@visakanv @FPallopides https://t.co/Qb1r0CCNvA
@Probably_Brian @Alephwyr If I phrased it so it's an unambiguous nice thing lets be honest I'd just start getting wrong answers.
@Probably_Brian @Alephwyr And yes Alephwyr is amazing.
@nosilverv I was expelled from literally every school within driving distance of my house because I'd violently resist abuses and bodily-coercions from instructors. The level of resistance you needed to put up to skip the worst parts of indoctrination is lower than you could have imagined.
@nosilverv Once you get old enough they'll start throwing you in jail/send you to schools where the instructors are really allowed to hurt you. But before that where I lived at least you could basically just put up a fight and they'd send you home.
@nosilverv Big difference between thinking you're in the ancestral environment and the adults can just kill you vs. you're in civilization and they will get in much more trouble if they hurt you than if you hurt them.
@jackinlondon @nosilverv I mean to be clear I was severely ADD and autistic so the level of thing I couldn't tolerate was way more sensitive than a normal person. I would frequently get overwhelmed by not doing well at something and hide under my desk, which was out of order and invited intervention etc
@jackinlondon @nosilverv But really school instructors are bizarrely petty micromanagers. "Don't rock in your seat" type stuff. The absolute worst was 1st grade when I got my neck wrung for helping a disabled child with a leg brace get his pencil box off the shelf after being told to sit down.
@jackinlondon @nosilverv (No, there is no other context or extenuating circumstances which would make it more understandable, it actually happened more or less as appallingly as the tl;dr would imply)
@jackinlondon @nosilverv Yeah, I think to the extent school damages you it's damage on top of the modal person being basically uninteresting to begin with. The "you start off perfect and the world destroys you" narrative is incompatible with the bell curved shape of mindspace.
@jackinlondon @nosilverv Eh, it has its upsides. Nothing stops you from developing an attachment to the Just World Fallacy like encountering evil that banal and raw at an early age. "Do a unambiguously even-a-small-child-knows-is good thing and get brutally punished for it." tells you how it really works
@CXGonzalez_ ADHD is typically considered a very specific kind of executive dysfunction, this talk goes into the neurology:
(It's also an excellent talk in general)
@CXGonzalez_ Disorder of willpower, don't remember well enough to explain beyond that the video goes into lots of detail.
@nosilverv "They recognize that they are weapons. And that they were made to be used to kill other things, and to destroy other things, and they've made peace with that as they've grown into who they are."
@TetraspaceWest https://t.co/0VPcjwdznV
"I was satisfied with what I was among men, but I was not satisfied with human nature."
- Gottfried Leibniz, confirmed transhumanist
@TWakalix No no I think this is what they call an 'angel girl', presumably Huxley's roboticization would come with a complimentary sex change.
@imperative_the Why follow me if I'm an NPC lmao
@TetraspaceWest The excerpt is from Elise Bohan's extremely underrated history of transhumanism.
@eigenrobot @cateliseh Also notice the camera angle, distinctly beneath them like you're shrinking down into your seat out of awkwardness/discomfort and he's pushing forward anyway, deeply intensifies the bad vibes.
@NLRG_ This is true though if you're policy-committed to trading off anything else you can to make sure housing prices never go down because your degenerate late stage empire has made them into an investment vehicle. In that case the only cure is running out of stuff to pawn.
@NLRG_ You know, implicitly modeling the state as a being whose preference for appreciating housing prices implies it will literally crash society before it allows them to go down. I'm not sure this is insane.
@NLRG_ Kind of Guy who supports socialism as an accelerationist measure to cause civilization to burn through its social capital faster so it can be refounded by people who don't have insane irrational values.
@mattparlmer x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
@daily_barbarian Actually they know this and bury the lede:
Honestly wish Twitter explained this if they detected you had the right personality type to hear it, because I would have made some different follow/interaction choices if I knew the system would try to ghetto me inside the 'ingroup' verse (which I hate). x.com/deepfates/statβ¦
@deepfates I wonder if it's because they don't actually have a better V node to assign us. Like here's a question, if we could pick our V node(s) what would we want them to be?
@ExistentialEnso This is really good explanation tbh:
@ExistentialEnso See also my classic thread: x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
@tszzl Perhaps slightly annoyed if I can't get one cheap as a souvenir. You'll have multiple price tiers right?
@tszzl grinning ear to ear irl rn you awful bastard π
@visakanv Lost an abyssal whip to karambwan in Runescape, still stings a bit lol.
@visakanv https://t.co/F5NwASKRNX
@QiaochuYuan @mclegibilist Getting famous raises your communication/transaction costs, reversion to mean as real cranks start to outnumber cranky geniuses in your intake bandwidth.
@acidshill @lastcontrarian But why do they have the delusions? People are usually making a choice on some level to be misinformed.
@acidshill @lastcontrarian In a 1st world country where information is readily accessible and you can just go hear the other guy out, I mean.
@OkaymonNFT @RiversHaveWings x.com/ESYudkowsky/stβ¦
"Oh wow the AI can do math that scares me" if you didn't already update on that when they got it to do code you don't have a mechanical model of AI progress.
@0xGray Wrong prediction this time I'm afraid:
@deepfates gdi df
@eigenrobot @deepfates The banger board knows many things Edd-boy.
