@vic_press Ah, but for me the calorie density is a positive.
Philosophy is a record of an agents life experience, most people who want to argue don't have life experience worth updating on. x.com/nosilverv/statβ¦
The real rift between us is that I'm an analytic philosopher and you're a continental philosopher send tweet
@alicemazzy @patrickc I find it instructive to read history books where you'll routinely see things like people who know 7 languages to fluency.
How many people in 2021 know 7 languages to fluency?
@EpistemicHope en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perceptuaβ¦
Read this, consider the implications, and you will understand this behavior.
@EpistemicHope A PCT agent defaults to hiding under the covers to make the monster go away. You have to actively unlearn that to stop doing it, and even then it's very difficult because it's not something you can actually unlearn all the way, the flaw is baked into the design.
Even setting aside the eschatology stuff life is very short. A pinch of anxiety about spending your time well is a valuable hormetic to drive achievement. Extreme discounting of past achievement keeps you hungry, etc. This stuff is adaptive if the costs don't bother you. x.com/nosilverv/statβ¦
@nosilverv This is why I'm uncomfortable with EY's remix of X-Risk focused Extropy as a self help movement. It's similar to the problem with prosperity gospel: External motivator for what should be intrinsic reward misleads and corrupts. Make peace with the journey, not the destination.
@eigenrobot @turrible_tao @goblinodds @yashkaf @default_friend @nickchk @m_ashcroft @michaelcurzi @bitemyapp @sagar__dubey @sgodofsk Looking forward to some of these.
@nosilverv > Make peace with the journey, not the destination.
Means "indefinitely deferring a reward as a motivation tactic sucks, very fragile strategy", much more useful mental state Twitter is too terse to describe where you accept your 'reward' for doing stuff is the stuff being done.
@balajis "If you want a picture of the future, imagine a journalist reciting the luddite's prayer forever."
@searching_sun Yes, but it's based on:
@matthew5johnson And? It's not like 'rationality' has a monopoly on setting goals for yourself.
@nosilverv x.com/mechanical_monβ¦
This thing but you find that it's alright (in an existential sense) because the process is satisfying.
@Meaningness > someone does their first 10 minutes of mindfulness & loses their sense of self and contact with reality.
Sounds insane but I know someone this happened to, had to step in and tell them about the risks of meditation before they went somewhere they couldn't get back from.
@Meaningness In fairness, it later turned out that person was extremely deep into x.com/nosilverv/statβ¦, and they'd learned to completely disassociate from stress so they don't even feel it. i.e. Deep into not-normal pathological behavior. You don't know that's you from the inside though. https://t.co/b3Z4gYu98B
@Meaningness If your entire self is being piloted by stress and anxiety, you literally don't have agency left after you turn it off.
@EpistemicHope @meditationstuff Because Buddhism was invented in the context of Hinduism, where the cosmic horror isn't that you'll be obliterated forever, but that you will spend eternity suffering your own stupid decisions over and over through reincarnation. Promising true death is attractive from there.
@EpistemicHope @meditationstuff The only way to live a life without harming others is to die, if someone promises you one they're talking about your burial.
@ggreer @ghostfencing catb.org/jargon/html/tvβ¦
Context: Discussing the radvac whitepaper. x.com/QiaochuYuan/stβ¦
What are some of the accurate (but too academic for most readers) books on chod and tantra you don't list here?
A friend of mine who was getting into socialism like 15 years ago explained to me that the place you met hardcore revolutionaries was a tiny newspaper run out London by people who hadn't been to Russia in a decade, and I knew I never had to think seriously about Socialism again x.com/atothe_d/statuβ¦
Find it odd how we don't talk more about the trillion dollar bounty someone put up for breaking contemporary crypto that no one has claimed.
This thread is full of blackpills, especially the replies. People are absolutely desperate not to have to hear how dark Gen Z's world actually is.
This one is my favorite: x.com/pandabnos/statβ¦
School is clearly technology for suppressing kids social demands as human beings. x.com/annbauerwriterβ¦
I'm not saying we've proven P != NP, just that a trillion dollars is not enough incentive to induce anyone to publish a public proof otherwise.
