm In fairness that's because a PinePhone uses a much more permissive security model than a mobile phone, with enumerated permissions for apps etc.
But, it's not an accident that running a homebrew app on your iPhone is a pain. Even on Android it's pretty much just ADB pushing it.
@DavidColeACLU @ACLU @LibertyLouise reason.com/2014/07/22/howβ¦
@nosilverv Dyson Sphere or bust.
@nosilverv That having been said, noticed massive online social retreat starting around October and it's annoying not to have anyone to talk to.
@nosilverv My best hypothesis looks something like people reaching the upper levels of x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
@nosilverv One of the central features of religion is an ancestor cult, people encode and transmit the pattern of the most successful ancestors to future generations.
@nosilverv Christianity is very obvious straightforward example of this.
"In the future there will be no snow days and no friends, people will be locked inside their homes like chickens inside a pen." x.com/superforecasteβ¦
@shadowcat_mst Latest *buntu LTS builds have a pop up that shows you what you're pasting before it goes in.
@balajis It's structurally indistinguishable from narcissistic gaslighting:
You know in retrospect this tweet sounds really whiny and depressed, but that isn't the tone at all. I mean, literally, the things that people who are around me and like me notice are a problem but don't point out because they otherwise enjoy my company.
The fact that someone 'died' and we replaced them with a bot is a portent of things to come. Imagine Twitter progressively hosting a larger and larger bot population made up of echoes from its departed human membership. t.co/7U2JHRPqwG
@witchy_mary @NyxLandUnlife Problem is that sometimes people around you blow up or have a higher profile, and creeps will go through and doxx you just to hurt them. Sounds crazy but I've seen it happen.
New identities and norms create externalized costs for everyone else. In this paper we propose putting identity on the blockchain so we can properly charge people for occupying scarce Dunbar space- x.com/jack_daniel/stβ¦
Does anyone have a Ouija board? https://t.co/PVkH0pKiNC
@sonyasupposedly @eigenrobot @Austen I'm sure some totally-not-mentally-ill people have written an in-depth summary to refresh your memory.
@spookymachine @Virtual1nstinct Now comes hard mode. https://t.co/oacJaYtckB
@shadowcat_mst @sonyasupposedly @eigenrobot @Austen I would never.
@billpshort I still think the presidency most comparable to Trump is John Quincy Adams.
@billpshort Still kinda legit shocked we didn't get a 3rd alien and sedition act.
astralcodexten.substack.com/p/still-alive x.com/Aella_Girl/staβ¦
@imhinesmi @JeffLadish This is actually a good idea.
@PrinceVogel All compounded things, all experiences, all phenomena by their nature decay and die, and are disappointing: it is through being not-blind-drunk on, obsessed by, or infatuated with, the objects of the senses that you succeed in obtaining liberation.
- Last Words Of The Buddha
@PrinceVogel Or as it's usually rendered:
"Decay is inherent in all component things. Work out your own salvation, with diligence."
@PrinceVogel The last time I read about the heat death it was speculated that over time, if the universe keeps running things will eternally recur through extremely low probability events. Perhaps even eventually another universe like ours.
This could be known false by now though.
@acidshill Coroner demands your corpse and they can't freeze you, thanks for playing.
@acidshill I've also never had the logistics of how this is supposed to work explained to me. Do people get that cryonics works by having a team of surgeons stand by waiting for you to die so they can freeze you ASAP?
@acidshill Coroners will demand your corpse for autopsy in cases of suicide afaik. So any plan that starts with "kill yourself and then cryo" is generally unworkable. You basically need to kill yourself in a plausibly deniable way while also ensuring you get frozen ASAP. Not realistic IMO.
@acidshill I only know this because it's a surprisingly common proposal in various thought experiments. That the implausibility of doing it and actually getting frozen is routinely skipped over bugs me. Especially since some people are impressionable.
@acidshill The cryo people don't appreciate it either I'm sure, since the fields founding they've had to deal with accusations of foul play and murder, etc. Accessory to peoples (illegal) suicides is a frustrating trope that makes the lives of people providing a marginalized service harder.