Quick PSA going into this:
- Make sure you have alternative contacts for your mutuals, in case a ban wave sweeps through or other hijinks ensue
- In the Twitter settings you can download an archive of your tweets, DMs, etc. Do this, if the worst happens you'll want your bangers x.com/direct_symbol/β¦
This is something I figured but never bothered to confirm, that the distribution of personalities across human history is relatively stable and 'rationality' vs. folk epistemology just expresses itself differently across cultures while varying in its adaptiveness. x.com/meekaale/statuβ¦
@nosilverv https://t.co/6o73WWt5fx
I hope you all have a plan to rugpull ingroup when it becomes too normie.
@natural_hazard @deepfates > Are tech peeps going to hypserstition their own resistance from the left
Can't parse this, elaborate?
@natural_hazard @deepfates Never interrupt yourself in the process of causing your opponent to make a mistake.
@vraiqx Euphoria can't be far behind tbh
@deepfates https://t.co/nfDM1pkoxG
@ExistentialEnso The ducks look great, this is just more gaslight grind.
@ExistentialEnso tbh I remember looking at them at one point and going "dang, this might be the most aesthetic NFT pfp collection I've seen so far".
@MacaesBruno > the kidult tastes of the mass audience
Talking about Bruno, learning about that neologism, has instantly made my life worse. https://t.co/Ob0SYAdJEj
@deepfates Being at the bottom of the iceberg can be extremely powerful if you know how to use it.
@TylerAlterman Apocalypse, recursion, meta (e.g. threats to me in my sleep, lucid dreaming), waking up when I reach an insurmountable obstacle/imminent death.
"To recap: memes make us forget how to think certain types of thoughts, to feel certain types of feelings. "
This is cute but the mechanism is just compression, you learned the thing and no longer need more samples for novelty. There's no black magic involved calm down. x.com/miraculous_cakβ¦
thereβs a type of guy who is:
- cringe STEM aesthetic
- has a Ph.D/Masters
- yet an unrepentant midwit
- and insists on loudly sharing his opinions about esoteric ideas
i love them. theyβre the rote explorers of concept space, immune to social feedback
The thing that gives this kind of guy his distinct flavor is his rote application of ideas. He just does the most straightforward midwit application of the ideas possible.
Every time
Over and over
Well past the boundaries of both social politeness and (usually) common sense.
His strength is in his stupidity, he can't be confused out of stating the consequences of his beliefs, so he will. He already lives like an outcast so harsh critique doesn't bother him. This allows him to occasionally stumble into brilliance by stating the elephant in the room.
Robin Hanson is a good example of someone who runs this strategy with a ton more IQ points put into it, it's part of what makes his persona so weird. Normally only an idiot would write a book like Age of Em, but Robin Hanson is undeniably brilliant and his writing reflects that.
tfw Roon is melting Twitter's servers with shape rotator discourse, reality starting to warp https://t.co/yczoSrRkxc
@_Donny_Dude I mean they have a general strategy of always picking the most straightforward next inference step, no matter what the context or situation.
"Intelligence is good but machines are going to get so intelligent they destroy us...our destruction is good then I guess."
Scissor statement farmers getting a great crop this year.
Social heuristic: For a group of people, especially on the Internet, ask yourself "who's going somewhere?"
If you realize that the people going somewhere are going for the exit that group is on its way out.
@ExistentialEnso It's almost like it was never about any of that.
@The_True_DanK @ExistentialEnso The status quo (fandom, furries, etc) want *control* of art to be financially cheap and socially expensive, that's what they've based their strategy on. A fine art market for ordinary people is apocalyptic, it gives their captured personas new options.
@The_True_DanK @ExistentialEnso Pretty much every criticism of NFTs, that they're wasteful or have no intrinsic value (and therefore somehow "a scam" even if all buyers are aware of this) is a criticism that would apply equally well to the traditional fine art market. This is FUD to try and keep newcomers away.
@leashless @The_True_DanK @ExistentialEnso That's very flattering, but it's not so much brilliance as understanding the social structure of something like furry and then seeing how it will naturally conflict with NFT markets. In furry art most characters depicted are tied to a real person. It's a stable patronage pattern.
@leashless @The_True_DanK @ExistentialEnso The social norms in furry (don't use other peoples characters, have a fursona, etc) are, whatever their origin, ones which conveniently capture energy and replicate the patronage relationship to a new audience. The generative aspect brings in new people who join the subculture.
@leashless @The_True_DanK @ExistentialEnso Furry wants to be your identity, it's an art market with stable patronage relationships built on social relations (e.g. commissioning art of yourself as your character with your friends character) which generates constant new works that are usually shared freely as a public good.
@leashless @The_True_DanK @ExistentialEnso This is similar to NFT markets which generate constant new works (because desirable 1/1 NFTs are sold once) and provide identity with avatar pfp collections people invest in as fraternities. It's a mirror of the furry world built on capital, so it's natural for the two to compete
@leashless @The_True_DanK @ExistentialEnso When NFTs are new and people don't really understand them, one of the easiest forms of competition is misinformation. Tell people that the public goods NFTs provide aren't actually public goods, but an insidious new DRM scheme! NFT artists could respond by using creative commons.
If the now-distant founder of your intellectual movement seems like an untouchable demigod it means your collective efforts have failed to even reach the level you started with, let alone exceed it.
It means you're failing.
Marxists typically fail by studying Marx instead of doing what Marx did.
General Semantics partially failed because people hero-worshipped Korzybski instead of continually constructing a system of thought in the way he would have had he continued to be in prime working age.
