@GlitchesRoux Proof of stake coins such as eth 2.0, Tezos, etc use much less energy to validate transactions.
We must imagine Kierkegaard happy. x.com/sonyasupposedlβ¦
@disconcerta @eigenrobot Including your own.
@disconcerta @eigenrobot Thankfully from Twitter's perspective it's probably pretty easy to enforce a UNIQUE constraint on the likes table/remove the duplicates.
I could go around telling the "bitcoin is killing the planet" people that proof of stake coins exist, but the Boydian thing to do is just let them overinvest in that narrative and πΏπΏπΏ when it evaporates out from underneath them later.
Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed The Art Of War is an excellent book btw, wonderful description of how to succeed at doing things in a pervasively bad faith environment. https://t.co/C5BvqYNi74
@OswaldHurlem @eigenrobot @ubiquity75 https://t.co/7Hs0WyOm9D
@Meaningness @11kilobytes @QiaochuYuan @lukeprog I think a lot of it is that EY attracted many extremely academically illiterate readers? It's not a mistake I would ever make now for example, but when I was 14 I was clueless. Can confirm I know people who I had to tell "EY didn't come up with the vast vast majority of that."
@michaelcurzi https://t.co/67csJz2iDM
@hasturized @eigenrobot ESR talking about that was actually one of the things that led me to research this in the first place.
~ladsyt-mirdyl/extropy https://t.co/6srMevi4A5
Dunno why he even responds to this stuff. Anyone who pays attention to the way someone structures their life can largely tell if someone is here to grift or not. x.com/visakanv/statuβ¦
The number of people who pursue a virtuous path to anything with zero red flags about their underlying motivation is very small. Vast majority spend no more than the necessary effort to hide their goals and the consequences of what they're optimizing for fill in around them.
PSA: You are allowed to just look at someones behavior and infer their goals from it. Even based on relatively subtle cues! If you were punished for that when you were younger you might not notice you can successfully do it now.
John Lennon's son writing a psychadelic rock ballad about Jack Parsons is still one of the cooler things I learned about during my subculture history research.
Handing out NFTs as an ARG reward reminds me of the limited edition items Neopets would hand out for participating in the site 'plots' (which were basically on-site ARG's before that was what people knew to call them). x.com/mycodecraftingβ¦
One man's FAI is another man's basilisk.
Sorry guys I already sold my soul to Singer's FAI for 29 cents.
Fascinating ratio on this thread. x.com/mattyglesias/sβ¦
@tszzl Please, this has nothing on Runescape bank sales. https://t.co/c3vgi3tOvq
@vgr Bit late to the party with this take IMO, this talk came out in 2016 and Neil was kinda lampooning the idea back then as an Internet OG.
@vgr Heck the talk is even titled "How To Be An Internet Explorer".
@tszzl @eigenrobot > commonly loved household names that would release a lot of free energy if cancelled
Woke as malthusian elite infighting and creative destruction vehicle is very underexplored thesis compared to its predictive power IMO.
@tszzl @eigenrobot See also politics of sacrifice:
@eigenrobot Reminder that SlateStarCodex Abridged has a one click button for downloading the entire site precisely to make it difficult to suppress as samizdat.
@eigenrobot https://t.co/QqDYVX119o
@eigenrobot I want you to imagine seeing your ideological opponents as an analogue of ISIS and your enemy is literally human connection:
And then tell me with a straight face that you are not an actual Care Bears villain.
@eigenrobot Oh and your ideological opponents are *checks notes* "anyone who didn't think 'masks are racist' was a sane COVID-19 op-ed in February of 2020".
@webdevMason @liminal_warmth Always has been.
@NLRG_ @eigenrobot Technically they're discussing the QAnon/MAGA people, but that seems like a euphemism for "anyone the regime feels is a threat to ideological hegemony".
@quotidiania x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
@hectorr159 Urbit sees the spam problem as being largely caused by the identity problem.
I disagree, but do think it's a large component in the particular context of computer systems.
@hectorr159 I've actually softened my stance on Urbit ID's after using the system and thinking through the idea of paying significantly more than $10 for an ID. The realistic alternative to Urbit ID's would be a costly signaling contract, which would de-facto lead to similar overall price.
@hectorr159 Still think the costly signaling contract is more flexible and has more interesting possibilities, but the mere price increase of Urbit ID's caused by speculators isn't actually that big a deal; at least so far.