@EpistemicHope FWIW:
@EpistemicHope I'm not a huge fan of the concept of a "Great Reflection" (I'd imagine most philosophical problems only take minutes for an aligned AGI to rigorously and completely solve), but genuinely worry that just sending people off in every direction ends in someone ending reality.
@acczibit Evergreen Tweet: x.com/Y2K_mindset/stβ¦
@EpistemicHope @gwern lol you don't want to know
@uberstuber Have you ever wanted to? slatestarcodexabridged.com
@uberstuber I incidentally had to binge read SSC to make this.
@Morgan_Anastasi Wrote a book, 100+ pages of essay, did research. It was good.
Pain is the philosophical argument of last resort.
@uxblake x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
@_bottlejack @eigenrobot Bold of you to assume photoshop is necessary when the F12 button exists for the browser inspector.
Your daily reminder that death is a disease and it should be cured. x.com/_StevenFan/staβ¦
@spookymachine https://t.co/T1IWoM49Et
My 100 follower special would be signing peoples PGP keys but I assume I'm followed by the sort of "crypto nerd" that doesn't have one.
What the fuck did I just read? x.com/EmojiPan/statuβ¦
@RichardMCNgo I think the basilisk caused so much upset because it was the point where a lot of atheists realized they would likely face someones judgment after all.
"If there's a Shock Level Five, I'm not sure I want to know about it!"
@RichardMCNgo I stand by use of the word "likely".
@HiFromMichaelV @s_r_constantin @ESYudkowsky youtube.com/watch?v=Vknhe2β¦
@alt1na1 Because degrees are an unlawful title of nobility.
@alt1na1 Unforgivable college debt is an unlawful imposition of indentured servitude (if you doubt this recall that Roman slaves would sometimes be given economic freedom to pay their masters).
@alt1na1 And most degree requirements for jobs are an unlawful entry barrier meant to substitute for the IQ tests and other instruments that were soft banned by SCOTUS because they were deemed to have a disparate impact on minorities.
@PrinceVogel Mahdihassan argues its colloidal gold.
Mahdihassan, S. (1979). A comparative study of Greek and Chinese alchemy. The American journal of Chinese medicine.
Mahdihassan, S. (1984). Outline of the beginnings of alchemy and its antecedents. The American journal of Chinese medicine
@PrinceVogel https://t.co/4kWAvsDAVD
There are two ways you exit the 'rationalist community', one is by deciding it's too much of the thing and dropping out. The other is by deciding it's not enough of the thing and becoming too much for everyone else. x.com/QiaochuYuan/stβ¦
The former people formed a social network and that's great, but a group comprised of the latter (who are way rarer, for obvious reasons) would be much more interesting I think.
@DaltonDEmery You don't want to know.
@DaltonDEmery youtube.com/watch?v=oIFLtNβ¦
@ollybot_redux History tells us this is one of the best ways to start a business. See: Hubert Cecil Booth
The man who invented telephone switching owned a morgue. His rival's wife was an operator and stole all his business, automated her job out of spite.
FYI I phrased it kind of obliquely but this is a real offer open to any mutuals. x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
A market run is the language of the unherd. x.com/fidelcashflowsβ¦
Earliest postrationality I'm aware of is Samuel Bois's 1966 The Art Of Awareness, which tries to add social epistemology to General Semantics and frustrated me to the point where I nearly threw it across the room. x.com/flowerornamentβ¦
@eric_abu_ @SamoBurja x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
@DocumentBitcoin x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
The problem with this is that you can only respond to public humiliation with regulation so many times before you lose all legitimacy. x.com/MalwareTechBloβ¦
Legislation is the metabolism of government, the faster you force them to legislate the shorter the systems ultimate lifespan.
Even better, the resource being burnt (goodwill, public confidence, etc) is almost uncoupled feedback wise from the agent burning it, so you can just keep arbitrarily manipulating legislators into footgunning themselves until they run out.
@TheAgeofShoddy Preserve yourself from this untoward generation!
@TheAgeofShoddy Service Gwern mentions is now paid, but this one is free: tzstamp.io
Me explaining shortselling this morning:
"So imagine GameStop is a shitcoin and Melvin Capital took out a loan denominated in the shit and then sold the shit hoping they could buy the shit back for cheaper to pay their loan. But now the shit is expensive and they can't."