The later editions of Drive Yourself Sane which are basically peddling the same 1940's era material that was contemporary when Korzybski was alive are a condemnation of the entire movement, but not of Korzybski.
@LapsusLima Eh, I think it's subtler than that. Someone will sit down and produce a Great Work, and people become enamored with it. They study the work but fail to notice the unique qualities of its author. A potential study in agency and strategy is replaced with literary critique.
Ironically enough, Korzybski said that if you want to really understand a book you should study its author. But it wasn't until relatively recently (2011) that a comprehensive biography of Korzybski's life was published.
@kejames Actually it's not that hard to define at all, an ageing capitalist system tends towards overfitting on its objective function, eating up the taken-for-granteds it grows on as a substrate and then doing lethal exponential damage through externalities.
@nickcammarata > Could feel it and didnβt want it to be true and wished I could unfeel it
What's the big deal? Your information/pattern continues to exist and retain its value regardless of your beliefs about phenomenological experience.
@nickcammarata To be honest not sure there's any internal experience I could have that would convince me of something like open individualism. It's simply so absurd that personally experiencing it through insight meditation would just convince me I glitched my brain.
@deepfates On the other hand he got way more boring.
Oh my god yes finally please x.com/bgmasters/statβ¦
@DastardlyDucks When you sell stickers at a con for ten bux, that's a pyramid scheme. Poor bastards thinking they'll resell them later as souvenirs ten years down the line on the secondary market once you're big, smh.
@DastardlyDucks You used rapid shipping? Do you have any idea how much energy is used by the global shipping system, how it's killing us all? Only thing left to do is-
Leftcult is a fucking menace, stop pretending you're anything other than a death cult.
Nobody ever stops posting, this is an iron law that lets you predict the outcome of most impending dramas.
"Surely they'll notice this can only end in disaster?"
Does it require them to stop posting? Then no.
@ExistentialEnso Imagine explaining to your spouse that you lost your job because you were cyberbullying trans girls into suicide over selling JPEGs.
This but unironically x.com/jdcmedlock/staβ¦
Focus on what you want to see more of. x.com/Logo_Daedalus/β¦
@fumeiji Is the actual thing, sarcasm and memes aside.
@fumeiji These things can both be true at the same time.
A cautionary tale https://t.co/3wLe08w1qK
@tszzl You before this tweet, you after https://t.co/E4oFFN9zdO
@varunramg Honey we have a long way to go.
@jdan @eigenrobot You are fulfilling the prophecy and we love you, don't worry.
@jdan @eigenrobot Top left square is when the ritual is complete and the Roon timeline begins:
@TylerAlterman So what are you planning to do with your now powers of clarity?
@tszzl @Nearcyan Local maxima, not peak.
@deepfates Nobody ever stops posting.
@TylerAlterman @ramez The World Of Null-A by A.E. van Vogt, the story that inspired Harry Potter and The Methods Of Rationality
@TylerAlterman @ramez An interesting article about the man who wrote it and the subcultural context he wrote it in: buttondown.email/finnbrunton/arβ¦
@egregirls x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
@egregirls Vi veri veniversum vivus vici
"Every year, the researchers ... who make up the community of the Michigan State University Artificial Language Laboratory celebrate the anniversary of the first use of a speech prosthesis in history ... to order a pizza over the telephone. "
@chaosprime https://t.co/QkEistshXH
@chaosprime (Since few understand: If you live in the kind of reality where this works then any FAI which revives you/is selected into appearing has an incentive to make sure your measure is dominated by purgatory because you were smart enough to do this but chose not to help your timelines)
@aobuttbaby @pimmhogeling @danielson_eth No. It's just a (cryptographically) signed copy, it's not really different then if you buy a signed print from someone except because this is digital you can dispense with the print and sell the signature on its own.
@aobuttbaby @pimmhogeling @danielson_eth If that sounds dumb, keep in mind you can buy a print of the Mona Lisa but it is not worth anything even sniffing the value of the original. "Signed is worth much more than unsigned" is a long standing art world norm that shouldn't shock anybody.
@aobuttbaby @pimmhogeling @danielson_eth When you sell the signature to someone there's a record of transaction which can't be faked, making it cheaper to verify than usual fine art sales where an expensive appraisal has to be brought in to prevent forgeries. Removing this barrier means normal people can trade fine art.
@aobuttbaby @pimmhogeling @danielson_eth "Why are they so ugly then? Who is paying this much money for ugly apes as 'fine art'?"
Yeah those aren't really fine art sales, they're buying/selling fraternity memberships using the same mechanism. I suggest indies like Hic Et Nunc for fine art:
@aobuttbaby @pimmhogeling @danielson_eth "But how does an ordinary person actually verify a signature is really from the author?"
The same ways you'd verify if merchandise sold by a web store is really endorsed by the artist basically.
@visakanv See it's not that you can be maximally right or maximally wrong, if you were maximally right you'd have ascended by now. What you actually are is in a local optima, and if you try too hard you'll wind up cannibalizing your future growth. Penny wise pound foolish.
@nosilverv x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
I honestly don't understand how people get confused about this. It's like they've never read the biography of a famous mathematician before. Let alone the biography of the smartest most prolific mathematician: Neumann liked both, you telling me you're going to be bigger than him? x.com/the_aiju/statuβ¦
@the_aiju I mean in total fairness I'm not sure Neumann in particular had a good biography until recently. But still.
