@onetaste108 @RiversHaveWings "The circle is now complete, when I left you I was but the learner; now I am the Master."
"Only a Master of artifacts, Wings! *GPU fan vwoosh*"
@Alephwyr It's an excuse for teachers to do abuse stuff to you. Source: Was on the receiving end of such.
If the logical conclusions of your beliefs are bad things, that's a code smell. Reacting to it by bifurcating your 'beliefs' and your morals is like patching the case where 2 + 2 = 5 to be 4 instead of fixing the arithmetic routines.
@interpretantion youtube.com/watch?v=W5n1pZβ¦
Supposedly the row is based on musical set theory. This is old stuff.
The Virgin "It just keeps tumbling down" vs. The Chad "Why don't we keep it coming back"
@TeddyRaccovelt Right about what?
_believing science intensifies_ https://t.co/md0Qlfqhqr
@liminal_warmth Really wish we could save moments like that and replay them later. Not like a video, but save and replay the experience itself.
If anyone else noticed the 1960's and the 2010's/20's have the same vibe to them but couldn't put their finger on why.
It's because they're both presingularity periods culturally: slatestarcodexabridged.com/1960-The-Year-β¦
Similar fears around automation in the 60's, etc.
Hall points out in Where Is My Flying Car that 'the singularity' has been an ongoing phenomena since the first industrial revolution. He has a graph he calls the Henry Adam's Curve where the amount of energy available to society grows at an average rate of 7-8% a year until 1970.
The great stagnation makes it harder to see the similarity, because it's assumed that 1930's futurism never made sense conceptually. But the truth is that naive extrapolation from the last 200 years of trends and contemporary engineering made flying cars plausible.
Good documentary with that 60's technoscience vibe to it: youtube.com/watch?v=X-gVTMβ¦
And, it should be noted, they are possible. A flying car is just a roadable autogyro. https://t.co/9VXLPNWfV3
@goblinodds Would be interesting to make a social network that accepts this is how ideas are made and then tries to generate useful philosophy/intellectual work from it adversarially.
@nosilverv https://t.co/BXnjibwR9j
Update on potential damage caused by COVID spike proteins in vaccine formulations: blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archiβ¦
tl;dr: The situation is a bit different so the vaccine is less likely to harm you than COVID.
@willlowthewhisp My blog
@jessi_cata x.com/sdw/status/138β¦
My personal read is that the shitcoin era is about to end. $FEI ICO fiasco shows that the complexity of scamcoin needed to attract interest has reached unsustainable levels while fundamental coin technology has matured. Ppl will converge on a handful of platforms and it's over. x.com/NotJeff_/statuβ¦
Dumb crap like dogecoin will accelerate the regulatory environment that will make new ICO's much tougher. Existing players like Ethereum and Tezos already got harassed by the SEC, soon they'll have the legitimacy to more or less go after anyone doing shitcoin stuff.
Korean War 2 with World War Characteristics
History is anti-inductive and responds to your attempts to predict it. x.com/willwjack/statβ¦
@wolftivy x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
@wolftivy You just made me realize the confusion exists on the consumer end too.
"Light Sparks had once read an article about how lots of people thought they wanted to run coffee shops. ... They thought that running a business was permanently being a customer."
This is how I feel about most trauma + X-Risk strategy discourse. https://t.co/UKeJETHZvN
"The person that solves AI risk will be a magickal unschooled untraumatized fae moonchild" feels like extreme copium, the sort of thing you say and think when you don't have an angle of attack on the thing besides "get stronger".
And even if you met your savior you might not like him, recall that Neumann's advice after inventing the atomic bomb was to immediately start WW3, conquer Russia, and rule the world in a Pax Americana.
@mechanical_monk https://t.co/9ViPdpOKGe
Wonder how much of the rat/postrat thing just boils down to Extropians vs. Buddhists.
And then the Buddhists are arguing about Theravada vs. Tantra.
