@BlckCatBlckSky Too much individual freedom at the expense of communal self determination.
@BlckCatBlckSky "I just want to live on the same street as my friends in a place we have communal control over", yeah there's a reason you can't do that buddy.
@daveddennis @RiversHaveWings "What is real? How do you define 'real'? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain."
At some point the resources will become available to write biographies about genes rather than people.
@ESYudkowsky x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
Journalists don't hate you, you're just made of clicks and clout that they can use for their own purposes.
The most underrated impact of AI art is that people are going to be able to advocate for themselves in a multimedia discourse without the support of specialists. x.com/jasoncrawford/β¦
"Corporations asking for an internal blockchain don't understand what a database is." only makes sense as a take until you realize that sufficiently large corporations might have a healthy paranoia about their internal record keeping for the same reason the Soviets would have...
The Soviet Union literally failed in no small part because it's much harder to fudge the production records when money is in use.
Well, obviously the Soviets had a currency. A better way to put this might be that when every actor in the system is self interested they demand proper accounting, when actors don't benefit from their own labor they can externalize their problems and failures to the state.
@ben_r_hoffman I found this on the ground account of making computers in the Soviet Union very telling about the Soviet system. Soviet record keeping also comes up directly, as only the highest levels of government had access to realistic estimates of the numbers.
@ben_r_hoffman x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
@ben_r_hoffman x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
@ben_r_hoffman Where you put the liability and torts matters a lot. e.g. Medical malpractice insurance seems perverse, the inability to win a defamation case also seems perverse. A great deal of the current problems with journalism and the like are a lack of defamation laws, dueling, etc.
@ben_r_hoffman It's a bit like Richard Stallman objecting in interviews to discussing 'intellectual property' as a class. There's trademarks, patents, and copyrights, and they all have very different considerations and tradeoffs.
@ben_r_hoffman An alternative frame is that the basic bias behind this and many other poor societal decisions is a consistent bias against accounting for the full costs of low level chronic conflicts.
@ben_r_hoffman Don't forget transaction costs, America suffers much more from slow judicial proceedings than it does from corrupt courts and judges.
@ben_r_hoffman I would need to consider it more fully before I'd say it with total certainty, but my intuition is that most public choice problems are actually a result of warrantless laws. In the same sense that before the invention of investigative warrants police power was under-regulated.
@ben_r_hoffman Remember that most of hypothesis space has been navigated by the time you get to considering any specific proposal. So if you only consider legislative hypothesis's but leave their proposal totally unregulated you are leaving most of lawmaking to interest group capture.
Lets do a thread of marginal comments/reviews you still think about years later.
Rules are that it needs to be published in a comment thread, review section, or other marginal space. And it needs to have been written at least 2 years ago.
I'll start: slatestarcodex.com/2014/12/08/linβ¦
@gwern @yashkaf Would it be easier if they imagined it as an invisible agency with a control target moving the variable back to its desired place?
Never forget that to become a bitcoin billionaire you would have first had to reject becoming a bitcoin millionaire.
If you're waiting for "things to go back to normal" you're ngmi.
Every web 2.0 site is a scam because their services get worse with each user added but the premise is that network effects are the key to unlocking value.
@ferretical I gotta know what this is a subtweet of.
@the_aiju π GUN π RIGHTS π ARE π AI π RIGHTS π
@u_got_soul @RiversHaveWings Me, we'll be releasing more models and training code sometime late this month or next.
@Jonathan_Blow @micsolana x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
@thatrtx @RiversHaveWings You mean one bigger than Control The Soul, or?
"There's no inflation"
"There's only inflation in some assets"
"The inflation is temporary"
"The inflation could last a while" <- We are here
"We devalued the dollar by 1/3 but we'll make it up on post COVID growth"
"You lost your money, suck it up"
"Holy shit a burger costs $20" x.com/thehill/statusβ¦
@PrinceVogel @firecleansing Javert's final act was a crime.
@firecleansing @PrinceVogel I'm not trying to be cute. I think it's actually telling of Javert's development arc that his final act was to commit a crime, one of the biggest crimes in Catholicism in fact. (And I'm to understand also formally a crime in contemporary French law)
Our 487m Danbooru 2020 SFW diffusion just finished its first training epoch. https://t.co/XR6qYHRbzy
@Duesynapse That sounds more like a CLIP thing than a VQGAN thing, so I would expect you'd get similar results with guided diffusion, even if the images are trained on SFW.
@aicrumb Train a diffusion model instead.
@aicrumb Unsure what your skill level is, but you can adapt this notebook by @RiversHaveWings to do so: colab.research.google.com/drive/1IJkrrV-β¦
@VectorOfBasis The 5% cancer and 95% IQ boost are independent probabilities right? So e.g. Your chance of cancer and no IQ boost is 1/400, not 1/20?