Verifying myself: I am jd_pressman on Keybase.io. I7jLLC160RdDjDH_UZRYQCBrOaWBLUo8x-UN / keybase.io/jd_pressman/siβ¦
So how long until GameStop turns their stock into a cryptocurrency?
Anyone who needs me right now will have to wait I'm furiously analyzing the kabbalistic implications of an app called "Robinhood" getting used to liquidate Wall Street and give the funds to an advanced dark forest hivemind predator.
@MacaesBruno So what's your fediverse account?
@TCJasquith @MacaesBruno Gab is just the same crap different day. Use real decentralized social media.
@QiaochuYuan I didn't really have to chance any aspects of the way I live my life, but https://t.co/fRH6ZsLzBz
@QiaochuYuan In March there was a sense of calm as the lockdowns started. I'd known COVID-19 was coming for weeks and was a bit shocked by how fast the tipping point came. Plane travel stopped, no cars on the road. The world became quiet and medieval, otherworldly.
@QiaochuYuan What followed were two productive months of intense reading and research, it felt almost monastic. The next change in mood started around the riots in June. It became clear there was no plan to stop the virus and things kept heating up, tense and anxious.
@QiaochuYuan I feel like the worst month was probably August or September, though I can't quite remember why. Just the overwhelming dread and sense that things are on the verge of collapse. Others seemed to be feeling it too.
@QiaochuYuan Then things started calming down again, but instead of medieval lull it was now a kind of metaphysical disassociation. Everything is beautiful but sick and uneasy. Suspect a lot of people felt that way considering Everywhere At The End Of Time went viral.
@QiaochuYuan Now the mood is electric, hilarious, joyful. Trump leaving, Scott back, the kleptocracy footgunning themselves over and over in a bizarre game of footgun chicken. Think I became genuinely convinced I'd die during 2020, and this is all helping me get over the shock of being alive.
@ESYudkowsky @acidshill @the_aiju I think the whole hard science fiction cosmology part is kind of taken for granted/actively minimized in The Sequences, but really the most important ingredient.
Took a long time for me to get it as a real thing rather than just a story.
Pretty sure a lot of "??????" is literally just sl4.org/shocklevels.htβ¦ and the contents of Great Mambo Chicken. x.com/acidshill/statβ¦
@ESYudkowsky @acidshill @the_aiju To get specific, I think the way you handled your fallout with the Extropians list left out a key piece.
Instead of this you should have had a sequence where you go through SL1-4, starting from common sense notions of The Future into AGI eschatology.
@ESYudkowsky @acidshill @the_aiju "Here Is Why Naive SL3 Is Both Bad Futurology and Will Get You Killed: A Primer"
@Meaningness @slatestarcodex @glenweyl When will you acknowledge that EY is illiterate when it comes to academic philosophy and misnamed his ideas? His position is pragmatism with lots of math. It's rationalism grounded in empiricism. Experience (of win/loss) is king and ideas bend to fit it.
The amount of energy David Chapman has extracted out of EY misnaming 'rationality' (like Korzybski misnamed General Semantics) would be shameful to all parties involved if English had better ways to check for type errors. x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
@Meaningness @juliagalef @glenweyl @jonathanstray @slatestarcodex A complete theory of epistemology would probably be equivalent to a complete theory of human intelligence, tbh. Claiming to have one would be pretty dumb. Things like Bayes are a prosthetic epistemology to shore up what people naturally lack. Bayes has poor ergonomics though.
@Meaningness @slatestarcodex @glenweyl I think he's not good at communicating the structure, and probably lacks self awareness in terms of how some of the structure works; such that he can't actually communicate certain parts even in principle. I'd elaborate what I got out of it but the thread would be 100+ tweets.
@Meaningness @slatestarcodex @glenweyl Inadequate tl;dr would be that much of EY's philosophy is about dealing with living in a lawful universe that has macroscale phenomena too complex to just apply the law to and have good epistemics. "Bayes" is already meta rational from the perspective of a physicist.
@Meaningness @slatestarcodex @glenweyl Bayes is of course also not enough to have good epistemics because e.g. brains are not built to plug artificial epistemologies requiring lots of computation into them. Acknowledging this is more like meta-meta-rationality, since you have other stuff you do to function anyway.