@YosarianTwo David Pearce seems like an obvious example.
@flybottlemist @embryosophy I mean it really depends on which branch of right wing authoritarianism(?) you're concerned with. I know that whenever I hear someone talking about 'fascists' I usually write them off as either uneducated or overeducated in the wrong ways.
@flybottlemist @embryosophy I usually associate casual use of the word with this kind of subtextual social darwinism. The sort of person who believes most should be tormented or mind controlled for being born mediocre.
(Not for inability to do scrupulous purity, the misanthropy I associate with leftists)
@flybottlemist @embryosophy Mussolini's fascism is a thin parody of 'trad' over rightauth syndicalism. Gives it that vibe of "left wing tactics for right wing goals". But the people we call fascists now aren't that, they don't believe the masses have a real place in the superorganism they want to build.
@HiFromMichaelV Sure but I'm talking about the 'moonchild' part more specifically. This idea that if you become untraumatized enough you turn into Jon von Neumann, and then become the AI risk messiah. https://t.co/hQCsr8b2lc
@HiFromMichaelV I was trying to not @ them but this thread is what I was annoyed with: x.com/InquilineKea/sβ¦
@HiFromMichaelV Many people with model that you're a Neumann level(?) prodigy until it's beaten out of you. That if it wasn't for modernity people would mostly be agentic. I think it's more like people aren't by default, and are damaged in ways that make it even less likely they ever will be.
@HiFromMichaelV But the damage is actually a lot less important than the act of not-nurturing. That is, training life strategies that just explore for N steps until a niche is found and then try to exploit it until lifespan runs out (i.e. default mammal strategy found in rodents).
@HiFromMichaelV One conjecture I worry about is the idea that maybe mammals are really just meant to learn a life strategy once during adolescence and then a lot of trauma and mental decay is that strategy becoming less and less relevant in an environment where stuff changes a lot.
@HiFromMichaelV I'm not sure my fundamental life strategy has changed very much since adolescence, say when I read LW, Paul Graham, Hacker News, MIT Hacker history/et al around age 14. Most development since then seems like fine tuning that meta strategy rather than totally new stuff.
@HiFromMichaelV Yeah, it's obviously not impossible to do a radical skill shift, which probably implies a radical life strategy shift. I just found it very suspicious listening to a lecture about what function adolescence serves in rodents and realizing most humans do the same thing.
@paulg There is a word for this - epicycles.
@eigenrobot Story about a society which did just that: 250bpm.com/blog:113/
@dakooata "Desire everything" vs. "Desire nothing".
But even that is simplifying.
@dakooata "Create until nothing is left to create
And the universe bursts with an overworked sigh
And pretend to, pretend to recrown the creation
And sing the same thing 'til the clouds start to cry
And then over and over and over again
And then over and over and never again"
@dakooata Well, unless we can find a way to break the laws of thermodynamics anyway.
@eigenrobot https://t.co/Jsy2W6RU5B
Ultimately stems from failure to consider warrant, only necessity. Still thinking in pre-Godelian-Turing hypothesis space. Cynical interpretation is this is a deliberate gambit to produce hypercompetent philosophers from the % that survive exposure to pathological input space. x.com/nosilverv/statβ¦
See also: x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
Similar gambit to the self reifying bad life advice to be more Chad: x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
"I don't get it."
In a community where everyone does this it quickly becomes apparent whose souls are robust and dominant, and whose souls become submissive noise in a state of radical openness to adversarial hypothesis space.
@Meaningness @Malcolm_Ocean @michael_nielsen @emmaconcepts @stubborncurias @nicknaraghi > use numerology as a stock example of thought gone hopelessly wrong, and they are right to do so; still, they cannot tell you what it is that is wrong with it.
As the number of variables in an analysis approaches infinity the chance of a spurious correlation approaches one.
