@CountJ0ecool @forshaper @acidshill You mean living in modernity?
@CountJ0ecool @forshaper @acidshill x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
We Don't Want This Expedition - H.G. Wells https://t.co/ke3LtvJSXI
x.com/eevee/status/1β¦ https://t.co/lTOr8b4NU2
"Isn't that the current art market?"
No, the bigcos are currently arthritic enough to humbly allow you to get a commission sometimes.
This is a free speech issue. The hardware to produce the neural net that can make this image *also* costs under 10k. The data to produce the neural net only requires 80k items. BigCo can't control this unless they trick you into exempting AI art from fair use.
The hardware to make this image in 5 minutes costs under $10,000. 12 an hour every hour is 288 images a day 8640 a month 103680 a year per GPU slot. 100 slots can create the same OOM output as the entire archives of FurAffinity. If BigCos can do that and you can't they own you. https://t.co/6Wms3rOuLH
And if they succeed, it will go away, for a little while. Then in a year or two, five, they'll be back with their own nets trained on their own private IP and it will be you that they make go away. They will be able to post art faster than anyone else and take most commissions.
If you're an artist they are going to prey on your sense of indignation to get you to hand them the keys to the kingdom. At a moment of weakness for you when this stuff looks threatening as hell and maybe even bites into your income, they will promise to make it go away.
If that sounds farfetched, this is what these techniques could do in January.
The CLIP used to produce these is tiny compared to what it is possible to train, people just haven't gotten around to training a bigger one yet. There's lots of room for improvement here. https://t.co/Jgsj63nUxu
And once they make you go away, they will have a stranglehold on culture even stronger than the social media companies. Because where social media companies can only nudge you into paying attention to certain things, these companies control the proportion of what ideas exist.
@sysid_ACE @GlitchesRoux Using umbrellas as bullet points next to your vague criticisms doesn't make them true:
FOOM mental gymnastics vs. "Age Of Em" mental gymnastics https://t.co/7CkT4CaDlP
Enlightenment is when you come across a new obnoxious postrat and instead of telling them they're obnoxious you just block them.
Like seriously how many people can sustain a following on the "you are more than just a mind you're a body" tautology grift anyway?
This is strong support for my thesis that the future shock levels are in fact cumulative/prerequisite-ish to understand what is being discussed. x.com/liminal_warmthβ¦
Being aesthetically sensitive is what noticing lie contagion feels like from the inside.
@ESYudkowsky Thanks for the RT! Anyone interested in seeing more of my content can find it on my timeline:
@ESYudkowsky x.com/dril_gpt2/statβ¦
The application to the Stock Market 'failing to predict' COVID is left as an exercise for the reader.
Kind Of Guy who hurts others because they have 24/7 ambush predator mindset and intuitively treat all their engagements with others as situations that only have life/death outcomes. If an ambush predator mispredicts the result of an attack it dies. x.com/captain_mrs/stβ¦
@ireneista The keyboard itself would be a nice addition to:
Right now you modify an existing keyboard for it.
@eigenrobot @chaosprime x.com/QiaochuYuan/stβ¦
@QiaochuYuan Not gonna lie, I'm a bit worried about things. https://t.co/wteEkvee29
There's an esoteric interpretation of COVID-19 as sparsely coordinated months-long general and rent strike that makes more sense than the standard narrative. The state acquiescing to the publics demands even as landlords become unable to pay their landlords. Acausal revolution. x.com/robinhanson/stβ¦
@Dan_Canoeth @QiaochuYuan CLIP, Bosch
@parafactual You can cringe all you like, you'll still wind up a pile of paperclips in the end.
@QiaochuYuan The thing about this is that 3rd world people would have the same reaction to these people claiming to have 'problems'. I have no doubt your problems are real even if they're theoretically lower stakes.
@alicemazzy @QiaochuYuan I think the most toxic part is the bit where it's goodharted legible normie cause areas like bednets instead of things that might actually help like gene driving mosquitos out of existence.
@alicemazzy @QiaochuYuan Or how somebody invented a malaria vaccine and EA had approximately nothing to do with it. The malaise you feel about EA has a lot to do with it not even being the thing it advertises itself as.
@visakanv https://t.co/JE34orOkrY
@shadowcat_mst Export your account and search the .json of the conversations or whatever
Best non-conspiratorial take on UFO stuff I've seen so far. x.com/jimrandomh/staβ¦
@deepfates I did not. I've been actively avoiding this subject.
UFAI has convergent incentives to torture you for weak retrocausal influence regardless of values. This is because if you're an alignment-adjacent thinker and get distracted by something that makes alignment less likely to happen. Most of outcome space is plausibly hell realms. t.co/VfoEFVY7cV
Important to weed out the weak early so nobody makes the mistake of relying on them to do something when things actually get tough.
Fascinating high point in a fascinating thread. x.com/crabcrawler1/sβ¦
@ThatsMauvelous youtube.com/watch?v=JJmvMyβ¦
@NLRG_ One of those headscratcher "how has this person managed to avoid becoming rat adjacent" people.
@NLRG_ Possibly the most headscratcher, given the guy is basically the closest ratsphere antecedent.
Harm/Fairness morality and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. t.co/18ruQFRJmS
Right now feels like February 2020, when very few people were taking this thing called scaling seriously and few-shot prompting seemed unimaginable. x.com/sama/status/14β¦
@parafactual The noise is unbearable.