@Meaningness @slatestarcodex @glenweyl How do you communicate that the laws are *laws* but cognition is bounded and the prosthetic epistemology is 'theoretically correct' within its domain except the flaws which you resolve by heuristics, which are rules you don't have the exact procedure for but exist in your head.
@Meaningness @slatestarcodex @glenweyl It's hard.
So you have EY saying that physics are laws:
That Bayes is powerful enough to prove MWI almost on its own:
And if you cling to the rules over experience you're a dork:
Without contradiction
@Meaningness @juliagalef @jonathanstray @alexeyguzey @othercriteria @ESYudkowsky @glenweyl @slatestarcodex > Maybe if LW could internalize that thatβs what Iβm talking about, the unnecessary upsets could end.
Sure, as soon as you stop equivocating between 'rationality' in the 20th century formalism sense and the thing most of these people are doing, which is misleadingly named.
@Meaningness @juliagalef @jonathanstray @alexeyguzey @othercriteria @ESYudkowsky @glenweyl @slatestarcodex That is, stop using LW as an example lol. Or at least, use it more carefully. EY can get rhetorically dodgy, but the 'rationalist diaspora' is honestly pretty divergent from a lot of the pathologies found in Rationality: From AI to Zombies.
@Meaningness @juliagalef @jonathanstray @alexeyguzey @othercriteria @ESYudkowsky @glenweyl @slatestarcodex Naming it 'rationality' honestly one of the biggest mistakes in modern philosophy, 'rationality' is one of the most overloaded words in the English language with all the wrong connotations. I get what was being gone for (economic rationality) but it just causes so many problems.
@Meaningness @juliagalef @jonathanstray @alexeyguzey @othercriteria @ESYudkowsky @glenweyl @slatestarcodex Basically if you want to understand LW, model it as EY applying a bunch of patches to Max More's Extropy to deal with AGI being upstream of Nanotech/Biotech on the "what has more impact faster" scale and then turning that version into a self help movement.
@Meaningness @juliagalef @jonathanstray @alexeyguzey @othercriteria @ESYudkowsky @glenweyl @slatestarcodex The self help movement itself modeled largely on stuff like General Semantics, which was precocious in resisting a lot of excesses of 20th century formalism in the first place.
@Meaningness @juliagalef @jonathanstray @alexeyguzey @othercriteria @ESYudkowsky @glenweyl @slatestarcodex See e.g. Drive Yourself Sane by Kodish & Kodish.
@Meaningness @juliagalef @jonathanstray @alexeyguzey @othercriteria @ESYudkowsky @glenweyl @slatestarcodex Which is another reason why 'rationality' is a terrible name, the core of the philosophy is actually centered on the technical arguments, not the epistemological ones. These can be hard to separate, but the epistemology is only there to help you understand the technical argument.
@Meaningness @juliagalef @jonathanstray @alexeyguzey @othercriteria @ESYudkowsky @glenweyl @slatestarcodex To wit: If EY could have gotten people to understand AI Risk without writing The Sequences, I doubt he would have.
@bimboubermensch I read Becker's Denial of Death and Solomon et al's The Worm At The Core, both books about the same subject, one written in classic style and the other written in the study-driven pop science fashionable before replication crisis, IMO Denial of Death is a way more useful book.
For anyone who doubts this, I recommend this documentary about Joan of Arc from BYU TV. It portrays the way in which the trial to "decide" whether to burn her at the stake was in many ways more torturous and wicked than the burning itself.
youtube.com/watch?v=edUgN5β¦ x.com/bryan_caplan/sβ¦
@michaelcurzi If morality wasn't adaptive in the ancestral environment you wouldn't have it. Your sense of evil is trained on behaviors that in their primitive form are found to be self defeating.
@vgr Research for transhumanist movement building/et al.
@LinchZhang Believe this was mine: extropian.net/notice/9sKEMKhβ¦
In retrospect, too doomer-y. I'm still not sure *why* I was wrong, it would have been logical that shutting down shipping causes supply shortages. My friend who works at the grocery even reported their storage room running out.
@LinchZhang Also too late, I should have posted sooner.
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