Reminder that the first rule is not to apologize to the mob. x.com/ErikWemple/staβ¦
Encouraging underlying trend here: People rediscovering concepts like 'libel', 'torturious interference', and renorming them into existence by exercising atrophied legal powers and social institutions. x.com/FoxCahn/statusβ¦
@mattparlmer I find it quite encouraging tbh, implies you can take powerful ideas to world religion status in just 10 years.
You're always under the stars, it's just that sometimes you can't see them.
@AlldrittOwen But where do functional practices come from?
internet.png x.com/Stooge21/statuβ¦
@PrinceVogel @Evolving_Moloch Best academic Twitter I've ever seen, iron timeline discipline. One of the people that convinced me microblogging can be a worthwhile medium.
@ESYudkowsky @DaltonDEmery DON'T MESS WITH TIME
@EpistemicHope @HiFromMichaelV @reasonisfun @uncatherio @Meaningness "Rationality is about winning, not math."
@EpistemicHope @HiFromMichaelV @reasonisfun @uncatherio @Meaningness This is a totally ludicrous take IMO, for the reasons outlined here thelastrationalist.com/rationality-isβ¦
For more practical minded people who aren't fans of the esoteric and far away, J. Storr Hall's "Where Is My Flying Car?" hits most of the same points with a contemporary frame and down to earth scale of ambition.
You know, like raising the dead and rebuilding America in a week. x.com/jd_pressman/st⦠https://t.co/NK53FK7eY6
@mattparlmer What's the reasoning behind that? Is audio just intrinsically less viral than text/images?
@mattparlmer Oh I was reading it as the party uses audio chatrooms as the outlet for otherwise prohibited speech, unofficially.
@razibkhan IMO, one of the fundamental barriers to something better is that almost everyone has (insanely) decided that since 'religion' is a polite word for 'lie' that their goal should be to design a better lie. Even Max More thought of Extropy as a 'religion substitute'.
@razibkhan Core of religion is 'great lie' by incidental fact of being 'radical conjecture'. The ingredient there is an idea that completely reprioritizes things, we have plenty of those lying around in the unmetabolized technical possibilities still open to us. e.g. transhumanism.
@razibkhan I still need to respond to "Transhumanism: Towards A Futurist Philosophy" (raw.githubusercontent.com/Extropians/Extβ¦) at some point.
@razibkhan You even have big gods, if those are really necessary for social cohesion like some scholars claim. e.g. Even the earliest stories about cryonics acknowledged that any civilization capable of reviving you from suspension would be able to read your memories.
@female__son @AFCollective1 @nerv_emma Eh, born in 1996, am zoomer. I think it really comes down to if you grew up with the Internet and 9/11 security state absurdity in childhood. My first Internet connected computer that I could just use without someone over my shoulder was age 7 or 8(?).
@glenweyl This interpretation honestly never occurred to me, and I think I now get why people say the name was "arrogant".
"What could be arrogant about admitting your ongoing fallibility?"
@giggs_boson @pareinoia Willing to bet if you looked a little closer that was the pretext rather than the actual casus belli.
Kinda feel like 'I just need better mental health uwu' is a spook, Nietzsche did all his work while crippled by bowel pain and migraines. He'd just do 20 minutes of work, then lay down until it subsided to do 20 minutes more. x.com/Virtual1nstincβ¦
A lot of the real impetus behind this sentiment is that people attracted to EY rationality have deep seated problems with the idea that they're not superhuman. Being disabled, traumatized, is intolerable and they'd rather chase miracle healing than sit down and do the work.
@PrinceVogel I guess my objection to this would be that there isn't a clear distinction between 'mental' and 'physical' health, there's a sorta blurry distinction. But bowel pain and migraines are going to be just as mentally problematic as any anxiety attack, as someone who has had many.
As always I recommend reading the life of Anne Sullivan Macy, who barely got into a school for the blindness she contracted as a child living with her abusive family that died of tuberculosis leaving her in the poor house.