@the_aiju Biography is one of the most despised genres and my absolute favorite anyway precisely because it slays misconceptions like this. Nietzsche makes so much more sense when you know this about him:
@the_aiju I've never read that one, but I've read this one and know it's both a semi-biography of Neumann and quite good:
Music is especially mind blowing here, considering that 20th century music was trying its best to become like mathematics:
@tszzl @venwithmen I think she's mostly right tbh.
@redcar_tenken I would think it would be if you're going to try and become one? If you're a physicist and you haven't read Feynman's biography I have to imagine people would give you strange looks.
@redcar_tenken Not sure it needs to be suggested to you if your goal is to become The Greatest at something. Bill Gates probably wasn't told to read Napoleon's biography on his quest for greatness, but he did. (And I read his biography, etc)
@FrankieIsLost You mean about three days ago?
@ExistentialEnso > We're gonna make web3 weird and queer
Has anyone even surveyed the demographics? It probably already is.
@PrinceVogel There's this tweet around here (mb the account got deleted) that goes something like "The most intolerable part of the current political regime is the way it seamlessly oscillates between screaming VAE VICTUS at you and then shivering in fear at how toxic and dangerous you are."
@PrinceVogel There are only two genders and all respectable elites are nonbinary.
No self awareness
No-self awareness
Finally @tszzl
(The game reset/I accidentally touched before I could screencap the record itself, but here's my attempts leading up to it) https://t.co/88JZ2yblSw
@zetalyrae x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
@interpretantion The art thing is actually already pretty practical:
@deepfates The new 1080 looking awesome bro:
@no_earthquake @interpretantion ???
Tetris was the OG shape rotator game (@tszzl)
Need an edit of this which is roon folding up various Twitter personalities and stuffing them into the Know Your Meme page
@Meaningness > Maybe something interesting will come out of DL after all.
It hasn't already?
@tszzl > the prolific Twitter shitposter roon
So this is going in your bio right?
@no_earthquake @NicholasBardy @interpretantion There's plenty of non-pfp NFTs being sold at a much lower price point than e.g. apes.
The rush of novelty and wacky hijinks you're experiencing right now is the simulators way of compensating you for your lifespan getting cut short by the end of the world.
@tszzl It's a smart contract, you can probably just write your own OpenSea client for minting tweets.
@tszzl I was actually thinking about writing one for Hic Et Nunc/Teia.
@cauchyfriend extropian.net/notice/A8aYjO2β¦ https://t.co/7JBYmmA3A9
A must have to wistfully recall civilization before the collapse in your nuclear bunker. x.com/PaperPaul2/staβ¦
In case you lost track of the "autistic genocide" subplot during all this, you should be aware we're minutes to midnight now. x.com/_rdgao/status/β¦ https://t.co/i5xeXRLQnI
@nosilverv A man is born gentle and weak.
At his death he is hard and stiff.
Green plants are tender and filled with sap.
At their death they are withered and dry.
Therefore the stiff and unbending is the disciple of death.
The gentle and yielding is the disciple of life.
@nosilverv Thus an army without flexibility never wins a battle.
A tree that is unbending is easily broken.
The hard and strong will fall.
The soft and weak will overcome.
- Tao Te Ching, Chapter 76 (wussu.com/laotzu/laotzu7β¦)
@EdwardTufte https://t.co/wUAItfnAvx
@EdwardTufte From: mit.edu/hacker/hacker.β¦
Written advice which cannot take the subjective perspective of its readers into account and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. x.com/Virtual1nstincβ¦
If someone can actually look at the person they're talking to they're much less likely to reinforce their toxic point of reference than if my "slightly evil" is your "ordinary healthy behavior".
@PrinceVogel en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milton_H.β¦
@PrinceVogel https://t.co/8FdnKH1aLc
Probably the best argument in favor of the existence of magic is that hypnosis still has an epistemic status of "Is that even real?" after the invention of instantaneous electronic communication of credible eyewitness testimony and writing. https://t.co/c2twj3VImj
This remains true even though hypnosis is pretty much unambiguously real and can be successfully performed by a reasonably intelligent person after a few hours of research.
@images_ai @RiversHaveWings @ak92501 Not yet, you can try it now here:
Do not write a service which uses phone number for 2FA or password reset. x.com/joellatto/statβ¦
"It is important to remember that the core problem of the atomic bomb is humanity harnessing a level of energy with which it can kill itself." x.com/zetalyrae/stat⦠https://t.co/6mLl504vbU
@egregirls https://t.co/wEZpeUh3ae
@ObserverSuns This is what Fristonians actually believe.
@egregirls I voted B, but everyone has harmful externalities and fixating is bad. To me it's something like "Myopia. The sort of agent that converts positive sum to zero and negative sum dynamics. Wants to capture energy, skilled people, etc, not generate them. Weak empathy, finite games."
@egregirls "Will only maximize total utility in exchange for a bribe", things like that.
e.g. some of the scenarios in idrlabs.com/gender-game/te⦠seem unambiguously evil to me if you choose the 'female' option.
Wow, @deepfates scissor varies depending on the audience of the account, new literary analysis technique just dropped x.com/nickcammarata/β¦
@TetraspaceWest I think you hit the wrong imp.
@robinhanson You could probably run this exact experiment using paper abstracts or some other excerpt mechanism.
@RiversHaveWings In the next stage you'll be making photomosaics where each 'pixel' in the image drawn with CLIP/CLOOB is in fact a tiny diffusion artwork color shifted to be the right tone for the macroscale picture.
