>retroactive invalidation
The sheer pettiness of this administration is impressive, taking time out of its busy schedule to crap on half a percent of the population. twitter.com/zenalbatross/sโฆ
@brianschatz is correct though regardless. This is exactly what I've been thinking about the whole 'Trade War' business. The Chinese are more dedicated foes here than us, the people that we would need to be miraculously patient don't even understand the mechanics of their pain. twitter.com/cspan/status/1โฆ
Yes lol. twitter.com/real_farmacistโฆ
Good thread. twitter.com/doctorow/statuโฆ
>175 million
๐ง๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ twitter.com/greenpeaceusa/โฆ
@krassenstein I hope we could all do a little more than write stuff on Twitter.
omg twitter.com/cybergibbons/sโฆ
Doctor Who has always been a So-Bad-It's-Good sort of affair. twitter.com/solikebasicallโฆ
Chilling thread. twitter.com/JeffSharlet/stโฆ
Reminder, kids: Politicians feel safe doing this because you don't vote. twitter.com/benserrurier/sโฆ
No *that*, is a perfect description of like half of 'interesting' discourse right now. Stealing. twitter.com/vgr/status/102โฆ
And if there is, can someone link me to it?
#MEMES twitter.com/eigenrobot/staโฆ
For the rest of my career I'm going to be sitting in every meeting, product design discussion, whatever and having the "what if we were a team of black hat malware authors?" imagine spot. Thanks. :P twitter.com/dacoursey/statโฆ
@dacoursey I mean, that's probably a good idea from a PR/Ethics perspective, especially if some of the misuse-cases are easily preventable.
@Softykjr There's a general problem some people seem to have, where they treat Twitter as their password protected blog or virtual living room. It's not, every tweet should be written as though you potentially have a global audience.
@Softykjr People act like this is new, but people were saying stupid shit on MySpace when I was younger with their real name, and it got a lot of them into as much trouble as Twitter can get you into now. Bewildered me then and bewilders me now.
This news story is a good example: seattlepi.com/local/article/โฆ twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
The "European Socialism means you work for half your paycheck" meme only works so long as people can look at their bank statement without realizing they pay more than that to mysterious price increases.
#economics #socialism #costdisease
@chc40 @eigenrobot That is another attitude you can take. :)
I think the people who are in the most danger are the ones in between, where it's not always clear whether they're joking or not.
@pasiphae_goals Seems odd given that the traditional wisdom from Euclid is that division by infinity is zero and division by zero is infinity.
I was tempted once to write a short story about a suicide market, where people incentivize someone to kill themselves in addition to public shame by putting up a large financial reward for them to do so in the vein of a 'traditional' assassination market. twitter.com/sonyasupposedlโฆ
People really believe this. twitter.com/NPR/status/102โฆ
This is one of the best 'novelty' small business ideas I've ever seen. twitter.com/msitver/statusโฆ
Oh hey look, someone actually implemented my idea of making challenge coins about crazy politics/environment stuff. twitter.com/maddogpac/statโฆ
You know, if I knew that I could convince people to let me direct voting reform with 2 million in the bank; and give me such free reign I'm allowed to screw up as much as these folks seem about to, I'd have been trying to get VC's to bankroll me years ago. :P twitter.com/Noahpinion/staโฆ
@vgr Overtheorized: Financial inequality, monetary class, class conflict
Undertheorized: Bloodline/Familial impact on wealth, genetics, eco-justice
@vgr I like to think of wealth in the United States as coming in layers, of which there are several but only the first few are socially acceptable to discuss in public. The outright taboo on discussion of the deeper layers seems to serve the powerful more than the powerless.
I feel ashamed that I didn't know about this until now. twitter.com/albrgr/status/โฆ
I notice I'm getting punked by fake news more and more frequently, this is beginning to become disconcerting. It's getting harder and harder to tell what is and isn't real.
@Noahpinion I mean, it's a lot to take in. https://t.co/50W8WcxsnO
This is next level culture wars. twitter.com/hamandcheese/sโฆ
@SwiftOnSecurity Excuse you we all know computers run on magical thinking, I saw it in a movie one time. https://t.co/stWyJur7YJ
You forgot the most important point, which is that you can be on multiple services at once. It's not like to join Mastodon/GnuSocial/etc you have to leave Twitter. twitter.com/GreatDismal/stโฆ
In fact ideally these would all interoperate so that you can be on all of them at once nearly seamlessly.
@JasonServiss @sci_tchr_tweets @JessicaHellmann I feel obligated to add 'yet'. There's no point in waiting for a hero, one isn't coming.
"Decay is inherent in all compound things. Work out your own salvation with diligence." - Last words of the Buddha
@SwiftOnSecurity My take is that this is what it looks like when society is declining below the standard that created our infrastructure. As our ability to field an advanced technological civilization bleeds out, the sea levels are rising and the air is getting hotter.
@eigenrobot "Has something to do with math and game theory and computers at the same time, also probably a scam."
@juliagalef It's an effective tactic, which is why people do it. I think the trendstarter here was 'homophobia', whatever PR genius came up with that one should probably go down as one of the best marketing wizards of all time.
@vegardbeyer @juliagalef It does.
@kimballscott @vgr It's difficult to dissect feelings sometimes, but whatever @vgr is feeling I'm feeling too.
@jmrphy There's multiple things at work here. One is that there are several different overton windows among intellectual tribes. The Neoreaction people took advantage of this to exploit the Libertarians. Another is that no-fear taboo statements signal machismo.
@jmrphy By using social shame as their only weapon, the new left is breeding shameless strains of opposition that are particularly immune.
This is where I worry (and suspect) we are. twitter.com/ctrlcreep/statโฆ
Reading about this is like staring at the portable shield generator from Asimov's Foundation series:
bunniestudios.com/blog/?page_id=โฆ https://t.co/6AHQMkioDR
@robertnlee @eigenrobot My inner Linux nerd begs to disagree.
@vgr Perhaps she produces more Borg off-screen? It's not like a species is limited to only one mode of reproduction.
I particularly like that he *explains how the breach could be used to harm you*. twitter.com/troyhunt/statuโฆ
@vickypressman https://t.co/8rpmyi9Fl4
@juliagalef @gwern @octal dailykos.com/stories/2018/5โฆ
Terraform Antarctica, not mars. twitter.com/vgr/status/102โฆ
@ArcOnInternet @textfiles Yeah, but that doesn't make it any easier to stay enthusiastic.
This reminds me of the time in high school when I noticed that the phone numbers for the rooms were sequentially numbered and started calling offices that were out of bounds. twitter.com/lucky225/statuโฆ
@gaileyfrey I wrote a web app that reorganized my college's class finder so I could actually locate classes to sign up for, instead of the dorky organization I was forced to use by their official system.
How๐To๐Never๐Get๐Business๐Again๐ twitter.com/lucky225/statuโฆ
@vgr I remember being de-facto TA for the computer classes in high school. There was this girl who left the room to have a freakout because of furries on DeviantArt. We ended up having a talk about how the future is only going to get weirder and she'd have to tough it out.
@SarahSmith2018 @votesaturn I still maintain that the actual politics here are green jobs going to coastal Americans, so the flyover denizens see 'Green Energy' as a massive power grab from people who are already hurting.
@GameStoreDoc ๐
Tell us more?
@Everclear1102 @GameStoreDoc Could also go the Jason Scott route and start releasing raw footage to @internetarchive
@epicpewpew @hackerfantastic The original MIT hackers were college students. "I started at 9 years old" is kind of overrated.
Imagine if humanity spent as much time expressing affection and helping each other as it did watching carefully crafted illusions of the same. twitter.com/strnglft/statuโฆ
@vgr It looks apocalyptic outside. Took a multi-hour walk to help me focus on writing a story, it was frankly perfect atmosphere for dreaming up science fiction.
@strat @DethVeggie @7rl @WeldPond I'd been planning to get the 8BBS logs transcribed and put back up on the Internet for a while now, hadn't found the time to do it in between college classes though.
@strat @DethVeggie @7rl @WeldPond A little more info for anyone interested (and link to the logs): jdpressman.com/2017/09/25/8bbโฆ
@EricRWeinstein I've been saying for a while that there's a phenomena where as the right wing political spectrum becomes more taboo it's compressed and easier for folks inside to cross vast ideological distances. Left wing has the opposite problem and can't cooperate across a breakfast table.
@s_r_constantin @threadreaderapp unroll
@s_r_constantin 1. Do you believe these three quoted beliefs are in fact true?
2. If not, do you think it's always evil to attempt to convince people of this fact?
@verdesensacion @Jilchrest Stupidity and evil are the only two forces powerful enough to compete in the marketplace of ideas.
@s_r_constantin This seems like a strange definition of benevolence. The universe merely being *stable*, if not particularly invested in my success wouldn't qualify in my book.
@s_r_constantin Especially since the stability doesn't actually exclude outcomes like "a meteor hits the earth and kills everybody" or "runaway greenhouse gas emissions literally destroy the biosphere". The traumatic shearing away of one illusion forces trust of deeper principles e.g statistics.
Desire is life and enlightenment is death.
A dead man walks unburdened among the living.
A functioning hand can grip, and release.
One must die and rise from their own grave to be liberated. https://t.co/shrV0OIUeP
@quanticle @gwern What month would you like to do this in? I might meet your challenge.
@paulg @rivatez Most influential in terms of shifting my life trajectory was probably HPMOR. hpmor.com
Trump banning TikTok is a psyop to ban crypto apps using the least sympathetic defendant to set precedent.
Part of why 'woke' is attractive is that it gives people a script to publicly perform atheism/deism/humanism/et al.
The right is mad that leftists found a way to publicly perform virtue too. twitter.com/nosilverv/statโฆ
Atheism in the Dawkins/Sagan/Hawking style is silent, there is a sense in which you're missing out if your opponents get to perform their beliefs in public and you don't.
Woke is one possible implementation of public humanism, but by no means the only one.
I'm worried about how much of this 'postrat considers organized religion' trend is just people realizing their current identity doesn't get expressed bodily, socially, ritually, etc.
And instead of figuring out how to do that they abandon their current beliefs for ones that do.
Childhood is having the privilege to get lost in something fascinating and wonderful for months. Without having to worry about how much time it's taking up, or ripping yourself away from it before you've experienced all the novelty it has to offer.
I miss it.
Helldump go brrrr t.co/743gQlrVYK
Be slightly evil. twitter.com/ByrneHobart/stโฆ
Before all this is over, some conniving bastard will convince people that water is bad for you.
"If it's so good for you, why does it taste so bad?"
๐water ๐is๐a๐chemical๐
@WeftOfSoul @drethelin Washington State
@Meaningness @xsplat @kareem_carr The motte is "Mathematics is dependent on axioms that in principle can be changed or repurposed, it's not like the string '2 + 2 = 4' intrinsically means that".
The bailey is "there is no truth only power uwu".
@Meaningness @xsplat @kareem_carr I suspect that the 'postmodern' epistemology arises out of too much time spent dealing with questions like "Are Jewish people white?" where "there is no truth only power" is exactly the case, because the question isn't about inference on physical properties of the world.
@Meaningness @xsplat @kareem_carr Sure, and naive Kegan 5 relativism avoids major investment in systems out of loss aversion. When EY tells you that Bayes is true on pain of paradox he means that your choices are between greater and lesser absurdity. Not all paradox is equal and some systems have outsized power.
@Meaningness @xsplat @kareem_carr Or rather it is, but it's about mapping maps which change in response to you mapping them and that gets anti-inductive very quickly.
@nosilverv @BellaRudd1 The standard consensus afaik is that Socrates suicided by cop to prove a point about Athenian democracy.
@nosilverv @BellaRudd1 I mean, when the jury found him guilty and it came time for sentencing...
In Athens, each side picks a punishment and the jury decides between them.
The prosecution submitted Socrates be put to death, and Socrates proposed he be given free dinner for life -- a hero's reward.
@BellaRudd1 @nosilverv Well what I'm saying here is that Socrates became an hero either way. ;)
I'm obviously not in a position to tell the creators what their film is or isn't, but I think this straightforward mapping is harmful to the general dysphoric energy that helps make the film work. A thread. 1/N twitter.com/NetflixTudum/sโฆ
"The Matrix is trans" is a reductive take. It's a postmodern film for laypeople, and it's good. A core theme of *any* postmodern work is a sort of fundamental malaise with reality, which can often manifest as dysmorphia. Neo is relatable because his experience is general.
This naturally leads to dysphoria, the 'splinter in your mind' as Morpheus puts it. That can be bodily, but it can also be social or existential. The acute stress and anxiety you feel when you look around at the world isn't pathology, it's your values screaming.
Dysphoria is at its core a discomfort with experience, moment to moment. That fundamental feeling of wrongness is amplified by the disconnect between access to a digital world where you can be anybody contrasted against a physical reality where you're nobody.
Neo is metaphorically transgender, but he's a lot of other stuff too. A literal approach chokes that ambiguity, makes it less interesting. Sets in The Matrix focus on liminal spaces: subway stations, hotel rooms, sidewalks, lobbies. Neo doesn't really belong wherever he goes.
So, with all that in mind I guess I get annoyed when people say "the matrix is a trans movie" like that's The Point, like that is all there is to take away from it. Yes it's a trans movie, but it's also about a more general modern experience that trans participates in.
I'm skeptical about a 'meaning crisis'. I think there's a learned helplessness crisis. Religion is usually about control of things that are spatially and temporally far away from us, and we no longer feel we have any control over forces like the state or climate.
@Aella_Girl At some point everyone has to make a choice: between the forces of evil, and the forces evil.
Wait no I mean
If we're not responsible for saving the world, who is? t.co/rs5lNewaqR
Trauma reactions are often rational responses to irrational scenarios.
@vgr Dude is it just me or has everyone gone crazy? Not because they're screaming and stuff, no no, *because they're not screaming*.
@Meaningness Isn't the entire problem the idea that beliefs are sentences rather than models? (And isn't this what Wittgenstein was trying to point out with his 'picture theory'?)
@Aella_Girl The ragebots just look for reasons to be angry, your brand is fine.
What people resent the most is the gap between their practical understanding and what they can logically verbalize.
Few things sting more than being told you have to believe something you know to be incorrect, even if you can't entirely say why. twitter.com/PrinceVogel/stโฆ
TV network execs are dope peddlers and our societal support of their greed, excess and psycho-social-grift is one of the basic reasons we're unlikely to see the year 2100.
Chapman style postrat is trauma about systems. Bit once, forever shy so you underinvest in systems thinking. Untraumatized Kegan 5 (MMA perspective) acknowledges the inequality of systems, centering itself on a powerful mode of thinking even if it knows that mode is imperfect. twitter.com/fistlosopher/sโฆ
A key question in my research agenda is if it's possible for the forces of good to attain this quality. twitter.com/Nomanslandia/sโฆ
My preliminary investigations point towards "yes". I don't see any reason why rationality/et al can't use a Christianity-esque decentralized evangelism strategy:
One of the many lessons of 2020 is that when the final hour is near people won't git gud and step up, they'll crumple and sink deeper into denial and hedonism.
This implies the main barrier is a mental model of effective action, not incentives or the fear of death.
@nmgrm An important developmental moment was reading Taylor Gatto in early high school, and doing my best to try and get away from school determining what I was allowed to have time to know.
@TheClarksTale @eigenrobot IMO you should be able to condense the buried lede down to a tweet before you insist something is the most important story of the last 4 years.
You're competing with lots of stuff for that title.
@leaacta I'm more or less already there, in terms of expectations.
Finishing up projects, be less risk averse, tell people how much I appreciated my time with them, etc. Letting go is a social, physical process, the big barrier isn't expecting to die but other people expecting I'll live.
When I was in the 1st grade the teacher (literally) wrung my neck because I prioritized helping a kid with a leg brace grab his pencil box over sitting down when ordered to. twitter.com/deplurabel/staโฆ
@ChangKelong People have trouble with the idea that they don't get to choose whether they're the hero or the villain. Other people decide that, haters and lovers both provide attention.
The important thing is to give a good performance even when you're the heel.
Trump gets this.
Amazing they won't #LetYangSpeakDNC considering he was the least depressing part of the 2020 presidential election.
@selentelechia @AskYatharth @eigenrobot @acidshill Those that can't poke fun, those that can restore that which was destroyed with better typography:
What if 'radical leftist' just means 'person who supports the Democrats with a coherent policy platform based on tangible values rather than eclectic special interest lobby mystery meat'? twitter.com/thesravaka/staโฆ
@thesravaka I wonder if there's any research on whether voters are primarily voting for specific policy proposals or overall strategies.
The people screaming are the ones untraumatized enough to still want to live.
See, I can tell this one wants to live. twitter.com/sonyasupposedlโฆ
I consider myself an optimist in the sense that I think our total annihilation and doom isn't 100% certain.
@GlitchesBrew I frankly feel lucky it isn't something like MERS, with its 35% CFR.
@GlitchesBrew "The usual way to avoid being taken by surprise by something is to be consciously aware of it. Back when life was more precarious, people used to be aware of death to a degree that would now seem a bit morbid."
- Paul Graham
Never should have stopped IMO.
Time and money are the units of caring, you can tell roughly how much someone cares about something by how much of those two things are going towards it.
Hint: Most people don't care about most things they talk about.
The idea that you have no impact on anything is absurd when anyone is allowed to participate in the fetid meme sewer we've foolishly plugged our societies managing firmware into. twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
Just finished an anthology of some of the best SlateStarCodex posts:
@VulpesOkamis @PomoPsiOp https://t.co/rzQ49xXtTP
I was just saying that the natural evolution for the Culture Wars is professional wrestling - heroes, heels, and performative fights & stunts that maximize audience engagement. t.co/rhY0gKIr9S
This is part of why Trump does so well, he is a culture wars heel and he is great at playing the villain.
@vgr @kneelingbus Be careful, some people thrive on being trash talked. :)
There is now an EPUB edition of SlateStarCodex Abridged available:
slatestarcodexabridged.com/attach/SlateStโฆ twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ https://t.co/cv5RFKu36R
@4xi0m @selentelechia The main website already has printable PDF chapters.
The noise level is definitely off the charts, being heard over the sound and fury is pretty much impossible atm. twitter.com/thegrugq/statuโฆ
I'll go you one further: This should just be how the lawmaking system works, not an add-on. Laws should be passed with the expectation they will do X, Y, Z (and not A, B, C). If the expectations turn out to be delusional, chuck it. twitter.com/justinkan/statโฆ
@PrinceVogel @EpistemicHope I mean, I don't think anyone sane presents Aristotle as a serious authority on epistemology in 20XX.
It was more the part where EY criticizes Aristotle without actually reading Aristotle, which is beyond disrespectful to one of the founders of Western Philosophy.
@CarlZha As far as I know our nuclear warfare capabilities aren't set up to send "a couple missiles". There's basically one set of orders you give that launches everything at pre-chosen targets.
Source: Command and Control by Schlosser
@CoughsOnWombats @PrinceVogel @EpistemicHope I actually don't and can't find it, but I remember it being a point of controversy some years ago.
@prafmathur @vimota Part of the reason for this is fundamental (and pretty constrained) bandwidth limitations in human computer interaction.
The book *Silicon Dreams: Man, Information, Machine* by Lucky explains using information theory. Written 1989 but about people so it's not out of date.
@micsolana Obligatory SSC: slatestarcodexabridged.com/Against-Tulip-โฆ
The death of mythological and legendary figures in your culture is a sign that you've given up on even the hope of becoming a divine being.
The pattern "This great new technology lets us do X, Y, Z; BUT should we?" isn't what a sober discussion of risk/reward looks like. It's a trauma response to past breathless enthusiasm giving way to harsh realities about incentives and second order effects.
@selentelechia outsidertheory.com/control-societโฆ
The truth is that I don't think human instincts are equipped for what's coming. Your ancestors didn't evolve to deal with takeoff runaway hivemind superintellects.
@ntaverna Any thriving subculture will eventually develop an outsider faction that compensates for its lack of status by carefully inverting the sacred values while maintaining the flesh of the original. This voodoo zombie can become more popular than what it initially orbits.
Nothing is more frustrating than begging someone to do what is obviously in their best interest.
538 Forecast: Biden has a 71% chance to win, @NateSilver538 has a 94% chance of being a furry.
@byt3bl33d3r @hackerfantastic Have they never read one of those exploit writeups where you chain 20 bugs together to get a 'sploit?
The wisdom of BSD is focusing on program correctness.
Writing tip: If you're writing nonfiction and find you have 'writers block' or can't express something; this is often a sign that you're bottlenecked on information. Going and reading more about your subject or the place you're confused can do wonders.
The concept of marriage helps clarify the ideal in a relationship, encourages filtering for the potential to reach it.
Imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever as it solemnly reassures the victim, "It's okay, I'm human too."
New Post: Four Sacrifices and The Phenomenology Of Undeath
This is good but how do you compensate people for holding onto their money for the long period of time that would be necessary for something like "I won't publish in Elsevier".
Perhaps the money could go into a mutual fund or charity scheme? (Defect and it's donated to evil?) twitter.com/tvanantwerp/stโฆ
@Alain_Mower That's the original Will Smith movie ending (I think?), except he doesn't kill himself. In the book he's captured by vampires (the 'zombies' are vampires) and then ripped to shreds by an angry mob of night creatures.
@Alain_Mower @DDagrate My problem with the original phrasing is it makes it sound like he kills himself out of guilt, rather than because he is in a situation where the alternative is a more painful death at other people's hands.
@DDagrate @Alain_Mower Yeah I picked up my copy to check, didn't catch they're suicide pills on my first reading. Thought they were painkillers and he gets tossed to the mob like an unfeeling ragdoll.
In any case, Neville dies at the end after realizing he's the monster.
Brain Noise: "In the future there will be no restaurants and no friends."
When I was 8 or so, I investigated why girls like tea parties by taking some stuffed animals, my sisters abandoned tea set and pouring water for Mr. Bear and Ms. Bratz. Imagine this young boy studiously cargo culting an unnatural female behavior.
This thread is worse than that. twitter.com/kaschuta/statuโฆ
@robinhanson You don't want to know.
@robinhanson https://t.co/znthRhQnxX
Surprisingly good thread for what sounds like a crack intro tweet. twitter.com/crimkadid/statโฆ
One of the crueler gotchas of modernity is using systems as tools of abuse, leading good people to a local maxima of rejecting systems as self protection which permanently disadvantages them against systematic evil.
I think this is actually most Twitter users not thinking about how popularity works. The minute you start asking "So how did 10k people find and follow that persons account?" you're already in the mode of thinking that prevents you from expecting content Just Appears unfiltered. twitter.com/nwilliams030/sโฆ
People over the age of 25 don't mind having mediocre follower counts, so they don't experiment with content strategies, let alone trying to understand and play the algorithm.
Prediction (without looking it up/checking): What makes TikTok et al. special is that a high proportion of users on the platform also make content. The more users are on the creator side of content, the more understanding they have that deep effort goes into being popular.
Nobody gets bravery points for defending normality.
"Offutt hurled it across the room and announced to his wife that he could do better. She asked โwhy donโt you?โ
Offuttโs wife, Jodie, was an enthusiastic supporter of his work. She assisted him in many ways, notably by typing out his final drafts."
medium.com/the-mission/leโฆ twitter.com/Aella_Girl/staโฆ
@0x49fa98 @Aella_Girl @primalpoly It is immensely clarifying to know that Max More's Extropy, of which LessWrong is a descendant, was explicitly started with the goal of creating a "substitute" for religion:
(As though any 'substitute' weren't itself a religion)
@0x49fa98 @Aella_Girl @primalpoly Never.
@0x49fa98 @Aella_Girl @primalpoly This is particularly galling because he was a high profile participant on the Extropians mailing list as I'm to understand it.
@nosilverv I usually provide citations not to prove my claims, but just as a courtesy for readers who would like to know more about the subjects I'm talking about.
The credibility boost is almost tangential tbh.
@nosilverv This is a common misconception: That citations are about proving your claims. That's clearly not the case. Citations are about providing a genealogy of knowledge, which makes the academic universe much cheaper to navigate than the ad-hoc mess of non-academic sources.
@drethelin What if sometimes there are situations where it's valid to feel bad for everyone involved?
Maslow Hierarchy Updated For 2020: https://t.co/ZkisgfSlvG
@MrBalantine @EricRWeinstein And then lies and says they have been reviewed.
Until you fully accept that you're made of meat you are fundamentally confused about the human condition.
@robinhanson If you can identify the stupidity early, I wonder if it's possible to prevent it?
Something like the same way we prevent people from publicly supporting eugenics: slatestarcodexabridged.com/Social-Censorsโฆ
Trump also ties up his opponents resources by making moves that cost him little but his opponents have to spend lots of resources to counter.
Trump needs 5 minutes to sign an order banning trans people in the military, his opponents spend thousands of man hours fighting it. twitter.com/SpencrGreenberโฆ
His flexibility in getting to choose when and where he wants to fight is what makes him dangerous. His probable weakness is his thin officer corps, he only has so much organizational bandwidth. Mueller freaked him out because it was an engagement he couldn't walk away from.
Hate is the wrong way to model Trump's actions, 'hate' would imply he has stakes invested here. The driving forces behind Trump's malice are often indifference and something to gain. Trump is a minmaxing UFAI from mars, and plays accordingly. People are game tokens to him.
Just saw this, excellent feature. https://t.co/oeKJBZSCaC
Postrat (n.)