She taught Helen Keller to read
I'm underselling it tbh, the book is an endless parade through hell, a nightmarish fever dream of the worst aspects of the 19th century. https://t.co/g1NPYcw939
@PrinceVogel @heckinwild readthesequences.com/Making-History⦠https://t.co/zMP0Z7twjU
Enforcing the law is for suckers, real chads refuse to enforce the law until it overgrows to meet their standard of laziness.
@Meaningness @DRMacIver amazon.com/Rapid-Contextuβ¦
Because knowledge like that has market value and doesn't require sinecures to pay its way.
Take in how awful this is, then self-administer your daily reminder that it isn't 1% of 1% of the worst that happens to you in hell.
aljazeera.com/opinions/2018/β¦ x.com/selentelechia/β¦
Took one blog post to bump my evaluation of Qualia Computing from "weird EA-cluster sinecure factory" to "unsung geniuses in the fight against cosmic horror".
We just passed the moment Serial Experiments Lain was predicting and Trump was Lain.
@ESYudkowsky Call Center Management On Fast Forward is a great book because it demonstrates what it looks like to take something that seems entirely intuitive and impossible to solve symbolically, then breaks it down into formulas and concepts that completely define the problem physics.
@ESYudkowsky Not an-answer but the-answer. "If you have these conditions and you want these outcomes you will pay for this level of staffing resources, or you won't get the outcomes you want in a sustainable way, period."
@ESYudkowsky It also turns out that the call center problem is actually a recurring organizational pattern that usually just gets solved in an ad-hoc horrible way because most people managing call centers have no idea that's what they're doing.
Joy is excitement in the present moment, which can't exist if unexpected possibility is eliminated. Kierkegaard describes depressives as living in a world where everything becomes necessary and trivial. They've become fully tragic, protagonists steamrolled by necessity.
A unifying theme Iβve been trying to express in my essays is the distinction between a hopeless and a joyless universe. We say hopelessness is the worst thing that can happen but joylessness is worse. People can live without hope, but take away joy and everything becomes tedious. x.com/Virtual1nstincβ¦
The joy of killing an implacable foe is stolen, replaced by new foes of the same type immune to the last victory. Worm's setting is shown to be joyless, even killing an endbringer is trivial. Momentum is lost and the plot stalls, people become tired and the reader gets tired too.
In a good long running tragedy problems are completely resolved in ways that dig the protagonist into deeper problems. The plot progression of Worm takes such a funk after the endbringer Behemoth is killed because heβs replaced with more endbringers.
Happiness is not joy, in fact it is precisely happiness that is preventing joy in most cases. Happiness in the way a fisherman or Buddhist monk is happy is a state of equanimity, tranquility in a moment without craving or preference for something else; a kind of miniature death.
@pareinoia This chapter of The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna is great: ramakrishnavivekananda.info/gospel/introduβ¦
@juliagalef Very, that password seems a bit weak. xkcdpass usually spits out five or six.
@Aizazadi_ @visakanv linktr.ee/sscpodcast
@Aizazadi_ @visakanv Gotcha. The way you phrased it made it sound like you might not be aware SSC itself is available in audio.
@nosilverv McNeil's History and Character Of Calvinism helped me understand a lot of stuff that was otherwise not obvious to me. For example did you know that the 'Western Canon' is actually just a training program to help you do Christian Humanism by being able to read a greek bible etc?
@telmudic @alt1na1 That is the point. Carefully constructing an almost-contradictory standard is a way to replicate original sin in secular ideologies and religions. It provides the extreme insider/extreme outsider dichotomy necessary for scapegoating and sacrifice.
@nosilverv amazon.com/History-Characβ¦
@nosilverv Did you know Switzerland was the land of freedom before America did it? Etc, etc, etc.
@nosilverv I'm not sure the concept of public education and religious freedom are compatible.
Econ 101 assumes finding a point in product/labor space where demand exists is trivial, in actuality it's complex and becomes more complex as economy-space gains dimensions of value. Curse of dimensionality applies to humans too, and eventually navigation becomes impossible. x.com/EpistemicHope/β¦
As Yanis Varoufakis points out (youtube.com/watch?v=gGeevtβ¦) key innovation of capitalism is lending money you don't have to instantiate expected value. To repeat: Rational expectation of value precedes empirical value generation in a capitalist system. Bankers centrally plan it.