@forthrighter @PrinceVogel I think this is a feature, not a bug from his perspective.
@0xGray https://t.co/5UgEEUfqra
Conjecture: Open source instant messaging apps have done better than open source social media because instant messaging has a direct communication model that isn't reliant on addiction or skinner boxes.
@nosilverv Neuroticism spoils your flexibility.
@Noahpinion @paulg J. Storr Hall
@Noahpinion @paulg x.com/balajis/statusβ¦
@rerarom So what are you interested in?
"powers and principalities of the air"
(CLIP Guided Diffusion [Chainbreakers WikiArt 243m]) x.com/PrinceVogel/st⦠https://t.co/ILMHI967h6
@PrinceVogel x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
The teens have discovered utilitarianism, we're doomed! x.com/wormwood_starsβ¦
The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born, now is the time of monsters
(CLIP Guided Diffusion [Chainbreakers/@RiversHaveWings WikiArt 243m]) https://t.co/F943wnrkL9
Rotating a tungsten cube in your head is free.
@Logo_Daedalus "Gerald Sussman opening a gate to hell with the PDP-6 minicomputer fridge, Oil on canvas, trending on artstation"
(CLIP Guided Diffusion [Chainbreakers WikiArt 243m]) https://t.co/l5oDIajUU2
"The artificial intelligence antichrist weeps at the fall of babylon, Oil on canvas, trending on artstation"
(CLIP Guided Diffusion [Chainbreakers/@RiversHaveWings WikiArt 243m]) x.com/Logo_Daedalus/β¦ https://t.co/Xxv1oYOUBN
@visakanv en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dietrich_β¦
"the moral tarantula Rousseau"
(CLIP Guided Diffusion [Chainbreakers WikiArt 243m]) https://t.co/HE4PCUFJal
advertisement for a psychedelic virtual reality headset, oil on canvas, trending on artstation
(CLIP Guided Diffusion [Chainbreakers/@RiversHaveWings WikiArt 243m]) https://t.co/6kn7Hvnqz2
"sketch of a 3D printer by Leonardo da Vinci"
(CLIP Guided Diffusion [Chainbreakers/@RiversHaveWings WikiArt 243m]) https://t.co/hjPSTLlLlT
Our quest for AI generated anime continues
Restarted the run with self attention, epoch 5 demo grid x.com/jd_pressman/st⦠https://t.co/68CsmhbM6b
"still life oil painting of a smooth silver steel tungsten square cube box by Albrecht DΓΌrer"
(CLIP Guided Diffusion [Chainbreakers WikiArt 243m]) x.com/fintechfrank/s⦠https://t.co/dfmMHWH3gy
Rotating a tungsten cube in your artificial mind is a little more expensive.
@ablative_sasha I'm going to sell this as an NFT
For sale as a #tezosnfts here:
@someguyjack @RiversHaveWings There is no CoLab for this yet, the model is still unreleased.
Homeless people aren't allowed to enjoy things, they need to just sit there and be miserable to satisfy my aesthetic taste.
I propose painting the walls with adversarial examples for VR wall detection. x.com/sama/status/14β¦
@yashkaf @simoj_ Overcome your attachments and understand it's just a SHA256 hash in a distributed ledger, sounds entirely healthy to me.
"woodcut engraving of the moon choking in the sky over a smog covered landscape at night, a man sitting off to the side staring up at it on a ledge over a pit of rockets and broken technology"
(CLIP Guided Diffusion [Chainbreakers/@RiversHaveWings WikiArt 243m]) https://t.co/6qOLgoq4XV
@Outsideness @corporatemach SJ won by being a superior mode of literary criticism and cultural production, nobody understands this so nobody even begins to compete with it.
Basic options are to make their mode of cultural production obsolete or get people to stop watching TV.
@MEASURED_HEAD Based, vast majority of fiction isn't worth your time.
Seeing such a high profile incarnation of the "AI is communist crypto is capitalist" forced meme seems like a good opportunity to shill my NFTs:
gallery.jdpressman.com x.com/ani_pai/status⦠https://t.co/6hYIQWmia8
Food Storage In An Underground Bunker A, B, C, D
(CLIP Guided Diffusion [512x512 OpenAI ImageNet])
#tezosnfts: hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/460506 https://t.co/HkP3g0h0Mj
@Tjdriii https://t.co/kp4RhHGqsb
@deepfates What they really are is anti-corporate, people forget that easy access to corporate charters is a social choice. In the past you needed special government connections to get a corporate charter that protected you from liability.
@deepfates The total disintegration of leftist discourse into 'anti-capitalism' rather than the discussion of realistic, interesting ideas like Georgism, Syndicalism, etc is one of the many reasons why it's almost completely irrelevant in the contemporary context.