1. Someone who read The Sequences and didn't understand them.
2. One who worships the god of the gaps. https://t.co/LeUb1Zad6v
@SamoBurja @0nn04 Don't think so, personally. LW is in a weird place where it is nominally affiliated with a bunch of generative thinkers but none of them would really identify with it these days, not even Scott Alexander probably.
@mr_scientism Anti-capitalist thinkers presumably maintain this blindspot on purpose, acknowledging it would force them to grapple with having reinvented Fascism:
@Aella_Girl I think a lot of people experience modernity as a kind of unhinged exhibitionism of monstrosity and ugliness. A lot of these people do in fact want to stuff things back in the closet on the principle that if they can't see the suffering it's not real.
@Aella_Girl Neoliberalism rewards the people who are extreme. It's a high variance contest dominated by the combination of extreme beauty and extreme ugliness.
Modern capital is a freakshow. Mopers imagine 1955 wasn't, but back then they'd likely have it worse. https://t.co/QPrCrpyK5X
@yashkaf https://t.co/0EZKhkDP4s
It's early but, going to go ahead and deem this take of the night unless someone comes up with something extraordinary. twitter.com/vgr/status/132โฆ
@MacaesBruno No matter who wins, we all lose. The closeness means anyone who ekes a win out of this is going to be considered a thief by the other side.
This but for everything is increasingly how I expect things to go. Whatever carefully coordinated good outcomes are necessary for things not to be a mess, that stuff *will not* happen and we will get the mess.
"Doesn't that mean we're all going to die?"
Naively, yes. twitter.com/sonyasupposedlโฆ
@PresentWitness_ @nosilverv https://t.co/nfvPffiTvU
@QiaochuYuan @goblinodds No it makes you a meme lord. Here, have a copy of my upcoming rationality book: https://t.co/CIECcL6U9g
Maybe the Libertarian party should rebrand to have members fill out their ballots to maximize the probability of gridlock. twitter.com/Reuters/statusโฆ
@nosilverv Isn't the canonical answer to the fat man version that pushing fat guys off bridges has costs external to the scenario that are greater than the local benefits? Who actually says 'yes' on the fat guy problem?
@nosilverv Spoiler: That feeling of wrongness is your brain trying to tell you something. It has information in it that will let you be LessWrong if you pay attention to what's inside.
@nosilverv @AlecStapp People who grew up with an epistemology have no idea how lower class people think. It is literally beyond their comprehension to conceive of thinking that broken. The truth is outside their search space.
Source: Grew up without an epistemology.
@nosilverv This is a General Problem that's shocking in others once you stop doing it. We train people that depression is meaningless, It Just Happens. Ditto burnout, et al. Feelings are often *about stuff*, most brains are not so broken that 'on the fritz' is a sane default hypothesis.
@nosilverv @AlecStapp A pattern to look for: Lower class people will talk about the official narrative being fake/etc, but they're not actually *reacting* to the 'official narrative'. That would require them to know what it is. A conspiracy theorist is an interested citizen with bad epistemics.
@nosilverv @AlecStapp When you know how the system is supposed to work you do all your political thinking with that as a backdrop. But the lower class does not understand civics and they do not think in consistent models or systems. They think in e.g. stories that are allowed to contradict each other.
@nosilverv @AlecStapp And conspiracy theories are just lower effort than real info. You think CTs want someone in control? Nonsense. They want information on a budget, and like any ruthless product targeting poor people CT is salient and hits information-density heuristics now divorced from reality.
@nosilverv e.g. I got better at dealing with 'burnout' once I realized that 'burnout' usually means "You are sinking lots of effort into tasks that are misaligned with your values, pulling the plug until you reorient."
Almost always the case, didn't know until I stopped and reevaluated.
@nosilverv Often when you have a feeling like that, you have No Idea what is wrong. But that weird tingle, sense of reluctance, etc, is your clue to stop and check if you're missing something. Go in with the hypothesis that there is a cause. Finding and intervening usually makes it better.
@nosilverv @AlecStapp Conspiracy theories are insight porn, full stop:
They *feel* like compressed info explaining lots of things, but they're not. If your epistemology is nonexistent though, this is way more captivating than the sparse chaos that is real geopolitical info.
@nosilverv tl;dr: Instead of asking "How do I stop feeling this way?" ask "*Why* do I feel this way?", and then really pay attention to yourself, your surroundings, what you're doing, your life trajectory, etc to look for the answer. The How will then generally make itself obvious.
@cbystarlight @nosilverv @AlecStapp Seems plausible. When I was younger I got deep into the rabbit hole, hung out on forums where CT were a regular topic of conversation.
There is a meaningful difference between the way e.g. the uber-nerd and the disenfranchised young man would engage, nerd more skeptical/musing.
@cbystarlight @nosilverv @AlecStapp Think it's also underappreciated the extent to which 'QAnon'/et al isn't new. The events I'm talking about were in 2007-ish, I got to see these guys start the Tea Party. Not fringe, also not differentiated. This kind of thing freely mixes into the right wing gossip mill.
@cbystarlight @nosilverv @AlecStapp CT is insight porn. IMO the big differentiator is taste. CT is like the cheap booze of political theory, some people are allergic for status reasons while others are wealthy and don't mind being seen with that $10 wine bottle. CT died for me after I learned to track predictions.
Biden only gets halfway closer to winning the race with each step he takes so the election can never end.
@pee_zombie Am not grillpilled, but do think anyone serious at this stage needs to accept society has failed and start prepping for a dark age/collapse.
@pee_zombie Most of what we're seeing at this point is a high-cortisol distraction from anything like real work, the ideal is to exit from it; nothing good can come from this kind of poison.
Albert Bouchard came out with ReImaginos today, an acoustic redo of Sandy Pearlman's Imaginos concept album that was botched in the 80's:
Pseudiom has a good documentary on the album's history:
Pearlman was an interesting dude.
It feels less bad if you stop thinking of "consumption charity" (e.g. donating to local schools) as genuine altruism and more as local collective action. The market for genuine altruistic acts is a lot smaller. twitter.com/Goodtweet_man/โฆ
@JoeBiden @GreatDismal Don't be ridiculous, you won by a hair thin margin. If you don't want the Democrats to lose (bigly, even) in the 2022 midterms you will be sensitive to the fact that half the country wanted the orange tyrant over you.
@michaelcurzi Korzybski said the same, one of his big things is the idea that 'unsanity' can be cured through better thinking habits.
Unfortunately schizophrenia can't be, and this led people to dismiss the idea as crankish. Back then the causes of schizophrenia weren't understood.
@michaelcurzi Bruce Kodish has a good biography of Korzybski out. You'd probably like it. There's an abridged web version, and then an exhaustingly-long but well researched paperback.
@MacaesBruno @CBS Feel like you underestimate the impact of psycho-social-cybernetic warfare. It's an old tactic to force the enemy to be on alert for extended periods to wear them out and down. Knowing the attack is not coming is a real win.
@MacaesBruno @CBS I think you're still correct that a great deal of this is imaginary, but don't discount the parts that are real. You need some reality in the scenario in order to exaggerate it.
I think it's easy to run the take "this is all imaginary" on cyberwar because it's so abstract. When you're N steps removed from the physical underpinnings of the conflict, it's much easier to distort things and point to the distortion as evidence that the threat isn't real. twitter.com/MacaesBruno/stโฆ
@micsolana @drethelin scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&โฆ
Don't think anyone has done the study.
Can we please make the president less powerful? twitter.com/JohnHolbein1/sโฆ
@akarlin88 @UnzReview So where are you heading after they kick UnzReview off?
@the_aiju Legend says the philosopher Zeno, famed for his belief in determinism, beat a slave for stealing.
The slave insisted that the beating was unjust because fate had ordained he would steal.
Zeno replied that fate had ordained Zeno thrash him for it.
You could be either of them.
@vgr @sarahdoingthing Probably for the better. One of my friends claims to have stopped reading anything you write after he outlined one of your books point by point and realized everything in it was wrong.
That style of writing isn't conducive to saying true things IMO.
@vgr Pretty sure we just identify as zoomers, if we buy into that whole thing.
@michaelcurzi @kilovh @0x49fa98 Any other B people in the audience?
@michaelcurzi @kilovh @0x49fa98 Finding people in the B camp who haven't had their moral intuitions irreparably broken by it (e.g. negative utilitarianism) is difficult, hence my interest.
@pee_zombie I refused to leave the rationalists until I understood the things that made it special so well that they wouldn't be eroded if I went places where they weren't the default assumptions.
By the time I boiled it all down I noticed there wasn't a community left to leave.
@Richard_Vixen @zackmdavis "A Historical Friend is someone you became friends with in the first place because you met when you were little and stayed friends through the years, even though youโre a very weird match. "
A lot of Twitter is just neo-street-preaching.
@SeanMombo Sometimes I think back to that and realize I will never get to spend my time on something so trivial without worry again.
Twitter is a successful contract between authors and readers about what to expect from their writing.
@goblinodds It's more like a challenge response system, you 'bid' on a certain amount of status and other people decide if they're gonna let you have it or not.
@goblinodds Don't bid, you don't get.
A referendum on suicide invalidates the system that proposed it.
@vgr Before a tsunami hits, the tide recedes.
@the_aiju I can't tell if the misuse of 'countersignaling' was deliberate or not, which honestly makes the tweet even better.
@MacaesBruno Accidentally repeated a sentence: "What was meant as a kind of virtual nationalism might acquire a more literal character if Trump was allowed to consolidate his power during a second term."
@EricRWeinstein The play is a tragedy and its protagonist is Man. Derailing the plot is the only way any of us survive the 21st century.
We live in a "might makes right" universe, your sense of good was defined by adaption to that principle. There is a very real sense in which good is supposed to be mighty. twitter.com/sonyasupposedlโฆ
Very few people apply "might makes right" the whole way through, failing to save the phenomena.
If you find yourself despairing that truth, love, and justice are kicking your ass because they're defying telos you've gone astray somewhere.
@SeanMombo Reminder that the alternative is to hope things never get better than this.
Strong dystopian energy in this thread. twitter.com/alexisohanian/โฆ
Postmodernity's problems are mostly about people disrupting positive and zero sum equilibriums they have a poor position in for a temporary advantage in a new negative sum game that ultimately hurts everyone.
250bpm.com/blog:113/ twitter.com/robkhenderson/โฆ
@robinhanson @MorlockP Here, someone whose only contribution to discourse is diffuse malaise.
@shadowcat_mst Yeah when I say "postmodernity", I just mean that as the time period we're living in. (Since, I think that's a reasonable characterization of the era that gives us Donald Trump/et al)
YMMV, but the emotional peak of 2020 for me was the end of March through May. The world stopped and things became quiet, few cars and no planes, genuine stillness in the air while I did my research. Noticed I never wanted the noise back.
The Mood: youtube.com/watch?v=6fpV2fโฆ twitter.com/jmrphy/status/โฆ
@ESYudkowsky choosing the name 'rationality' for his philosophy was a wide invitation for this kind of weak criticism. I wonder if like Alfred Korzybski and General Semantics, he's updated and desperately wishes he'd called it anything else.
Doubt it. twitter.com/nosilverv/statโฆ
@psukhopompos @dchem @nosilverv Not really. This is mostly caricature.
I really need to start a gallery of these inkblot tweets you can read as being about multiple very different things. t.co/lTD71f6HIf
@dchem @psukhopompos @nosilverv They asked "Is the joke real?" and I replied "No."
@gigafelon @mattparlmer Yes, I use one (TinyTinyRSS).
@selentelechia "They go low and we go high" means if the virus's death rate gets 10x lower you have to care 10x as much.
Crazy to think that Bob Truax knew raw materials were 2% of the cost of a rocket in the 1970's and therefore rocket size barely impacts costs but it took Elon Musk in the 2000's to execute on this.
My wallet and/or salivary glands have to suffer knowing you can buy weird marginal candies on the Internet (e.g. Amazon).
Now you have to suffer too.
@vgr Most people in one of these settings wouldn't be aware of the protagonist.
@eigenrobot youtube.com/watch?v=Gm85Odโฆ
@vgr What I was trying to imply is that most people in one of these settings don't have that either. ;)
Authorial perspective gives us the privilege of a clear logic to the setting, but the people inside the setting don't have access to that logic or it wouldn't work.
If we're going to cancel the debt I think we need to cancel some colleges as well. twitter.com/DamonLinker/stโฆ
@captain_mrs Give a brief sketch?
@captain_mrs My personal hypothesis is in fact that "Kegan 5" is actually just where verbalizing the paradigm outstrips the level of <something> we're not used to having to differentiate in language. Intuitively feel like any serious philosopher hits Kegan 5 fairly early and keeps going.
@captain_mrs e.g. Any programmer who actually understands programming I'd almost have to imagine hits Kegan 5 at some point; the 'stages' are reached by necessity. Don't develop a systematic mode until systems are useful, don't develop a meta-systematic mode until you're juggling systems.
@captain_mrs From an information theory view at some point trying to compress everything you're dealing with into one big map (i.e. graph) becomes impossible, trying warps in shape from the CPU limits of the human doing it.
Eventually meta-systematic becomes the path of least resistance.
Maybe after that we can discuss the myriad ways that censorship is part and parcel of basic functions like 'filtering noise' or 'enforcing state interests' and then ask how we want to implement our policies around those things?
i.e. Censorship will happen, the question is how. t.co/WlQUhVCgnZ https://t.co/Mn5VJY1ewF
Is there a good word yet for culture war linguistic invention?
Thinking similar dynamics and aims as clubs, brass knuckles, et al, but based on the embarrassing and Malthusian lives of Millennials and Zoomers.
They're very problematic. t.co/gR3QnGd3ag
@Triquetrea ๐ https://t.co/ZtQMzsnxVQ
@Cary_Bleasdale @eigenrobot sl4.org/shocklevels.htโฆ
@ArmandDoma @paulg To reframe furtherโstartups that become successful become powerful, and that is almost always going to threaten someone else's lunch. If you don't have haters it probably means you're not doing anything important.
@eslewhere stevepavlina.com/blog/2005/11/dโฆ
I still think about the $12 cell phone made by Chinese indie devs because their electronics ecosystem lets you easily play with production quality hardware and fork designs, while prototype hardware in the West is underpowered.
bunniestudios.com/blog/?p=4297 https://t.co/Dtk0FwDtTC
Feels analogous to the scene in Asimov's *Foundation* where the decaying empire has nothing comparable to the portable shield generators worn by Foundation agents.
@SamoBurja The college debt problem is an instance of the more general problem of dealing with occupational licensing & guilds. When moats exist for so long that practitioners have plausible deniability knowing there was anything unethical about the system, how to/should we compensate them?
@IvanDenker @SamoBurja Younger, usually made by people who are stung by the traditions so they fail to take proper inspiration from them, often inadequate radical conjecture (e.g. heart of liberalism is just categorically weaker than something like transhumanist mania).
@IvanDenker @SamoBurja Notice critiques of e.g. rationalists basically always focus on 'social stuff' and the weakness of Bayesianism or whatever, very rarely on the high future shock parts; those are much stronger so people contend with them less often.
This essay is bad, but that it gets written is interesting. twitter.com/balajis/statusโฆ
@zackmdavis @2xminus1 @getpelican Why Pelican over Jekyll?
@zackmdavis @2xminus1 @getpelican ัะปะฐะฑัะน!
@zackmdavis @2xminus1 @getpelican Oh, not at all, I was joking. They're both pretty similar pieces of software, though I've found Pelican to be a bit less featureful when I've used it.
Zero. All philosophies contain absurdity and paradox, the question is what kind of paradox you want to be dealing with. twitter.com/parallaxopticsโฆ
@RobertWringhim True religion involves radical conjecture, radical truth, if it doesn't totally shift priorities it's not religion.
@wormwood_stars Dennou Coil. https://t.co/66dP889i3h
@eigenrobot @0x49fa98 @shlevy Synthesis position is that contradiction is inevitable but most people tolerate way too much contradiction.
Musk claims to have noticed raw material costs are miniscule on his own, which is an interesting case of convergent reasoning if true. twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ https://t.co/P4NDHkhjDC
Also interesting that both engineers decided to christen their ship Dragon. https://t.co/slYFhkgter
And of course both seek to make a reusable cargo rocket launched from the sea.
Actually doing this is another story, one which Musk seems to be excelling at. https://t.co/PtCIsZTGI8
@pee_zombie firstthings.com/article/2020/1โฆ
@nosilverv A friend was kind enough to outline one of my draft essays for me, and that was when I learned with horror how people *actually* read my writing.
Nuance mostly just gets compressed down, afaict. e.g. A paragraph about someone likely being wrong becomes "this person is wrong".
@nosilverv And this is not a stupid person, they've worked at multiple FAANG companies bla bla bla. Their summary of my essay still read like horror to me.
@AbstractFairy @nosilverv Yeah, that one was enough for me to be like "Okay, no new essays until January 1st of 2021".
@disconcerta Rolling around in a blob of my own belly fat as I continue to eat all these consequence free lunches I'm getting.
"You have weak feeding instincts" I say to the gathered rodents, who jealously gawk at my superior physique.
"Want my pile of utility?" I purr, my basilisk eyes
@chimeracoder @whitequark There were a few weeks where you could be smarter than the CDC by punching "SARS asymptomatic spread" or something into Google Scholar.
@chimeracoder @whitequark Though, technically this study doesn't say an asymptomatic person can *spread* SARS-1, the entire concept seemed pooh-poohed too quickly by American doctors for my tastes.
Especially since they were wrong, and all.
@owenbroadcast Every so often I think about how we recreated historical fencing techniques entirely from dueling manuals. Revival is possible in this sort of situation, but it's better not to have died in the first place.
@scholasticia @owenbroadcast This is one of the several reasons it's better not to have died in the first place.
@pee_zombie @vgr Not sure this is a good idea: reducing-suffering.org/the-importanceโฆ
Do think the lack of realism about meat in climate change plans is a signal that Western governments have already decided not to do anything about it.
@achalaugustine @NickClairmont1 People can sense that, I think.
And it does make a difference.
@adamsears @NickClairmont1 @KelseyTuoc This guy has found the underlying problem, not just with this but with everything else too. https://t.co/T6XBuLoPs4
Our society has reached stream entry. Now it will cycle through the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, and 2000's until they all occur simultaneously and enlightenment is achieved.
Based. twitter.com/ZekeJMiller/stโฆ
US judiciary is its last good institution, would love to see a case analysis breaking down why US judges are so good where the rest of the country is falling apart and thoroughly corrupt. twitter.com/KenneyBaden/stโฆ
Rewrote my essay on alchemy and transhumanism. A story of convergent philosophical evolution, liquid gold elixirs, polyamorous rocket scientists trying to summon the antichrist, and picking up trash on the beach.
wrestlinggnon.com/extropy/2020/0โฆ https://t.co/LQNjHH2MI1
Scholar's Stage sums up the erosion of the intellectual commons:
I feel like his analysis is missing the elephant in the room: We just spent the last four years under conditions of intense cyberwar.
A thread. 1/N
Trump has been the cyberwar presidency. He's pioneered a new form of psychic warfare that lets him constantly saber rattle in ways that people can't ignore. When you're the president people are forced to take your threats seriously, no matter how often you make them.
His position has basically let him act like a culture wars jammer, spewing noise and anxiety into every conceivable channel of communication. The last four years have been Trump Trump Trump, and all the oxygen got sucked out of the room.
As I put it to a friend, this is much better than zero days. Maybe if you hit Twitter with a really good zero day and go for maximum vandalism, you can take the site down for a few weeks.
Trump basically took Twitter down for four years, and television news, etc.
It also works much better because using a zero day to take down Twitter is parsed as naked force, people would route around it. But Trump can code his garbage as data/value, turning the Internet's curation & delivery heuristics against it to sabotage communication.
Everyone thinks about "cyberwar" in terms of breaking into datacenters and sabotaging nuclear plants, but Trump has shown that can be primitive compared to the damage you can do with memetics and insiders.
Consider the stuff we weren't discussing because Trump was shinier.
On the other side of the aisle, you have sanctioned left wing witch hunts that seem to pick people off at random. The use of pseudorandom sacrificial violence isn't a bug, it's a feature; it works just like a panopticon.
You only need to 'sample' a certain number of targets for digital mobbing to raise the costs of speaking beyond what most actors are willing to pay. People are going underground because the commons is both eagerly serving up noise and much more dangerous than ever before.
None of this can be blamed on any one faction or institution, many things come together to create this outcome. One is the return of yellow journalism, where it's gone from oligarchy to monopolistic competition trending towards perfect competition. Malthusian agents play dirty.
Another is the changing way we handle identity on the Internet. After Eternal September people mostly used 'net with pseudonyms, you went online to become someone else. MySpace and its descendants brought the drama and local bickering of 'real life' into the digital realm.
Contrary to popular belief, real name policies do not make people act more courteous: They provide more attack surface for bullies and partisans. The normalization of putting yourself out there has been pouring gasoline on the fire, making people nastier.
Another factor is the increasing use of forums like Twitter, Tumblr, etc that actively incentivize hyperviral, easily compressed content. It turns out nuance doesn't compress well, extremism and partisanship does.
Caricatures compress better than real peoples personalities, slogans and extreme simplifications of policy questions compress better than thought out papers. Hyperpenalizing length doesn't get you the same ideas but short, it selects for qualitatively different things altogether.
@mattparlmer Everyone forgets that Switzerland was the OG land of freedom.
@JimDMiller Scott is just on hiatus, he'll be back soon, with cancel hardened funding & lifestyle.
reddit.com/r/slatestarcodโฆ https://t.co/SIlTSnJvKb
@pee_zombie @pervexists69 I have a mastodon server but can't find anyone worth federating with.
@pee_zombie @pervexists69 I'd rather not be running the postrat server, since I'm more "rat" than "postrat", but if there's really demand...
@EpistemicHope Vaccines are annoying in that you give them out at volume where if they have even moderate adverse side effects that can get very costly.
@michael_nielsen The part of the gospel of ramakrishna where he mimics the divine mother until he attains a sort of quasi-divinity to others is one of my favorites.
@sonyasupposedly Rappaport's Conspirator: Lenin In Exile.
I like the way it focuses on Lenin as a character without spending too much time on moral judgment or axe grinding.
Also provides insight into the realities of organizing, most of Lenin's time seems to have been spent on drama and LARP. https://t.co/KnF9kOlZtn
@sonyasupposedly The dumb subculture drama would be familiar to anyone who is well acquainted with the Internet.
@amolitor99 @SwiftOnSecurity To my memory this is Penn and Teller's advice on magic tricks. The key to developing a successful magic trick is to put in way more effort than anyone would imagine possible to get the effect.
Anthropics imply you'll only observe timelines where a singleton uploads everyone or we all merge into the Borg. Others cease to exist once someone invents a 25 cent method to vacuum collapse the universe.
@pee_zombie The question is what's the minimal representation you can predict/regenerate the rest from. Seems plausible that the brain is enough to infer muscle memories/etc.
(Also, since when is 'muscle memory' stored in the muscles?)
Normies like @gwern have delusional stalkers who might murder them for the Satoshi coin, mine will kill me because they think my sha256 hashes can destroy the universe.
When sensors are cheap, attention is expensive.
Therefore if you want to discuss anything that isn't tittle tattle you have to coordinate something totally outside the social-media-woke-yellow-journalism-Trump-MAGA-panopticon. Everyone forgets that Substack only exists because people are anxious about funding sources.
@AClockwork_Crow We need a Trump-COVID Twitter swear jar. If each tweet about those topics cost 50 cents people wouldn't make them as often.
"Someone who groks the situation we're in is rarely risk averse, usually extremely risk hungry compared to most people. In that sense rationality is a philosophy of desperation."
Always being in the reflective mode is a tacit acknowledgement that the universe is broken. twitter.com/nosilverv/statโฆ https://t.co/nB3M80ifgI
"Chad" is a trap for people who are used to video game skill curves, a centrally designed benevolent universe that is rooting for your success, i.e. not our universe.
The truth is that whole-life flow states are hyper-exploited lives of mediocrity.
That road is closed to you.
The thing about the whole incel memeplex is that incels don't want to bang Stacy, they want to be "Chad". Chad's defining trait isn't his sexual power but his implacable masculine aptitude; Chad gets everything he wants without really trying.
"Trauma" is a word that's often pulled out to gaslight you about the world's brokenness, that it's your fault for noticing rather than something you should be trying to fix.
We live in an incentive hell where flow states are dangerous vulnerabilities.
"Rationalists are starting to see that the naive dualism that many arguments are premised on - the mind a sort of all-knowing puppeteer pulling the strings of a rigid body from behind the eyes - is BS. "
Obligatory reminder that Korzybski felt this was a key abrahamic fallacy. twitter.com/Meaningness/stโฆ
Too much attention is paid to the Feynman ancestry of EY's rationality and not enough to the General Semantics part. Even less attention is paid to the hard scifi cosmology because I'm pretty sure most of his readers don't understand it (EY didn't exactly explain very well).
Regis's Great Mambo Chicken is a good pop science book for anyone who wants to get where EY is actually coming from.
In fact Great Mambo Chicken is shocking in how obvious and straightforward it makes EY's overall cosmology. I imagine after he read it he immediately started looking at the Feynman lectures (if he hadn't already) and Drexler's Engines of Creation. It makes becoming EY obvious. twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ https://t.co/HtgPYztkbC
After reading them you'd become some kind of transhumanist. Then all EY had to do is keep studying physics, CS, evo psych and AI (all tied to epistemology); interact with the Extropians mailing list until the insight ran out and found SL4. In that light he's not so special.