@EpistemicHope @ESYudkowsky I think this is describing one kind of 'postrationalist', there's a more substantial kind of objection to a lot of the ethos of the sequences which is more rigorous and basically described in the writings of Scott Alexander.
It looks more like:
@EpistemicHope @ESYudkowsky Given it's a conflict theory, I think there are a lot of people who would desperately like you to believe it's "just a vibe" so that you don't actually perceive them correctly.
@PrinceVogel Not sure I understand the thread of connection through these (having only read one), but a stab in the dark: The Diamond Age by Stephenson. Has the whole "trouble in quasi-utopian future society" plot, mostly focused on social impacts rather than technical details, named factions
"If you want to know when the American system of government will collapse, consult an actuarial table." x.com/MacaesBruno/stβ¦
I fear what replaces it will be much worse.
@contentlove She actually does mint them as NFTs: chainbreakers.kath.io
@shadowcat_mst Worth considering, but IMO overconsidered. There's a certain kind of extreme condescension in it, people do in fact seem to have a formative period and expecting them to just 'age out' of views you don't like is dangerously naive.
@percebus @EricRWeinstein x.com/eigenrobot/staβ¦
Crypto scammers are starting to put in effort proportional to the rewards, readjust your priors accordingly. x.com/thomasg_eth/stβ¦
Anybody know which notebook Geoffrey Johnson used for these? x.com/FedeItaliano76β¦
> tfw you clip into the backrooms IRL t.co/CoHafM4ODA
@EpistemicHope @ESYudkowsky LessWrong spawned at least three different social movements calling themselves 'rationality', a transhumanist intellectual movement, a literary movement (ratfic/glowfic), and a self help movement.
@EpistemicHope @ESYudkowsky There are basically two kinds of postrat (to massively oversimplify and restrict ourselves to people who were once 'rationalists'), people who started prioritizing subjective interventions over 'objective' rationality and socialites.
@EpistemicHope @ESYudkowsky The subjective intervention people are the successor to the failed rationality self help movement. Beyond a certain point of trying to become better at seeing the world clearly, you realize flaws in your implementation of cognition (i.e. trauma) overshadow object level beliefs.
@EpistemicHope @ESYudkowsky Their conflict theory is usually kind of left wing flavored, "school is there to teach you not to think and not to move under your own power" kind of stuff. Psychedelics are illegal because bad people benefit from trauma. That kind of thing.
@EpistemicHope @ESYudkowsky The socialites (these people predominate on Twitter for obvious reasons) have a different conflict theory centered around culture war/competition.
@EpistemicHope @ESYudkowsky Because of the culture wars emphasis it's unsurprising that most of their ideas are explored on SlateStarCodex (if not originate from).
Socialites believe most of life success is in anti-inductive domains so 'rationality' is self defeating.
@EpistemicHope @ESYudkowsky Socialites also think that since most communication is nonverbal you shouldn't articulate arguments. That makes you legible and open to attack. Instead you hint towards your argument and focus on promoting aesthetics which make it natural to believe.
@EpistemicHope @ESYudkowsky It's common for intellectual movement leaders to not care about anyone outside the top nth percentile, so socialites can win by infiltrating the middle tiers and occupying lines of communication to block sincerity, redirecting social capital into partying.
@EpistemicHope @ESYudkowsky When the victims are autistic, it can take a long time to recognize the bad faith at work. Especially if you're 'vibing' and giving the impression you have esoteric knowledge that would prevent someone from understanding why your party is Good Actually.
@EpistemicHope @ESYudkowsky The trauma and socialite conflict theories converge onto a mutual interest in motte-baileying 'rationalists'. Socialites amplify genuine critique to sneak in aesthetics that will hopefully cripple reason, making it less effective at expelling parasites.
@EpistemicHope @ESYudkowsky Whereas the trauma people see 'rationality' as a vehicle to amplify state power and coerce people into capitalist/state systems of value capture (cf. legibility) Obfuscation is a tactic to try and decelerate the ascent of technocapital. Hence gaslighting.
@EpistemicHope @ESYudkowsky Scott Alexander's post on legibility emphasizes the tax benefits, but this is misunderstanding modernism as an ideology. To *rationalize* a domain like a forest is to remove degrees of freedom until it observably maximizes the behavior you want. Insurrectionists can't hide in it. https://t.co/KYXV0qaGQd
@EpistemicHope @ESYudkowsky A lot of the point of postmodernism is to show that rationality is an operation you apply to the natural world to make it tractable for your goals. But your goals are a utility, and utilities are subjective. So even if the methods are objective their rationale is not.
@EpistemicHope @ESYudkowsky To some people this is intuitive and the idea it would be a grand revelation is kind of odd. To others it obliterates what they expected systems to do for them (provide meaning, what utility should be) and systems are refuted by the observation.
@EpistemicHope @ESYudkowsky Foucault famously observed that when you begin applying rationalization to people you get schools, prisons, psychiatric institutions, etc. 'High modernism' is cargo culting the method of rationalization, but the violence in it is sleight-of-handed in all narratives about reason.
@EpistemicHope @ESYudkowsky Right now modernist reconstruction projects try to cleverly evade postmodernism. But I suspect the truly virile reconstruction will reclaim and justify the violence in modernism as an explicit part of its narrative, perhaps through showing how it yields a common good for people.
@EpistemicHope @ESYudkowsky @EpistemicHope Does that help at all?