@bronwynwilliams It's a stand in for the 1950's scifi future that was promised and didn't come to pass, used precisely because it is stereotypical and unimaginative. It doesn't challenge the viewer or force them to think, which means it instantly and reliably references the concept.
@bronwynwilliams That is, it's an ironic/insincere reference; like most other things in meme culture.
This is a succinct description of where I think the postrats are actually coming from. t.co/9PnvEczXQJ
Also think Scott Alexander had an even bigger impact than I said he did off the cuff during the podcast.
Anti-inductive domains, the extreme unreliability of science to find truth/replication crisis, illegibility, etc etc are all ideas Scott either popularized or articulated.
Epistemic Learned Helplessness:
Anti-Inductive domains:
Replication crisis/inadequacy of science as complete epistemology:
How many people cite 'bounded cognition' et al. vs. citing something that was literally popularized on Scott Alexander's blog?
Also a succinct description of why we have a Bayesian-approximate brain that doesn't actually use 'correct' update rules. Surviving the environment is table stakes, even deer manage it, your big brain is there for social combat and soaking up culture.
@thesravaka Can't tell if this is chaotic good, lawful evil, or chaotic evil.
@Virtual1nstinct youtube.com/watch?v=HgAJn8β¦
@ThottonMather slatestarcodexabridged.com/The-Control-Grβ¦
@ThottonMather This is a pretty central example of someone analyzing the thing. See also: Philosophy of science, 'theory of knowledge', etc.
See also this summary of the history of rational theories of human knowledge: metarationality.com/Aristotelian-lβ¦
@PrinceVogel If you died tonight, can you compress where you'd tell someone to go looking for the solution to the thing you're working on in one tweet?
@chaospel @spookymachine I got into the ratsphere when I was 14.
@generativist @chaosprime Tell us more.
@s_r_constantin @QiaochuYuan This whole thing is weird meta-simulacrum cope for the fact that we live in a broken universe and then trying to pretend like that's a subjective, personal problem.
@s_r_constantin @QiaochuYuan You don't have a disorganized attachment relationship to your parents, you have one to your whole society (and perhaps even the entropic-tendency cosmos by extension).
@quotidiania Chad exists above a certain percentile of aptitude, and he simply dodges or soaks exploitation as further proof of his extraordinary fitness.
@quotidiania Take note of the positive feedback loop where the better this proves your fitness the more desirable it is to be Chad, which makes exploitation a better strategy. Literally self reifying/reinforcing bad life advice on a societal scale.
@quotidiania @s_r_constantin @QiaochuYuan It's definitely both, I figured this was implied. "You don't [just] have..."
Related: Often know the answer to something before you know why the answer. Seriously trying to generate the why's can produce intermediate hypothesis that are dangerous to articulate and taken as you questioning the answer itself. x.com/nosilverv/statβ¦
Not least of which because sometimes doing this shows the answer was wrong all along.
@s_r_constantin @QiaochuYuan Michael Vassar has an interesting podcast where he discusses the phenomena but not really its causes.
@simoj_ This entire thread exists in the context of a discourse that basically asks the question "Is there anything to this rationality thing beyond cope? Isn't it just a spook?" and that's kind of my reply.
'Rationality as perma reflective mode' isn't insane if the universe is broken.
@simoj_ (Of course, 'perma reflective mode' is a caricature and effective people don't work that way)
@HiFromMichaelV @s_r_constantin @QiaochuYuan @reasonisfun This was in fact already clarified, I just deleted my part of that thread so as not to sidetrack from Sarah's (IMO quite good) exposition.
@AndyFarnham @3andcaptain x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
@nosilverv It's a key feature of Crowley's Thelema, but probably predates it in some fashion I'm sure.
First they killed the ancestors, then they killed god.
@cosmicoptima Korzybski framed it as going from being un-sane to sane.
@cosmicoptima amazon.com/Korzybski-Biogβ¦
@PrinceVogel A lot of whether you really internalize "Eliezer's Extropy" comes down to whether the Azkaban arc in HPMOR did its magic on you or not.
@PrinceVogel You can critique the rest of the story as weird propaganda kitsch, but that part in particular is something else.
@PrinceVogel Like there's a sense in which the rest of the story after that is only given out of a sense of politeness.