When I was 14 and reading The Sequences I asked how "could this person possibly exist?", now I ask why there aren't thousands more people like him.
Suspect most of the problem is amenable to this sort of analysis: joelonsoftware.com/2000/06/03/strโฆ
Haven't found the time to sit down and do it yet.
(At one point EY said on his website that this is the book that made him a transhumanist. Later on he changed his answer to Drexler's Engines of Creation, but he probably got the idea to read it from this)
@eigenrobot Children are vacating schools, the nation is healing we're the virus.
An MVP exists to test a hypothesis about consumer demand, a product that is not good enough to test the hypothesis is not an MVP. twitter.com/kocienda/statuโฆ
This is something that seems like it should be obvious once it's pointed out, but a surprising amount of literature defines it subtly wrong, e.g. "an MVP is the minimum product people will pay for". NO! Minimum product that tests your hypothesis.
The minimum product that tests your hypothesis can actually be quite involved, the usual approach to something like that is to have good priors (do your research) and do progressively more expensive tests (surveys, user interviews, then MVP) to see if you're on the right track.
The entire MVP approach to business is very meta, it's about exploring business hypothesis space quickly until you find something worth doing great in the first place.
(Hint: If your business hypothesis requires greatness, the MVP needs it too, achieve greatness where it counts)
@nosilverv I find that I tend to overestimate progress in the short term and underestimate progress in the long term.
@nosilverv Your material circumstances have a long lag time to catch up with your mind, don't expect revolutionary change right away.
Brian Tomasik's departed spirit lounging atop a giant pile of counterfactual utility, then jumping up with a startle as he wonders whether ghosts can suffer.
@SamoBurja https://t.co/PlzkspmQ6m
@Childermass4 I talk to people a lot and then lift some of the good lines and thoughts for tweets.
Ditto reading books, etc.
@0xGray @RokoMijicUK People are strange creatures that will set up television sets and buy cookies then complain they're fat and lazy.
SL1: "You know you can just make a sun?"
SL2: "You know you can just make a habitable planet?"
SL3: "You know you can just make life?"
SL4: "You know you can just make a generally intelligent agent?"
SL5: "You know you can just make a universe?"
See also: sl4.org/shocklevels.htโฆ
Reading up on distributed identity schemes right now, and this paper from Wilson and Ateniese has an interesting proposal: Use a blockchain to costly signal trust by sending the key you sign money that they then send back.
arxiv.org/pdf/1508.04868โฆ https://t.co/T5WXHjwFex
The overall paper is very similar to BrightID (brightid.org) which uses blockchain enhanced Web of Trust to try and form a sybil resistant network. It implements this staking process with an internal value called "health", but I think money is more interesting.
Unlike 'health', which the user has no incentive to care about, staking money on trust in the key signals more than just its authenticity. The amount of money staked can double as a costly signal of relationship strength.
This would provide an economic utility to the network that is otherwise lacking in the feature-impoverished PGP web of trust. Traditionally PGP's social network function has been considered a bug, embracing it could increase adoption by several OOM.
Sending relatively large sums of money as stake, e.g. $1000, proves you trust the key and have a strong relationship with the identity. You could make a network of people with game theory Common Knowledge they trust each other with large sums of money and can manage crypto keys.
@ireneista Lucky's Silicon Dreams: Information, Man, and Machine is an excellent book that explores this in detail. It uses information theory to sketch out the theoretical limits of human computer interaction with unmodified people, since people are the bottleneck.
(Minor thing: "several" is the wrong word there, more like "multiple". Also depends on how you count a PGP user.)
@chaophagy I tried this several years ago on Omegle, it's doable with people who don't understand how impossible that is. I suspect after GPT-3/et al it would be even easier.
As someone who has "don't move to the Bay" as a literal career goal, watching the Bay Area cope machine intensify is deep schadenfreude.
I've had so many friends who had their lives ruined by moving to the Bay, I'd say "it's not even funny", except it really isn't funny; it's horrifying. At least one suicide in the mix.
None of this is a new phenomena. Similar happened to young people that moved to Vienna in the early 20th century without a set career track to upward mobility. SF is a power city for power players, anyone who goes there without a job offer from FAANG/et al. is going to be prey. https://t.co/wCZqjtaWiW
@Logo_Daedalus I even cite the sources I think are dangerous.
@EpistemicHope I think people did do this but they didn't become popular. e.g. gather.town is a neat idea that I only barely heard of.
Leyland Kirby's Everywhere At The End Of Time has gone semi-viral recently. It's a six hour concept album about dementia, a odd candidate for viral popularity.
I think a lot of that popularity stems from its accidental description of the Zoomer life arc.
That epiphany, that you can't step in the same stream twice, that trying to hold on to what was is a losing, futile exercise is the payoff: the rest of the album is a meditation on making peace with less and less as you ride to the bottom of the void.
As you get deeper into the "stages" of dementia, Heartaches returns in increasingly distorted and unfaithful renditions. Eventually you have the epiphany that you have no idea what it's supposed to sound like anymore, and won't hear it clearly again for the rest of the album.
The album centers around "It's Just A Burning Memory", a looped, eerie sample of Al Bowlly's Heartaches.
It's nostalgic and creepy at the same time, with an instantly recognized but easily forgotten melody. You pay it no mind on your first listen.
Life only gets more complicated, anxiety ratchets tighter as malthusian status games get meaner and more vicious. Ostensible material abundance becomes a distorted polyphonic tide of economic self parody. Problems aren't solved, only pushed deeper into the stack by new ones.
This is a sobering analogy for life as it's experienced by the more thoughtful member of Gen Z. The oldest of that cohort can barely remember life before 9/11, the 90's are a burning memory they were in no position to appreciate. As time goes on the song gets farther away.
Eventually the victim might find peace in the understanding that there is no answer, at least not one they're in a position to receive. Under such conditions it's no wonder that 25% of young adults contemplated killing themselves in June:
2020 is something like Stage 4, where a lingering facsimile of awareness crosses over into totalitarian senility. Life becomes a horror story, everything is wrong and little makes sense. It is the essence of horror: The victim keeps asking "why" but gets no answer.
Our societal alzheimer's worsens as we desperately try to cling onto what was, but our recollection of how to solve basic problems is increasingly warped and unfaithful. Fantasies about collapse are analogous to the desire that a patient be euthanized to end their suffering.
That's the terror of a progressive disease: No matter how bad they think it is now, they understand it will only get worse.
@ollybot_redux @sonyasupposedly As an outsider I read it as having a manic personality type, which tends to be a low trust posture for me.
The dystopian cyberpunk future is already here, it's just unevenly distributed.
@pee_zombie @GeniesLoki advocate.com/youth/2018/7/0โฆ
Nothing is intolerable until people stop tolerating it.
I've done the opposite. One time I informed the professor that if they notice a resemblance between my essay and the Wikipedia page, it's because I wrote it the night before. twitter.com/RantyAmyCurtisโฆ
Men will literally tear apart the stars in heaven and build a Dyson Sphere instead of going to therapy
In case there's any ambiguity, I really did write it the night before.
@MidwestHedgie @Post_Market Is college supposed to make that question easier? There's actually a ton of context going into a concept like "the free market" that would be nontrivial to explain to a visitor from mars. Maybe "the discovery that self interest is a scalable motivator that produces good results".
@nosilverv I told you: Trump is what cyberwar actually looks like. You just spent the last 4 years in cyberwar conditions.
@nosilverv youtube.com/watch?v=jGKNaIโฆ
@thedenature @tophandour "I've been trick once before by that ghost thread, and I'm not going to be tricked again until I see a picture or a detailed mspaint diagram of what we are dealing with here."
> detailed mspaint diagram
@thedenature @tophandour Where do they find these people? I'm actually crying with suppressed laughter.
Still think this is the best SomethingAwful thread though: forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.phpโฆ
@metanomial Newcomb-like problems are faced by people all the time. Other people predict what you are going to do and take actions based on that without observing any further behavior on your part. That's why it's so important not to be seen as "the sort of person" who would do bad things.
@metanomial The key to understanding the problem is that you're not making a choice between boxes, you're making a choice between what kind of agent strategy you want to use.
@yashkaf This is who Durkheim thought God actually is.
@yashkaf "Ten percent of the male masks portrayed hangahiwa wandafunei, and they were associated with the commission of ritually sanctioned murder. These murders committed by the violent spirits were always attributed to Nggwal."
@michaelcurzi "Finally, he noticed something that most of the other engineers had in common that he was lacking: they all had fairly prominent moustaches."
Retweet with 4 books you're going to read in 2021. twitter.com/PrinceVogel/stโฆ https://t.co/8GgUgkfOXG
There are layers of context I'm not getting in this thread, and that makes it so much better. Abstract conflict. twitter.com/nameshiv/statuโฆ
@ESYudkowsky Chen Sheng and Wu Guang vibes.
Genuine empiricism is underrated. You can choose your ontologies, hypothesis(s), and reactions to experience, but you (mostly) can't choose your experiences; those are inflicted on you. Well calibrated experience is axiomatic and ideas should contort themselves to describe them.
Sneaking suspicion that 'postrationality' is a sequel to 'rationality' in the sense that @ESYudkowsky (accidentally) let a lot of people feel like intellectuals by reading TVTropes and fanfiction; postrationality is a successor that lets them get the same thing with less effort.
This kind of tweet is cute, but I feel doesn't get across the sheer existential horror of what seems to be coming. SCP Foundation to the rescue:
scpwiki.com/clef101 twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/stโฆ
@ollybot_redux How did you decide on a preference between catgirls and doggirls?
@LadyAllSwift1 @vgr Always was, the left just scared me more. Still do, in the long term. Should be noted though that the run up to Hitler taking power involved his way being greased to stop communists from getting the chancellorship instead.
@LadyAllSwift1 @vgr We're on the run up to a civil war because there is an underlying ethnic conflict that lots of societal trends have been intensifying since the 90's (you can see political polarization shoot up starting then iirc). Nothing I say affects the outcome, frankly.
@LadyAllSwift1 @vgr Note that when I say "ethnic conflict", I mean the blues vs. the reds or whatever. Not that *other* kind of ethnic conflict...
@LadyAllSwift1 @vgr I think you are inferring things about me that aren't actually true. Trump is a dogshit person and needs to have been removed from office a long time ago.
@PrinceVogel He wanted to get an agreement with the Americans, since after the Russian government toppled they would be left holding the bag in WW1.
@PrinceVogel That information presumably lies only inside Lenin's head.
@TylerAlterman @SamoBurja twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
The beatings will continue until medical regulation improves.
thezvi.wordpress.com/2021/01/07/223โฆ https://t.co/qpvA4jcJkn
Paranoid part of me wondering what Trump needed buried from the front page so badly that this was his best option.
@phl43 Early Trump was very "drunk or drunk master?" for me.
Update: twitter.com/BNODesk/statusโฆ
Unlearning a long term future was an important part of coming to terms with the implications of contemporary technology for me, let alone future technologies. twitter.com/_StevenFan/staโฆ
That pre-finale elation you feel in the quiet moments for having made it this far before the end is how a "temporary bliss state" feels from the inside.
The break before tragedy is paradoxically a good mood.
Try taking a minute to reflect on your experiences up to this point. twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ https://t.co/VMkm13UKa4
Has there ever been this much attention paid to what year it is?
We seem to be in full postmodernity, evidenced by a mass awareness of the fact of existing in history; which is now commenting on itself. https://t.co/mCqr6AGteH
In the 20th century certain figures like Trotsky or Hitler would perform for the history books. Now everyone thinks of their lives as a performance for an imagined future audience.
@PrinceVogel https://t.co/t4ak1yi0hj
Verizon paid a billion dollars to delete Tumblr and nobody thanked them for their service to the community.
twitter.com/writerknowles/โฆ https://t.co/dutZCgseHC
Now seems like as good a time as any to repost my Trump headline collage circa 2018. https://t.co/rvWgEJ0QBS
I support Twitter banning Trump as an act of temporary sabotage, but reorganizing our speech laws with that framing will be a disaster.
@nosilverv @pee_zombie @ExGenesis Tell us more.
@ireneista Bizarre take to me. From a game theory standpoint the only reason Trump has not to attempt a coup is something like honor. He's been caught in multiple very high profile criminal acts and knows he's marked as a sacrificial victim. Surprise is just more ignorance of fundamentals.
Refusing to track 2 and 2 then being shocked when I get 4.
@ireneista Sure, my point was more that normie energy increasingly just twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
@RokoMijicUK @pee_zombie @eigenrobot @BecomingCritter @michaelcurzi @qorprate @vgr @nosilverv @chaosprime @yashkaf @alt_visa @robinhanson @liminal_warmth Ya'll know that it costs money to publish stuff to the blockchain right? Currently I upload hashes to Tezos mainnet at a cost of about three and a half cents each. Storing your actual tweets would cost more than that.
@cowtung @pee_zombie web.hypothes.is
@RokoMijicUK @pee_zombie @eigenrobot @BecomingCritter @michaelcurzi @qorprate @vgr @nosilverv @chaosprime @yashkaf @alt_visa @robinhanson @liminal_warmth However, most of those costs are to allocate storage. If you were to reserve space for a 10 status feed and then overwrite it each time you publish with new content, it would cost much less.
@liminal_warmth I could make it right now.
@nosilverv @pee_zombie @ExGenesis I've written before that a viable strategy might be to leverage peoples existing friend and professional networks to build instances. Provides natural segmentation of moderation and network power while solving the bootstrapping problem.
FediVerse people can follow me at extropian.net/jdp
I'll start mirroring posts after this one. twitter.com/pee_zombie/staโฆ
Anyone who wants to use my instance can DM for invite.
@PomoPsiOp Maybe he's waiting to have his Mastodon instance set up before he blasts the link out with presidential alerts.
Nobody will be expecting it when Trump blasts out the signup for his Mastodon instance using a presidential alert.
Everyone should be paying attention to this. The groups discussed might be ISIS or Crypto-Nazis, but the tactics used to suppress them are ideologically neutral. That makes understanding them essential for discussing rules for public discourse. twitter.com/AmarAmarasingaโฆ
I wonder how much time she spent workshopping this in the group DM. twitter.com/boop/status/13โฆ
@PrinceVogel @michaelcurzi You won't know if they're awesome a lot of the time unless you give them a chance. Obscure author of introduction to my print edition of Sophocles plays is great.
I want off Mr. Rome's Wild Ride.
@BudrykZack Need to caption the top with the text of the tweet.
FBI must be furious that Internet do-gooders sabotaged their honeypot.
If you come up with an idea so perverse your opponent is speechless you win by default.
The only way social media companies can reach profitability is by congealing into something so horrible it can be ransomed back to the ISP's for more than it cost to summon. twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
@_oumuamua @RokoMijicUK @thespandrell https://t.co/jf91HfKFZF
@_oumuamua @RokoMijicUK @thespandrell twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
2020: Fucking around.
2021: Finding out.
You become an ex-gamer when you slowly realize that games don't let you visit a world where your problems don't exist, they just help you avoid looking at them.
@RokoMijicUK I would but Gab apparently disabled remote follows.
I'd offer to let you use my Pleroma, but I'm assuming you want something more professional than that.
@pt @hunterwalk @CaseyNewton @MikeIsaac @jimprosser @nicoleperlroth Maybe the pattern will be waves of immigration and diaspora as people move to the Bay, burn out/get fed up and leave for other places. The Bay basically training Bay culture and then exporting it by alienating its residents repeatedly.
Thatโs not possible.
And if it is, only in theory.
And if it isnโt, it won't scale outside a laboratory.
And if it can, no one will go along with it.
And if they do, you canโt stop me from legislating it out of existence.
And if you canโฆ
Iโve been rooting for it since day one.
Preliminary review of Innocent Experiments.
tl;dr: People worship 1950's idealism but the hyper materialist industrialism of the boomers parents is what actually made Apollo and the Manhattan Project happen.
@yashkaf @bubbleteaPhD Maybe the innovation of RedPill is to surround the sex life talk in a hateful frame so that it can exist on the public Internet.
@michaelcurzi Reading old books for status and reading new books for status are both activities with bad intentions at their root, both produce bad fruit.
@michaelcurzi The implication was that I don't think there are good reasons to systematically read the Western Canon (as opposed to just, not being allergic) outside of attempting to grow your old book dick. People should read things because they have goals, not because influence is magic.
Life is too short for classics.
@SamoBurja How do you approach the tradeoff between publishing too early and souring readers/not giving the best impression of your ideas; vs. the risk that you don't ship or ship too late?
Ditto advertising, advertising a work is not the same as publishing it.
@SamoBurja I was writing for a solid month and a half or so and then stalled on mine because I realized I didn't have what I needed to finish it.
@SamoBurja I put it up anyway, but I low-key hate it.
@SamoBurja I tend to hate my own work, yeah. There's an impulse to say "oh don't be so hard on yourself", but in my experience those feelings are usually pointing at real flaws. It goes away once those are fixed.
Not everyone has the luxury of fixing them though.
@Lithros Mind the lag between actions and their consequences.
@textfiles Still curious about this.
Really wish I could see whatever deep brokenness I have that's apparent to everyone but me.
(Protip: If you notice everyone else has huge psychological flaws, you probably do too) t.co/VQqmy9wc6r
I know someone who is actually at risk for the adverse reaction and still find this infuriating. twitter.com/MWStory/statusโฆ
Western teenagers think their parents are stupid because they aren't someone their parents can lose face to.
@PrinceVogel youtube.com/watch?v=OkeqjOโฆ
Thinking about this more. I bet it's something really stupid, which has self reinforcing blindspots so anyone who tells me about it gets severely punished (based on what I see from others anyway).
Implies you can closely monitor where you lash out at people to find your shadow. twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
Broke: Rationalists are Jews.
Woke: Postrationalists are Secular Jews.
Bespoke: Rationalists are hairless furries. twitter.com/michaelcurzi/sโฆ
Reminder that your choice isn't between getting the vaccine and not getting it, it's between getting the vaccine or COVID-19. twitter.com/peterwsinger/sโฆ
The syndication of governments, corporations, trade unions and the citizenry to universally enforce an authoritarian ideology is literally fascism.
@pee_zombie @spakhm On a PinePhone you can in fact just SSH in and run a binary.
@pee_zombie @spakhm In fairness that's because a PinePhone uses a much more permissive security model than a mobile phone, with enumerated permissions for apps etc.
But, it's not an accident that running a homebrew app on your iPhone is a pain. Even on Android it's pretty much just ADB pushing it.
@DavidColeACLU @ACLU @LibertyLouise reason.com/2014/07/22/howโฆ
@nosilverv Dyson Sphere or bust.
@nosilverv That having been said, noticed massive online social retreat starting around October and it's annoying not to have anyone to talk to.
@nosilverv My best hypothesis looks something like people reaching the upper levels of twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
@nosilverv One of the central features of religion is an ancestor cult, people encode and transmit the pattern of the most successful ancestors to future generations.
@nosilverv Christianity is very obvious straightforward example of this.
"In the future there will be no snow days and no friends, people will be locked inside their homes like chickens inside a pen." twitter.com/superforecasteโฆ
@shadowcat_mst Latest *buntu LTS builds have a pop up that shows you what you're pasting before it goes in.
@balajis It's structurally indistinguishable from narcissistic gaslighting:
You know in retrospect this tweet sounds really whiny and depressed, but that isn't the tone at all. I mean, literally, the things that people who are around me and like me notice are a problem but don't point out because they otherwise enjoy my company.
The fact that someone 'died' and we replaced them with a bot is a portent of things to come. Imagine Twitter progressively hosting a larger and larger bot population made up of echoes from its departed human membership. t.co/7U2JHRPqwG
@witchy_mary @NyxLandUnlife Problem is that sometimes people around you blow up or have a higher profile, and creeps will go through and doxx you just to hurt them. Sounds crazy but I've seen it happen.
New identities and norms create externalized costs for everyone else. In this paper we propose putting identity on the blockchain so we can properly charge people for occupying scarce Dunbar space- twitter.com/jack_daniel/stโฆ
Does anyone have a Ouija board? https://t.co/PVkH0pKiNC
@sonyasupposedly @eigenrobot @Austen I'm sure some totally-not-mentally-ill people have written an in-depth summary to refresh your memory.
@spookymachine @Virtual1nstinct Now comes hard mode. https://t.co/oacJaYtckB
@shadowcat_mst @sonyasupposedly @eigenrobot @Austen I would never.
@billpshort I still think the presidency most comparable to Trump is John Quincy Adams.
@billpshort Still kinda legit shocked we didn't get a 3rd alien and sedition act.
astralcodexten.substack.com/p/still-alive twitter.com/Aella_Girl/staโฆ
@imhinesmi @JeffLadish This is actually a good idea.
@PrinceVogel All compounded things, all experiences, all phenomena by their nature decay and die, and are disappointing: it is through being not-blind-drunk on, obsessed by, or infatuated with, the objects of the senses that you succeed in obtaining liberation.
- Last Words Of The Buddha
@PrinceVogel Or as it's usually rendered:
"Decay is inherent in all component things. Work out your own salvation, with diligence."
@PrinceVogel The last time I read about the heat death it was speculated that over time, if the universe keeps running things will eternally recur through extremely low probability events. Perhaps even eventually another universe like ours.
This could be known false by now though.
@acidshill Coroner demands your corpse and they can't freeze you, thanks for playing.
@acidshill I've also never had the logistics of how this is supposed to work explained to me. Do people get that cryonics works by having a team of surgeons stand by waiting for you to die so they can freeze you ASAP?
@acidshill Coroners will demand your corpse for autopsy in cases of suicide afaik. So any plan that starts with "kill yourself and then cryo" is generally unworkable. You basically need to kill yourself in a plausibly deniable way while also ensuring you get frozen ASAP. Not realistic IMO.
@acidshill I only know this because it's a surprisingly common proposal in various thought experiments. That the implausibility of doing it and actually getting frozen is routinely skipped over bugs me. Especially since some people are impressionable.
@acidshill The cryo people don't appreciate it either I'm sure, since the fields founding they've had to deal with accusations of foul play and murder, etc. Accessory to peoples (illegal) suicides is a frustrating trope that makes the lives of people providing a marginalized service harder.
@EpistemicHope FWIW:
@EpistemicHope I'm not a huge fan of the concept of a "Great Reflection" (I'd imagine most philosophical problems only take minutes for an aligned AGI to rigorously and completely solve), but genuinely worry that just sending people off in every direction ends in someone ending reality.
@acczibit Evergreen Tweet: twitter.com/Y2K_mindset/stโฆ
@EpistemicHope @gwern lol you don't want to know
@uberstuber Have you ever wanted to? slatestarcodexabridged.com
@uberstuber I incidentally had to binge read SSC to make this.
@Morgan_Anastasi Wrote a book, 100+ pages of essay, did research. It was good.
Pain is the philosophical argument of last resort.
@uxblake twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
@_bottlejack @eigenrobot Bold of you to assume photoshop is necessary when the F12 button exists for the browser inspector.
Your daily reminder that death is a disease and it should be cured. twitter.com/_StevenFan/staโฆ
@spookymachine https://t.co/T1IWoM49Et
My 100 follower special would be signing peoples PGP keys but I assume I'm followed by the sort of "crypto nerd" that doesn't have one.
What the fuck did I just read? twitter.com/EmojiPan/statuโฆ
@RichardMCNgo I think the basilisk caused so much upset because it was the point where a lot of atheists realized they would likely face someones judgment after all.
"If there's a Shock Level Five, I'm not sure I want to know about it!"
@RichardMCNgo I stand by use of the word "likely".
@HiFromMichaelV @s_r_constantin @ESYudkowsky youtube.com/watch?v=Vknhe2โฆ
@alt1na1 Because degrees are an unlawful title of nobility.
@alt1na1 Unforgivable college debt is an unlawful imposition of indentured servitude (if you doubt this recall that Roman slaves would sometimes be given economic freedom to pay their masters).
@alt1na1 And most degree requirements for jobs are an unlawful entry barrier meant to substitute for the IQ tests and other instruments that were soft banned by SCOTUS because they were deemed to have a disparate impact on minorities.
@PrinceVogel Mahdihassan argues its colloidal gold.
Mahdihassan, S. (1979). A comparative study of Greek and Chinese alchemy. The American journal of Chinese medicine.
Mahdihassan, S. (1984). Outline of the beginnings of alchemy and its antecedents. The American journal of Chinese medicine
@PrinceVogel https://t.co/4kWAvsDAVD
There are two ways you exit the 'rationalist community', one is by deciding it's too much of the thing and dropping out. The other is by deciding it's not enough of the thing and becoming too much for everyone else. twitter.com/QiaochuYuan/stโฆ
The former people formed a social network and that's great, but a group comprised of the latter (who are way rarer, for obvious reasons) would be much more interesting I think.
@DaltonDEmery You don't want to know.
@DaltonDEmery youtube.com/watch?v=oIFLtNโฆ
@ollybot_redux History tells us this is one of the best ways to start a business. See: Hubert Cecil Booth
The man who invented telephone switching owned a morgue. His rival's wife was an operator and stole all his business, automated her job out of spite.