At that point you're now de-facto experiencing the problems of a centrally planned economy. It's no coincidence that the US increasingly resembles the Soviet Union in its inability to actually do anything and has even lost ability over the last 5 decades.
Institutions offer you a path through hyperdimensional economic space. Navigation is a separate consideration from raw capital or skill acquisition. You solve the problems of planned economy by meta-planning your economy. It fails once demand exits dynamic range too fast.
When you can't capture patterns by delegating to subagents (as congress does with many laws and capitalists do with firms) you can't provide people with a path through economic-space and your society begins to degrade. IQ needed to self navigate goes up 0.5~ points every year.
And here I thought it would be Trump that passes a 3rd alien and sedition act.
@pee_zombie x.com/yashkaf/statusβ¦
@pee_zombie x.com/mattparlmer/stβ¦
@nosilverv https://t.co/A5B5mKTp8O
@nosilverv x.com/BigGulpAmerikaβ¦
@Alex__1789 A lot of it is that capitalism is just a trick to meta-plan your economy that stops working after a certain point of complexity.
@QiaochuYuan @sashachapin I've considered this before. If you look at the costs biggest barrier is article length. So could write radically short tweet-like articles that the crowd pays to have author expand on. Differentiate through long term tracking and coverage of stories, like tech requires.
@QiaochuYuan @sashachapin Default story view would be a timeline of events, articles are radically short and cover essential details of an event, more if people pay to hear more.
@QiaochuYuan @sashachapin These timelines are added to over weeks/months/years, totally different mindset to news coverage than current institutions. More like Google Alerts than Bloomberg Terminal.
@giuseppe_aaron @ESYudkowsky Yeah, I use it when I read certain research papers and books hosted online.
@default_friend @sonyasupposedly I initially wrote a pointed foreward for slatestarcodexabridged.com, but then decided not to publish it because Scott seemed vulnerable and I didn't want to make his life harder. Would definitely consider hosting an anthology as discussed in these replies there.
@ZZZZwriter @nosilverv It's an edit someone made to refute the original.
@jimrandomh @glenweyl @slatestarcodex @robinhanson @balajis tbh Yarvin was going to become a libertarian smash hit regardless of whether Scott chose to write a rebuttal of his ideas. Yarvin is basically taking the axioms of libertarianism seriously and then reductio ad absurdem-ing them. He revels too much in trolling but is worth reading
@jimrandomh @glenweyl @slatestarcodex @robinhanson @balajis It helps if you realize before the Moldbug thing he was a major Usenet troll. His entire thing is crafting clever troll arguments to illustrate interesting things about the idea-space in which those points live. If you take him straightforwardly and seriously you'll just get mad.
@jimrandomh @glenweyl @slatestarcodex @robinhanson @balajis Reflecting on it, I think Scott's engagement with Moldbug was probably net positive. I had the time to sit down and read his refutation of Yarvin's ideas: slatestarcodexabridged.com/Liberalism-Andβ¦
And while Scott himself isn't satisfied with it, I think it goes a long way towards deflating them.
@jimrandomh @glenweyl @slatestarcodex @robinhanson @balajis I think the rationality community genuinely has a problem with being too quick to consider outlandish ideas without a warranting context for considering them in the first place (a mistake EY warns against). By the time Scott got to Moldbug he was already popular though.
@jimrandomh @glenweyl @slatestarcodex @robinhanson @balajis WRT rationality communities specific relationship to him. I think a lot of people see him like a wrestling heel? Yarvin is, openly, a bad person; it's his persona. You like him but only in the context that you want to see him lose. Heels have real fans but most are adversaries.
@jimrandomh @glenweyl @slatestarcodex @robinhanson @balajis Also re: programming language design.