@EpistemicHope @ESYudkowsky If this sounds impossible, I suspect it's a lot of why 'startup culture' has done so well. The rhetoric is functionally Italian Futurism but with economics.
Probably the peak of this was when Paul Graham asked for Hollywood-killing startup ideas:
@nvpkp Probably stop talking to people and dedicate 100% of mental energy to techno-obsessed introverted mad science.
@embryosophy > it obviously isnβt if youβre actually paying attention to how your body feels, and noticing the rocks and trees and shit
Maybe you should try asking the AI researchers how they get to the point where those feel computational instead of assuming they're unaware they exist.
@egregirls @embryosophy x.com/VansianMagic/sβ¦
@egregirls @embryosophy Jokes aside, to make sure I understand this you don't think people absolutely obsessed with figuring out how to build general intelligence didn't spend hours, days, weeks, years of time hyperfocusing on operations like 'noticing things' and asking "how the *heck* do I do that?"
@egregirls @embryosophy When the net gets big enough, you can almost start to feel its body coming together. The symbols blur and their ridges feel like a rib cage, sewing the sinews by running your cursor over each rib and connecting it to the others. Like doing surgery on an abstract being. https://t.co/X7t5ggF32D
@egregirls @embryosophy I was simply sharing an experience, it's not actually related to what we were talking about.
@egregirls @embryosophy Like the formal "what is noticing from the inside" is a bunch of signal processing stuff that won't convince anyone. So instead I figured I'd reply with an interesting non-sequitur.
@embryosophy @egregirls I have this friend who has abusive schizo voices and works on AI, and they tell me that one of their favorite things is being able to write a program from scratch (GPT-2+) which can use language better than their voices can. It defeats their claims to mystical omnipotence.
@embryosophy @egregirls I guess I'm prone to sudden bursts of irrelevant emotion/experience because to me this is one of the central mysteries of creation. "Helen Keller wasn't a real person" fills me with insensate rage, and this is like a cousin to it.
Experimenting with nuclear fission is a trauma response.
@morning_yearn @EpistemicHope @ESYudkowsky Making things amenable to reason often involves processing them into something with few enough degrees of freedom to be tractable. This is frequently an act of violence.
This is also reason's Jungian shadow, so postmodernism expects to reliably spook it by presenting its image.
@morning_yearn @EpistemicHope @ESYudkowsky youtube.com/watch?v=ZcWeE3β¦
@morning_yearn @EpistemicHope @ESYudkowsky youtube.com/watch?v=BpgUQYβ¦
@morning_yearn @EpistemicHope @ESYudkowsky Sorry I didn't answer your question: The verb 'rationalization' is used here to differentiate from 'reason' which is a internal, 'neutral' activity. 'Rationalization' in the sense I'm talking about is an application of reason to the external world, which has moral consequences.
@morning_yearn @EpistemicHope @ESYudkowsky I do, yeah.
@embryosophy @egregirls "A portrait of a schizophrenic <PERSON> with butterflies swarming around them in dazzling patterns"
(CLIP Conditioned Diffusion [cc12m_1_cfg]) https://t.co/CUzmuDWZR2
@genghisnyan @EpistemicHope @ESYudkowsky I mean, I'm just describing meaningness.com/geeks-mops-soc⦠again.
@genghisnyan @EpistemicHope @ESYudkowsky That seems basically like what happened, however the 'postrats' aren't really analogous to the Ayn Rand Institute *or* the Atlas Society. They're also not really "left for something else". Closer to "bizarre reactionary sect that reverses the stupidity to get new stupidity".
@genghisnyan @EpistemicHope @ESYudkowsky However in my thread I was more describing the 2017-2020 era of postrat, where there was still a rationalist diaspora ecosystem for it to eat. In that context it was both successor in some respects and parasite in others, but this is all old scene drama by this point.
@genghisnyan @EpistemicHope @ESYudkowsky Also important to note that the diaspora still exists for the intellectual and literary parts of the movement, I singled out 'self help' because that is a specific strain of 'rationalist' thought which is now more or less totally extinct, even as other branches lived on.
@genghisnyan @EpistemicHope @ESYudkowsky Also of all the things that have aged poorly for me I have to say that the EY hero worship is really disturbing now that I have a better idea of how the guy became his persona. He is not that mystifying.
@RiversHaveWings Many such cases, 2021 AI art could totally use a documentary in this style.
@RiversHaveWings x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
"the first day of the waters"
(CLIP Guided V Diffusion [yfcc_2]) https://t.co/Frhg5pbjPu
"a utopian cityscape in the retrofuturistic eschaton"
(CLIP Guided V Diffusion [yfcc_2]) https://t.co/zASUBDXWIA
"ascent to the peak of everest"
(CLIP Guided V Diffusion [yfcc_2]) https://t.co/4IVci9yBDM
"a view from the top of a skyscraper onto the city streets below"
(CLIP Guided V Diffusion [yfcc_2]) https://t.co/Xhht29rg4U
@prerationalist @pervexists69 It's often speculated that this is the basic reason why humans have no natural claws or weapons.
@softminus "moses gives a sermon about pumpkin magnetism"
(CLIP Guided V Diffusion [yfcc_2]) https://t.co/tDtjv2PMS7
@paulg As a guy who works fine over IM text conversations, there's something really weird and off about Zoom that makes it soul crushing in a way in person isn't. I've never tried VR and wonder if it would alleviate whatever it is, but Zoom/etc in particular feels super awkward.