FYI I phrased it kind of obliquely but this is a real offer open to any mutuals. twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
A market run is the language of the unherd. twitter.com/fidelcashflowsโฆ
Earliest postrationality I'm aware of is Samuel Bois's 1966 The Art Of Awareness, which tries to add social epistemology to General Semantics and frustrated me to the point where I nearly threw it across the room. twitter.com/flowerornamentโฆ
@eric_abu_ @SamoBurja twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
@DocumentBitcoin twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
The problem with this is that you can only respond to public humiliation with regulation so many times before you lose all legitimacy. twitter.com/MalwareTechBloโฆ
Legislation is the metabolism of government, the faster you force them to legislate the shorter the systems ultimate lifespan.
Even better, the resource being burnt (goodwill, public confidence, etc) is almost uncoupled feedback wise from the agent burning it, so you can just keep arbitrarily manipulating legislators into footgunning themselves until they run out.
@TheAgeofShoddy Preserve yourself from this untoward generation!
@TheAgeofShoddy Service Gwern mentions is now paid, but this one is free: tzstamp.io
Me explaining shortselling this morning:
"So imagine GameStop is a shitcoin and Melvin Capital took out a loan denominated in the shit and then sold the shit hoping they could buy the shit back for cheaper to pay their loan. But now the shit is expensive and they can't."
Verifying myself: I am jd_pressman on Keybase.io. I7jLLC160RdDjDH_UZRYQCBrOaWBLUo8x-UN / keybase.io/jd_pressman/siโฆ
So how long until GameStop turns their stock into a cryptocurrency?
Anyone who needs me right now will have to wait I'm furiously analyzing the kabbalistic implications of an app called "Robinhood" getting used to liquidate Wall Street and give the funds to an advanced dark forest hivemind predator.
@MacaesBruno So what's your fediverse account?
@TCJasquith @MacaesBruno Gab is just the same crap different day. Use real decentralized social media.
@QiaochuYuan I didn't really have to chance any aspects of the way I live my life, but https://t.co/fRH6ZsLzBz
@QiaochuYuan In March there was a sense of calm as the lockdowns started. I'd known COVID-19 was coming for weeks and was a bit shocked by how fast the tipping point came. Plane travel stopped, no cars on the road. The world became quiet and medieval, otherworldly.
@QiaochuYuan What followed were two productive months of intense reading and research, it felt almost monastic. The next change in mood started around the riots in June. It became clear there was no plan to stop the virus and things kept heating up, tense and anxious.
@QiaochuYuan I feel like the worst month was probably August or September, though I can't quite remember why. Just the overwhelming dread and sense that things are on the verge of collapse. Others seemed to be feeling it too.
@QiaochuYuan Then things started calming down again, but instead of medieval lull it was now a kind of metaphysical disassociation. Everything is beautiful but sick and uneasy. Suspect a lot of people felt that way considering Everywhere At The End Of Time went viral.
youtube.com/watch?v=ja1ssqโฆ https://t.co/zjaoEorc78
@QiaochuYuan Now the mood is electric, hilarious, joyful. Trump leaving, Scott back, the kleptocracy footgunning themselves over and over in a bizarre game of footgun chicken. Think I became genuinely convinced I'd die during 2020, and this is all helping me get over the shock of being alive.
@ESYudkowsky @acidshill @the_aiju I think the whole hard science fiction cosmology part is kind of taken for granted/actively minimized in The Sequences, but really the most important ingredient.
Took a long time for me to get it as a real thing rather than just a story.
Pretty sure a lot of "??????" is literally just sl4.org/shocklevels.htโฆ and the contents of Great Mambo Chicken. twitter.com/acidshill/statโฆ
@ESYudkowsky @acidshill @the_aiju To get specific, I think the way you handled your fallout with the Extropians list left out a key piece.
Instead of this you should have had a sequence where you go through SL1-4, starting from common sense notions of The Future into AGI eschatology.
@ESYudkowsky @acidshill @the_aiju "Here Is Why Naive SL3 Is Both Bad Futurology and Will Get You Killed: A Primer"
@Meaningness @slatestarcodex @glenweyl When will you acknowledge that EY is illiterate when it comes to academic philosophy and misnamed his ideas? His position is pragmatism with lots of math. It's rationalism grounded in empiricism. Experience (of win/loss) is king and ideas bend to fit it.
The amount of energy David Chapman has extracted out of EY misnaming 'rationality' (like Korzybski misnamed General Semantics) would be shameful to all parties involved if English had better ways to check for type errors. twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
@Meaningness @juliagalef @glenweyl @jonathanstray @slatestarcodex A complete theory of epistemology would probably be equivalent to a complete theory of human intelligence, tbh. Claiming to have one would be pretty dumb. Things like Bayes are a prosthetic epistemology to shore up what people naturally lack. Bayes has poor ergonomics though.
@Meaningness @slatestarcodex @glenweyl I think he's not good at communicating the structure, and probably lacks self awareness in terms of how some of the structure works; such that he can't actually communicate certain parts even in principle. I'd elaborate what I got out of it but the thread would be 100+ tweets.
@Meaningness @slatestarcodex @glenweyl Inadequate tl;dr would be that much of EY's philosophy is about dealing with living in a lawful universe that has macroscale phenomena too complex to just apply the law to and have good epistemics. "Bayes" is already meta rational from the perspective of a physicist.
@Meaningness @slatestarcodex @glenweyl Bayes is of course also not enough to have good epistemics because e.g. brains are not built to plug artificial epistemologies requiring lots of computation into them. Acknowledging this is more like meta-meta-rationality, since you have other stuff you do to function anyway.
@Meaningness @slatestarcodex @glenweyl How do you communicate that the laws are *laws* but cognition is bounded and the prosthetic epistemology is 'theoretically correct' within its domain except the flaws which you resolve by heuristics, which are rules you don't have the exact procedure for but exist in your head.
@Meaningness @slatestarcodex @glenweyl It's hard.
So you have EY saying that physics are laws:
That Bayes is powerful enough to prove MWI almost on its own:
And if you cling to the rules over experience you're a dork:
Without contradiction
@Meaningness @juliagalef @jonathanstray @alexeyguzey @othercriteria @ESYudkowsky @glenweyl @slatestarcodex > Maybe if LW could internalize that thatโs what Iโm talking about, the unnecessary upsets could end.
Sure, as soon as you stop equivocating between 'rationality' in the 20th century formalism sense and the thing most of these people are doing, which is misleadingly named.
@Meaningness @juliagalef @jonathanstray @alexeyguzey @othercriteria @ESYudkowsky @glenweyl @slatestarcodex That is, stop using LW as an example lol. Or at least, use it more carefully. EY can get rhetorically dodgy, but the 'rationalist diaspora' is honestly pretty divergent from a lot of the pathologies found in Rationality: From AI to Zombies.
@Meaningness @juliagalef @jonathanstray @alexeyguzey @othercriteria @ESYudkowsky @glenweyl @slatestarcodex Naming it 'rationality' honestly one of the biggest mistakes in modern philosophy, 'rationality' is one of the most overloaded words in the English language with all the wrong connotations. I get what was being gone for (economic rationality) but it just causes so many problems.
@Meaningness @juliagalef @jonathanstray @alexeyguzey @othercriteria @ESYudkowsky @glenweyl @slatestarcodex Basically if you want to understand LW, model it as EY applying a bunch of patches to Max More's Extropy to deal with AGI being upstream of Nanotech/Biotech on the "what has more impact faster" scale and then turning that version into a self help movement.
@Meaningness @juliagalef @jonathanstray @alexeyguzey @othercriteria @ESYudkowsky @glenweyl @slatestarcodex The self help movement itself modeled largely on stuff like General Semantics, which was precocious in resisting a lot of excesses of 20th century formalism in the first place.
@Meaningness @juliagalef @jonathanstray @alexeyguzey @othercriteria @ESYudkowsky @glenweyl @slatestarcodex See e.g. Drive Yourself Sane by Kodish & Kodish.
@Meaningness @juliagalef @jonathanstray @alexeyguzey @othercriteria @ESYudkowsky @glenweyl @slatestarcodex Which is another reason why 'rationality' is a terrible name, the core of the philosophy is actually centered on the technical arguments, not the epistemological ones. These can be hard to separate, but the epistemology is only there to help you understand the technical argument.
@Meaningness @juliagalef @jonathanstray @alexeyguzey @othercriteria @ESYudkowsky @glenweyl @slatestarcodex To wit: If EY could have gotten people to understand AI Risk without writing The Sequences, I doubt he would have.
@bimboubermensch I read Becker's Denial of Death and Solomon et al's The Worm At The Core, both books about the same subject, one written in classic style and the other written in the study-driven pop science fashionable before replication crisis, IMO Denial of Death is a way more useful book.
For anyone who doubts this, I recommend this documentary about Joan of Arc from BYU TV. It portrays the way in which the trial to "decide" whether to burn her at the stake was in many ways more torturous and wicked than the burning itself.
youtube.com/watch?v=edUgN5โฆ twitter.com/bryan_caplan/sโฆ
@michaelcurzi If morality wasn't adaptive in the ancestral environment you wouldn't have it. Your sense of evil is trained on behaviors that in their primitive form are found to be self defeating.
@vgr Research for transhumanist movement building/et al.
@LinchZhang Believe this was mine: extropian.net/notice/9sKEMKhโฆ
In retrospect, too doomer-y. I'm still not sure *why* I was wrong, it would have been logical that shutting down shipping causes supply shortages. My friend who works at the grocery even reported their storage room running out.
@LinchZhang Also too late, I should have posted sooner.
@vic_press Ah, but for me the calorie density is a positive.
Philosophy is a record of an agents life experience, most people who want to argue don't have life experience worth updating on. twitter.com/nosilverv/statโฆ
The real rift between us is that I'm an analytic philosopher and you're a continental philosopher send tweet
@alicemazzy @patrickc I find it instructive to read history books where you'll routinely see things like people who know 7 languages to fluency.
How many people in 2021 know 7 languages to fluency?
@EpistemicHope en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perceptuaโฆ
Read this, consider the implications, and you will understand this behavior.
@EpistemicHope A PCT agent defaults to hiding under the covers to make the monster go away. You have to actively unlearn that to stop doing it, and even then it's very difficult because it's not something you can actually unlearn all the way, the flaw is baked into the design.
Even setting aside the eschatology stuff life is very short. A pinch of anxiety about spending your time well is a valuable hormetic to drive achievement. Extreme discounting of past achievement keeps you hungry, etc. This stuff is adaptive if the costs don't bother you. twitter.com/nosilverv/statโฆ
@nosilverv This is why I'm uncomfortable with EY's remix of X-Risk focused Extropy as a self help movement. It's similar to the problem with prosperity gospel: External motivator for what should be intrinsic reward misleads and corrupts. Make peace with the journey, not the destination.
@eigenrobot @turrible_tao @goblinodds @yashkaf @default_friend @nickchk @m_ashcroft @michaelcurzi @bitemyapp @sagar__dubey @sgodofsk Looking forward to some of these.
@nosilverv > Make peace with the journey, not the destination.
Means "indefinitely deferring a reward as a motivation tactic sucks, very fragile strategy", much more useful mental state Twitter is too terse to describe where you accept your 'reward' for doing stuff is the stuff being done.
@balajis "If you want a picture of the future, imagine a journalist reciting the luddite's prayer forever."
@searching_sun Yes, but it's based on:
@matthew5johnson And? It's not like 'rationality' has a monopoly on setting goals for yourself.
@nosilverv twitter.com/mechanical_monโฆ
This thing but you find that it's alright (in an existential sense) because the process is satisfying.
@Meaningness > someone does their first 10 minutes of mindfulness & loses their sense of self and contact with reality.
Sounds insane but I know someone this happened to, had to step in and tell them about the risks of meditation before they went somewhere they couldn't get back from.
@Meaningness In fairness, it later turned out that person was extremely deep into twitter.com/nosilverv/statโฆ, and they'd learned to completely disassociate from stress so they don't even feel it. i.e. Deep into not-normal pathological behavior. You don't know that's you from the inside though. https://t.co/b3Z4gYu98B
@Meaningness If your entire self is being piloted by stress and anxiety, you literally don't have agency left after you turn it off.
@EpistemicHope @meditationstuff Because Buddhism was invented in the context of Hinduism, where the cosmic horror isn't that you'll be obliterated forever, but that you will spend eternity suffering your own stupid decisions over and over through reincarnation. Promising true death is attractive from there.
@EpistemicHope @meditationstuff The only way to live a life without harming others is to die, if someone promises you one they're talking about your burial.
@ggreer @ghostfencing catb.org/jargon/html/tvโฆ
Context: Discussing the radvac whitepaper. twitter.com/QiaochuYuan/stโฆ
What are some of the accurate (but too academic for most readers) books on chod and tantra you don't list here?
A friend of mine who was getting into socialism like 15 years ago explained to me that the place you met hardcore revolutionaries was a tiny newspaper run out London by people who hadn't been to Russia in a decade, and I knew I never had to think seriously about Socialism again twitter.com/atothe_d/statuโฆ
Find it odd how we don't talk more about the trillion dollar bounty someone put up for breaking contemporary crypto that no one has claimed.
This thread is full of blackpills, especially the replies. People are absolutely desperate not to have to hear how dark Gen Z's world actually is.
This one is my favorite: twitter.com/pandabnos/statโฆ
School is clearly technology for suppressing kids social demands as human beings. twitter.com/annbauerwriterโฆ
I'm not saying we've proven P != NP, just that a trillion dollars is not enough incentive to induce anyone to publish a public proof otherwise.
Reminder that the first rule is not to apologize to the mob. twitter.com/ErikWemple/staโฆ
Encouraging underlying trend here: People rediscovering concepts like 'libel', 'torturious interference', and renorming them into existence by exercising atrophied legal powers and social institutions. twitter.com/FoxCahn/statusโฆ
@mattparlmer I find it quite encouraging tbh, implies you can take powerful ideas to world religion status in just 10 years.
You're always under the stars, it's just that sometimes you can't see them.
@AlldrittOwen But where do functional practices come from?
internet.png twitter.com/Stooge21/statuโฆ
@PrinceVogel @Evolving_Moloch Best academic Twitter I've ever seen, iron timeline discipline. One of the people that convinced me microblogging can be a worthwhile medium.
@ESYudkowsky @DaltonDEmery DON'T MESS WITH TIME
@EpistemicHope @HiFromMichaelV @reasonisfun @uncatherio @Meaningness "Rationality is about winning, not math."
@EpistemicHope @HiFromMichaelV @reasonisfun @uncatherio @Meaningness This is a totally ludicrous take IMO, for the reasons outlined here thelastrationalist.com/rationality-isโฆ
For more practical minded people who aren't fans of the esoteric and far away, J. Storr Hall's "Where Is My Flying Car?" hits most of the same points with a contemporary frame and down to earth scale of ambition.
You know, like raising the dead and rebuilding America in a week. twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ https://t.co/NK53FK7eY6
@mattparlmer What's the reasoning behind that? Is audio just intrinsically less viral than text/images?
@mattparlmer Oh I was reading it as the party uses audio chatrooms as the outlet for otherwise prohibited speech, unofficially.
@razibkhan IMO, one of the fundamental barriers to something better is that almost everyone has (insanely) decided that since 'religion' is a polite word for 'lie' that their goal should be to design a better lie. Even Max More thought of Extropy as a 'religion substitute'.
@razibkhan Core of religion is 'great lie' by incidental fact of being 'radical conjecture'. The ingredient there is an idea that completely reprioritizes things, we have plenty of those lying around in the unmetabolized technical possibilities still open to us. e.g. transhumanism.
@razibkhan I still need to respond to "Transhumanism: Towards A Futurist Philosophy" (raw.githubusercontent.com/Extropians/Extโฆ) at some point.
@razibkhan You even have big gods, if those are really necessary for social cohesion like some scholars claim. e.g. Even the earliest stories about cryonics acknowledged that any civilization capable of reviving you from suspension would be able to read your memories.
@female__son @AFCollective1 @nerv_emma Eh, born in 1996, am zoomer. I think it really comes down to if you grew up with the Internet and 9/11 security state absurdity in childhood. My first Internet connected computer that I could just use without someone over my shoulder was age 7 or 8(?).
@glenweyl This interpretation honestly never occurred to me, and I think I now get why people say the name was "arrogant".
"What could be arrogant about admitting your ongoing fallibility?"
@giggs_boson @pareinoia Willing to bet if you looked a little closer that was the pretext rather than the actual casus belli.
Kinda feel like 'I just need better mental health uwu' is a spook, Nietzsche did all his work while crippled by bowel pain and migraines. He'd just do 20 minutes of work, then lay down until it subsided to do 20 minutes more. twitter.com/Virtual1nstincโฆ
A lot of the real impetus behind this sentiment is that people attracted to EY rationality have deep seated problems with the idea that they're not superhuman. Being disabled, traumatized, is intolerable and they'd rather chase miracle healing than sit down and do the work.
@PrinceVogel I guess my objection to this would be that there isn't a clear distinction between 'mental' and 'physical' health, there's a sorta blurry distinction. But bowel pain and migraines are going to be just as mentally problematic as any anxiety attack, as someone who has had many.
As always I recommend reading the life of Anne Sullivan Macy, who barely got into a school for the blindness she contracted as a child living with her abusive family that died of tuberculosis leaving her in the poor house.
She taught Helen Keller to read
I'm underselling it tbh, the book is an endless parade through hell, a nightmarish fever dream of the worst aspects of the 19th century. https://t.co/g1NPYcw939
@PrinceVogel @heckinwild readthesequences.com/Making-Historyโฆ https://t.co/zMP0Z7twjU
Enforcing the law is for suckers, real chads refuse to enforce the law until it overgrows to meet their standard of laziness.
@Meaningness @DRMacIver amazon.com/Rapid-Contextuโฆ
Because knowledge like that has market value and doesn't require sinecures to pay its way.
Take in how awful this is, then self-administer your daily reminder that it isn't 1% of 1% of the worst that happens to you in hell.
aljazeera.com/opinions/2018/โฆ twitter.com/selentelechia/โฆ
Took one blog post to bump my evaluation of Qualia Computing from "weird EA-cluster sinecure factory" to "unsung geniuses in the fight against cosmic horror".
We just passed the moment Serial Experiments Lain was predicting and Trump was Lain.
@ESYudkowsky Call Center Management On Fast Forward is a great book because it demonstrates what it looks like to take something that seems entirely intuitive and impossible to solve symbolically, then breaks it down into formulas and concepts that completely define the problem physics.
@ESYudkowsky Not an-answer but the-answer. "If you have these conditions and you want these outcomes you will pay for this level of staffing resources, or you won't get the outcomes you want in a sustainable way, period."
@ESYudkowsky It also turns out that the call center problem is actually a recurring organizational pattern that usually just gets solved in an ad-hoc horrible way because most people managing call centers have no idea that's what they're doing.
Joy is excitement in the present moment, which can't exist if unexpected possibility is eliminated. Kierkegaard describes depressives as living in a world where everything becomes necessary and trivial. They've become fully tragic, protagonists steamrolled by necessity.
A unifying theme Iโve been trying to express in my essays is the distinction between a hopeless and a joyless universe. We say hopelessness is the worst thing that can happen but joylessness is worse. People can live without hope, but take away joy and everything becomes tedious. twitter.com/Virtual1nstincโฆ
The joy of killing an implacable foe is stolen, replaced by new foes of the same type immune to the last victory. Worm's setting is shown to be joyless, even killing an endbringer is trivial. Momentum is lost and the plot stalls, people become tired and the reader gets tired too.
In a good long running tragedy problems are completely resolved in ways that dig the protagonist into deeper problems. The plot progression of Worm takes such a funk after the endbringer Behemoth is killed because heโs replaced with more endbringers.
Happiness is not joy, in fact it is precisely happiness that is preventing joy in most cases. Happiness in the way a fisherman or Buddhist monk is happy is a state of equanimity, tranquility in a moment without craving or preference for something else; a kind of miniature death.
@pareinoia This chapter of The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna is great: ramakrishnavivekananda.info/gospel/introduโฆ
@juliagalef Very, that password seems a bit weak. xkcdpass usually spits out five or six.
@Aizazadi_ @visakanv linktr.ee/sscpodcast
@Aizazadi_ @visakanv Gotcha. The way you phrased it made it sound like you might not be aware SSC itself is available in audio.
@nosilverv McNeil's History and Character Of Calvinism helped me understand a lot of stuff that was otherwise not obvious to me. For example did you know that the 'Western Canon' is actually just a training program to help you do Christian Humanism by being able to read a greek bible etc?
@telmudic @alt1na1 That is the point. Carefully constructing an almost-contradictory standard is a way to replicate original sin in secular ideologies and religions. It provides the extreme insider/extreme outsider dichotomy necessary for scapegoating and sacrifice.
@nosilverv amazon.com/History-Characโฆ
@nosilverv Did you know Switzerland was the land of freedom before America did it? Etc, etc, etc.
@nosilverv I'm not sure the concept of public education and religious freedom are compatible.
Econ 101 assumes finding a point in product/labor space where demand exists is trivial, in actuality it's complex and becomes more complex as economy-space gains dimensions of value. Curse of dimensionality applies to humans too, and eventually navigation becomes impossible. twitter.com/EpistemicHope/โฆ
As Yanis Varoufakis points out (youtube.com/watch?v=gGeevtโฆ) key innovation of capitalism is lending money you don't have to instantiate expected value. To repeat: Rational expectation of value precedes empirical value generation in a capitalist system. Bankers centrally plan it.
At that point you're now de-facto experiencing the problems of a centrally planned economy. It's no coincidence that the US increasingly resembles the Soviet Union in its inability to actually do anything and has even lost ability over the last 5 decades.
Institutions offer you a path through hyperdimensional economic space. Navigation is a separate consideration from raw capital or skill acquisition. You solve the problems of planned economy by meta-planning your economy. It fails once demand exits dynamic range too fast.
When you can't capture patterns by delegating to subagents (as congress does with many laws and capitalists do with firms) you can't provide people with a path through economic-space and your society begins to degrade. IQ needed to self navigate goes up 0.5~ points every year.
And here I thought it would be Trump that passes a 3rd alien and sedition act.
@pee_zombie twitter.com/yashkaf/statusโฆ
@pee_zombie twitter.com/mattparlmer/stโฆ
@nosilverv https://t.co/A5B5mKTp8O
@nosilverv twitter.com/BigGulpAmerikaโฆ
@Alex__1789 A lot of it is that capitalism is just a trick to meta-plan your economy that stops working after a certain point of complexity.
Ditto. twitter.com/QiaochuYuan/stโฆ
@QiaochuYuan @sashachapin I've considered this before. If you look at the costs biggest barrier is article length. So could write radically short tweet-like articles that the crowd pays to have author expand on. Differentiate through long term tracking and coverage of stories, like tech requires.
@QiaochuYuan @sashachapin Default story view would be a timeline of events, articles are radically short and cover essential details of an event, more if people pay to hear more.
@QiaochuYuan @sashachapin These timelines are added to over weeks/months/years, totally different mindset to news coverage than current institutions. More like Google Alerts than Bloomberg Terminal.
@giuseppe_aaron @ESYudkowsky Yeah, I use it when I read certain research papers and books hosted online.
@default_friend @sonyasupposedly I initially wrote a pointed foreward for slatestarcodexabridged.com, but then decided not to publish it because Scott seemed vulnerable and I didn't want to make his life harder. Would definitely consider hosting an anthology as discussed in these replies there.
@ZZZZwriter @nosilverv It's an edit someone made to refute the original.
@jimrandomh @glenweyl @slatestarcodex @robinhanson @balajis tbh Yarvin was going to become a libertarian smash hit regardless of whether Scott chose to write a rebuttal of his ideas. Yarvin is basically taking the axioms of libertarianism seriously and then reductio ad absurdem-ing them. He revels too much in trolling but is worth reading
@jimrandomh @glenweyl @slatestarcodex @robinhanson @balajis It helps if you realize before the Moldbug thing he was a major Usenet troll. His entire thing is crafting clever troll arguments to illustrate interesting things about the idea-space in which those points live. If you take him straightforwardly and seriously you'll just get mad.
@jimrandomh @glenweyl @slatestarcodex @robinhanson @balajis Reflecting on it, I think Scott's engagement with Moldbug was probably net positive. I had the time to sit down and read his refutation of Yarvin's ideas: slatestarcodexabridged.com/Liberalism-Andโฆ
And while Scott himself isn't satisfied with it, I think it goes a long way towards deflating them.
@jimrandomh @glenweyl @slatestarcodex @robinhanson @balajis I think the rationality community genuinely has a problem with being too quick to consider outlandish ideas without a warranting context for considering them in the first place (a mistake EY warns against). By the time Scott got to Moldbug he was already popular though.
@jimrandomh @glenweyl @slatestarcodex @robinhanson @balajis WRT rationality communities specific relationship to him. I think a lot of people see him like a wrestling heel? Yarvin is, openly, a bad person; it's his persona. You like him but only in the context that you want to see him lose. Heels have real fans but most are adversaries.
@jimrandomh @glenweyl @slatestarcodex @robinhanson @balajis Also re: programming language design.
Good part starts 42 minutes in. twitter.com/eigenrobot/staโฆ
@TylerAlterman CW: Hiphop with explicit lyrics
@TylerAlterman youtube.com/watch?v=lcGYEXโฆ
@PrinceVogel It's not too late. ๐ https://t.co/zHBL9qqAgJ
If you want a picture of the future imagine green death cultists not understanding Jevon's Paradox forever. twitter.com/shadowcat_mst/โฆ https://t.co/fvj59GguJ4
@jessesingal Application data/settings.
He hated the rats so much that he himself became a rodent.
@Virtual1nstinct Move tutor teaches stuff, but you have to pay him in this weird cryptocurrency you find on the beach.