Good part starts 42 minutes in. x.com/eigenrobot/staβ¦
@TylerAlterman CW: Hiphop with explicit lyrics
@TylerAlterman youtube.com/watch?v=lcGYEXβ¦
@PrinceVogel It's not too late. π https://t.co/zHBL9qqAgJ
If you want a picture of the future imagine green death cultists not understanding Jevon's Paradox forever. x.com/shadowcat_mst/β¦ https://t.co/fvj59GguJ4
@jessesingal Application data/settings.
He hated the rats so much that he himself became a rodent.
@Virtual1nstinct Move tutor teaches stuff, but you have to pay him in this weird cryptocurrency you find on the beach.
I honestly thought this was real and wasn't the least bit surprised. x.com/Thinkwert/statβ¦
@Virtual1nstinct wrestlinggnon.com/extropy/2020/0β¦
@michaelcurzi https://t.co/3rPhZYBInH
Thomas Malthus wants to know your location. x.com/RichardMCNgo/sβ¦
@AndrewQuackson When the 1st grade teacher strangled me for helping a disabled child get their pencil box off the shelf, because she'd told me to sit down.
@altachron Also interested in knowing.
@eigenrobot @Gabe21131936 @ollybot_redux @EggProphet @whomademecrispy I'm long @balajis and short @slatestarcodex, personally.
@ollybot_redux @eigenrobot @Gabe21131936 @EggProphet @whomademecrispy @balajis @slatestarcodex ive been inspired to do a new non fungible token where you can mint challenge coins based off proof you've been blocked by a user
@ollybot_redux @eigenrobot @Gabe21131936 @EggProphet @whomademecrispy @balajis @slatestarcodex i christen it emnitycoin
@ollybot_redux @eigenrobot @Gabe21131936 @EggProphet @whomademecrispy @balajis @slatestarcodex Now wondering if you can actually do this. Maybe you could prove you've been blocked by letting an app try to access someones tweets as you?
@ollybot_redux @eigenrobot @Gabe21131936 @EggProphet @whomademecrispy @balajis @slatestarcodex Wonder who the most coveted block on Twitter is.
@sonyasupposedly @sonyasupposedly If you're still interested in this I know someone who can generate some interesting imagery from text prompts. It isn't DALL-E and it's not quite as good, but still gives cool outputs.
DM for details. https://t.co/02KUQhBoEo
@sonyasupposedly Offer open to anyone else too.
@visakanv This is the reason why in old school cryptosystems like PGP a lot of emphasis is placed on signing messages and in later systems like Signal signing is avoided. Cryptographers decided that being able to repudiate a message is more important than perfect authenticity.
@visakanv "It should be easy to fake a message" is now an explicit design goal of contemporary cryptosystems, and that's kind of fascinating.
@eigenrobot 4PM is fine, whichever one lets us talk longer is preferable since I expect us to get into some interesting tangents.
Maybe, we'll see.
@eigenrobot @AClockwork_Crow Oh good I was going to say something like "Nah you're plenty interesting I bet he'd let you" but then if you said no it'd be super awkward.
@eigenrobot @AClockwork_Crow He's the kind of person who gets really obsessed with things so I genuinely think he probably has a good half dozen topics (at least) that he would be an awesome guest for.
@AClockwork_Crow One thing I've advocated for is that people should SHA256 the fact they're not talking about something and post that to the timeline, so later after the drama is dead they can reveal it like "Hey remember when I didn't talk about 2 + 2 = 4 discourse? Virtue of silence."
@eigenrobot @ollybot_redux @NLRG_ @BendiniUK
@eigenrobot @ollybot_redux @NLRG_ @BendiniUK Author of greaterwrong.com/posts/wmEcNP3Kβ¦
Sequences style rationality is to Extropy as meditation is to Buddhism.
@jackpo773 @SamoBurja That is exactly what they did afaik. It's even ballsier because the studio signed them for not enough money, so they just went ahead and filmed the first 8 minutes of the movie and then asked for 10x the budget so they could go and film the rest, since they were now out of funds.
@pareinoia x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
"Biden will stop the proliferation of these so-called "ghost guns" by passing legislation requiring that purchasers of gun kits or 3D printing code pass a federal background check." x.com/zerohedge/statβ¦
The problem with illegibility is that it hides triggers at the cost of letting people project their worst fears onto you.