@Meaningness @Malcolm_Ocean @michael_nielsen @emmaconcepts @stubborncurias @nicknaraghi Even this is too weak a statement, you don't need to get anywhere near infinity before you are very close to one. Perhaps you get exponentially closer to one with each variable added, would be fun to attempt to study.
@Meaningness @Malcolm_Ocean @michael_nielsen @emmaconcepts @stubborncurias @nicknaraghi "They're the same picture." https://t.co/Vr3CDyAgaS
@Meaningness @Malcolm_Ocean @michael_nielsen @emmaconcepts @stubborncurias @nicknaraghi "15 Three is a real object all right: you are not thinking of nothing when you think of three."
This one is actually answering much of the essays question, if you think about it with an open mind.
@Meaningness @Malcolm_Ocean @michael_nielsen @emmaconcepts @stubborncurias @nicknaraghi When a search space is pathological (as proof-space is) then the strongest kind of proof becomes existence proofs. You believe X or Y conjecture is provable because some comparable Z suggests it. Hypothesis must be traced to some kind of credible experience before consideration.
So the thing is, millenials are broken in a similar way. They think if something reaches them as viral news (e.g. Kony 2012) it's trustworthy, when actually viral news is malign and skepticism is necessary.
And then they get mad if you express skepticism x.com/eevee/status/1β¦
@seconds_0 I don't come into threads like this to defend crypto because it seems pointless. Best way to refute this stuff is to build more applications. I'm probably not alone, and that biases the kind of people you're interacting with.
Besides I'm not 100% ready to shill @stamp_tz yet.
@eigenrobot @slatestarcodex I was actually considering writing a post about where postrat came from, and then inhibited again by how much I really don't want to.
But if I don't, nobody else is going to huh?
@eigenrobot @slatestarcodex Most of the reluctance is because it would produce prodigious amounts of beef if written in a way that reflected how I really feel about the subject.
@michaelcurzi @eigenrobot @slatestarcodex And that is precisely why I will ultimately end up having to write it, yes.
@michaelcurzi @eigenrobot @slatestarcodex One spoiler is that I think SSC had a huge influence which isn't acknowledged nearly enough. If you binge the best SSC essays back to back (as I did to correct their typos and format them) you realize a lot of SSC is this slow deconstruction of 'rationality' in the EY sense.
@michaelcurzi @eigenrobot @slatestarcodex Another spoiler is I think there's a motte and bailey going on where you have 'postrat is about the stuff Chapman talks about' discourse that is fake and then this weirder discourse where postrat is a bohemian hideout for ex-LWers of various flavors, which feels more accurate.
@michaelcurzi @eigenrobot @slatestarcodex This can be split into several camps. There's the QC thing which, I frankly feel like a lot of (but not QC himself) is people coming into LW with Dawkins new atheist memes, pattern matching EY to them, getting talked out of Dawkins and then blaming EY.
@michaelcurzi @eigenrobot @slatestarcodex Then there's like your (eigenrobot)'s thing which is basically grillpill with extra steps. https://t.co/nKMtADAltM
@eigenrobot @michaelcurzi @slatestarcodex Yeah the core group that was hanging out in chatrooms in 2015 and stuff is basically just background, I don't know enough about it yet to want to talk about it on Twitter. I'd have to ask around/research first.
@michaelcurzi @eigenrobot @slatestarcodex Then there's this Crowley mysticism thing where you LARP believing in magick but not like, Believing In Magick and you need to strike this tightrope balance between being hip without coming off like an actual maniac.
Kinda like Jack Parsons but less cool youtube.com/watch?v=XcOHiGβ¦
@michaelcurzi @eigenrobot @slatestarcodex Then, finally, you get to the actually serious philosophers who just have some kind of beef with rationality in the Extropian-Bayesian formulation. Some of this is Buddhists like @nosilverv, or monotheists(?) like @michaelcurzi. Lots of 'embodiment' and anti-induction discourse.