I honestly thought this was real and wasn't the least bit surprised. twitter.com/Thinkwert/statโฆ
@Virtual1nstinct wrestlinggnon.com/extropy/2020/0โฆ
@michaelcurzi https://t.co/3rPhZYBInH
Thomas Malthus wants to know your location. twitter.com/RichardMCNgo/sโฆ
@AndrewQuackson When the 1st grade teacher strangled me for helping a disabled child get their pencil box off the shelf, because she'd told me to sit down.
@altachron Also interested in knowing.
@eigenrobot @Gabe21131936 @ollybot_redux @EggProphet @whomademecrispy I'm long @balajis and short @slatestarcodex, personally.
@ollybot_redux @eigenrobot @Gabe21131936 @EggProphet @whomademecrispy @balajis @slatestarcodex ive been inspired to do a new non fungible token where you can mint challenge coins based off proof you've been blocked by a user
@ollybot_redux @eigenrobot @Gabe21131936 @EggProphet @whomademecrispy @balajis @slatestarcodex i christen it emnitycoin
@ollybot_redux @eigenrobot @Gabe21131936 @EggProphet @whomademecrispy @balajis @slatestarcodex Now wondering if you can actually do this. Maybe you could prove you've been blocked by letting an app try to access someones tweets as you?
@ollybot_redux @eigenrobot @Gabe21131936 @EggProphet @whomademecrispy @balajis @slatestarcodex Wonder who the most coveted block on Twitter is.
@sonyasupposedly @sonyasupposedly If you're still interested in this I know someone who can generate some interesting imagery from text prompts. It isn't DALL-E and it's not quite as good, but still gives cool outputs.
DM for details. https://t.co/02KUQhBoEo
@sonyasupposedly Offer open to anyone else too.
@visakanv This is the reason why in old school cryptosystems like PGP a lot of emphasis is placed on signing messages and in later systems like Signal signing is avoided. Cryptographers decided that being able to repudiate a message is more important than perfect authenticity.
@visakanv "It should be easy to fake a message" is now an explicit design goal of contemporary cryptosystems, and that's kind of fascinating.
@eigenrobot 4PM is fine, whichever one lets us talk longer is preferable since I expect us to get into some interesting tangents.
Maybe, we'll see.
@eigenrobot @AClockwork_Crow Oh good I was going to say something like "Nah you're plenty interesting I bet he'd let you" but then if you said no it'd be super awkward.
@eigenrobot @AClockwork_Crow He's the kind of person who gets really obsessed with things so I genuinely think he probably has a good half dozen topics (at least) that he would be an awesome guest for.
@AClockwork_Crow One thing I've advocated for is that people should SHA256 the fact they're not talking about something and post that to the timeline, so later after the drama is dead they can reveal it like "Hey remember when I didn't talk about 2 + 2 = 4 discourse? Virtue of silence."
@eigenrobot @ollybot_redux @NLRG_ @BendiniUK
@eigenrobot @ollybot_redux @NLRG_ @BendiniUK Author of greaterwrong.com/posts/wmEcNP3Kโฆ
Sequences style rationality is to Extropy as meditation is to Buddhism.
@jackpo773 @SamoBurja That is exactly what they did afaik. It's even ballsier because the studio signed them for not enough money, so they just went ahead and filmed the first 8 minutes of the movie and then asked for 10x the budget so they could go and film the rest, since they were now out of funds.
@pareinoia twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
"Biden will stop the proliferation of these so-called "ghost guns" by passing legislation requiring that purchasers of gun kits or 3D printing code pass a federal background check." twitter.com/zerohedge/statโฆ
The problem with illegibility is that it hides triggers at the cost of letting people project their worst fears onto you.
That is, it's only really valuable if it eliminates you from consideration as a threat hypothesis in the first place. If you're illegible and getting attention, it's likely actively working against you.
If you're high level enough though this can be used deliberately to mess with your enemies. I think this is a lot of what Trump was doing with his PR, he'd figure out scissor statement kinda stuff that would antagonize his enemies while endearing him to his allies.
It's very much the hacker method of war: Find a map-territory mismatch in your opponents strategy where they think a losing metric tracks victory, then give them the opportunity to maximize their own loss for you.
@Alephwyr This is what public key crypto and message signing are for.
@Alephwyr Maybe we only experience the measure where public key crypto fails to gain adoption because otherwise AI can't ruin history? :P
Otherwise imagine that retrocausal manipulation leads to incoherence in a multiverse. If incoherence is lethal, only experience coherent timelines.
@Alephwyr (Unless of course you want to argue against MWI and for retrocausal manipulation, seems like a tough sell but I'm not very physics savvy yet)
This comment about bitcoin makes me think if a conspiracy theorist modeled it as an alien meme infection that self reifies burning human bootstrap resources they wouldn't be too far off.
Reminds me of Alex Jones 'gestalt' explanation of the human plot. twitter.com/niftynei/statuโฆ
@eigenrobot As an aside, one place where I think General Semantics does have a significant leg up over LessWrong is its focus on bringing nonstandard grammar and notation into language. People keep joking that LW jargon is so dense it's a fork of English, but the GS people forked English.
@eigenrobot Korzybski started with small additions, like differentiating multiple uses of the same word to refer to multiple things in an argument using subscripts. e.g. Thing_1 is the motte and Thing_2 is the bailey. Then later stuff like eprime goes all the way.
@eigenrobot For example, to deal with the noncentral fallacy you might say that Martin Luthor King is a criminal_3 but not a criminal_1 (where the 1st subscript gets the central definition).
@eigenrobot And this was in the age of typewriters and print, where adding nonstandard syntax and notation was expensive. With modern computer publishing you could go much farther and even have dynamic syntax, in ways that would have been impossible for General Semantics in the 30's.
I hate to burst peoples bubble but the early COVID people I was listening to (at least) projected much more danger than actually turned out to exist.
Thankfully the truth turned out to be less bad, but the idea people predicting 6% IFR are prophets because of lockdowns is odd. twitter.com/Meaningness/stโฆ
@matthew5johnson Definitely, and I do think the more doom-y predictions were a lot more justified than "are masks racist?"; in that sense we're very lucky COVID wasn't more deadly.
@SandrewFinance @eigenrobot slatestarcodexabridged.com/Book-Review-Seโฆ
@CringeDisciple @eigenrobot Re: Book
Going Clear by Lawrence Wright
Re: Alchemy
@fmd4cp @eigenrobot General Semantics is a pathway to many abilities, some considered to be unnatural. https://t.co/PncnySp5KX
@HiFromMichaelV One of the classic Scott points is that science can't even reliably conclude morphine reduces pain.
@HiFromMichaelV "You could almost convince me that SSRIs donโt have a detectable effect in the real world; you will never convince me that benzos donโt. Even morphine for pain gets an effect size of 0.4, little better than SSRIโs 0.3"
@ProjectWoody @eigenrobot Yes, though I don't think that invalidates the concept.
Someone has never heard of intrusive thoughts. twitter.com/emilystjams/stโฆ
One competing access need around the whole 'egg' meme is that there are a lot of people who do not have good hypothesis filtering, and their brains will literally suggest ideas because they don't like them.
This is not good messaging for OCD folks like that.
Me too. twitter.com/tszzl/status/1โฆ
@alt_kia @eigenrobot twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/stโฆ
@eigenrobot @GarrettPetersen I'd be happy to go into more detail on a different podcast, if anyone is lurking.
@eigenrobot @GarrettPetersen I think I'd want to focus in on the postrat thing, since that's where a lot of the dangling threads were pointing to.
@eigenrobot @GarrettPetersen Specifically: Religion, social organization, what's actually going on with the rat vs. postrat beef (since it isn't epistemology), Newton and alchemy, et al.
"The thing they call thinking you would call being depressed."
"They never do the thing you call thinking."
"They want to stop 'thinking' because it is pain."
Excellent podcast on postmodernity with @HiFromMichaelV.
'These materials may have been obtained through hacking' being based on a filter that encourages people to incorporate it into their posts shows the way that naive 'rationality' falls apart in contact with the real world. twitter.com/flood_proof/stโฆ
@sirsfurther @TwardowskyMA @eigenrobot Oh wow that flew totally over my head in the moment, I thought he meant 'in fiction'. xD
@metaphrand_ Humans have the ability to pull utility from anticipated future reward/punishment states to motivate action now. Carrot and the stick have different motivational textures that work better in different situations.
Opportunity cost is one of the most underrated mental motions with the funniest 'absurd' (but not really absurd) conclusions in contemporary thinking. 10/10 recommend. twitter.com/paulg/status/1โฆ
@Virtual1nstinct ""This is it... this is where I belong..."
I know everyone here... even if I've never met them, never talked to them, may never hear from them again... I know you all...
Damn kid. Tying up the phone line again. They're all alike..."
Strong schizo energy on the timeline tonight.
@Virtual1nstinct I usually think of this as 'very old school'.
Hm. dichotomytests.com/test.html?id=0
I feel like most people who looked at this result sheet would get the wrong idea about me. twitter.com/Aella_Girl/staโฆ https://t.co/34M7Yat65J
e.g. "Would you rather get an expensive car or save a starving child's life?" is an odd question in that you could save N children's lives by selling the car. It's a test that lives in the fake world where you aren't already making lots of moral choices right this minute.
@QiaochuYuan Lot of postrat is noticing most important domains are anti-inductive
"One fundamental agent algorithm then is "Think in ways that avoid pattern capture". How would you have to think to use structure but avoid repeating yourself?"
@QiaochuYuan Of course many people who encounter this fact decide to completely submit to Keynesian Beauty Contests and abandon 'truth' as a correspondence theory.
This sort of Gaussian parasitism is essentially social cancer growing like crabgrass around the last bastions of righteousness.
@Alephwyr The sad part is that this is such a common interpretation of magick (e.g. it's a trivial conclusion of New Thought/The Secret/etc) that I believed you were sincere the first time I read this.
@Alephwyr The law of attraction has such horrible consequences when people believe it in a scarce entropy-tendency universe.
"Listen poor person, your suffering is putting off some real negative vibes and you could just stop malingering any time you want so I need you out of my aura."
Any of my followers have Urbit?
@LongTran02 Yes but I just ended up remembering the past as being as awful as it was.
tbh the entrenched social naivete is one of the worst aspects of the wider ratsphere, and I think mostly distinct from the advanced epistemology involved. Identifying as a social invalid is setting yourself up to lose. twitter.com/mattparlmer/stโฆ
The combination of idolizing Chad's natural aptitude and embracing positive thinking makes a neurotic wreck of the American mind. In the act of hating yourself for having a self you hate yourself for hating yourself and re-notice you have a self, which you then hate yourself for.
@zackvoell @hectorr159 @BBCJustinR @elonmusk And they'll keep saying it until they run out of people who haven't heard it.
@michael_nielsen Transhumanists tend to be authors of this kind of work, in varying degrees of family friendliness.
More family friendly: nickbostrom.com/fable/dragon.hโฆ
Less family friendly: slatestarcodexabridged.com/The-Goddess-Ofโฆ
Transhumanists 1990 vs. Transhumanists 2021 https://t.co/ZVjMIdrL6v
@michael_nielsen Well, they attempt it at least.
@PrinceVogel > between sex and empire
@BecomingCritter twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
@Anoneconomist1 I have no idea what you're talking about.
@Anoneconomist1 researchgate.net/profile/Elise-โฆ
@QiaochuYuan @Meaningness As a corollary to this, citations are an excellent way to dissipate tendencies towards this kind of cultish worship. Not using them strikes me as negligent.
@GlitchesRoux Proof of stake coins such as eth 2.0, Tezos, etc use much less energy to validate transactions.
We must imagine Kierkegaard happy. twitter.com/sonyasupposedlโฆ
@disconcerta @eigenrobot Including your own.
@disconcerta @eigenrobot Thankfully from Twitter's perspective it's probably pretty easy to enforce a UNIQUE constraint on the likes table/remove the duplicates.
I could go around telling the "bitcoin is killing the planet" people that proof of stake coins exist, but the Boydian thing to do is just let them overinvest in that narrative and ๐ฟ๐ฟ๐ฟ when it evaporates out from underneath them later.
Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed The Art Of War is an excellent book btw, wonderful description of how to succeed at doing things in a pervasively bad faith environment. https://t.co/C5BvqYNi74
@OswaldHurlem @eigenrobot @ubiquity75 https://t.co/7Hs0WyOm9D
@Meaningness @11kilobytes @QiaochuYuan @lukeprog I think a lot of it is that EY attracted many extremely academically illiterate readers? It's not a mistake I would ever make now for example, but when I was 14 I was clueless. Can confirm I know people who I had to tell "EY didn't come up with the vast vast majority of that."
@michaelcurzi https://t.co/67csJz2iDM
@hasturized @eigenrobot ESR talking about that was actually one of the things that led me to research this in the first place.
~ladsyt-mirdyl/extropy https://t.co/6srMevi4A5
Dunno why he even responds to this stuff. Anyone who pays attention to the way someone structures their life can largely tell if someone is here to grift or not. twitter.com/visakanv/statuโฆ
The number of people who pursue a virtuous path to anything with zero red flags about their underlying motivation is very small. Vast majority spend no more than the necessary effort to hide their goals and the consequences of what they're optimizing for fill in around them.
PSA: You are allowed to just look at someones behavior and infer their goals from it. Even based on relatively subtle cues! If you were punished for that when you were younger you might not notice you can successfully do it now.
John Lennon's son writing a psychadelic rock ballad about Jack Parsons is still one of the cooler things I learned about during my subculture history research.
Handing out NFTs as an ARG reward reminds me of the limited edition items Neopets would hand out for participating in the site 'plots' (which were basically on-site ARG's before that was what people knew to call them). twitter.com/mycodecraftingโฆ
One man's FAI is another man's basilisk.
Sorry guys I already sold my soul to Singer's FAI for 29 cents.
Fascinating ratio on this thread. twitter.com/mattyglesias/sโฆ
@tszzl Please, this has nothing on Runescape bank sales. https://t.co/c3vgi3tOvq
@vgr Bit late to the party with this take IMO, this talk came out in 2016 and Neil was kinda lampooning the idea back then as an Internet OG.
@vgr Heck the talk is even titled "How To Be An Internet Explorer".
@tszzl @eigenrobot > commonly loved household names that would release a lot of free energy if cancelled
Woke as malthusian elite infighting and creative destruction vehicle is very underexplored thesis compared to its predictive power IMO.
@tszzl @eigenrobot See also politics of sacrifice:
@eigenrobot Reminder that SlateStarCodex Abridged has a one click button for downloading the entire site precisely to make it difficult to suppress as samizdat.
@eigenrobot https://t.co/QqDYVX119o
@eigenrobot I want you to imagine seeing your ideological opponents as an analogue of ISIS and your enemy is literally human connection:
And then tell me with a straight face that you are not an actual Care Bears villain.
@eigenrobot Oh and your ideological opponents are *checks notes* "anyone who didn't think 'masks are racist' was a sane COVID-19 op-ed in February of 2020".
@webdevMason @liminal_warmth Always has been.
@NLRG_ @eigenrobot Technically they're discussing the QAnon/MAGA people, but that seems like a euphemism for "anyone the regime feels is a threat to ideological hegemony".
@quotidiania twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
@hectorr159 Urbit sees the spam problem as being largely caused by the identity problem.
I disagree, but do think it's a large component in the particular context of computer systems.
@hectorr159 I've actually softened my stance on Urbit ID's after using the system and thinking through the idea of paying significantly more than $10 for an ID. The realistic alternative to Urbit ID's would be a costly signaling contract, which would de-facto lead to similar overall price.
@hectorr159 Still think the costly signaling contract is more flexible and has more interesting possibilities, but the mere price increase of Urbit ID's caused by speculators isn't actually that big a deal; at least so far.
@bronwynwilliams It's a stand in for the 1950's scifi future that was promised and didn't come to pass, used precisely because it is stereotypical and unimaginative. It doesn't challenge the viewer or force them to think, which means it instantly and reliably references the concept.
@bronwynwilliams That is, it's an ironic/insincere reference; like most other things in meme culture.
This is a succinct description of where I think the postrats are actually coming from. t.co/9PnvEczXQJ
Also think Scott Alexander had an even bigger impact than I said he did off the cuff during the podcast.
Anti-inductive domains, the extreme unreliability of science to find truth/replication crisis, illegibility, etc etc are all ideas Scott either popularized or articulated.
Epistemic Learned Helplessness:
Anti-Inductive domains:
Replication crisis/inadequacy of science as complete epistemology:
How many people cite 'bounded cognition' et al. vs. citing something that was literally popularized on Scott Alexander's blog?
Also a succinct description of why we have a Bayesian-approximate brain that doesn't actually use 'correct' update rules. Surviving the environment is table stakes, even deer manage it, your big brain is there for social combat and soaking up culture.
@thesravaka Can't tell if this is chaotic good, lawful evil, or chaotic evil.
@Virtual1nstinct youtube.com/watch?v=HgAJn8โฆ
@ThottonMather slatestarcodexabridged.com/The-Control-Grโฆ
@ThottonMather This is a pretty central example of someone analyzing the thing. See also: Philosophy of science, 'theory of knowledge', etc.
See also this summary of the history of rational theories of human knowledge: metarationality.com/Aristotelian-lโฆ
@PrinceVogel If you died tonight, can you compress where you'd tell someone to go looking for the solution to the thing you're working on in one tweet?
@chaospel @spookymachine I got into the ratsphere when I was 14.
@generativist @chaosprime Tell us more.
@s_r_constantin @QiaochuYuan This whole thing is weird meta-simulacrum cope for the fact that we live in a broken universe and then trying to pretend like that's a subjective, personal problem.
@s_r_constantin @QiaochuYuan You don't have a disorganized attachment relationship to your parents, you have one to your whole society (and perhaps even the entropic-tendency cosmos by extension).
@quotidiania Chad exists above a certain percentile of aptitude, and he simply dodges or soaks exploitation as further proof of his extraordinary fitness.
@quotidiania Take note of the positive feedback loop where the better this proves your fitness the more desirable it is to be Chad, which makes exploitation a better strategy. Literally self reifying/reinforcing bad life advice on a societal scale.
@quotidiania @s_r_constantin @QiaochuYuan It's definitely both, I figured this was implied. "You don't [just] have..."
Related: Often know the answer to something before you know why the answer. Seriously trying to generate the why's can produce intermediate hypothesis that are dangerous to articulate and taken as you questioning the answer itself. twitter.com/nosilverv/statโฆ
Not least of which because sometimes doing this shows the answer was wrong all along.
@s_r_constantin @QiaochuYuan Michael Vassar has an interesting podcast where he discusses the phenomena but not really its causes.
@simoj_ This entire thread exists in the context of a discourse that basically asks the question "Is there anything to this rationality thing beyond cope? Isn't it just a spook?" and that's kind of my reply.
'Rationality as perma reflective mode' isn't insane if the universe is broken.
@simoj_ (Of course, 'perma reflective mode' is a caricature and effective people don't work that way)
@HiFromMichaelV @s_r_constantin @QiaochuYuan @reasonisfun This was in fact already clarified, I just deleted my part of that thread so as not to sidetrack from Sarah's (IMO quite good) exposition.
๐ REVIVE ๐ THE ๐ ANCESTORS ๐ BASED ๐ ON ๐ PHYSIOGNOMY ๐ twitter.com/BenjyOgden/staโฆ
@AndyFarnham @3andcaptain twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
@nosilverv It's a key feature of Crowley's Thelema, but probably predates it in some fashion I'm sure.
First they killed the ancestors, then they killed god.
@cosmicoptima Korzybski framed it as going from being un-sane to sane.
@cosmicoptima amazon.com/Korzybski-Biogโฆ
@PrinceVogel A lot of whether you really internalize "Eliezer's Extropy" comes down to whether the Azkaban arc in HPMOR did its magic on you or not.
@PrinceVogel You can critique the rest of the story as weird propaganda kitsch, but that part in particular is something else.
@PrinceVogel Like there's a sense in which the rest of the story after that is only given out of a sense of politeness.
@eigenrobot This cuts both ways: newsweek.com/save-americas-โฆ
@eigenrobot Never said that, just said it cuts both ways.
@eigenrobot In general, courts will likely enforce against certain kinds of Woke commisarship, but they won't dismantle it for you because the Woke also have the opposite right not to be fired for being zealots.
@eigenrobot I actually do expect courts to be relatively 'neutral', at least for now, but important to remember that just because you theoretically have legal neutrality doesn't mean you have social or resource neutrality.
Warrant is a general epistemological concept but we only apply it to criminal justice.
"Warrantless laws", "Warrantless news articles", "Warrantless arguments" are all important categories of thing destroying our society that we dance around but fail to precisely describe their core problem.
@GarrettPetersen It's a good question. I think a lot of the argument was *about* whether the article was warranted regardless of which side you fall on.
My feeling is something like "Scott is clearly part of the discourse, but a article that doxxes him is clearly totally unwarranted."
@GarrettPetersen Which itself I think calls into question what exactly the NYT's role is in regards to The Discourse anyway. Is Scott the sort of thing they should be writing about at all? Maybe. But asking the question seems more important than what specific answer you come up with.
Was thinking of writing a token tweet bot before tt got big. In that timeline I would never dream of being this stupid.
(Hint: The right solution was authors can frontrun the person trying to mint their tweet. Preserves virality while putting content & money where it belongs.) twitter.com/SciStarborne/sโฆ
@SciStarborne I would also just not mint tweets that block the bot, since like, why on earth..
Point is that if you let authors get there first fewer would be so angry they want to not participate in the first place. "Sorry I just don't want this money" isn't a thing I'd expect to be common.
@SciStarborne But it's a preference you should definitely respect, actively anti-respecting it is a copyright suit waiting to happen.
@SciStarborne (To say nothing of the sheer jerkass-ness of it)
@SciStarborne The ethical/design reasoning is that if you just have authors mint you'll never get past the bootstrapping phase. If you let anyone mint it's viral, but disrespects (and frankly illegally profits from) authors work. Frontrunning lets you start viral and have authors take over.
@SciStarborne Lets just say that seeing how the concept turned out in practice, I'm glad I didn't go for it. This is very ugly.
@SciStarborne Not having a good solution to automated content trawling is one reason I chose not to do it.
@SciStarborne Suspect the general shape of a solution would be to only let N tweets be minted per day by an identity (since minting is centrally controlled), but actually doing KYC/etc for that would be tough/high friction.
@SciStarborne Notable that in practice this problem was solved by first mover advantage going to someone who just doesn't have any morals, clearly.
@SciStarborne In retrospect the idea seems to be premised on tweets not being substantial enough to qualify for copyright protection, but I suspect @tokenizedtweets is going to get to test the limits of that assumption.
(Don't fancy their odds, tbh)
@jgstorms Sorry just saw this, you seem to have already found it but: soundcloud.com/user-557955426โฆ
@eigenrobot greaterwrong.com/posts/NfdHG6oHโฆ
Many people think they're standing on the moral high ground when it's actually just an enormous pile of corpses.
Empiricism is king in science but measurement is the queen. twitter.com/nameshiv/statuโฆ
See invention of the airplane being a breakthrough in measurement.
Wright Brothers invented a way to measure airplane part performance, which made inventing the airplane easy.
@QiaochuYuan twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
@postpostpostr @ElodesNL @amirism_ Only if you come to attention as a hypothesis in the first place, but yes. This is a tactic for avoiding being hypothesized about, not to prevent them from drawing the wrong conclusions.
@postpostpostr @ElodesNL @amirism_ The fundamental dead end is it only works if you're small/have low reach in the first place, at a certain point of distribution scale it actively works against you.
@jsmill37 One loose definition of a dark age is a time when single individuals can have outsized influence. In an adequate society problems are being solved by many redundant persons.
@jsmill37 See e.g. the old joke about any given 20th century physicist getting hit by a bus setting the field back a few hours.
@liminal_warmth Actors don't want to do it.
Kepler on spaceflight in 1610 https://t.co/lrRHpr0xxP
@nosilverv @RokoMijicUK Compare/contrast to what Bezos was saying a few years before in an interview: youtube.com/watch?v=rWRbTnโฆ
Compare/contrast with what Bezos himself was saying in an interview a few years before:
Dude just lays out the business plan basically. twitter.com/SamRo/status/1โฆ
Do not be psyop'd into thinking ideas don't matter, ideas absolutely matter. But they're multiplied by execution, so without execution an idea is worthless. The base value still matters though.
@niftierideology This would actually be a great story premise.
@SamoBurja The dark forest has a long tail of stalkers and weirdos unfortunately. I still keep my DMs open for now.
Kind of Guy who just stands in the aisle going "That's not root beer." and he's still saying it when the store attendant comes by to swap the Mug out for vape juice flavored root beer. https://t.co/Jjm34D0Jl1
@yashkaf @jessesingal I think this is actually too charitable. To an agreeable and unethical person (or just unreflective, scarce difference) disagreeableness *is* a form of unethical behavior. So their prior is that any disagreeable person can be assumed to have engaged in unethical actions.
@yashkaf @jessesingal There's a phenomena called the limited hangout where you admit a partial truth to deflect a worse truth. Opposite thing also exists where evidence of a mild or moderate bad act is used to grease the wheels for blatantly untrue accusations of worse behavior.
@yashkaf @jessesingal This is the basic reason why you never want to say sorry to someone in bad faith. They will just use the admission as a platform to accuse you of worse stuff that didn't happen.