That is, it's only really valuable if it eliminates you from consideration as a threat hypothesis in the first place. If you're illegible and getting attention, it's likely actively working against you.
If you're high level enough though this can be used deliberately to mess with your enemies. I think this is a lot of what Trump was doing with his PR, he'd figure out scissor statement kinda stuff that would antagonize his enemies while endearing him to his allies.
It's very much the hacker method of war: Find a map-territory mismatch in your opponents strategy where they think a losing metric tracks victory, then give them the opportunity to maximize their own loss for you.
@Alephwyr This is what public key crypto and message signing are for.
@Alephwyr Maybe we only experience the measure where public key crypto fails to gain adoption because otherwise AI can't ruin history? :P
Otherwise imagine that retrocausal manipulation leads to incoherence in a multiverse. If incoherence is lethal, only experience coherent timelines.
@Alephwyr (Unless of course you want to argue against MWI and for retrocausal manipulation, seems like a tough sell but I'm not very physics savvy yet)
This comment about bitcoin makes me think if a conspiracy theorist modeled it as an alien meme infection that self reifies burning human bootstrap resources they wouldn't be too far off.
Reminds me of Alex Jones 'gestalt' explanation of the human plot. x.com/niftynei/statuβ¦
@eigenrobot As an aside, one place where I think General Semantics does have a significant leg up over LessWrong is its focus on bringing nonstandard grammar and notation into language. People keep joking that LW jargon is so dense it's a fork of English, but the GS people forked English.
@eigenrobot Korzybski started with small additions, like differentiating multiple uses of the same word to refer to multiple things in an argument using subscripts. e.g. Thing_1 is the motte and Thing_2 is the bailey. Then later stuff like eprime goes all the way.
@eigenrobot For example, to deal with the noncentral fallacy you might say that Martin Luthor King is a criminal_3 but not a criminal_1 (where the 1st subscript gets the central definition).
@eigenrobot And this was in the age of typewriters and print, where adding nonstandard syntax and notation was expensive. With modern computer publishing you could go much farther and even have dynamic syntax, in ways that would have been impossible for General Semantics in the 30's.
I hate to burst peoples bubble but the early COVID people I was listening to (at least) projected much more danger than actually turned out to exist.
Thankfully the truth turned out to be less bad, but the idea people predicting 6% IFR are prophets because of lockdowns is odd. x.com/Meaningness/stβ¦
@matthew5johnson Definitely, and I do think the more doom-y predictions were a lot more justified than "are masks racist?"; in that sense we're very lucky COVID wasn't more deadly.
@SandrewFinance @eigenrobot slatestarcodexabridged.com/Book-Review-Seβ¦
@CringeDisciple @eigenrobot Re: Book
Going Clear by Lawrence Wright
Re: Alchemy
@fmd4cp @eigenrobot General Semantics is a pathway to many abilities, some considered to be unnatural. https://t.co/PncnySp5KX
@HiFromMichaelV One of the classic Scott points is that science can't even reliably conclude morphine reduces pain.
@HiFromMichaelV "You could almost convince me that SSRIs donβt have a detectable effect in the real world; you will never convince me that benzos donβt. Even morphine for pain gets an effect size of 0.4, little better than SSRIβs 0.3"
@ProjectWoody @eigenrobot Yes, though I don't think that invalidates the concept.
Someone has never heard of intrusive thoughts. x.com/emilystjams/stβ¦
One competing access need around the whole 'egg' meme is that there are a lot of people who do not have good hypothesis filtering, and their brains will literally suggest ideas because they don't like them.
This is not good messaging for OCD folks like that.
Me too. x.com/tszzl/status/1β¦
@alt_kia @eigenrobot x.com/ESYudkowsky/stβ¦
@eigenrobot @GarrettPetersen I'd be happy to go into more detail on a different podcast, if anyone is lurking.
@eigenrobot @GarrettPetersen I think I'd want to focus in on the postrat thing, since that's where a lot of the dangling threads were pointing to.
