John David Pressman's Tweets - August 2021

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πŸ”— John David Pressman 2021-08-02 19:53 UTC

@LapsusLima Absolutely not

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πŸ”— John David Pressman 2021-08-03 06:45 UTC

In the original story, the emperor steps into the courtyard naked to see who will laugh at him. He then has the people who didn't ignore his nakedness executed for obvious disloyalty.…

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πŸ”— John David Pressman 2021-08-05 19:53 UTC

Have you considered just not thinking about the problem?

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πŸ”— John David Pressman 2021-08-06 21:07 UTC

@roll20app Magic Missile

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πŸ”— John David Pressman 2021-08-12 21:39 UTC

@PrinceVogel Lining your bed with receipt paper as HRT

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πŸ”— John David Pressman 2021-08-13 21:47 UTC


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πŸ”— John David Pressman 2021-08-14 15:12 UTC

@Bearded_Stoic @eigenrobot…

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πŸ”— John David Pressman 2021-08-15 19:46 UTC

@ESYudkowsky Markets have an anthropic bias, they only trade as though the world will not end. This means if an event would be fatal the market might rationally understand it in fine detail and spam filter it, until events become impossible to ignore.

Lets hope markets aren't efficient.

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πŸ”— John David Pressman 2021-08-15 19:50 UTC

@ESYudkowsky But given when I tried telling a trader I knew about COVID they replied with "I'm not an idiot everyone on the trading floor has heard about this.", I'm fairly sure they are.

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πŸ”— John David Pressman 2021-08-15 19:54 UTC

EMH is just a very fancy way of asking "If it's such a good idea why hasn't someone already done it?"…

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πŸ”— John David Pressman 2021-08-15 20:16 UTC

@GENIC0N Optimistic of you to think that it hasn't already.

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πŸ”— John David Pressman 2021-08-16 22:21 UTC

@mechanical_monk What do you care?

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πŸ”— John David Pressman 2021-08-17 12:18 UTC

The basilisk punished Roko by turning him into an incel.…

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πŸ”— John David Pressman 2021-08-18 18:00 UTC

A Group Of Surgeons Wait To Cryonically Suspend A Patient

(CLIP guided diffusion)

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πŸ”— John David Pressman 2021-08-20 20:24 UTC

@InquilineKea > (b/c they aren't limited from believing in good things)


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πŸ”— John David Pressman 2021-08-21 19:27 UTC

@TeddyRaccovelt Read what you just wrote again, slowly.

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πŸ”— John David Pressman 2021-08-21 19:30 UTC

@pt This is why I think @hicetnunc2000 and similar are going to do well, they're accessible for collectors.

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πŸ”— John David Pressman 2021-08-23 19:05 UTC

"illustration of woolly mammoths reclaiming the arctic, trending on artstation"

(CLIP Guided Diffusion [512x512 ImageNet])

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πŸ”— John David Pressman 2021-08-24 20:10 UTC

"watercolor illustration of ww1 trench warfare firing a machine gun into no mans land, trending on artstation, full color HD"

(CLIP guided diffusion [512x512 ImageNet])

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