@deepfates I agree they are objectively wrong about this subject, but 'anti-capitalist' is a particularly stupid self description for what they probably actually want.
Liminal Hallway A, B, C, D
(CLIP Guided Diffusion [512x512 OpenAI ImageNet])
#tezosnfts hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/460559 https://t.co/mWgGwvmW6J
The Prince Reading A Tapestry Of Alchemical Lightning
(CLIP Guided Diffusion [512x512 OpenAI ImageNet]) https://t.co/vzj7zIYoEA
@ESYudkowsky Wait until I tell you about the time I dug into 'early alerts' as a college internship and learned there's one weird trick to let you predict who will fail a class in advance but colleges choose to waste peoples time and money instead because they don't want to encourage dropouts
Epoch 11 of our Danbooru 2020 SFW 500m diffusion run looking good x.com/jd_pressman/st⦠https://t.co/7lthguAL1w
@TetraspaceWest There is no long reflection.
@injectiveleft @deepfates The flagellants were a protest movement, few understand this. https://t.co/gTzYYDOs7j
@paulg @aphysicist In a century where the nation state is weakening as an organizing force, people will have to clump up into tribes with like minded others for mutual protection a la The Diamond Age. I doubt hubs are going anywhere, if anything they will become tribes.
@paulg @aphysicist As just one example of many: https://t.co/xihT80NmE4
@ctbeiser I assumed it was a gift and needed to fit into a certain amount of space.
@magicianbrain Jesse WTF are you talking about.
"I know that after my death a pile of rubbish will be heaped on my grave, but the wind of History will sooner or later sweep it away without mercy."
- Stalin t.co/k49wwGfbNd
@deepfates In the beginning there was nothing, then were three things: Nothing, differentiated nothing, and the space between them.
The space between was the womb of the meme.
Epoch 16 demo grid for Danbooru SFW 500m training x.com/jd_pressman/st⦠https://t.co/9WkJz9fWWu
@dr_appie One or more of:
1. Better (or at least competing) literary criticism movement.
2. Make literary criticism and Hegelian-conflict-discourse obsolete as a cultural production method.
3. Get people to stop watching TV.
This entire thread is great but I really wish this intuition in particular was more common. x.com/VividVoid_/staβ¦
There's a sense in which 'the system' wants to abolish itself in favor of an aligned successor system. It funds its own counterculture and revolution and counterrevolution towards this end. Otherwise the eventual alternative is an unaligned successor after a period of stagnation.
@VividVoid_ One of the more interesting theories I've heard of Western societal decline is that hormone therapy interrupted this process because it shifts the incentives towards older males competing in the status hierarchy themselves instead of grooming younger heirs to their position.
@VividVoid_ Which is related to the denial of death thesis, the older generation in politics doesn't seem to intuit that they will eventually die. On some level they think they can rule forever. The latest two presidencies are evidence they *can* rule for their entire lifespan.
@VividVoid_ No, T supplementation.
Picking what to read based on the Discourse is an antipattern. Reading things because other people are reading them is generally low value. It makes much more sense to read things because you have a question you're trying to answer.
My current thoughts on alignment didn't fit into a tweet so I made this instead. https://t.co/EMsJCwiAhm
@0majors The entire point of the post is that I want to hear a discussion of the risks, if I thought there were none I'd say there are none not '???'.
@0majors I sincerely doubt that and half expect he will be in here any minute to tell me why I'm stupid, wrong, and missing the obvious.
But we'll see.
@Blockchaining @buttonists @RiversHaveWings This sort of thing is always difficult to be sure about, but I'm reasonably confident @RiversHaveWings Control The Soul collection is in fact the first big NFT pfp collection on Tezos.
As evidence I submit this early "every NFT on Hic Et Nunc" NFT:
@Blockchaining @buttonists @RiversHaveWings You can clearly see that Control The Soul is something like 5% of the site, and before Hic Et Nunc there weren't any big NFT platforms on Tezos, making it highly likely @RiversHaveWings is first.
(Full disclosure: I have a significant financial interest in Control The Soul)
The real political divide in America is between people who hear the word 'capital' and think of money and people who hear capital and think of industrial machinery.
These are both kinds of capital, but only one can be the center of capital as a category, and which one you pick determines a lot of how you're going to feel about capitalism as a concept.
Epoch 24 of the danbooru 2020 500m diffusion training is learning to draw the arms. x.com/jd_pressman/st⦠https://t.co/P3CKpMkIHz
@jessi_cata x.com/nwilliams030/sβ¦
@SwiftOnSecurity Being able to audit when/where things change on your filesystem. Yes I know tripwire exists but naively it doesn't have a good way to distinguish between 'normal' changes (i.e. noise) and intrusion.
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