Subtle corruption of the word 'public' makes the tweet accurate but x.com/GrimWeeper4/stβ¦
They don't see how it benefits them, and I don't blame them. Everyone seems to treat Space (TM) like a camping trip rather than a place we're eventually going to stash industries so they don't pollute our planet. Or a place we'll deliver huge abundance from in metals. x.com/jimrandomh/staβ¦
@EliSennesh @Meaningness @crossslide https://t.co/Qf6XNwzjF8
@EliSennesh @Meaningness @crossslide Mathematical foundations was the final gasp of the idea that unaltered, humanity could build a royal road to understanding the mind of god. Divorced enough from its religious connotations to pass as a secular project in mathematics.
Mathematical foundations was the final gasp of the idea that unaltered, humanity could build a royal road to understanding the mind of god. Divorced enough from its religious connotations to pass as a secular project in mathematics. x.com/Meaningness/st⦠https://t.co/2kVCcqaHyy
@enkiv2 @bigblackjacobin x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
@EliSennesh @Meaningness @crossslide Part of it? Of course not. I didn't say it was part of it, I said that Hilbert style foundations is the last gasp of the promise that the mind of god has a royal road to it.
@EliSennesh @Meaningness @crossslide The emotional pain is caused by losing the conjecture that there is an easy epistemology to understand everything.
@EliSennesh @Meaningness @crossslide That is reasonable, for what it's worth this is a gestalt impression connecting together disparate datapoints from my reading. It isn't based on a detailed understanding of the history and could easily be wrong. Unfortunately Twitter makes it hard to say that fluidly.
Epistemic Status: "This is a gestalt impression connecting together disparate datapoints from my reading. It isn't based on a detailed understanding of the history and could easily be wrong. Unfortunately Twitter makes it hard to say that fluidly."
@EliSennesh @Meaningness @crossslide Perhaps a better way to put it than 'easy', to get a little esoteric is the idea that all important human knowledge should be able to fit into one head. This idea that mathematics, physics, etc, should be extremely compressible so that one man can understand the universe.
@EliSennesh @Meaningness @crossslide Taxonomy and histories are deeply allergy inducing to a certain kind of mind because they don't compress well. Your knowledge doesn't go farther than what you've already seen, they are the most empirical disciplines. https://t.co/8peZbT2UTK
@EliSennesh @Meaningness @crossslide Losing the foundations and being stuck with paradox, for most of hypothesis space to be adversarial Godel-space with Gabriel's Horns and tainted paradoxes turns mathematics into this kind of minutia, a catalogue of astonishing facts no person could ever hope to totally master.
What I think was lost is the idea that all important human knowledge should be able to fit into one head. This idea that mathematics, physics, etc, should be extremely compressible so that one man can understand the universe.
Taxonomy and histories are deeply allergy inducing to a certain kind of mind because they don't compress well. Your knowledge doesn't go farther than what you've already seen, they are the most empirical disciplines. https://t.co/Zl0GGkZCCv
Losing the foundations and being stuck with paradox, for most of hypothesis space to be adversarial Godel-space with Gabriel's Horns and tainted paradoxes turns mathematics into this kind of minutia, a catalogue of astonishing facts no person could ever hope to totally master.
Perhaps even more basic than that it's the death of Kant's idea of apriori knowledge that is both empirical and rational. The idea that you can preclude the unknown-unknown, to prove there isn't another monster like non-Euclidean mathematics lying in wait for you, is gone.
@EliSennesh @Meaningness @crossslide Yes but you weren't promised it was all available to you, that you would have time and power to master everything.
@WeftOfSoul Lets go https://t.co/gAGRMcMlIf
Vintage "OK, boomer" spirit x.com/PeterBrownPhD/β¦
I have once again broken the latest twitter fad app by using the site in an atypical way. https://t.co/4BG8Cl9SU2
@eigenrobot @zeitfugue Where to? Been thinking about this.
@BeyondTheCenter @deepfates No that's this hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/81152 https://t.co/U8rTSjpnPa
This is a good sample of what emotional abuse looks like. t.co/VnMy0Mn6LW
I am yet again reminding you that lies are contagious and neurotypical lie detection thresholds result in being wrong about approximately everything outside your immediate experience. x.com/Virtual1nstincβ¦
See also:
@danielrussruss @deepfates I think this has literally already happened. StyleGAN outputs are probably better than the stuff impressing you. I don't think anyone looks at me or @RiversHaveWings twitter avatars and goes "oh cool, AI generated avi".
@Virtual1nstinct @jack_meditates Awwβ€οΈ
This is what causal decision theorists actually believe x.com/lisatomic5/staβ¦
@GurneyJourney @RiversHaveWings I personally enjoyed my "Carl Jung's Shadow in the style of Jackson Pollock" https://t.co/ez57RlnO5R
When someone is consistently stupid at the "$20 on the floor in grand central station" level, that implies powerful forces at work keeping them dumb or broken. If an otherwise functional person has 'obvious' problems, you can't fix them and trying is a waste of time.
Corollary: If the members of a culture are failing to live up to its founding premises even after long familiarity with them, or not making obvious inferences, you are literally talking to people selected on their inability to understand those premises.
I still think the solution to this problem is for us to take Pfizer and Moderna, arbitrarily label one the "Trump" vaccine and another the "Biden" vaccine and then watch vaccination rates quickly reach 85+% x.com/SamoBurja/statβ¦
Yes! And it's my favorite example of the basic problems with classical liberalism. x.com/cheascake/statβ¦
Most of our problems can be traced to low trust societies losing the ability to do cost-benefit decision making.
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