@eigenrobot This cuts both ways: newsweek.com/save-americas-β¦
@eigenrobot Never said that, just said it cuts both ways.
@eigenrobot In general, courts will likely enforce against certain kinds of Woke commisarship, but they won't dismantle it for you because the Woke also have the opposite right not to be fired for being zealots.
@eigenrobot I actually do expect courts to be relatively 'neutral', at least for now, but important to remember that just because you theoretically have legal neutrality doesn't mean you have social or resource neutrality.
Warrant is a general epistemological concept but we only apply it to criminal justice.
"Warrantless laws", "Warrantless news articles", "Warrantless arguments" are all important categories of thing destroying our society that we dance around but fail to precisely describe their core problem.
@GarrettPetersen It's a good question. I think a lot of the argument was *about* whether the article was warranted regardless of which side you fall on.
My feeling is something like "Scott is clearly part of the discourse, but a article that doxxes him is clearly totally unwarranted."
@GarrettPetersen Which itself I think calls into question what exactly the NYT's role is in regards to The Discourse anyway. Is Scott the sort of thing they should be writing about at all? Maybe. But asking the question seems more important than what specific answer you come up with.
Was thinking of writing a token tweet bot before tt got big. In that timeline I would never dream of being this stupid.
(Hint: The right solution was authors can frontrun the person trying to mint their tweet. Preserves virality while putting content & money where it belongs.) x.com/SciStarborne/sβ¦
@SciStarborne I would also just not mint tweets that block the bot, since like, why on earth..
Point is that if you let authors get there first fewer would be so angry they want to not participate in the first place. "Sorry I just don't want this money" isn't a thing I'd expect to be common.
@SciStarborne But it's a preference you should definitely respect, actively anti-respecting it is a copyright suit waiting to happen.
@SciStarborne (To say nothing of the sheer jerkass-ness of it)
@SciStarborne The ethical/design reasoning is that if you just have authors mint you'll never get past the bootstrapping phase. If you let anyone mint it's viral, but disrespects (and frankly illegally profits from) authors work. Frontrunning lets you start viral and have authors take over.
@SciStarborne Lets just say that seeing how the concept turned out in practice, I'm glad I didn't go for it. This is very ugly.
@SciStarborne Not having a good solution to automated content trawling is one reason I chose not to do it.
@SciStarborne Suspect the general shape of a solution would be to only let N tweets be minted per day by an identity (since minting is centrally controlled), but actually doing KYC/etc for that would be tough/high friction.
@SciStarborne Notable that in practice this problem was solved by first mover advantage going to someone who just doesn't have any morals, clearly.
@SciStarborne In retrospect the idea seems to be premised on tweets not being substantial enough to qualify for copyright protection, but I suspect @tokenizedtweets is going to get to test the limits of that assumption.
(Don't fancy their odds, tbh)
@jgstorms Sorry just saw this, you seem to have already found it but: soundcloud.com/user-557955426β¦
@eigenrobot greaterwrong.com/posts/NfdHG6oHβ¦
Many people think they're standing on the moral high ground when it's actually just an enormous pile of corpses.
Empiricism is king in science but measurement is the queen. x.com/nameshiv/statuβ¦
See invention of the airplane being a breakthrough in measurement.
Wright Brothers invented a way to measure airplane part performance, which made inventing the airplane easy.
@QiaochuYuan x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
@postpostpostr @ElodesNL @amirism_ Only if you come to attention as a hypothesis in the first place, but yes. This is a tactic for avoiding being hypothesized about, not to prevent them from drawing the wrong conclusions.
@postpostpostr @ElodesNL @amirism_ The fundamental dead end is it only works if you're small/have low reach in the first place, at a certain point of distribution scale it actively works against you.
@jsmill37 One loose definition of a dark age is a time when single individuals can have outsized influence. In an adequate society problems are being solved by many redundant persons.
@jsmill37 See e.g. the old joke about any given 20th century physicist getting hit by a bus setting the field back a few hours.
@liminal_warmth Actors don't want to do it.
Kepler on spaceflight in 1610 https://t.co/lrRHpr0xxP
@nosilverv @RokoMijicUK Compare/contrast to what Bezos was saying a few years before in an interview: youtube.com/watch?v=rWRbTnβ¦
Compare/contrast with what Bezos himself was saying in an interview a few years before:
Dude just lays out the business plan basically. x.com/SamRo/status/1β¦
Do not be psyop'd into thinking ideas don't matter, ideas absolutely matter. But they're multiplied by execution, so without execution an idea is worthless. The base value still matters though.