@paulg It's the worst of both worlds really. You have to stay in one location but you also don't have freedom within that location, have to keep yourself within the camera view, in order to look someone in the eyes you have to look at the camera not their eyes, etc.
@VividVoid_ > No matter, if Baudrillard was right the rest of us are about to disappear, so
@nosilverv No alpha left in generalist/public intellectual discourse and essays, the scenes worth joining in the future are mostly going to be specialist discourses and skills.
@nosilverv https://t.co/WdQWnGt0JN
Do you feel like you're the protagonist?
The replies on this one could get interesting.
@Virtual1nstinct Do you need to explain it to him? If not, don't and just make your money.
@Virtual1nstinct "We went up to the three snorting beasts, to lay amorous hands on their torrid breasts. I stretched out on my car like a corpse on its bier, but revived at once under the steering wheel, a guillotine blade that threatened my stomach."
It would be like if every time you used Amazon you actually transacted with a small vendor who gets your full banking info and can drain all the money from your account, with no recourse.
When are we going to talk about how
it's not possible to abstract over the execution of arbitrary code handling money
and not only should OpenSea not exist but nothing like OpenSea should exist?
This is also the basic problem at the heart of the "send you a malicious NFT and if you interact with it you're pwned" exploit. The system is working exactly as designed, the bug is that wallets are trying to lazily abstract over executing arbitrary code.
"What if I have a really cool idea that needs to execute arbitrary code?"
Then it should need to gain user trust on its own merits, not hidden behind a 'marketplace' where *buying and selling* are nonstandard domain specific operations implemented by anons on a per-asset basis.
"What if I want my NFTs to only be mintable up to a certain number?"
Then there should be a standard contract for that whose code is whitelisted and the platform should verify it is exactly that code and nothing else before letting your token on to trade.
"What's the alternative?"
I'm not saying smart contracts shouldn't exist, but you can't manage them like they're an undifferentiated commodity. That is absolute insanity.
Most NFTs should be on platforms like Teia which use a standard set of contracts to mint, buy, and trade.
@Virtual1nstinct @OfKimbriki > leaded gasoline
Thanks to the internal combustion engine, many many such cases.
This is one of those iron laws that you ignore at your own peril, which many continue to ignore at their continued peril. x.com/punk6529/statuβ¦
@Virtual1nstinct @OfKimbriki He saved the world and you don't even know who he is.
@ObserverSuns x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
"Rationalism Gothic" is a lot like Serial Experiments Lain, there's no point in writing a sequel because the state of affairs it's commenting on has already come to pass, Rationalism Gothic is just our lives now.
@PrinceVogel I finally found it
There's a certain kind of author on here who is really eager to tell you the way you are in the 2nd person. They attract an anxious-OCD following that is addicted to the private feeling of being negatively 'seen'. But parasocial psychoanalysis mostly relies on the Barnum effect. https://t.co/aUizx5EoR1
Admit it, you like hurting people. This isn't about helping anybody, not even you. You're not a therapist, you just like telling them they're inferior. Sometimes you even get to say it out loud! But usually you just imply it, smiling at the thought of making someone's skin crawl.
The proper response when someone writes something like this to 'you' when it's actually their Twitter audience is simple: Fuck off. We ruthlessly mock diagnosing someone you just met over the Internet, so why is it acceptable to write like this to people you haven't even met?
At some point someone will figure out a way to construct a turing complete automata out of their crypto taxes and submit a parasitic computing paper to PoC || GTFO, killing the genre.
@textfiles Glad to have you here β€οΈ
Encouraging a personal relationship to collective action problems is a way for corporations and politicians to externalize the responsibility for their harms onto the body politic.
So you know the old pre-MMA martial arts scene where everyone was pretending that their school was magic descended from the Great Master Buddha-Christ-Muhammad himself which lets you throw fireballs and do kickflips off walls?
That's basically what modernity is with systems. x.com/tszzl/status/1β¦
Chapman/et al act like the problem is that people claim systems can provide ultimate meaning, but tbh it's so much worse than that, if that was all it is it'd be pretty benign.
What's actually happening is that these narrow relatively specialized things are claiming to be systems of ultimate meaning and rampantly plagiarizing each other to advertise themselves as producing insights they never could have acquired on their own.
Which is 10,000x worse.
Thinking about intentionally cultivating a lower threshold for tweeting, being more emotional, daydream-y and esoteric. Mostly because I'm not going to have a lot to say about the upcoming plot points (Canada, Ukraine, global famine).
Would you be comfortable with this change?
@egregirls I think your cluster B content strategy is working fairly well and changing it might be premature. On the other hand I relate much more to cluster A so from a totally selfish perspective would enjoy seeing what you make of it.
@egregirls youtube.com/watch?v=7csTssβ¦
"night of the chromatic aberration" https://t.co/YYDPVpcwFq
@Virtual1nstinct No. And unfortunately the sooner you realize your dad is just some guy the better.
@Virtual1nstinct Many such cases, this happens to the estranged children of unambiguously wealthy people all the time. I've even known some of them.
Them, crying: "please stop summoning daemons from the platonic realm, our economy can't handle any more-"
Me, summoning my latest daemon from the platonic realm: "lmao no"
You might think this is an AI tweet, but it's also a cryptocurrency tweet.
It's a good thing Nazis are nonsentient and couldn't ever directly use this to their advantage or be persuaded to by a 3rd party in exchange for concessions towards their goals. x.com/whoiszhu/statuβ¦
"They've already abandoned you, you're one of us now."