@eigenrobot @GarrettPetersen Specifically: Religion, social organization, what's actually going on with the rat vs. postrat beef (since it isn't epistemology), Newton and alchemy, et al.
"The thing they call thinking you would call being depressed."
"They never do the thing you call thinking."
"They want to stop 'thinking' because it is pain."
Excellent podcast on postmodernity with @HiFromMichaelV.
'These materials may have been obtained through hacking' being based on a filter that encourages people to incorporate it into their posts shows the way that naive 'rationality' falls apart in contact with the real world. x.com/wiIIyoudieformβ¦
@sirsfurther @TwardowskyMA @eigenrobot Oh wow that flew totally over my head in the moment, I thought he meant 'in fiction'. xD
@metaphrand_ Humans have the ability to pull utility from anticipated future reward/punishment states to motivate action now. Carrot and the stick have different motivational textures that work better in different situations.
Opportunity cost is one of the most underrated mental motions with the funniest 'absurd' (but not really absurd) conclusions in contemporary thinking. 10/10 recommend. x.com/paulg/status/1β¦
@Virtual1nstinct ""This is it... this is where I belong..."
I know everyone here... even if I've never met them, never talked to them, may never hear from them again... I know you all...
Damn kid. Tying up the phone line again. They're all alike..."
Strong schizo energy on the timeline tonight.
@Virtual1nstinct I usually think of this as 'very old school'.
Hm. dichotomytests.com/test.html?id=0
I feel like most people who looked at this result sheet would get the wrong idea about me. x.com/Aella_Girl/sta⦠https://t.co/34M7Yat65J
e.g. "Would you rather get an expensive car or save a starving child's life?" is an odd question in that you could save N children's lives by selling the car. It's a test that lives in the fake world where you aren't already making lots of moral choices right this minute.
@QiaochuYuan Lot of postrat is noticing most important domains are anti-inductive
"One fundamental agent algorithm then is "Think in ways that avoid pattern capture". How would you have to think to use structure but avoid repeating yourself?"
@QiaochuYuan Of course many people who encounter this fact decide to completely submit to Keynesian Beauty Contests and abandon 'truth' as a correspondence theory.
This sort of Gaussian parasitism is essentially social cancer growing like crabgrass around the last bastions of righteousness.
@Alephwyr The sad part is that this is such a common interpretation of magick (e.g. it's a trivial conclusion of New Thought/The Secret/etc) that I believed you were sincere the first time I read this.
@Alephwyr The law of attraction has such horrible consequences when people believe it in a scarce entropy-tendency universe.
"Listen poor person, your suffering is putting off some real negative vibes and you could just stop malingering any time you want so I need you out of my aura."
Any of my followers have Urbit?
@LongTran02 Yes but I just ended up remembering the past as being as awful as it was.
tbh the entrenched social naivete is one of the worst aspects of the wider ratsphere, and I think mostly distinct from the advanced epistemology involved. Identifying as a social invalid is setting yourself up to lose. x.com/mattparlmer/stβ¦
The combination of idolizing Chad's natural aptitude and embracing positive thinking makes a neurotic wreck of the American mind. In the act of hating yourself for having a self you hate yourself for hating yourself and re-notice you have a self, which you then hate yourself for.
@zackvoell @hectorr159 @BBCJustinR @elonmusk And they'll keep saying it until they run out of people who haven't heard it.
@michael_nielsen Transhumanists tend to be authors of this kind of work, in varying degrees of family friendliness.
More family friendly: nickbostrom.com/fable/dragon.hβ¦
Less family friendly: slatestarcodexabridged.com/The-Goddess-Ofβ¦
Transhumanists 1990 vs. Transhumanists 2021 https://t.co/ZVjMIdrL6v
@michael_nielsen Well, they attempt it at least.
@PrinceVogel > between sex and empire
@BecomingCritter x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
@Anoneconomist1 I have no idea what you're talking about.
@Anoneconomist1 researchgate.net/profile/Elise-β¦
@QiaochuYuan @Meaningness As a corollary to this, citations are an excellent way to dissipate tendencies towards this kind of cultish worship. Not using them strikes me as negligent.
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