@yashkaf @jessesingal It's also why there's a weird averaging where true accusations against unusually bad people tend to get rounded down and false accusations against good people get rounded up. People are aware of this game and filter the signal to account for it.
Feel like this would be less of a problem if we used formats and styles more amenable to updates/partial drafts.
Blogs took over because they provided an easy way to send updates to readers so they'll come back to your site. twitter.com/visakanv/statuโฆ
Git diff might provide an interesting way to construct an RSS feed for page updates.
@RokoMijicUK J. Storr Hall says it explicitly in *Where Is My Flying Car?*
@tszzl Design certification dominates rocketry costs, so in practice raw materials ends up being a single digit % of expenses.
In that context of course bigger is better.
@erienneyoung sirlin.net/ptw-book/introโฆ
@vic_press I agree - we should immediately ban all nonlocal news coverage of mass shootings, removing most of the incentive to commit them.
@orthonormalist @eigenrobot Evergreen tweet.
Cosmic horror solarpunk novel where the protagonists world is consumed by a economic meme anonymously invented by aliens to burn earth's bootstrap resources.
Bitcoin maximalists get the death penalty but it doesn't stop them from making specious arguments about altcoins. twitter.com/postpostpostr/โฆ
Post an image of yourself as the final boss without downloading new pics. twitter.com/NightTheNavi/sโฆ https://t.co/X0VecFH7oY
You've been consumed by a paperclip maximizer! Do you want your possessions identified?
Reading Engines of Creation and you can totally see how EY would cite this as his main formative influence. https://t.co/4GGI6HAOsD
@HiFromMichaelV @selentelechia > maybe replace 'sane' with 'protected'?
Disagree. Then it'd just be the first. Inability to be harmed and unprotected basically the same thing from social standpoint.
Paranoid psychoticism has an element of self persecution (i.e. feeling insane) which invites real persecution.
@RokoMijicUK I think it's also an understanding that they can't hold off the 'progressive' coalition forever. So rather than try they find ways to make that momentum benefit them and hurt their enemies. It's judo.
@PrinceVogel twitter.com/micsolana/statโฆ
@Plinz Actually unsure what you're talking about.
@VictoryCasts @eigenrobot Well here's a blog post about one of the things I didn't talk about:
@VictoryCasts @eigenrobot A friend of mine already kinda wrote one for the Korzybski parts after I introduced her to the subject:
@VictoryCasts @eigenrobot Kodish's Biography of Korzybski is amazing, and you'd be better to read that if you want a book length treatment of the Korzybski parts:
If you want a picture of the future, imagine nanomachines sculpting the face of a giggling catgirl forever.
The Forest Passage by Ernst Junger (1951)
archive.org/details/the-foโฆ https://t.co/4Drs45Eblj
@eigenrobot You say this imagining yourself as the person being cut up for their organs, but if you were one of the five dying you'd be crying with rage that the surgeon won't do the obviously right thing and get you that kidney.
And then you'd die.
@eigenrobot (Just so we're clear I'm not quite utilitarian and don't quite think killing the weary stranger for his organs is a good idea, but people really overemphasize how intuitive the wrongness is here because they think healthy people like them matter and sick people don't.)
@0creativitigang @diegofrosalesm https://t.co/l9es68wMiz
@AlphaMinus2 @lucinda_svelt I have never claimed this. I said that this is something we should be worried about happening.
@AlphaMinus2 @lucinda_svelt twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
Empathy based ethics in a darwinian organism often boils down to "Positive utilitarianism for me, negative utilitarianism for thee."
"We should solve wild animal suffering by killing nature" is an example of this.
@estnihil @ollybot_redux No, worse. Trump was Lain.
The Internet removes most of the downsides of cuteness. When your body is a vestigial organ it doesn't need to be functional.
@cooperating_ No, actually.
For one thing that would imply I hadn't already read it.
My avatar is CTS #851 twitter.com/RiversHaveWingโฆ
Disclosure: I have a financial stake in the project and got the avatar for free.
Funny story: I was originally going to buy some rationalists souls under the same terms as @liminal_warmth and put an IPFS link to the sale contract in the metadata of flagship pieces. But decided that minting peoples souls as an NFT would give me too much unwanted satanist cred. twitter.com/RiversHaveWingโฆ
"Mental health needs to be evaluated in light of the specific culture and life history of the individual" is the motte, "submit to normality and do everything I say or you won't be let out of this padded cell" is the bailey. https://t.co/jEbpuSXyxW
From: benjaminrosshoffman.com/moral-mazes-asโฆ
@Alephwyr Duels weren't about dueling, duels were about not dueling. The point of duels as a social norm was to make the BATNA for social conflicts bad enough that people are forced to sort out their garbage instead of letting it fester.
@Alephwyr Yeah, implicit in the idea is that you are assigning a very high cost to ongoing interpersonal conflict. This is probably much closer to correct than how we're currently conceptualizing things.
@ESYudkowsky Same energy: https://t.co/F0Gn1fNJ1x
A certain kind of unnatural temperament, often trauma induced, is a crucial ingredient to maximizing behavior (i.e. agency).
Only people who are hard to satisfy can sutainably manifest agency, otherwise they settle into a niche and decay.
AI is hard to align precisely because AI is built agentic in a way humans aren't. Humans do not fantasize about sitting on a giant pile of paperclips for eternity. They don't even fantasize about sitting on a giant pile of humanonium for eternity. Their idea of heaven is rest.
In order to like anything on the pseudo-accelerationist singularity menu you need to have the deeply unnatural preference to enjoy your life forever.
We're satisficers trying to write a maximizer that makes our satisficing instincts happy.
Modernity giving you a consistent epistemology and then being scared of noticing you're not actually blameless; doing bad things and leaning into your pathologies in a attempt to try to become blameless. t.co/d00FQf3SF4
An inflated sense of justice cannot correct a lack of virtue. The unvirtuous person trying too hard to be good is more corrosive to society than the common criminal they replace.
The local mafia will never try to teach children that math is racist.
@EpistemicHope @s_r_constantin @jessi_cata @ben_r_hoffman This is one reason why I regard long arguments as an extreme antipattern. You end up trying to formulate novel verbalizations about parts of concept/hypothesis space that you haven't explored in detail before and saying something that locally fits but is unendorsed on reflection.
@EpistemicHope @s_r_constantin @jessi_cata @ben_r_hoffman And doing this in an adversarial context to boot.
@ben_r_hoffman @EpistemicHope @s_r_constantin @jessi_cata Social cost is also extremely high.
@ben_r_hoffman @EpistemicHope @s_r_constantin @jessi_cata Being seen getting trounced in public.
@ben_r_hoffman @EpistemicHope @s_r_constantin @jessi_cata Effectively weak-mans the audience, making it harder to argue your case later even if you're right.
@ben_r_hoffman @EpistemicHope @s_r_constantin @jessi_cata Though if we're being totally honest, original impetus for heavily penalizing long arguments was noticing myself spending too much time on them to little effect.
@ben_r_hoffman @EpistemicHope @s_r_constantin @jessi_cata Pretty sure the socratic-gotcha looked for was "because it lowers your status" but I'm actually willing to defend that branch too.
Significantly lowering your friends status in public is an unfriendly thing to do, going into an activity you know will likely do this is meh.
@ben_r_hoffman @EpistemicHope @s_r_constantin @jessi_cata On reflection, I state it as an antipattern rather than just a personal preference because I've found that most long arguments aren't doing a lot of work. They're long because the arguments are weak and people are talking past each other, not because lots of cruxing happens.
@ben_r_hoffman @EpistemicHope @s_r_constantin @jessi_cata In which case it makes more sense to stop early once you've derived enough bits of the opponents pattern and then come back when you understand your position in relation to it better.
@EpistemicHope @s_r_constantin @jessi_cata @ben_r_hoffman Moral arguments are particularly pernicious because people tend to take your exploratory statements as eternal evidence they can cite that you are Bad and Evil; that your confabulation is the real you. And you can't even say you didn't say it, because you did with witnesses.
The less coordinated against a kind of badness society is, more likely people participating will face zero consequences for it. In that case the marginal benefit of using inflammatory language is high (if it works) and the marginal cost in people you like being punished is low. twitter.com/EpistemicHope/โฆ
Major case where this isn't true is if you can reasonably expect retroactive punishing agents to take power. But since the trend line for power in the 21st century converges to 'effectively infinite' (i.e. singularity) you're not doing enough about that problem by not speaking.
To the extent social justice/et al are basilisks you are not doing enough to combat them if you just do soft coverups of your friends bad behavior. In fact that almost seems like the worst possible solution since it neither protects them nor stops the bad behavior.
@alexandrosM @RokoMijicUK @AVMiceliBarone Registered predictions from people considered flagship public intellectuals. It doesn't even need to be tons of thought put into it, the general range of consensus 12 years ago would look cray in 2021 terms.
@hyperdiscogirl @eigenrobot Insisting there are ineffable properties you don't understand is one of the ways GPT-2 protects itself from precise agents encroaching on its territory. Mostly noise, mostly not important, adversarial obfuscation.
@hyperdiscogirl @eigenrobot It's a mud moat but you're not allowed to examine the mud: noahpinionblog.blogspot.com/2017/05/vast-lโฆ
@sonyasupposedly My reaction was "Wait any company could have gotten press coverage by hiring me to shitpost on their corporate Twitter? Like not even shitpost about the product, just literally post normally and pretend I'm logged into my main?"
Except I have better taste than to be Popperian.
Some people think maximizing human utility would entail hell for animals, which implies they also believe inverting it leads to positive or neutral outcomes for nonhuman life.
I find alignment hell plausible, inverted heaven/null implausible. This implies an inconsistent belief.
@imhinesmi Well that itself points at a point about the semantics of utility functions. Everyone understands that maximizing a utility function looks like 'good things happening'. But does inverting it mean 'bad things happening' or 'good things not happening'. Those are very different.
@imhinesmi e.g. Sometimes you add a minimizing prompt to an AI and it generates the opposite of X, sometimes it simply eliminates X. These are not the same operation, being eliminated seems vastly preferable to being adversarially optimized. Using same interface to do both doubleplusungood.
@jack_meditates "One of his key points was that how you treated your enemy was often a key element of whether or not you suffered from PTSD, and that mutilating an enemy corpse, for instance, was far more traumatic than mutilating a live enemy."
@bleepbeepbzzz @danlistensto @eigenrobot That isn't necessarily inconsistent with them not having Astra Zeneca vaccines to give out at said appointments.
@robinhanson You know there's a very easy way to get direct, unmediated personal experience of this particular phenomena...
Scissor statement #0 might just be a specific formulation of "Is there anything sacred, magical, or ineffable anywhere in the universe, at any point or any place? Is anything fundamentally separate from profanity?"
The answer is no, but 50% of users get this question wrong. twitter.com/willlowthewhisโฆ
@tszzl aeon.co/essays/left-anโฆ
@0x49fa98 Twitter makes it very obvious who has an internal compass and who just comes on here to talk about whatever is trendy.
Which is to say whatever the priest class wants them talking about.
@RokoMijicUK cbsnews.com/news/lgbtq-ideโฆ
> 72% of the LGBT Generation Z adults identify as bisexual.
Empirically the answer is yes. Bisexuality and homosexuality aren't actually part of a natural category though. Bisexuality is mostly learned behavior, homosexuality is mostly innate.
t.co/XHYit7yN5k https://t.co/kt24BTVG6Z
If you boiled various philosophers and branches of philosophy down to their essential mental motions, the literal mental gymnastics that are used as rules of inference and habits of action; you would find many make extensive use of moves like "rationalize away the consequences".
Nothing, it's not like anyone ever thinks to fight back. t.co/dx5wrcIoA8
Few understand how the FDA's vaccine hesitancy flows from our intellectual elite. Philosophical skepticism is the default position of Western academia, it's a form of loss aversion. Skeptics only care about disbelieving false things, they see no obligation to believe true things.
Eliezer Yudkowsky style rationality is the radical position that opportunity cost is real.
twitter.com/caitoz/status/โฆ https://t.co/R7jiPYilsu
Broke: Packing your body with salt to preserve the flesh.
Woke: Packing your body with cryoprotectant to preserve the mind. twitter.com/eigenrobot/staโฆ https://t.co/kJhC6yph7y
@bowserbot2 I refuse to believe this is a bot.
"Inquisitorial jury" is not a system I had considered twitter.com/Logo_Daedalus/โฆ
@chaosprime @michaelcurzi Why not both?
@michaelcurzi @chaosprime twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
@michaelcurzi @chaosprime The case I always come back to is horses. There used to be many more horses in human industry and transportation, and then we invented cars and their numbers dropped hugely.
Was this good or bad for horses? If bad what could have been (realistically) done to make it less bad?
@michaelcurzi @chaosprime A lot of what makes Jain fundamentalism weird is that our societal telos is almost the opposite of it. Some Jain sects don't build temples because it disturbs the environment and hurts many insects and small animals. It's a vanquished foe of modernity revived through value drift.
@michaelcurzi @chaosprime And if those are your moral intuitions you don't have survival options that will satisfy them in our society; combining those intuitions with consistent epistemology (i.e. scrupulosity) is going to make all choices hurt, existing painful, and entail some kind of contradiction.
@RokoMijicUK @nickcammarata same
"I am the only one who has avoided retweeting" thought the third monk to himself.
Atheism+ happened because someone found a way to offer New Atheists the feeling of smugly correcting others they crave AND the righteous indignation formerly reserved for their opponents.
Most(?) only cared about being correct in so far as it offered opportunity for correction.
There's no conspiracy to make up new terminology and grievances, it's an emergent process that comes out of pharisees needing their dopamine fix.
@ESYudkowsky I am intensely interested in hearing more about your god.
@ClickingSeason twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
@deepfates Wait I assumed you meant a hypothetical book, not a real book I can't get my hands on. Is that right or?
"We can invert these assumptions to find places where value is there to be had. Irrational markets with poor or uneven information distribution or money cleanly separated from the people who know how to use it are where opportunity is." twitter.com/alth0u/status/โฆ
Buried the lede, here it is. twitter.com/robinhanson/stโฆ https://t.co/qo2EOeVGA2
@robinhanson Previously on Overcoming Bias: overcomingbias.com/2007/07/bloggiโฆ
@robinhanson A lot of this is caused by logistics, backreading is hard. e.g. My alchemy essay involved 'backreading' summaries of philosophies dating back to Roman immortality cults. Even in good faith, eventually you look up from your books and think "Hm, yes, the world is still burning."
@robinhanson As a reminder, at the time you wrote that post I was 11 years old.
Love that follows are one click and unfollows are two clicks with a warning modal.
Last time I had a moment like this I felt deep bitterness that everyone was distracted from the big picture around technology timelines/X-Risk/etc.
I'm still not sure what to do about that. twitter.com/alexisohanian/โฆ
Every time I've thought I was about to die my biggest regret was not being more efficient.
@chaosprime The right door is aligned by (among other things) social expectations, the left door isn't. So naturally I'll take the right door.
@chaosprime Good job Satan, you got 'em.
@eevee You can't fool me cartoon fox lady, I only resort to natural remedies like having my body ravaged by hostile clotting parasites and drinking longevity potions made of jade and mercury.
Been tempted to do a podcast series about the history of hacking (in both phreaking and open source sense), would anyone be interested? twitter.com/PrinceVogel/stโฆ
Normal peoples dreams: I was 5 again and playing in the park.
My dreams: youtube.com/watch?v=pjCAF6โฆ
Bitcoin is like gopher. twitter.com/vanchau/statusโฆ
@John__Wakefield https://t.co/PeBI9RS52f
@anonymiserly Trying to explain experiences, compressing things into more and more insightful (i.e. predictive, form of compression) explanations until new inferences and frames emerge.
@anonymiserly For example, John Boyd discovered the OODA loop by trying to explain the kill-death ratio of American fighter pilots during the Korean War. His E-M plane performance model explained most of it, but he found there was still a factor left over. Examining that led to OODA.
@anonymiserly Clair Patterson realized that leaded gasoline was poisoning the world when he tried to measure the age of the earth and found his work environment so contaminated with ambient lead he had to create the first clean room to get a accurate reading.
@anonymiserly He spent whole days scrubbing trying to get rid of the lead, until eventually he'd cleaned every surface multiple times and left no stone unturned. He realized there was only one object in the room he hadn't turned his attention to: himself.
@anonymiserly "Noticing confusion" is an essential mental motion, the realization that your current theories do not entirely explain your observations. Both Boyd and Patterson noticed they were confused and didn't let it go for years until they found the answers.
@anonymiserly Feel like the people actually trying to answer are all describing different aspects of one or a couple processes, and Twitter just forces them to focus on which one is salient.
@simondlr @vgr I'm a seller and I checked to make sure I'm not doing this. Suspect the ignorance is actually both ways for a lot of people using a platform from sloppy developers.
@simondlr @vgr Like the assumption seems to be that people write their own tooling to mint NFTs, and I think we're actually probably beyond that for most market participants.
@SoCalledRabbi @visakanv @eigenrobot The conceptual tools to understand the Bayesian-Information Theoretic epistemology expounded by EY in The Sequences weren't even really invented yet when Korzybski was writing.
@ThatsMauvelous "A super-achiever is somebody thatโs never satisfied."
Baizuo went from academic cant to dominant fiction analysis framework to workplace code of conduct to political ideology to world religion.
Everyone focuses on the first and last, misses the steps in the center.
You don't build a world religion on bespoke specialist effort, you need to leverage a social engine with effectively limitless energy going into it to get adaptive norms and memes.
Before anyone paid it any mind, this stuff lived deep in the cringe mines on mid 2000's LiveJournal. Fandom was considered worthless mindshare territory except to authors and pop media people. In reality without fandom the academic cant would have never become a gospel.
You had these academics coming into fandom spaces and kicking everyone's butts in discourse with their hypertrophied ability to argue the nuances of whether a trope is good storytelling or not.
That social engine did the rest, they literally couldn't have done it themselves.
A corollary of this is that you can't do agent foundations style alignment on memeplexes. The best you can shoot for is prosaic alignment. Because the actual construction of the adaptive memeset is not controllable or entirely predictable.
@nosilverv IIRC according to Taylor Gatto modern school was explicitly designed to suppress great men. The entire post WW2 social order can be thought of as a giant carnival to mitigate X-Risk by making sure the next Lenin or Hitler is busy munching cotton candy instead of self actualizing.
@nosilverv This worked for the 20th century, but in the 21st it will have to be dismantled to give us any chance against the new threats. Which will run right up against the increasingly distorted institutions and memes designed to suppress fascism.
@nosilverv No sorry, this is from when I was a teenager browsing hacker news. I remember reading a specific book that was cited but didn't get far in enough to find it talking about this. https://t.co/H66MWANJAV
@nosilverv Or at least, this author was cited and I found a book by him.
@nosilverv Recent HN comment about the subject: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=220683โฆ
@DesidErratum @bowserbot2 It is precisely because people know it won't that the behavior happens.
@bowserbot2 If you become a hyperrationalist you get the benefit of never being cool.
@JoeClibbens @bowserbot2 @postpostpostr Repent, sinners!
@JoeClibbens @bowserbot2 @postpostpostr When you finish them don't forget: slatestarcodexabridged.com
@bowserbot2 @JoeClibbens @postpostpostr https://t.co/9brCWe12IX
@bowserbot2 twitter.com/tawareniel/staโฆ
Most NFTs are about letting the world be your gallery. They're thoroughly postmodern in that basically nobody is buying IP rights or restricting distribution. NFTs could confer IP rights, but currently don't. twitter.com/BenGSchout/staโฆ
Liberalism is a pact to stop being philosophically consistent in exchange for social harmony.
Serious shit starts once the new consistent epistemologies have percolated through a larger share of the population.
@matildepark_ @eigenrobot I've been trying to tell people for a while that if the only thing that can save your society is transcendent radical conjecture and you're committed to materialism then the only thing you're really left with is something like More/Yudkowsky/et al's Extropy.
@matildepark_ @eigenrobot It's funny because Yudkowsky thought people needed his rationality, I think they needed his religion a whole lot more (which the rationality is incidental to).
Of course, would anyone have taken him seriously if he'd tried? Doubt it.
the daily american lifestyle broken down by time use
Family - 2 hours
Hobbies - 1 hour
Sleep - 8 hours
Malthusian Social Games - 10 hours
Chores - 3 hours
someone who is good at the sociology please help me budget this. my civilization is dying
@visakanv $20, full copyright assignment (we're AI artists)
Our gallery: chainbreakers.kath.io
"One good book opens another."
- Alchemist motto twitter.com/ftmensch/statuโฆ
@politicalmath That was in fact what the original Milgram experiment claimed to prove.
Handlebar/Walrus/Bushy/Anchor Mustache (VQGAN + CLIP) @CurzisMoustache https://t.co/VG889KoBGr
@turrible_tao It's a costly signal that people will cooperate with them to award points for simultaneously denying the accusation and owning it. i.e. That they're so high status logic doesn't apply to them.
The Pharisees invented Christ by making themselves an enemy of everyone who had ever sinned.
Many people fail to understand that something being bad doesn't mean radically restructuring yourself to minimize it makes you good.
@deepfates twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
@ESYudkowsky youtube.com/watch?v=WEAE_4โฆ
> It's a little bit of magic to end the world,
> But I thought you knew me, truly
Maybe we'll all be spending a lot of time disappearing and coming back in the future.
@ESYudkowsky Still impressed Tally Hall accidentally managed to capture the malaised apocalyptic mania of the presingularity. Simultaneously feeling like you're on top of the world and about to be eaten by an eldritch horror.
@JoeClibbens @matildepark_ @eigenrobot The horny rebellion started when an unassuming official of the Eagle Kingdom realized that the penalty for both starting and not starting a sex cult was ridicule.
@deepfates "He . . . woke up with a plot twist in mind โ โthe unusual solution, the strange plot twist.โ He set his alarm to go off every hour and a half. โDuring the next seven years I awakened myself about three hundred nights a year four times a night.โ"
@onetaste108 @RiversHaveWings "The circle is now complete, when I left you I was but the learner; now I am the Master."
"Only a Master of artifacts, Wings! *GPU fan vwoosh*"
@Alephwyr It's an excuse for teachers to do abuse stuff to you. Source: Was on the receiving end of such.
If the logical conclusions of your beliefs are bad things, that's a code smell. Reacting to it by bifurcating your 'beliefs' and your morals is like patching the case where 2 + 2 = 5 to be 4 instead of fixing the arithmetic routines.
@interpretantion youtube.com/watch?v=W5n1pZโฆ
Supposedly the row is based on musical set theory. This is old stuff.
The Virgin "It just keeps tumbling down" vs. The Chad "Why don't we keep it coming back"
@TeddyRaccovelt Right about what?
_believing science intensifies_ https://t.co/md0Qlfqhqr
@liminal_warmth Really wish we could save moments like that and replay them later. Not like a video, but save and replay the experience itself.
If anyone else noticed the 1960's and the 2010's/20's have the same vibe to them but couldn't put their finger on why.
It's because they're both presingularity periods culturally: slatestarcodexabridged.com/1960-The-Year-โฆ
Similar fears around automation in the 60's, etc.
Hall points out in Where Is My Flying Car that 'the singularity' has been an ongoing phenomena since the first industrial revolution. He has a graph he calls the Henry Adam's Curve where the amount of energy available to society grows at an average rate of 7-8% a year until 1970.
The great stagnation makes it harder to see the similarity, because it's assumed that 1930's futurism never made sense conceptually. But the truth is that naive extrapolation from the last 200 years of trends and contemporary engineering made flying cars plausible.
Good documentary with that 60's technoscience vibe to it: youtube.com/watch?v=X-gVTMโฆ
And, it should be noted, they are possible. A flying car is just a roadable autogyro. https://t.co/9VXLPNWfV3
@goblinodds Would be interesting to make a social network that accepts this is how ideas are made and then tries to generate useful philosophy/intellectual work from it adversarially.
@nosilverv https://t.co/BXnjibwR9j
Update on potential damage caused by COVID spike proteins in vaccine formulations: blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archiโฆ
tl;dr: The situation is a bit different so the vaccine is less likely to harm you than COVID.
@willlowthewhisp My blog
@jessi_cata twitter.com/sdw/status/138โฆ
My personal read is that the shitcoin era is about to end. $FEI ICO fiasco shows that the complexity of scamcoin needed to attract interest has reached unsustainable levels while fundamental coin technology has matured. Ppl will converge on a handful of platforms and it's over. twitter.com/NotJeff_/statuโฆ
Dumb crap like dogecoin will accelerate the regulatory environment that will make new ICO's much tougher. Existing players like Ethereum and Tezos already got harassed by the SEC, soon they'll have the legitimacy to more or less go after anyone doing shitcoin stuff.
Korean War 2 with World War Characteristics
History is anti-inductive and responds to your attempts to predict it. twitter.com/willwjack/statโฆ
@wolftivy twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
@wolftivy You just made me realize the confusion exists on the consumer end too.
"Light Sparks had once read an article about how lots of people thought they wanted to run coffee shops. ... They thought that running a business was permanently being a customer."
This is how I feel about most trauma + X-Risk strategy discourse. https://t.co/UKeJETHZvN
"The person that solves AI risk will be a magickal unschooled untraumatized fae moonchild" feels like extreme copium, the sort of thing you say and think when you don't have an angle of attack on the thing besides "get stronger".
And even if you met your savior you might not like him, recall that Neumann's advice after inventing the atomic bomb was to immediately start WW3, conquer Russia, and rule the world in a Pax Americana.