"Love having the ability to dissolve competing movements targeting my audience just by showing up and assimilating some portion of their followers."
Humanity has possibly never been more anthropocentric than it is at this moment. In accepting the Fermi Paradox and with it the mantle of responsibility, we've excised all nonhuman minds from our lore. We are not capable of reaching out to corvids, octopi, dolphins, or AI.
Cancellations often hinge on vulgarity because they're more about class than the opinion being expressed. It's horror at the idea that someone is masquerading as your class but actually used to be a member of a lower class. Going crazy over decade old tweets is hyperclassism.
@egregirls Cluster A result: Imposter syndrome
Cluster B result: Narcissism
Stumbled across years-old discussion of one of my posts criticizing LessWrong rationality and I'm a little blackpilled by the communication barrier. I said that "star to star collaboration is rare" and had in mind big-fishes-in-small pond but readers thought I meant Robin Hanson.
Your ideas really don't need to travel far when you're writing politely (i.e. not naming names) for them to be wildly misinterpreted. It was this criticism of the part of the diaspora I happened to be in and taking notes on but people thought it applied to "Effective Altruism".
With sufficient lack of charity you can make any author sound like an idiot.
Most educated people can't read. They can sit down, scan their eyes over a book, and infer what they're supposed to read from keywords and phrases. But few reliably parse grammar. Being able to read someone you don't like logically and grammatically straight is a superpower.
"You don't need to be smart to be loved": Affectionate, good natured, prosocial, Law of Jantepilled
"You don't need to be loved, you're allowed to let people hate you": Ratio'd, callous, mean spirited, threatening to power and ex-gifted kid's egos, truthceled
@Jacobperson12 Not a book, but doing a point by point outline of a friends essay or work, or having someone else do it for yours will demonstrate this effect amply if it's present.
@Jacobperson12 For "reading someone you don't like logically and grammatically straight", you can infer its presence by looking at how intellectually diverse someone is if you subtly prompt for it. Can they pass the Intellectual Turing Test, discuss two opposing philosophies convincingly?
@Jacobperson12 Can they adversarially understand their enemies, read their chatter and understand their strategy from their perspective for the purpose of defeating them? Or do they resort to leaving the enemy an amorphous Other who they don't think about in too much detail?
@Jacobperson12 A lot of authors are deliberately trying to do that to you so that you won't read them unless you're ideologically aligned. When I talk about not being able to read I mean literal failures to infer the correct meaning from text, so what you're describing is a separate issue.
@baroquespiral I don't understand this tweet. Explain?
A lot of AI risk neurosis is fueled by failing to understand how precarious the situation we're already in is. You need to evaluate AI risk against the opportunity cost of other X-Risks and S-Risks.
Never have I heard the rationale for accelerationism summarized so succinctly. x.com/baroquespiral/β¦
The future of Buddhism is ambitious and worthy young men looking off from some distant star with resentment that it was you and not them who had the opportunity to strangle life in its cradle, that your complacency will long put universal nirvana beyond their reach.
Thank you.
"Now Shiva, I see what you've done for other people and I want that for me." x.com/avsa/status/14β¦
When people use philosophy to cope they do philosophy the way cranks roll their own crypto. They read random entries on plato.stanford.edu and complicate things until they're no longer able to understand them in the hope this confuses everyone else too.
Imagine learning to totally ignore your body so it isn't a negation to your intellectual copes and then thinking that's what philosophy is, preaching ignorance to anyone who will listen. x.com/jd_pressman/stβ¦
"It's violence conducted in humanitarianism's latent space."
Violence is reason's shadow.
Considering that both the source recommending it and the speaker herself say their interest comes from a negative experience with the phenomenon of 'reality distortion fields' leading to obsession, I have to wonder about the origins of postrat.
youtube.com/watch?v=_ZJpNNβ¦ x.com/liminal_warmthβ¦
@liminal_warmth > I'm not responsible for the postrats!
Wasn't saying you were. But the implications of a certain adversarial experience causing disorientation and obsession and a large group of people showing up with that obsession at the same time are not pleasant.
@EvelynofTroy @egregirls My interpretation is it's kind of the same thing except that a "Manic Pixie Dream Girl" is an unrealistic trope version where the person doesn't exist for themselves, they're only there to serve the protagonist. Whereas in real life they're getting something out of it.
@egregirls Honestly feel like you could describe a lot of archetypes (especially magick archetypes) from the perspective of "person becomes a reward schedule to you and the payout structure looks like this".
@egregirls e.g. Magical Girl has an offer as described in this talk, but their distinguishing characteristic is that they want to dump everything on you at once and see what happens. It's a fast relationship because it's premised on rewards and they want to payout quickly. This implies ego.
@egregirls This could be motivated by lots of stuff, but ego isn't a terrible guess for the modal motivation. It's almost like they want your attention so badly that they'll give away complex love displays/insight/whatever currency reaches you so they're the highest payoff thing for a while
@michaelcurzi ft.com/content/965334β¦
@postpostpostr Stress makes people do more of the things they do when they're stressed, which are often their most annoying behaviors.
@deepfates First as farce, then as tragedy.
If this proposal from @eigenrobot turns the tide for Ukraine I want you all to know I β€οΈ postrat now. x.com/ChristopherJM/β¦
Original thread: x.com/eigenrobot/staβ¦
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