@niftierideology This would actually be a great story premise.
@SamoBurja The dark forest has a long tail of stalkers and weirdos unfortunately. I still keep my DMs open for now.
Kind of Guy who just stands in the aisle going "That's not root beer." and he's still saying it when the store attendant comes by to swap the Mug out for vape juice flavored root beer. https://t.co/Jjm34D0Jl1
@yashkaf @jessesingal I think this is actually too charitable. To an agreeable and unethical person (or just unreflective, scarce difference) disagreeableness *is* a form of unethical behavior. So their prior is that any disagreeable person can be assumed to have engaged in unethical actions.
@yashkaf @jessesingal There's a phenomena called the limited hangout where you admit a partial truth to deflect a worse truth. Opposite thing also exists where evidence of a mild or moderate bad act is used to grease the wheels for blatantly untrue accusations of worse behavior.
@yashkaf @jessesingal This is the basic reason why you never want to say sorry to someone in bad faith. They will just use the admission as a platform to accuse you of worse stuff that didn't happen.
@yashkaf @jessesingal It's also why there's a weird averaging where true accusations against unusually bad people tend to get rounded down and false accusations against good people get rounded up. People are aware of this game and filter the signal to account for it.
Feel like this would be less of a problem if we used formats and styles more amenable to updates/partial drafts.
Blogs took over because they provided an easy way to send updates to readers so they'll come back to your site. x.com/visakanv/statuβ¦
Git diff might provide an interesting way to construct an RSS feed for page updates.
@RokoMijicUK J. Storr Hall says it explicitly in *Where Is My Flying Car?*
@tszzl Design certification dominates rocketry costs, so in practice raw materials ends up being a single digit % of expenses.
In that context of course bigger is better.
@erienneyoung sirlin.net/ptw-book/introβ¦
@vic_press I agree - we should immediately ban all nonlocal news coverage of mass shootings, removing most of the incentive to commit them.
@orthonormalist @eigenrobot Evergreen tweet.
Cosmic horror solarpunk novel where the protagonists world is consumed by a economic meme anonymously invented by aliens to burn earth's bootstrap resources.
Bitcoin maximalists get the death penalty but it doesn't stop them from making specious arguments about altcoins. x.com/postpostpostr/β¦
Post an image of yourself as the final boss without downloading new pics. x.com/NightTheNavi/s⦠https://t.co/X0VecFH7oY
You've been consumed by a paperclip maximizer! Do you want your possessions identified?
Reading Engines of Creation and you can totally see how EY would cite this as his main formative influence. https://t.co/4GGI6HAOsD
@HiFromMichaelV @selentelechia > maybe replace 'sane' with 'protected'?
Disagree. Then it'd just be the first. Inability to be harmed and unprotected basically the same thing from social standpoint.
Paranoid psychoticism has an element of self persecution (i.e. feeling insane) which invites real persecution.
@RokoMijicUK I think it's also an understanding that they can't hold off the 'progressive' coalition forever. So rather than try they find ways to make that momentum benefit them and hurt their enemies. It's judo.
@PrinceVogel x.com/micsolana/statβ¦
@Plinz Actually unsure what you're talking about.
@VictoryCasts @eigenrobot Well here's a blog post about one of the things I didn't talk about:
@VictoryCasts @eigenrobot A friend of mine already kinda wrote one for the Korzybski parts after I introduced her to the subject:
@VictoryCasts @eigenrobot Kodish's Biography of Korzybski is amazing, and you'd be better to read that if you want a book length treatment of the Korzybski parts:
If you want a picture of the future, imagine nanomachines sculpting the face of a giggling catgirl forever.
The Forest Passage by Ernst Junger (1951)
@eigenrobot You say this imagining yourself as the person being cut up for their organs, but if you were one of the five dying you'd be crying with rage that the surgeon won't do the obviously right thing and get you that kidney.
And then you'd die.
@eigenrobot (Just so we're clear I'm not quite utilitarian and don't quite think killing the weary stranger for his organs is a good idea, but people really overemphasize how intuitive the wrongness is here because they think healthy people like them matter and sick people don't.)
@0creativitigang @diegofrosalesm https://t.co/l9es68wMiz
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