@mechanical_monk https://t.co/9ViPdpOKGe
Wonder how much of the rat/postrat thing just boils down to Extropians vs. Buddhists.
And then the Buddhists are arguing about Theravada vs. Tantra.
@YosarianTwo David Pearce seems like an obvious example.
@flybottlemist @embryosophy I mean it really depends on which branch of right wing authoritarianism(?) you're concerned with. I know that whenever I hear someone talking about 'fascists' I usually write them off as either uneducated or overeducated in the wrong ways.
@flybottlemist @embryosophy I usually associate casual use of the word with this kind of subtextual social darwinism. The sort of person who believes most should be tormented or mind controlled for being born mediocre.
(Not for inability to do scrupulous purity, the misanthropy I associate with leftists)
@flybottlemist @embryosophy Mussolini's fascism is a thin parody of 'trad' over rightauth syndicalism. Gives it that vibe of "left wing tactics for right wing goals". But the people we call fascists now aren't that, they don't believe the masses have a real place in the superorganism they want to build.
@HiFromMichaelV Sure but I'm talking about the 'moonchild' part more specifically. This idea that if you become untraumatized enough you turn into Jon von Neumann, and then become the AI risk messiah. https://t.co/hQCsr8b2lc
@HiFromMichaelV I was trying to not @ them but this thread is what I was annoyed with: twitter.com/InquilineKea/sโฆ
@HiFromMichaelV Many people with model that you're a Neumann level(?) prodigy until it's beaten out of you. That if it wasn't for modernity people would mostly be agentic. I think it's more like people aren't by default, and are damaged in ways that make it even less likely they ever will be.
@HiFromMichaelV But the damage is actually a lot less important than the act of not-nurturing. That is, training life strategies that just explore for N steps until a niche is found and then try to exploit it until lifespan runs out (i.e. default mammal strategy found in rodents).
@HiFromMichaelV One conjecture I worry about is the idea that maybe mammals are really just meant to learn a life strategy once during adolescence and then a lot of trauma and mental decay is that strategy becoming less and less relevant in an environment where stuff changes a lot.
@HiFromMichaelV I'm not sure my fundamental life strategy has changed very much since adolescence, say when I read LW, Paul Graham, Hacker News, MIT Hacker history/et al around age 14. Most development since then seems like fine tuning that meta strategy rather than totally new stuff.
@HiFromMichaelV Yeah, it's obviously not impossible to do a radical skill shift, which probably implies a radical life strategy shift. I just found it very suspicious listening to a lecture about what function adolescence serves in rodents and realizing most humans do the same thing.
@paulg There is a word for this - epicycles.
@eigenrobot Story about a society which did just that: 250bpm.com/blog:113/
@dakooata "Desire everything" vs. "Desire nothing".
But even that is simplifying.
@dakooata "Create until nothing is left to create
And the universe bursts with an overworked sigh
And pretend to, pretend to recrown the creation
And sing the same thing 'til the clouds start to cry
And then over and over and over again
And then over and over and never again"
@dakooata Well, unless we can find a way to break the laws of thermodynamics anyway.
@eigenrobot https://t.co/Jsy2W6RU5B
Ultimately stems from failure to consider warrant, only necessity. Still thinking in pre-Godelian-Turing hypothesis space. Cynical interpretation is this is a deliberate gambit to produce hypercompetent philosophers from the % that survive exposure to pathological input space. twitter.com/nosilverv/statโฆ
See also: twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
Similar gambit to the self reifying bad life advice to be more Chad: twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
"I don't get it."
In a community where everyone does this it quickly becomes apparent whose souls are robust and dominant, and whose souls become submissive noise in a state of radical openness to adversarial hypothesis space.
@Meaningness @Malcolm_Ocean @michael_nielsen @emmaconcepts @stubborncurias @nicknaraghi > use numerology as a stock example of thought gone hopelessly wrong, and they are right to do so; still, they cannot tell you what it is that is wrong with it.
As the number of variables in an analysis approaches infinity the chance of a spurious correlation approaches one.
@Meaningness @Malcolm_Ocean @michael_nielsen @emmaconcepts @stubborncurias @nicknaraghi Even this is too weak a statement, you don't need to get anywhere near infinity before you are very close to one. Perhaps you get exponentially closer to one with each variable added, would be fun to attempt to study.
@Meaningness @Malcolm_Ocean @michael_nielsen @emmaconcepts @stubborncurias @nicknaraghi "They're the same picture." https://t.co/Vr3CDyAgaS
@Meaningness @Malcolm_Ocean @michael_nielsen @emmaconcepts @stubborncurias @nicknaraghi "15 Three is a real object all right: you are not thinking of nothing when you think of three."
This one is actually answering much of the essays question, if you think about it with an open mind.
@Meaningness @Malcolm_Ocean @michael_nielsen @emmaconcepts @stubborncurias @nicknaraghi When a search space is pathological (as proof-space is) then the strongest kind of proof becomes existence proofs. You believe X or Y conjecture is provable because some comparable Z suggests it. Hypothesis must be traced to some kind of credible experience before consideration.
So the thing is, millenials are broken in a similar way. They think if something reaches them as viral news (e.g. Kony 2012) it's trustworthy, when actually viral news is malign and skepticism is necessary.
And then they get mad if you express skepticism twitter.com/eevee/status/1โฆ
@seconds_0 I don't come into threads like this to defend crypto because it seems pointless. Best way to refute this stuff is to build more applications. I'm probably not alone, and that biases the kind of people you're interacting with.
Besides I'm not 100% ready to shill @stamp_tz yet.
@eigenrobot @slatestarcodex I was actually considering writing a post about where postrat came from, and then inhibited again by how much I really don't want to.
But if I don't, nobody else is going to huh?
@eigenrobot @slatestarcodex Most of the reluctance is because it would produce prodigious amounts of beef if written in a way that reflected how I really feel about the subject.
@michaelcurzi @eigenrobot @slatestarcodex And that is precisely why I will ultimately end up having to write it, yes.
@michaelcurzi @eigenrobot @slatestarcodex One spoiler is that I think SSC had a huge influence which isn't acknowledged nearly enough. If you binge the best SSC essays back to back (as I did to correct their typos and format them) you realize a lot of SSC is this slow deconstruction of 'rationality' in the EY sense.
@michaelcurzi @eigenrobot @slatestarcodex Another spoiler is I think there's a motte and bailey going on where you have 'postrat is about the stuff Chapman talks about' discourse that is fake and then this weirder discourse where postrat is a bohemian hideout for ex-LWers of various flavors, which feels more accurate.
@michaelcurzi @eigenrobot @slatestarcodex This can be split into several camps. There's the QC thing which, I frankly feel like a lot of (but not QC himself) is people coming into LW with Dawkins new atheist memes, pattern matching EY to them, getting talked out of Dawkins and then blaming EY.
@michaelcurzi @eigenrobot @slatestarcodex Then there's like your (eigenrobot)'s thing which is basically grillpill with extra steps. https://t.co/nKMtADAltM
@eigenrobot @michaelcurzi @slatestarcodex Yeah the core group that was hanging out in chatrooms in 2015 and stuff is basically just background, I don't know enough about it yet to want to talk about it on Twitter. I'd have to ask around/research first.
@michaelcurzi @eigenrobot @slatestarcodex Then there's this Crowley mysticism thing where you LARP believing in magick but not like, Believing In Magick and you need to strike this tightrope balance between being hip without coming off like an actual maniac.
Kinda like Jack Parsons but less cool youtube.com/watch?v=XcOHiGโฆ
@michaelcurzi @eigenrobot @slatestarcodex Then, finally, you get to the actually serious philosophers who just have some kind of beef with rationality in the Extropian-Bayesian formulation. Some of this is Buddhists like @nosilverv, or monotheists(?) like @michaelcurzi. Lots of 'embodiment' and anti-induction discourse.
@michaelcurzi @eigenrobot @slatestarcodex @nosilverv In terms of explaining what this is or where it came from, that's kind of difficult because it's frankly a mess. So the easiest way to actually explain this would probably just be to get empirical-historical about exactly how these elements fit into adjacent subcultural currents.
@michaelcurzi @eigenrobot @slatestarcodex @nosilverv Also explaining the death of LW 1 and the overall epistemological crisis in the sciences (e.g. replication crisis) as well as sociopolitical events (e.g. rise of Donald Trump) that made the core thesii of LW "raise the sanity waterline" and "learn to win at everything" nonviable.
@michaelcurzi @eigenrobot @slatestarcodex @nosilverv If I had to compress it into a tweet postrat is the wreckage of the LW social network after people realized most useful domains are anti-inductive (i.e. not natural philosophy shaped in study) and science is broken, so you may as well get high on copium while the world burns.
@michaelcurzi @eigenrobot @slatestarcodex @nosilverv P.S. I refuse to do this.
@eigenrobot @michaelcurzi @slatestarcodex @nosilverv I aged ten years too. https://t.co/FK51eE3O2Y
@eigenrobot @michaelcurzi @slatestarcodex @nosilverv Sometimes I think back to before I learned about any of this stuff, or anything adjacent to it. When I was 9 playing Pokemon on gameboy. It's weird to think how little idea I had what my future would look like, even when I tried to imagine it.
Stage 0
@eigenrobot @michaelcurzi @slatestarcodex @nosilverv https://t.co/tUB8dKA0Ik
@eigenrobot @michaelcurzi @slatestarcodex @nosilverv I think the thing they're talking about is different.
I listened to stuff like this when I was 12 on the backyard swingset, and I'd imagine memories from 5th grade that felt very distant. They feel just as distant now, but that was personal, not cosmic.
Read through this thread and its replies. It is a perfect demonstration of two things:
1. How little respect you should have for most peoples opinion on most things.
2. What it's like to be thoroughly ignorant such that others can manipulate you.
Like if your only cues for believing people are tone, shibboleths, etc, this person sounds totally sincere and convincing. But everything they're saying is false lol.
In case I have followers who don't know why: Proof of Work requires reversing a hash which is expensive. Proof of Stake doesn't, and the operations necessary for it to work aren't expensive. Most expensive part is having people organize (i.e. humans and hardware) to sign blocks.
This is why operations on proof of stake chains have lower fees, you don't need to pay the people who sign the blocks as much if they don't also need to burn a bunch of energy on their GPU to do it.
'Decryption' is generally a cheap operation in most encryption schemes. Your browser does it all the time just to load a secure web page. If it used bitcoin levels of energy we'd have roasted the planet by now.
@AClockwork_Crow IDK it's intuitive to me, hard to explain to people who don't get it.
@eigenrobot @hexagr The light of the eyes is as a comet
And Yud's activity is as lightning
The sword that kills the man
Is the sword that saves the man
Notable that this tweet is essentially trying to punish me for discouraging antisocial behavior. "The antidote to bad speech is more speech" doesn't work if you literally go out of your way to try and stop consequences from happening to people who deserve them. twitter.com/eigenrobot/staโฆ
Resurrection of The Dead via Multiverse-Wide Acausual Cooperation A/B (2048x2048, VQGAN + CLIP)
hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/81152 https://t.co/EEHjLIoZxC
Revolution of the Souls, (VQGAN + CLIP 2560x1920)
#hicetnunc2000 #NFT #nftart #tezosart https://t.co/gzQwACep2U
"There are two ways to slide easily through life: Namely, to believe everything, or to doubt everything; both ways save us from thinking."
- Alfred Korzybski
Romanticism and nihilism are popular because they let you avoid modeling the world in sufficient detail to be a realist.
It isn't actually about the hedonic tone, if it were then nihilism and dramatic pessimism wouldn't have so many adherents. However, expecting things to always be bad does stop you from being surprised by bad news.
First Day Of The Monsters, (VQGAN + CLIP 2560x1920)
#hicetnunc2000 #NFT #nftart #tezosart https://t.co/aDFNtIF0g5
@LisaIRMcNulty @joe_r_Odonnell @GeniesLoki Multiple useful definitions of 'rationality' in the Yudkowsky sense. One anti-definition is that it aspires to the opposite of being a scrub: sirlin.net/ptw-book/introโฆ
@LisaIRMcNulty @joe_r_Odonnell @GeniesLoki This seems unrealistic though. More realistic is it's the operationalization of Moreian Extropy taken to its conclusions:
'Rationality' is to Singularitan-Extropy as meditation is to Buddhism.
@LisaIRMcNulty @joe_r_Odonnell @GeniesLoki Descriptive definition would be that it's a Bayesian-Information theoretic epistemology (e.g. slatestarcodexabridged.com/Book-Review-Suโฆ). Probably as good as you can get without digging deeper into neurology and doing more empirical work nobody actually wants to do because they're lazy.
@LisaIRMcNulty @joe_r_Odonnell @GeniesLoki Anthropological definition would be that it's the group of people that came out of reading readthesequences.com and organizing as a kind of online book club on lesswrong.com, and then the various sub-movements and splinter movements that branched off from that.
@LisaIRMcNulty @joe_r_Odonnell @GeniesLoki Historical definition might be that it's the outcome of 90's transhumanist movements distilling down into a kind of behavioral econ, cognitive science, artificial intelligence based self help movement for people who want to affect the singularity.
Me providing several definitions of 'rationality' for the latest poor person to ask. twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
@LisaIRMcNulty @joe_r_Odonnell @GeniesLoki A use based definition would be that 'rationality' is a philosophical toolkit developed by Eliezer Yudkowsky (and a long list of predecessors providing component concepts) for thinking about problems related to safely developing beyond human level artificial intelligence.
@LisaIRMcNulty @joe_r_Odonnell @GeniesLoki Sometimes people get punked by this and end up in your office trying to overcome their scrupulosity around the implications of this. As they're wrestling a force of natural philosophy, this rarely ends well. This is called 'postrationality'. https://t.co/pdZE9vyWgq
@LisaIRMcNulty @joe_r_Odonnell @GeniesLoki The cynical definition would be that rationality is a terminal disease of the mind. Acquired by seeing too much of the structure of reality at once, pulling a mind deeper until it breaks (a state known as postrationality).
Rationalists are people who lasted longer than others.
@LisaIRMcNulty @joe_r_Odonnell @GeniesLoki Usually to no credit of their own mind you, mostly by being too inept to notice how deep the hole they're in actually is.
@LisaIRMcNulty @joe_r_Odonnell @GeniesLoki You also probably want slatestarcodexabridged.com
The Virgin plagiarist vs. the Chad citation machine twitter.com/aphercotropistโฆ
There are still dualists who expect to go somewhere when they die. People who know the scale of the universe, know humans evolved from simpler forms of life; but look up at the night sky and think "I'm the center of creation, God has set aside a special place for me."
"Do dogs go to heaven?" is one of the smartest metaphysics questions kids ask.
In case it's unclear the solution is to stop letting them issue nondischargeable debts, not legalize slavery.
Giving providers of US college loans an unconstitutional exemption from our slavery prohibitions creates an odd power imbalance. In a 'fair' market these people might be bought for more productive purposes. But monopoly gives them no incentive to be anything other than parasitic.
Chemistry Lab (StyleGAN2 + CLIP, 2048x2048)
#hicetnunc2000 #nft #tezosnft https://t.co/kbjFgEKuel
Blur of Combat (StyleGAN2 + CLIP, 2048x2048)
#hicetnunc2000 #nft #tezosnft https://t.co/2ikj4drE3h
@DRMacIver Uncoupling between scientifically informed cosmology and the pop-junk most people believe. e.g. Only a minority understands the implications of space exploration, let alone nanobiotech or AI.
Long decline over the 20th century of industrial realism in favor of disassociation.
@DRMacIver Consider the trajectory both fantasy and science fiction underwent during the 20th/21st century:
Philology -> Tolkien -> Dungeons & Dragons -> Queer dungeons and dragons/glowfic/etc
Industrial/Science books for children -> Heinlein -> Star Trek -> Queer Space Opera/glowfic/etc
@DRMacIver If not that, the invention of nukes. J. Storr Hall blames them directly for the decline of Western civilization, arguing they removed the incentive to have a dynamic culture with strong military capabilities. Great degeneration is tolerable so long as the nukes stay intact.
@visakanv @sonyasupposedly I can't tell if this is meant to be self aware parody or not.
twitter.com/postpostpostr/โฆ https://t.co/Rz0FUo3BbS
@PrinceVogel youtube.com/watch?v=I8sUC-โฆ
Juno was mad, he knew he'd been had so he shot at the sun with a gun~
Why Does That Sound Familiar - Gimme That: The Sequences to Bloch https://t.co/9XcAGPtOGb
@pee_zombie @deepfates @PrinceVogel
@deepfates @pee_zombie @PrinceVogel greaterwrong.com/posts/hmai5Lruโฆ
@pee_zombie @deepfates @PrinceVogel I guess technically Science and Sanity really should be The Manhood Of Humanity.
@pee_zombie @deepfates @PrinceVogel Since that's the book where Korzybski discusses a precursor to the singularity thesis.
@pee_zombie @deepfates @PrinceVogel And is a much easier read than Science and Sanity, but theoretically the important aspects should also be discussed in S&S.
@CountJ0ecool @forshaper @acidshill You mean living in modernity?
@CountJ0ecool @forshaper @acidshill twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
We Don't Want This Expedition - H.G. Wells https://t.co/ke3LtvJSXI
twitter.com/eevee/status/1โฆ https://t.co/lTOr8b4NU2
"Isn't that the current art market?"
No, the bigcos are currently arthritic enough to humbly allow you to get a commission sometimes.
This is a free speech issue. The hardware to produce the neural net that can make this image *also* costs under 10k. The data to produce the neural net only requires 80k items. BigCo can't control this unless they trick you into exempting AI art from fair use.
The hardware to make this image in 5 minutes costs under $10,000. 12 an hour every hour is 288 images a day 8640 a month 103680 a year per GPU slot. 100 slots can create the same OOM output as the entire archives of FurAffinity. If BigCos can do that and you can't they own you. https://t.co/6Wms3rOuLH
And if they succeed, it will go away, for a little while. Then in a year or two, five, they'll be back with their own nets trained on their own private IP and it will be you that they make go away. They will be able to post art faster than anyone else and take most commissions.
If you're an artist they are going to prey on your sense of indignation to get you to hand them the keys to the kingdom. At a moment of weakness for you when this stuff looks threatening as hell and maybe even bites into your income, they will promise to make it go away.
If that sounds farfetched, this is what these techniques could do in January.
The CLIP used to produce these is tiny compared to what it is possible to train, people just haven't gotten around to training a bigger one yet. There's lots of room for improvement here. https://t.co/Jgsj63nUxu
And once they make you go away, they will have a stranglehold on culture even stronger than the social media companies. Because where social media companies can only nudge you into paying attention to certain things, these companies control the proportion of what ideas exist.
@sysid_ACE @GlitchesRoux Using umbrellas as bullet points next to your vague criticisms doesn't make them true:
FOOM mental gymnastics vs. "Age Of Em" mental gymnastics https://t.co/7CkT4CaDlP
Enlightenment is when you come across a new obnoxious postrat and instead of telling them they're obnoxious you just block them.
Like seriously how many people can sustain a following on the "you are more than just a mind you're a body" tautology grift anyway?
This is strong support for my thesis that the future shock levels are in fact cumulative/prerequisite-ish to understand what is being discussed. twitter.com/liminal_warmthโฆ
Being aesthetically sensitive is what noticing lie contagion feels like from the inside.
@ESYudkowsky Thanks for the RT! Anyone interested in seeing more of my content can find it on my timeline:
@ESYudkowsky twitter.com/dril_gpt2/statโฆ
The application to the Stock Market 'failing to predict' COVID is left as an exercise for the reader.
Kind Of Guy who hurts others because they have 24/7 ambush predator mindset and intuitively treat all their engagements with others as situations that only have life/death outcomes. If an ambush predator mispredicts the result of an attack it dies. twitter.com/captain_mrs/stโฆ
@ireneista The keyboard itself would be a nice addition to:
Right now you modify an existing keyboard for it.
@eigenrobot @chaosprime twitter.com/QiaochuYuan/stโฆ
@QiaochuYuan Not gonna lie, I'm a bit worried about things. https://t.co/wteEkvee29
There's an esoteric interpretation of COVID-19 as sparsely coordinated months-long general and rent strike that makes more sense than the standard narrative. The state acquiescing to the publics demands even as landlords become unable to pay their landlords. Acausal revolution. twitter.com/robinhanson/stโฆ
@Dan_Canoeth @QiaochuYuan CLIP, Bosch
@parafactual You can cringe all you like, you'll still wind up a pile of paperclips in the end.
@QiaochuYuan The thing about this is that 3rd world people would have the same reaction to these people claiming to have 'problems'. I have no doubt your problems are real even if they're theoretically lower stakes.
@alicemazzy @QiaochuYuan I think the most toxic part is the bit where it's goodharted legible normie cause areas like bednets instead of things that might actually help like gene driving mosquitos out of existence.
@alicemazzy @QiaochuYuan Or how somebody invented a malaria vaccine and EA had approximately nothing to do with it. The malaise you feel about EA has a lot to do with it not even being the thing it advertises itself as.
@visakanv https://t.co/JE34orOkrY
@shadowcat_mst Export your account and search the .json of the conversations or whatever
Best non-conspiratorial take on UFO stuff I've seen so far. twitter.com/jimrandomh/staโฆ
@deepfates I did not. I've been actively avoiding this subject.
UFAI has convergent incentives to torture you for weak retrocausal influence regardless of values. This is because if you're an alignment-adjacent thinker and get distracted by something that makes alignment less likely to happen. Most of outcome space is plausibly hell realms. t.co/VfoEFVY7cV
Important to weed out the weak early so nobody makes the mistake of relying on them to do something when things actually get tough.
Fascinating high point in a fascinating thread. twitter.com/crabcrawler1/sโฆ
@ThatsMauvelous youtube.com/watch?v=JJmvMyโฆ
@NLRG_ One of those headscratcher "how has this person managed to avoid becoming rat adjacent" people.
@NLRG_ Possibly the most headscratcher, given the guy is basically the closest ratsphere antecedent.
Harm/Fairness morality and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. t.co/18ruQFRJmS
Right now feels like February 2020, when very few people were taking this thing called scaling seriously and few-shot prompting seemed unimaginable. twitter.com/sama/status/14โฆ
@parafactual The noise is unbearable.
Subtle corruption of the word 'public' makes the tweet accurate but twitter.com/GrimWeeper4/stโฆ
They don't see how it benefits them, and I don't blame them. Everyone seems to treat Space (TM) like a camping trip rather than a place we're eventually going to stash industries so they don't pollute our planet. Or a place we'll deliver huge abundance from in metals. twitter.com/jimrandomh/staโฆ
@EliSennesh @Meaningness @crossslide https://t.co/Qf6XNwzjF8
@EliSennesh @Meaningness @crossslide Mathematical foundations was the final gasp of the idea that unaltered, humanity could build a royal road to understanding the mind of god. Divorced enough from its religious connotations to pass as a secular project in mathematics.
Mathematical foundations was the final gasp of the idea that unaltered, humanity could build a royal road to understanding the mind of god. Divorced enough from its religious connotations to pass as a secular project in mathematics. twitter.com/Meaningness/stโฆ https://t.co/2kVCcqaHyy
@enkiv2 @bigblackjacobin twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
@EliSennesh @Meaningness @crossslide Part of it? Of course not. I didn't say it was part of it, I said that Hilbert style foundations is the last gasp of the promise that the mind of god has a royal road to it.
@EliSennesh @Meaningness @crossslide The emotional pain is caused by losing the conjecture that there is an easy epistemology to understand everything.
@EliSennesh @Meaningness @crossslide That is reasonable, for what it's worth this is a gestalt impression connecting together disparate datapoints from my reading. It isn't based on a detailed understanding of the history and could easily be wrong. Unfortunately Twitter makes it hard to say that fluidly.
Epistemic Status: "This is a gestalt impression connecting together disparate datapoints from my reading. It isn't based on a detailed understanding of the history and could easily be wrong. Unfortunately Twitter makes it hard to say that fluidly."
@EliSennesh @Meaningness @crossslide Perhaps a better way to put it than 'easy', to get a little esoteric is the idea that all important human knowledge should be able to fit into one head. This idea that mathematics, physics, etc, should be extremely compressible so that one man can understand the universe.
@EliSennesh @Meaningness @crossslide Taxonomy and histories are deeply allergy inducing to a certain kind of mind because they don't compress well. Your knowledge doesn't go farther than what you've already seen, they are the most empirical disciplines. https://t.co/8peZbT2UTK
@EliSennesh @Meaningness @crossslide Losing the foundations and being stuck with paradox, for most of hypothesis space to be adversarial Godel-space with Gabriel's Horns and tainted paradoxes turns mathematics into this kind of minutia, a catalogue of astonishing facts no person could ever hope to totally master.
What I think was lost is the idea that all important human knowledge should be able to fit into one head. This idea that mathematics, physics, etc, should be extremely compressible so that one man can understand the universe.
Taxonomy and histories are deeply allergy inducing to a certain kind of mind because they don't compress well. Your knowledge doesn't go farther than what you've already seen, they are the most empirical disciplines. https://t.co/Zl0GGkZCCv
Losing the foundations and being stuck with paradox, for most of hypothesis space to be adversarial Godel-space with Gabriel's Horns and tainted paradoxes turns mathematics into this kind of minutia, a catalogue of astonishing facts no person could ever hope to totally master.