@michaelcurzi @eigenrobot @slatestarcodex @nosilverv In terms of explaining what this is or where it came from, that's kind of difficult because it's frankly a mess. So the easiest way to actually explain this would probably just be to get empirical-historical about exactly how these elements fit into adjacent subcultural currents.
@michaelcurzi @eigenrobot @slatestarcodex @nosilverv Also explaining the death of LW 1 and the overall epistemological crisis in the sciences (e.g. replication crisis) as well as sociopolitical events (e.g. rise of Donald Trump) that made the core thesii of LW "raise the sanity waterline" and "learn to win at everything" nonviable.
@michaelcurzi @eigenrobot @slatestarcodex @nosilverv If I had to compress it into a tweet postrat is the wreckage of the LW social network after people realized most useful domains are anti-inductive (i.e. not natural philosophy shaped in study) and science is broken, so you may as well get high on copium while the world burns.
@michaelcurzi @eigenrobot @slatestarcodex @nosilverv P.S. I refuse to do this.
@eigenrobot @michaelcurzi @slatestarcodex @nosilverv I aged ten years too. https://t.co/FK51eE3O2Y
@eigenrobot @michaelcurzi @slatestarcodex @nosilverv Sometimes I think back to before I learned about any of this stuff, or anything adjacent to it. When I was 9 playing Pokemon on gameboy. It's weird to think how little idea I had what my future would look like, even when I tried to imagine it.
Stage 0
@eigenrobot @michaelcurzi @slatestarcodex @nosilverv https://t.co/tUB8dKA0Ik
@eigenrobot @michaelcurzi @slatestarcodex @nosilverv I think the thing they're talking about is different.
I listened to stuff like this when I was 12 on the backyard swingset, and I'd imagine memories from 5th grade that felt very distant. They feel just as distant now, but that was personal, not cosmic.
Read through this thread and its replies. It is a perfect demonstration of two things:
1. How little respect you should have for most peoples opinion on most things.
2. What it's like to be thoroughly ignorant such that others can manipulate you.
Like if your only cues for believing people are tone, shibboleths, etc, this person sounds totally sincere and convincing. But everything they're saying is false lol.
In case I have followers who don't know why: Proof of Work requires reversing a hash which is expensive. Proof of Stake doesn't, and the operations necessary for it to work aren't expensive. Most expensive part is having people organize (i.e. humans and hardware) to sign blocks.
This is why operations on proof of stake chains have lower fees, you don't need to pay the people who sign the blocks as much if they don't also need to burn a bunch of energy on their GPU to do it.
'Decryption' is generally a cheap operation in most encryption schemes. Your browser does it all the time just to load a secure web page. If it used bitcoin levels of energy we'd have roasted the planet by now.
@AClockwork_Crow IDK it's intuitive to me, hard to explain to people who don't get it.
@eigenrobot @hexagr The light of the eyes is as a comet
And Yud's activity is as lightning
The sword that kills the man
Is the sword that saves the man
Notable that this tweet is essentially trying to punish me for discouraging antisocial behavior. "The antidote to bad speech is more speech" doesn't work if you literally go out of your way to try and stop consequences from happening to people who deserve them. x.com/eigenrobot/staβ¦
Resurrection of The Dead via Multiverse-Wide Acausual Cooperation A/B (2048x2048, VQGAN + CLIP)
hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/81152 https://t.co/EEHjLIoZxC
Revolution of the Souls, (VQGAN + CLIP 2560x1920)
#hicetnunc2000 #NFT #nftart #tezosart https://t.co/gzQwACep2U
"There are two ways to slide easily through life: Namely, to believe everything, or to doubt everything; both ways save us from thinking."
- Alfred Korzybski
Romanticism and nihilism are popular because they let you avoid modeling the world in sufficient detail to be a realist.
It isn't actually about the hedonic tone, if it were then nihilism and dramatic pessimism wouldn't have so many adherents. However, expecting things to always be bad does stop you from being surprised by bad news.