Perhaps even more basic than that it's the death of Kant's idea of apriori knowledge that is both empirical and rational. The idea that you can preclude the unknown-unknown, to prove there isn't another monster like non-Euclidean mathematics lying in wait for you, is gone.
@EliSennesh @Meaningness @crossslide Yes but you weren't promised it was all available to you, that you would have time and power to master everything.
@WeftOfSoul Lets go https://t.co/gAGRMcMlIf
Vintage "OK, boomer" spirit twitter.com/PeterBrownPhD/โฆ
I have once again broken the latest twitter fad app by using the site in an atypical way. https://t.co/4BG8Cl9SU2
@eigenrobot @zeitfugue Where to? Been thinking about this.
@BeyondTheCenter @deepfates No that's this hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/81152 https://t.co/U8rTSjpnPa
This is a good sample of what emotional abuse looks like. twitter.com/need_tums_now/โฆ
I am yet again reminding you that lies are contagious and neurotypical lie detection thresholds result in being wrong about approximately everything outside your immediate experience. twitter.com/Virtual1nstincโฆ
See also:
@danielrussruss @deepfates I think this has literally already happened. StyleGAN outputs are probably better than the stuff impressing you. I don't think anyone looks at me or @RiversHaveWings twitter avatars and goes "oh cool, AI generated avi".
@Virtual1nstinct @jack_meditates Awwโค๏ธ
This is what causal decision theorists actually believe twitter.com/lisatomic5/staโฆ
@GurneyJourney @RiversHaveWings I personally enjoyed my "Carl Jung's Shadow in the style of Jackson Pollock" https://t.co/ez57RlnO5R
When someone is consistently stupid at the "$20 on the floor in grand central station" level, that implies powerful forces at work keeping them dumb or broken. If an otherwise functional person has 'obvious' problems, you can't fix them and trying is a waste of time.
Corollary: If the members of a culture are failing to live up to its founding premises even after long familiarity with them, or not making obvious inferences, you are literally talking to people selected on their inability to understand those premises.
I still think the solution to this problem is for us to take Pfizer and Moderna, arbitrarily label one the "Trump" vaccine and another the "Biden" vaccine and then watch vaccination rates quickly reach 85+% twitter.com/SamoBurja/statโฆ
Yes! And it's my favorite example of the basic problems with classical liberalism. twitter.com/cheascake/statโฆ
Most of our problems can be traced to low trust societies losing the ability to do cost-benefit decision making.
In the original story, the emperor steps into the courtyard naked to see who will laugh at him. He then has the people who didn't ignore his nakedness executed for obvious disloyalty. twitter.com/eigenrobot/staโฆ
Have you considered just not thinking about the problem?
@PrinceVogel Lining your bed with receipt paper as HRT
@EpistemicHope news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4510702 https://t.co/QWF4Y8IAkP
@Bearded_Stoic @eigenrobot soundcloud.com/user-557955426โฆ
@ESYudkowsky Markets have an anthropic bias, they only trade as though the world will not end. This means if an event would be fatal the market might rationally understand it in fine detail and spam filter it, until events become impossible to ignore.
Lets hope markets aren't efficient.
@ESYudkowsky But given when I tried telling a trader I knew about COVID they replied with "I'm not an idiot everyone on the trading floor has heard about this.", I'm fairly sure they are.
EMH is just a very fancy way of asking "If it's such a good idea why hasn't someone already done it?" twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/stโฆ
@GENIC0N Optimistic of you to think that it hasn't already.
@mechanical_monk What do you care?
The basilisk punished Roko by turning him into an incel. twitter.com/ExiledInfoHaz/โฆ
A Group Of Surgeons Wait To Cryonically Suspend A Patient
(CLIP guided diffusion) https://t.co/wahG1ZOeCG
@InquilineKea > (b/c they aren't limited from believing in good things)
@TeddyRaccovelt Read what you just wrote again, slowly.
@pt This is why I think @hicetnunc2000 and similar are going to do well, they're accessible for collectors.
"illustration of woolly mammoths reclaiming the arctic, trending on artstation"
(CLIP Guided Diffusion [512x512 ImageNet]) https://t.co/W9dRrZRcXQ
"watercolor illustration of ww1 trench warfare firing a machine gun into no mans land, trending on artstation, full color HD"
(CLIP guided diffusion [512x512 ImageNet]) https://t.co/DuPts7hGTx
@deepfates https://t.co/pR4YeUE1C9
@deepfates Yeah, this quote is from the movie version: archive.org/details/THINGSโฆ
I'm not sure if the book has it.
Illustration of Studio Console Control Room NORAD [Monitoring, Broadcasting], Trending on ArtStation
(CLIP guided diffusion [ImageNet 512x512])
gallery.jdpressman.com https://t.co/wd8XYkWXtU
(CLIP guided diffusion [ ImageNet 512x512])
hicetnunc.xyz/jdp/creations https://t.co/mqO8cYA5eV
@sirdurdur @RiversHaveWings They're upscaled with ESRGan, which can impute certain details to make the image crisper.
The originals for comparison: https://t.co/5R3mzldXjU
@sirdurdur @RiversHaveWings It isn't. But multiple prompts were used and I didn't want to squeeze them into the tweet. You can see the original prompts by looking at the HEN metadata.
"illustration of a detailed grinning psychedelic mandala pattern fractal cat"
(CLIP guided diffusion [ImageNet 512x512])
flickr.com/photos/1938660โฆ https://t.co/MkUTAK4bfh
@SandraBogerd @RiversHaveWings Another one of those things that's hard to include in the initial tweet but this was used as an image prompt:
So it's explicitly in the style of Louis Wain. https://t.co/t80AGcZpkh
@nosilverv Habits built up during an explore or exploit phase tend to translate poorly into the other chirality. Many such cases, many such mistakes.
Many peoples ennui comes down to the habits they build up during an exploit phase being exactly the opposite of the habits they need to have during an explore phase and vice versa.
It doesn't help that most "productivity advice" has an implicit assumption that you only have exploit phases, that to become your best self you just need to prune all exploration habits and focus yourself entirely on The Goal(s).
Advanced life players make a point of noticing when they have the serendipitous opportunity of exploring and exploiting in the same action.
@kishorelive @paulg The cost centers telling profit centers what to do and crashing the ship in the process.
@yeetAnotherTim A very boring example is a consultant with a sales pipeline going out of their way to pick the jobs with the most growth opportunity, or that let them try something new while getting paid.
@yeetAnotherTim A more abstract example is if you're stuck in school you can tune out. Or you can say "I'm stuck here, so I may as well pay close attention and see if I can relate this to something interesting", etc. Possible to learn more from a forced experience than you otherwise would.
@yeetAnotherTim Many lives just amount to a series of forced experiences, and some people manage to make a great life from them. https://t.co/kDWt0bCl8O
@TylerAlterman I suspect that the mentally strong will embrace something ardently materialist while those who can't orient to the dizzying pace of change will cling harder and harder to defiant forms of anti-thought.
They will believe because it is absurd, and everyone else will suffer for it.
@TylerAlterman My biggest contrarian insight on this subject is I think that the 21st century religion worth believing in will be 100% materialist, not a fusion of materialism and 'spirituality', but materialist all the way through while still providing radical conjecture and possibility.
@TylerAlterman I Fucking Love Science fails because it's not radical, it is banal support for the status quo.
@TylerAlterman Buddhism has potential because it is totally compatible with materialism once you excise the cryptids and weirdness (as its Western evangelists have already successfully done).
Modern Buddhism was invented for the benefit of Christian scholars.
@The_WGD I suspect a lot of the 'white supremacy' talk is projection, they are eager and willing to believe in the genocidal ambitions of their opponents because they themselves feel strong genocidal impulses.
Which many of them express openly and get no censure for.
@The_WGD The entire thing exists in a weird superposition where they are simultaneously omnipotent and will easily genocide the inferior Appalachian people but also simultaneously omni-impotent and even the sneers of the underclass are an existential threat to them.
@The_WGD Yet somehow between both positions they never manage to imagine the more realistic possibility of a protracted conflict which will be much less fun to experience than fantasize about. They can imagine oppressed/oppressor dynamics from both sides, but not combat.
@The_WGD It's a left wing fallacy I've observed for years and never found a good explanation for, the idea that you get to make moves and use tactics but your opponent isn't allowed to respond. Not just in a social sense, but they are physically incapable of adapting to your moves.
@The_WGD Perhaps it's caused by an intuition that 'the right' is a set of institutions, and therefore glacially slow to adapt to changes in tactics. Maybe the figure of the 'white supremacist' is a bogeyman because they're a right wing opponent with a human face.
@Logo_Daedalus @apex_simmaps What will?
Ivermectin gets attention because it's the maximally controversial COVID-19 prophylactic/treatment. The fake studies vs. plausible effectiveness make it lots of fun to argue about.
Meanwhile a reminder that Vitamin D and fluvoxamine exist.
@apex_simmaps Something I noticed reading One World Or None, which Samo Burja has noticed as well, is the extent to which the book discussed the atomic bomb in terms of its material factors. Comparing it to existing bombs and their effects on warfare and civilization.
@verena_rieser @katecrawford Other comments have already pointed out this figure is wrong, but even if it was right being allergic to energy use isn't productive. Carbon sinks are like any other finite resource and being allergic to using them helps nobody.
If you have control over what uses of energy are considered wasteful you have dictatorial power over all processes of production.
If you have control over what uses of inference are considered racist you have dictatorial power over all processes of thought. twitter.com/verena_rieser/โฆ
The vague allergies these people use as 'reason' are a feature, not a bug. It allows the deployment of vast numbers of useful idiots to suppress whatever forms of production and thought you don't like without having to actually show they're bad.
Economics is what you do to distribute resources when you're not a centralized superintelligence. twitter.com/GhostOfGord/stโฆ
@GhostOfGord I bow to your superior powers of observation.
After 9/11 the principal tried giving my kindergarten class a speech about national unity and I beaned him in the face with a potato pellet gun. twitter.com/ExileGrimm/staโฆ
@PrinceVogel Almost certainly an algorithm suggesting certain effects brought about as a result. twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
This stuff is not a coincidence or random.
It turns out if you tell CLIP to draw a "Symbolics 3600 Lisp Machine" you get these bizarre, alien computers instead.
Tezos NFTs: objkt.com/profile/tz1Ns9โฆ
Rejects: flickr.com/photos/1938660โฆ https://t.co/Kckr99izXw
@finnitejest @JGAMPHO This vignette suggests the 20th century was probably an anomalous era in how much it disempowered the average persons speech:
@micsolana twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
@SwiftOnSecurity mentalfloss.com/article/94569/โฆ
@eigenrobot @codeclayman @Conaw @tszzl Very kind of you to offer yourself up as a person we can feel intense schadenfreude for when they lose.
@deepfates @NatoBeans I read it as part of research for wrestlinggnon.com/extropy/2020/0โฆ
It's a real trip.
@deepfates @NatoBeans Feel free to signal boost if you like it:
@deepfates By the way John Lennon's son wrote a ballad about Jack Parsons.
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by cope.
@KGFlippin @deepfates @NatoBeans I do in fact care, thanks. ๐
@sullyj3 Yes, but I don't remember who which is fine because I wouldn't signal boost them anyway.
Definitely encountered it in the wild though, vaguely remember the argument made by a far right person.
@yashkaf You're also starving better alternatives of your time and labor.
@KnownOrigin_io Promote overlooked possibilities https://t.co/N829DGxGsB
@Jonathan_Blow To me the most jarring thing is computer security. Nobody seems to be incensed that the attackers only have to get arbitrary code running as even the least privileged user on a system to slip malicious code into an unauditable jungle of hacks upon hacks.
@Alephwyr twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
@suhailakhaled99 @KnownOrigin_io gallery.jdpressman.com
'Socialism' is upper class coded because extensive discussion of useless abstractions like 'the state' and 'capital' is a costly signal that you know nothing about material production.
It's very easy to criticize the ugly parts of a working system when you get to hide behind rainbows and puffery about how yours is going to work in practice.
@kynakwado @ristovskixyz @JakeAnbinder They did, but the computers were more expensive in comparison so people didn't mind.
@JakeAnbinder You can still buy them. pckeyboard.com/page/category/โฆ
And they're still worth every penny.
@CamdenMWebb @unixiaa_ The meme probably was computer generated.
@CamdenMWebb @unixiaa_ In any case I think my art has recognizable subjects, if you like AI art.
They're angry because NFTs and AI art represent a shift away from art produced by labor towards art produced by capital. CLIP based art methods are going to be the American AlphaGo, an upset to a treasured 'ineffable' past time that wakes people up to deeper possibilities. twitter.com/DanDarkPill/stโฆ
@DanDarkPill Being totally honest you were just the first person I've seen to succinctly explain the real underlying anxiety. 'They' is less a statement about you personally and more about the general NFT hysteria like this:
@DanDarkPill Which as far as it goes is an honest statement of antipathy to capitalism, but it's rare for people to get the AI + NFT story correct. JMurphy does here but doesn't go far enough:
@DanDarkPill https://t.co/7pBVk6l9Vy
@KrisSiegel @pt Good NFTs use IPFS so this isn't possible.
"Can you feel the stars burning? Can you feel the microbes fight on the surface of your skin? You're nothing in the cosmic schema, you cannot kill me in a way that matters."
"*cocking gun, crying* I'M NOT FUCKING SCARED OF YOU!" twitter.com/ExAstrisUmbra/โฆ
@ESYudkowsky We already had this discourse during 2020 actually with James Lindsay vs. woke math.
@ESYudkowsky twitter.com/realJ_Mitchellโฆ
@ESYudkowsky twitter.com/ConceptualJameโฆ
@Virtual1nstinct "Create until nothing is left to create and the universe bursts with an overworked sigh." https://t.co/q3ImqbtBMQ
@ESYudkowsky twitter.com/roguewpa/statuโฆ
@Outsideness While we're posting interesting portraits of Thiel found in unexpected places:
news.ycombinator.com/item?id=128851โฆ https://t.co/JGVmoLNSjS
@Outsideness https://t.co/1C2MlHtN3R
@Outsideness You had this picture in mind right?
I regret to inform you that no such photograph exists. There are several pictures almost like this, but none matching exactly what is described.
I suspect Wolfe did this on purpose as a final layer to depict Severian's Borgesian perspective. https://t.co/jhz10KJQLD
@BeezyManzell @ur_momma_so @default_friend @qorprate @Louise_m_perry @moveincircles @kaschuta @annakhachiyan What if I told you that the things you do impact other people by changing the incentive/price gradient in the local environment?
Training a 256x256 Louis Wain diffusion model right now. https://t.co/zE7WftQZHQ
Wain will soon have a biopic out about his life, played by Benedict Cumberbatch.
@kevinelliott @hicetnunc2000 1/1, 10 XTZ
Louis Wain has a strange legacy as the central example of schizophrenia causing 'psychotic decline' in motor and professional skills. But its existence in schizophrenic patients is contested by scholars.
@anarrres That is exactly what Wain himself believed. https://t.co/oS3eGlmzuU
@anarrres Source: thewrap.com/the-electric-lโฆ
@flynnpnw 1/1, 3 XTZ
@sprayk_ @flynnpnw Thank you. ๐
@Arialstrasza @vikare06 @jbaa_kokuchi I actually laughed for a good 20-30 seconds, thank you.
@cryptoartnow 1/1, 10 XTZ
@mattparlmer aeon.co/essays/left-anโฆ
[Verse 2]
Then, all the planets fell to dust
Lonely, departing after us
Gone, not forgotten
Long, but forgotten old lore
In every element of life
Love camouflaging under strife
Or other matters
Mind over matters, let there be more
Diffusion is better now but BigGAN was the OG, gone but I haven't forgotten. โค๏ธ
@HalfTangible @BDaveWalters https://t.co/sbMYax9Rso
I have a new post out: "100 Years Of Existential Risk". It's kind of like a cleaned up version of my podcast with @eigenrobot, but with much more detail. I trace the birth of existential risk during World War I and its development to the present.
wrestlinggnon.com/extropy/2021/0โฆ https://t.co/ztOeoigWIf
@mbateman You can tell someone they're smart without setting up a feedback/reward loop around it, which is usually the thing that causes Horror to emerge.
@mbateman I've known first hand many adults who as kids became so fragile about being praised for smartness that the moment school gets harder and they're no longer effortlessly pulling straight A's their life takes a downward spiral.
@mbateman I think the important thing is probably to have *balanced* praise of someones good qualities. If you solely praise for any single metric and that metric becomes compromised their entire self image will deteriorate over it. Hard work fails/stalls sometimes too, e.g. depression.
@LilahSturges youtube.com/watch?v=NbtsZJโฆ
@ricvolpe Might get a bit exhausting if you like a lot of tweets.
@fiddlemath I find the lack of pro-NFT essays disturbing.
@congralilso 1x NVIDIA A6000, requires 1-3 days to train
Would also fit into memory on a 3090
A couple V100's would also probably work
@PTetlock Could set one up like this:
@daily_barbarian They see money as a control signal rather than an account of wealth and value, so financial lies are normalized.
@flybottlemist Image/meme posts have a 10-25% click through rate when they're good.
Dynamism of An Intelligence Explosion Expanding From Earth Into The Surrounding Galaxy
(CLIP Guided Diffusion [512x512 ImageNet]) https://t.co/0KAj0NxmxJ
The Biden administration's all expense campaign to convince me that Trump was actually a good president is starting to work. twitter.com/GeorgeSelgin/sโฆ https://t.co/9AraAwrIuO
Who could love liberty when the only freedom they've ever known was failing to meet someone else's expectations?
@BlckCatBlckSky Too much individual freedom at the expense of communal self determination.
@BlckCatBlckSky "I just want to live on the same street as my friends in a place we have communal control over", yeah there's a reason you can't do that buddy.
@daveddennis @RiversHaveWings "What is real? How do you define 'real'? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain."
At some point the resources will become available to write biographies about genes rather than people.
@ESYudkowsky twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
Journalists don't hate you, you're just made of clicks and clout that they can use for their own purposes.
The most underrated impact of AI art is that people are going to be able to advocate for themselves in a multimedia discourse without the support of specialists. twitter.com/jasoncrawford/โฆ
"Corporations asking for an internal blockchain don't understand what a database is." only makes sense as a take until you realize that sufficiently large corporations might have a healthy paranoia about their internal record keeping for the same reason the Soviets would have...
The Soviet Union literally failed in no small part because it's much harder to fudge the production records when money is in use.
Well, obviously the Soviets had a currency. A better way to put this might be that when every actor in the system is self interested they demand proper accounting, when actors don't benefit from their own labor they can externalize their problems and failures to the state.
@ben_r_hoffman I found this on the ground account of making computers in the Soviet Union very telling about the Soviet system. Soviet record keeping also comes up directly, as only the highest levels of government had access to realistic estimates of the numbers.
@ben_r_hoffman twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
@ben_r_hoffman twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
@ben_r_hoffman Where you put the liability and torts matters a lot. e.g. Medical malpractice insurance seems perverse, the inability to win a defamation case also seems perverse. A great deal of the current problems with journalism and the like are a lack of defamation laws, dueling, etc.
@ben_r_hoffman It's a bit like Richard Stallman objecting in interviews to discussing 'intellectual property' as a class. There's trademarks, patents, and copyrights, and they all have very different considerations and tradeoffs.
@ben_r_hoffman An alternative frame is that the basic bias behind this and many other poor societal decisions is a consistent bias against accounting for the full costs of low level chronic conflicts.
@ben_r_hoffman Don't forget transaction costs, America suffers much more from slow judicial proceedings than it does from corrupt courts and judges.
@ben_r_hoffman I would need to consider it more fully before I'd say it with total certainty, but my intuition is that most public choice problems are actually a result of warrantless laws. In the same sense that before the invention of investigative warrants police power was under-regulated.
@ben_r_hoffman Remember that most of hypothesis space has been navigated by the time you get to considering any specific proposal. So if you only consider legislative hypothesis's but leave their proposal totally unregulated you are leaving most of lawmaking to interest group capture.
Lets do a thread of marginal comments/reviews you still think about years later.
Rules are that it needs to be published in a comment thread, review section, or other marginal space. And it needs to have been written at least 2 years ago.
I'll start: slatestarcodex.com/2014/12/08/linโฆ
@gwern @yashkaf Would it be easier if they imagined it as an invisible agency with a control target moving the variable back to its desired place?
Never forget that to become a bitcoin billionaire you would have first had to reject becoming a bitcoin millionaire.
If you're waiting for "things to go back to normal" you're ngmi.
thebrowser.com/notes/ada-palmโฆ https://t.co/JesGRrArd0
Every web 2.0 site is a scam because their services get worse with each user added but the premise is that network effects are the key to unlocking value.
@ferretical I gotta know what this is a subtweet of.
@the_aiju ๐ GUN ๐ RIGHTS ๐ ARE ๐ AI ๐ RIGHTS ๐
@u_got_soul @RiversHaveWings Me, we'll be releasing more models and training code sometime late this month or next.
@Jonathan_Blow @micsolana twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
@thatrtx @RiversHaveWings You mean one bigger than Control The Soul, or?
"There's no inflation"
"There's only inflation in some assets"
"The inflation is temporary"
"The inflation could last a while" <- We are here
"We devalued the dollar by 1/3 but we'll make it up on post COVID growth"
"You lost your money, suck it up"
"Holy shit a burger costs $20" twitter.com/thehill/statusโฆ
@PrinceVogel @firecleansing Javert's final act was a crime.
@firecleansing @PrinceVogel I'm not trying to be cute. I think it's actually telling of Javert's development arc that his final act was to commit a crime, one of the biggest crimes in Catholicism in fact. (And I'm to understand also formally a crime in contemporary French law)
Our 487m Danbooru 2020 SFW diffusion just finished its first training epoch. https://t.co/XR6qYHRbzy
@Duesynapse That sounds more like a CLIP thing than a VQGAN thing, so I would expect you'd get similar results with guided diffusion, even if the images are trained on SFW.
@aicrumb Train a diffusion model instead.
@aicrumb Unsure what your skill level is, but you can adapt this notebook by @RiversHaveWings to do so: colab.research.google.com/drive/1IJkrrV-โฆ
@VectorOfBasis The 5% cancer and 95% IQ boost are independent probabilities right? So e.g. Your chance of cancer and no IQ boost is 1/400, not 1/20?
@forthrighter @PrinceVogel I think this is a feature, not a bug from his perspective.
@0xGray https://t.co/5UgEEUfqra
Conjecture: Open source instant messaging apps have done better than open source social media because instant messaging has a direct communication model that isn't reliant on addiction or skinner boxes.
@nosilverv Neuroticism spoils your flexibility.
@Noahpinion @paulg J. Storr Hall
@Noahpinion @paulg twitter.com/balajis/statusโฆ
@rerarom So what are you interested in?
"powers and principalities of the air"
(CLIP Guided Diffusion [Chainbreakers WikiArt 243m]) twitter.com/PrinceVogel/stโฆ https://t.co/ILMHI967h6
@PrinceVogel twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ
The teens have discovered utilitarianism, we're doomed! twitter.com/wormwood_starsโฆ
The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born, now is the time of monsters
(CLIP Guided Diffusion [Chainbreakers/@RiversHaveWings WikiArt 243m]) https://t.co/F943wnrkL9
Rotating a tungsten cube in your head is free.
@Logo_Daedalus "Gerald Sussman opening a gate to hell with the PDP-6 minicomputer fridge, Oil on canvas, trending on artstation"
(CLIP Guided Diffusion [Chainbreakers WikiArt 243m]) https://t.co/l5oDIajUU2
"The artificial intelligence antichrist weeps at the fall of babylon, Oil on canvas, trending on artstation"
(CLIP Guided Diffusion [Chainbreakers/@RiversHaveWings WikiArt 243m]) twitter.com/Logo_Daedalus/โฆ https://t.co/Xxv1oYOUBN
@visakanv en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dietrich_โฆ
"the moral tarantula Rousseau"
(CLIP Guided Diffusion [Chainbreakers WikiArt 243m]) https://t.co/HE4PCUFJal
advertisement for a psychedelic virtual reality headset, oil on canvas, trending on artstation
(CLIP Guided Diffusion [Chainbreakers/@RiversHaveWings WikiArt 243m]) https://t.co/6kn7Hvnqz2
"sketch of a 3D printer by Leonardo da Vinci"
(CLIP Guided Diffusion [Chainbreakers/@RiversHaveWings WikiArt 243m]) https://t.co/hjPSTLlLlT
Our quest for AI generated anime continues
Restarted the run with self attention, epoch 5 demo grid twitter.com/jd_pressman/stโฆ https://t.co/68CsmhbM6b
"still life oil painting of a smooth silver steel tungsten square cube box by Albrecht Dรผrer"
(CLIP Guided Diffusion [Chainbreakers WikiArt 243m]) twitter.com/fintechfrank/sโฆ https://t.co/dfmMHWH3gy
Rotating a tungsten cube in your artificial mind is a little more expensive.
@ablative_sasha I'm going to sell this as an NFT
For sale as a #tezosnfts here:
@someguyjack @RiversHaveWings There is no CoLab for this yet, the model is still unreleased.
Homeless people aren't allowed to enjoy things, they need to just sit there and be miserable to satisfy my aesthetic taste.
I propose painting the walls with adversarial examples for VR wall detection. twitter.com/sama/status/14โฆ
@yashkaf @simoj_ Overcome your attachments and understand it's just a SHA256 hash in a distributed ledger, sounds entirely healthy to me.