First Day Of The Monsters, (VQGAN + CLIP 2560x1920)
#hicetnunc2000 #NFT #nftart #tezosart https://t.co/aDFNtIF0g5
@LisaIRMcNulty @joe_r_Odonnell @GeniesLoki Multiple useful definitions of 'rationality' in the Yudkowsky sense. One anti-definition is that it aspires to the opposite of being a scrub: sirlin.net/ptw-book/introβ¦
@LisaIRMcNulty @joe_r_Odonnell @GeniesLoki This seems unrealistic though. More realistic is it's the operationalization of Moreian Extropy taken to its conclusions:
'Rationality' is to Singularitan-Extropy as meditation is to Buddhism.
@LisaIRMcNulty @joe_r_Odonnell @GeniesLoki Descriptive definition would be that it's a Bayesian-Information theoretic epistemology (e.g. slatestarcodexabridged.com/Book-Review-Suβ¦). Probably as good as you can get without digging deeper into neurology and doing more empirical work nobody actually wants to do because they're lazy.
@LisaIRMcNulty @joe_r_Odonnell @GeniesLoki Anthropological definition would be that it's the group of people that came out of reading readthesequences.com and organizing as a kind of online book club on lesswrong.com, and then the various sub-movements and splinter movements that branched off from that.
@LisaIRMcNulty @joe_r_Odonnell @GeniesLoki Historical definition might be that it's the outcome of 90's transhumanist movements distilling down into a kind of behavioral econ, cognitive science, artificial intelligence based self help movement for people who want to affect the singularity.
Me providing several definitions of 'rationality' for the latest poor person to ask. x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
@LisaIRMcNulty @joe_r_Odonnell @GeniesLoki A use based definition would be that 'rationality' is a philosophical toolkit developed by Eliezer Yudkowsky (and a long list of predecessors providing component concepts) for thinking about problems related to safely developing beyond human level artificial intelligence.
@LisaIRMcNulty @joe_r_Odonnell @GeniesLoki Sometimes people get punked by this and end up in your office trying to overcome their scrupulosity around the implications of this. As they're wrestling a force of natural philosophy, this rarely ends well. This is called 'postrationality'. https://t.co/pdZE9vyWgq
@LisaIRMcNulty @joe_r_Odonnell @GeniesLoki The cynical definition would be that rationality is a terminal disease of the mind. Acquired by seeing too much of the structure of reality at once, pulling a mind deeper until it breaks (a state known as postrationality).
Rationalists are people who lasted longer than others.
@LisaIRMcNulty @joe_r_Odonnell @GeniesLoki Usually to no credit of their own mind you, mostly by being too inept to notice how deep the hole they're in actually is.
@LisaIRMcNulty @joe_r_Odonnell @GeniesLoki You also probably want slatestarcodexabridged.com
The Virgin plagiarist vs. the Chad citation machine x.com/aphercotropistβ¦
There are still dualists who expect to go somewhere when they die. People who know the scale of the universe, know humans evolved from simpler forms of life; but look up at the night sky and think "I'm the center of creation, God has set aside a special place for me."
"Do dogs go to heaven?" is one of the smartest metaphysics questions kids ask.
In case it's unclear the solution is to stop letting them issue nondischargeable debts, not legalize slavery.
Giving providers of US college loans an unconstitutional exemption from our slavery prohibitions creates an odd power imbalance. In a 'fair' market these people might be bought for more productive purposes. But monopoly gives them no incentive to be anything other than parasitic.
Chemistry Lab (StyleGAN2 + CLIP, 2048x2048)
#hicetnunc2000 #nft #tezosnft https://t.co/kbjFgEKuel
Blur of Combat (StyleGAN2 + CLIP, 2048x2048)
#hicetnunc2000 #nft #tezosnft https://t.co/2ikj4drE3h
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